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Autonomous Mobile Robot Demo

The project stored in this repository is designed to demonstrate how the RAI framework interacts with the ROSbot XL, an autonomous mobile robot platform developed by Husarion. The Husarion ROSBot XL provides a versatile and powerful platform for autonomous navigation, and this project showcases how RAI can be utilized to control and interface with the robot's sensors, actuators, and other onboard systems to achieve autonomous operation controlled by LLM.

The demo can be successfully run on any robot equipped with the same set of sensors and controlled using ROS 2 messaging protocols. Additionally, the same behavior can be reproduced in the simulation developed using O3DE game engine.

Demo description

The robot equipped with a microphone can listen to the commands and react accordingly. The demo is limited by the current Generative AI models linked via RAI framework and the robot's sensors. A simple proof-of-concept implementation shows, that RAI can interpret the commands from the operator and trigger actions on the robot. The robot can be either simulated or real thanks to ROS 2 middleware.

This demo is designed to drive a real robot, but the simulation based on the RobotVacuumSample demo is provided for quick tests.



A sample setup with a Husarion ROSBot XL robot entering the room. Top left: color and depth images seen by the robot; Top right: map constructed by the robot based on lidar data; Bottom: photo of the robot entering the scene.


Simulation environment using O3DE.

Starting guide


The demo is provided as a binary package for Ubuntu 24.04 with ROS 2 Jazzy, ensuring quick and easy setup. The binary package is the recommended method to run the demo. The source code and a Dockerfile are also available for those who prefer to build the project themselves or run it in a containerized environment.

Building using docker environment

The Dockerfile defined in docker folder will prepare the appropriate ROS 2 distribution based environment and build the components necessary to run the demo project simulator through the O3DE engine.


Building the Full Docker Image

The Dockerfile supports defining which version of Ubuntu+ROS to base the docker container on, and by default will support Ubuntu 24.04 (noble) with the ROS 2 Jazzy distribution. It will build a Docker image that will contain the Editor and the demo launcher. The file is located in docker folder. Use the following command to build the image:

docker build -t rai-rosbot -f Dockerfile .

The build process may take over two hours depending on the hardware resource and network connectivity of the machine used to build the image.

Running the Docker Image

GPU acceleration is required for running O3DE correctly. For running docker with support for GPU please follow the documentation for docker run.

Another option is to install and use rocker:

rocker --x11 --nvidia --network="bridge" rai-rosbot

The above command will log you into the docker terminal that has the code built. You will find scripts to run the simulation in /data/workspace/RAIROSBotXL folder. The O3DE Editor is located under the following path: /data/workspace/RAIROSBotXL/Project/build/linux/bin/profile/Editor.

Building the demo from the source

The simulation environment from RobotVacuumSample demo is used in this demo. The primary difference lies in the default robot model available. Specifically, the original repository utilized a vacuum cleaner model as its default robot, whereas the current repository has been configured to utilize Husarion ROSbot XL. A script that pulls the base repository as a submodule and applies a corresponding Git patch is available on the repository.

NOTE: Project folder in this repository, which is a git submodule, will be set in a dirty git state due to changes applied by the patch.

The project was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS 2 Humble and Ubuntu 24.04 with ROS 2 Jazzy. Windows platform is not supported.

Please follow the instructions below to build the project. The instructions are based on a common base folder: $DEMO_BASE (absolute path). Install ROS 2 first and git-lfs package to pull the binary files.

  1. Install git-lfs package and pull the codebase.
sudo apt-get install git-lfs
git clone
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo
  1. Clone O3DE and register the engine
git clone -b stabilization/2409
cd $DEMO_BASE/o3de
git lfs install
git lfs pull
scripts/ register --this-engine
  1. Clone and register the ROS2 Gem locally; register the RosRobotSample Gem locally
git clone -b stabilization/2409
$DEMO_BASE/o3de/scripts/ register -gp $DEMO_BASE/o3de-extras/Gems/ROS2
$DEMO_BASE/o3de/scripts/ register -gp $DEMO_BASE/o3de-extras/Gems/RosRobotSample
  1. Clone and register the Loft Scene project locally
git clone -b main
cd $DEMO_BASE/loft-arch-vis-sample
git lfs install
git lfs pull
$DEMO_BASE/o3de/scripts/ register -gp $DEMO_BASE/loft-arch-vis-sample/Gems/ArchVis


You can prepare the simulation executable with:

  • development build, or
  • exporting the project.

Development build is tied with the local assets and is focused on development.

Exporting the project creates a bundled and portable version of the simulation that can be moved between PCs.

Development build

  1. Build development build
cd $DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo/Project
cmake --build build/linux --config profile --target RAIROSBotXLDemo.Assets RAIROSBotXLDemo.GameLauncher
  1. Run simulation
$DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo/Project/build/linux/bin/profile/RAIROSBotXLDemo.GameLauncher -bg_ConnectToAssetProcessor=0

Exporting project

  1. Export the project using the o3de export tool
$DEMO_BASE/o3de/scripts/ export-project -es ExportScripts/ --project-path $DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo/Project -assets --fail-on-asset-errors -noserver -out $DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo/release --build-tools --seedlist $DEMO_BASE/rai-rosbot-xl-demo/Project/AssetBundling/SeedLists/husarion.seed --no-unified-launcher
  1. Run the simulation

Running the simulation and navigation stack

Scripts for starting the simulation and navigation stack are added to this repository:

  1. run-game.bash: a bash script starting the game (development build).
  2. run-game-exported.bash: a bash script starting the game (exported project).
  3. run-nav.bash: a bash script starting the navigation stack.
  4. run-rviz.bash: a bash script starting RViz software to interface the navigation.

First, start the simulation with run-game.bash or run-game-exported.bash (depending on your build type), and then start run-nav.bash and run-rviz.bash in separate shells and give the navigation goal in RViz window.