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RonanCraft edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 4 revisions
Added in (3.5.0)

Placeholders that can be used literally anywhere at any time! These only work if PlaceholderAPI is installed! (v2.11.2+)



List of all available placeholders, change all <world_name> to the world name you desire (CAse SeNSatiVE)

  • betterrtp_count: Get total amount of rtp's done
  • betterrtp_cooldown: Get cooldown in current world
  • betterrtp_cooldown_<world_name>: Get cooldown of a specified world
  • betterrtp_cooldowntime: Get cooldown time subject to in current world
  • betterrtp_cooldowntime_<world_name>: Get cooldown time subject to in this world
  • betterrtp_canrtp: Get the reason or yes output if player can rtp in current world
  • betterrtp_canrtp_<world_name>: Get the reason or yes output if player can rtp in set world
  • betterrtp_canrtpcooldown: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their cooldown'
  • betterrtp_canrtpcooldown_<world_name>: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their cooldown for this world'
  • betterrtp_canrtpprice: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their bank account'
  • betterrtp_canrtpprice_<world_name>: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their bank account for this world'
  • betterrtp_canrtphunger: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their hunger'
  • betterrtp_canrtphunger_<world_name>: 'Get if a player can rtp just based off their hunger for this world'
  • betterrtp_price: Get the price of rtping in current world
  • betterrtp_price_<world_name>: Get the price of rtping in specified world


Editable characteristics of placeholders in the placeholders.yml file

  • TimeFormat
    • Mostly used for Cooldowns
    Days: '{0} Day(s)' #Displays the amount of days in time (removed if 0)
    Hours: '{0} Hours' #Displays hours of time (removed if 0)
    Minutes: '{0} Mins' #Displays minutes of time (removed if 0)
    Seconds: '{0} Secs' #You get it...
    ZeroAll: 'None' #If all times are 0, this is shown
    Infinite: 'Inf' #If a time is < 0 (When a cooldown is LOCKED)
      Middle:  ', ' #Ex: 1 Days, 5 Hours, 2 mins and 5 secs
      Last:  ' and ' #Ex: 1 Mins and 10 Secs
  • CanRTP
    • Placeholders for the %betterrtp_canrtp(...)% placeholders
    Success: '&aYes' #RTP'ing is ready
    NoPermission: '&cNo Permission' #Player doesn't have permission for this world
    Cooldown: '&fCooling Down' #Player is cooling down
    Price: '&cNo. &7Reason: &eBankrupt' #No Vault money
    Hunger: '&cNo. &7Reason: &3Starvation' #Not enough Hunger
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