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J-RAP edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 5 revisions


Felcome Wellas. If you arrive here, congratulations, you have a question and search yourself the answers instead to open a issue and ask a previously answered question.

To clarify

My main language is spanish, if you see a bad write in the kiwi. open a issue to mark bad word usage If in the future it becomes problematic, I will start writing the Wiki in Spanish and I will ask anyone who is interested to use the translator built into their browsers.

Enough intro. Time to learn about WATERCoRE

Add WATERCoRE in your Server/Modpack

Yes, you can add my mod in your modpack. thats why I publish WATERCoRE in Curseforge in first place. Enter to: and download jar or use CF Install button (only if have CF client)

Add WATERCoRE in your mod

CURSEMAVEN Add cursemaven in your repositories list

repositories {
    // maven { url "" }
    maven {
        url ''
        content {
            includeGroup "curse.maven"

After that, add implementation

//Choose a WATERCoRE file in CurseForge page and copy-paste the ID (located in url)
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:watercore-782432:<versionID>")

Sync, and done, start using WATERCoRE as dependency


Enter to miServerFolder/myworld/serverconfig and find the "watercore-server.toml" file. Here you can change everything. Config file is documented