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Hystrix wrapper around CXF Soap client with Retrofit/Feign like API


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Declarative SOAP client for Apache CXF (Spring Boot starter)


This library adds's Feign/Retrofit like support for CXF web services clients. With several annotations, you can create fully functional web service client with hystrix support and custom request/response serialization.


Add several dependencies to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.salmondx.cxf.client:starter:0.0.2'

CXF dependencies should also be included in your build file:

dependencies {
    compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-core:{cxfVersion}'
    compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:{cxfVersion}'
    compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http:{cxfVersion}'
    compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-ws-security:{cxfVersion}'
    compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-bindings-soap:{cxfVersion}'


Examples are available in the examples subproject.

How to use

Service client

To enable, just add @EnableSoapClients annotation to your spring boot app:

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

And create Feign-like interface:

@SoapClient(service = LegacySoapService.class)
public interface ModernClientWithHystrix {
    List<ResponseTest> plainParameters(@Param("accList") String accList, @Param("mod") String mod, @Param("date") LocalDate creationDate);

    List<ResponseTest> customObject(RequestTest requestTest);

    Observable<List<ResponseTest>> observableResponse(RequestTest requestTest);

    HystrixCommand<List<ResponseTest>> hystrixResponse(RequestTest requestTest);

    Single<List<ResponseTest>> singleResponse(RequestTest requestTest);

In the @SoapClient annotation you should provide CXF class for Soap web service (e.g. LegacySoapService.class).

@SoapMethod annotation points to Soap service method's name, that could be obtained from WSDL or from service from *PortType (both full and short names are supported: CustomerAccountsInfoGet and /CustomerAccountsInfo#Get -> Get).

Type conversion

As you know, SOAP services use deprecated and ugly types (e.g. XMLGregorianCalendar) and it is not the best idea to build an API upon this types.

This library uses Spring's ConversionService for input and output parameters if types of the custom object properties and actual cxf input parameters don't match.

To add a custom type converter, just implement org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter interface:

public class DateConverter implements Converter<LocalDate, XMLGregorianCalendar> {
    public XMLGregorianCalendar convert(LocalDate source) {
        return new XMLGregorianCalendarImpl(new GregorianCalendar(source.getYear(), source.getMonthValue(), source.getDayOfMonth()));

After, create a @Bean in the configuration class:

public Converter localDateConverter() {
    return new DateConverter();

NOTE: There are lots of common types converters in Spring conversion service, so add converters only for custom types (like XmlGregorianCalendar).

Input parameters

In client method is possible to use both custom object and plain argument list:

// Plain method parameters with @Param annotation

List<ResponseTest> plainParameters(@Param("accNmbr") String accNumber, @Param("mod") String mod, @Param("date") LocalDate currentDate);

// Custom object
List<ResponseTest> customObject(RequestTest requestTest);

Plain arguments

Plain arguments in interface method should be with @Param annotation, which points to necessary property in actual Soap request (e.q. @Param("accNmbr") points to "accNmbr" property of CustomerAccountInfo type).

Custom object

The library supports custom objects in interface methods, which after will be serialized to cxf service input parameters. To use them, write object with several annotations:

public class RequestTest {
    private String accountNumber;
    private String mod;
    private LocalDate date;

If there is no @Field annotation with a property, serializator will compare them by name.

WARNING: Custom object should be a POJO with empty constructor and getters/setters.

Pass original parameters

It is possible to use raw parameters from soap interface. Just create a method with SoapMethod annotation that accepts original soap parameters:

// AccountInfoGetInParms and BankInfo are original parameters from soap interface
@SoapMethod(value = "AccountInfoGet")
AccountInfoGetOutParms getAccountInfoRaw(AccountInfoGetInParms inParms, BankInfo bankInfo);

Also it is possible to autowire some of the parameters:

@SoapMethod(value = "AccountInfoGet", autowired = {BankInfo.class})
AccountInfoGetOutParms getAccountInfoRawWithAutowired(AccountInfoGetInParms inParms);

Response objects

Available response types:

// Plain object
ResponseTest ...

// Collection of items
List<ResponseTest> ...

// Rx Observable from hystrixCommand.toObservable()
Observable<List<ResponseTest>> ...

// Hystrix command
HystrixCommand<List<ResponseTest>> ...

// Rx Single from hystrixCommand.toObservable().toSingle()
Single<List<ResponseTest>> ...

Single item

public class ResponseTest {
    private String key;
    private Long totalAmount;

@Response annotation's value point to the property of actual cxf response (if there are many of output parameters and you need only one. In other cases, you can omit this annotation):

public class CustomerAccountInfo {
        required = true
    protected NotUsedParameters notUsedParameters;
        required = true
    protected NecessaryParams outParms;

In this example, @Response point to outParms property and deserializator will search properties from CustomerAccountInfo object.

public class NecessaryParams {
    protected String key;
    protected BigDecimal total;

NOTE: Property total will be converted from BigDecimal type to Long during deserialization because of the type mismatch and the Spring's ConversionService (see [paragraph](#Type conversion) )

Nested list items

To deserialize nested list items, just point @Response to the last property from actual response object:

public class ResponseTest {
    private String accountNumber;
    private String currencyCode;

The library will search for resultSetRow property in actual response and after will deserialize it to a collection with response items:

List<ResponseTest> ...

Actual response item should looks like:

public class CustomerAccountInfo {
    protected List<AccountInfo> resultSetRow;

Original response object

It is possible to retrieve an original response object without a deserialization:

@SoapMethod(value = "AccountInfoGet")
AccountInfoGetOutParms getAsIs(AccountInfoGetInParms inParms, BankInfo bankInfo);

Other wrappers are also available for original response objects (Observable<AccountInfoGetOutParms>, Single<AccountInfoGetOutParms>, HystrixCommand<AccountInfoGetOutParms>).

Hystrix support

Each @SoapMethod is wrapped with HystrixCommand by default. HystrixCommand is created with HystrixCommandGroupKey that matches with the method name.


  • Add tests and increase code coverage
  • Add custom Hystrix fallback methods (currently, the HystrixRuntimeException is thrown)
  • Add custom keys for HystrixCommandGroupKey option


Hystrix wrapper around CXF Soap client with Retrofit/Feign like API







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