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Problem Statement

! If you're looking to create a chatbot that responds to text queries related to Acts, Rules, and Regulations applicable to the mining industry, you can structure the responses in a clear and user-friendly manner. Here's a simple example of how your chatbot could respond to queries:

User: "What are the key regulations governing mining activities?"

Chatbot: "Hello! In the mining industry, key regulations include the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, which outlines the framework for mining operations. Additionally, environmental aspects are covered by the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification, ensuring sustainable practices. How can I assist you further?"

User: "Tell me about safety regulations for mining."

Chatbot: "Sure! Safety in mining is a top priority. The Mines Act emphasizes safety standards, covering aspects like ventilation, precautions against fire, and proper lighting. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines are also crucial. If you have specific safety concerns, feel free to ask for more details!"

User: "What environmental rules apply to mining projects?"

Chatbot: "Great question! Mining projects must adhere to environmental regulations like the Forest (Conservation) Act and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. These ensure responsible resource extraction and protection of ecosystems. Anything specific you'd like to know about environmental compliance?"

User: "Can you explain the process of obtaining mining licenses?"

Chatbot: "Absolutely! The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act outlines the procedure for obtaining mining licenses. It involves applying to the relevant authorities, submitting environmental impact assessments, and complying with specific criteria. Need more details on the licensing process or any specific stage?"

User: "Tell me about recent changes in mining laws."

Chatbot: "Certainly! As of my last update in January 2022, I recommend checking the latest amendments to the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, as well as any notifications issued by regulatory bodies. Keep in mind that laws may evolve, so staying current is crucial. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Remember to update the information regularly to ensure accuracy, and consider incorporating a disclaimer regarding the dynamic nature of legal frameworks. Additionally, tailor the responses based on the specific laws applicable in your jurisdiction.


  1. Answers basic queries pertaining to anything in general like a smart chatbot.
  2. Answers queries accurately related to rules, regulations and information about Indian Mining Industries in a detailed manner.

Local Setup and Installation

To get the chatbot running locally on your own device, install Langchain and other required dependencies:

pip install langchain openai chromadb tiktoken unstructured streamlit googletrans==3.1.0a0

Head over to and insert your own OpenAI API key.

To run the pdf_reader:

  1. Create a python virtual environment and a .env file
  2. Create and insert your own replicate api key as enviornment variable
REPLICATE_API_TOKEN = <your replicate api token>
  1. Finally install all the required dependencies
pip install langchain tiktoken replicate streamlit_chat pypdf faiss-cpu sentence_transformers

Running the bot at your terminal:

To run the chatbot load your preferred .txt file.

> python
Input some text:

To run the pdf reader type in the following command at your terminal after following the instructions given in the Setup section

> streamlit run <path of your folder>.venv/


Code Of Conduct-MINEDROID

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Attribution This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4, available at


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