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Dr. Martin Brumm edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 1 revision

Private Company Special Powers

Tile & Base Token Lay ("Teleporting")

Games discussed are 1830 (D&H), 1835 (NF, PfB), 1856 (W&SR), 18GA (W&S), 18Kaas(D&H)

Open Issues

Laying tokens on hexes/tiles without track

For all except NF in 1835, the token is laid on a hex that initially does not contain any track.

Question is if it is allowed to lay the token without a tile is laid before. Unfortunately this nearly never addressed in the rule book, in most cases the answer is given by a rules clarification.


  • 1830/D&H: I have not found any precise ruling here. However it is very unlikely to lay the token without laying the tile.
  • 1835/PfB: The tile has to be laid (and the BA choose her station first).
  • 1856/WS&R: No need for tile lay first.
  • 18GA/W&S: No need for tile lay first.


  • 1830/D&H: Only offer the special token lay if the special tile has been executed in that turn. Later it is not possible anymore (see Mayfair rules). (Same is true for 18Kaas/D&H)

  • 1835/PfB: Only offer the special token lay if the tile is laid (regardless by whom and how) and the BA token is placed. And change the closing condition to token lay only.

  • 1856/WS&R: Nothing to change here

  • 18GA/W&S: Nothing to change, except fix bug (Rails offers a special tile lay similar to D&H in 1830, this is wrong).

**Tile or Token phase for 1835/NF and 1835/PfB ** Should NF/PfB owner be allowed to lay the token during the tile lay phase (ahead of potential tile lays)?

Proposal Default should be Tile Lay phase, however provide option to change it to Token lay phase (Rick Westermann rule)

Bonus Token Lay

Games discussed are 1856(GLSC/Shipping) and 18AL(S&NA/Coalfield).


Below I have summarized all attributes of the special company as given by the game rules (or clarifications).

List of Attributes

Tile lays

  • tile: if a specific tile is allowed/required to lay?
  • when: in which phase the tile lay is allowed?
  • extra: if tile lay is in addition to the standard tile lay allowances?
  • connected: if tile has to follow usual tile laying rules with respect to connectivity?
  • free: if the tile lay would usually require payment of terrain cost - if it is free of that charge?
  • reserved: if the hex is reserved for the tile lay through the special power

Token lays

  • when: in which phase the token lay is allowed?
  • extra: if token lay is in addition to the standard token lay allowance of that turn [Remark: Rails always assume that home token are extra lays]
  • connected: if tile has to follow usual tile laying rules with respect to connectivity?
  • free: if the token lay would usually require payment of some costs - if it is free of that charge
  • reserved: if a slot is reserved for the special power of the privat company. [Remark: This would be similar to the reserved slots of home tokens, no current private has this power]
  • requires tile laid: if there has to be a tile laid before the token can be placed

Tile/Token lays (if private has both Tile and Token powers)

  • Private closes: When does the private close (after execution of all, any, none, or a specific power?)
  • Separate execution: Can the powers be executed separately? (in different turns, by different companies?)


D&H - Delaware & Hudson

  • Type: Tile + Token

  • Location: F16

  • Ownership: only available to owning company

Tile lay

  • tile: 57 (not reserved)
  • when: in Tile Lay phase
  • extra: no
  • connected: no
  • free: no (cost of mountain = 120)
  • reserved: no (except blocking before bought by company)

Token lay

  • when: in Token Lay phase

  • extra: no [AH General Clarification]

  • connected: no

  • free: yes

  • reserved: no

  • requires tile laid: ??? (current implementation allows token lay without tile lay: similar to W&SR)

  • Private closes: never

Separate execution [Mayfair]:

  • After other company lay tile, special token lay no longer available
  • After own tile lay, token lay no longer available in future turns
  • After own token lay, tile lay in future turns: ???


NF: Nuernberg / Fuerth

  • Type: Token only

  • Location: L14 (preprinted green double cities with 2 narrow curves)

  • Ownership: available to all companies of owning player

Token lay

  • when: (anytime, especially) in Tile Lay phase [optional: only in Token Lay phase / Rick Westermann supplemental rule]

  • extra: yes

  • connected: no

  • free: yes

  • reserved: no

  • requires tile laid: N/A (already on map)

  • Private closes: after special token lay

Pfb: Pfalzbahn

  • Type: Tile + Token

  • Location: L6 (yellow double cities)

  • Ownership: available to all companies of owning player

Tile lay

  • tiles: all available (green phase only)
  • when: in Tile Lay phase
  • extra: yes
  • connected: no
  • free: yes (however there is no cost on L6 anyway)
  • reserved: no

Token lay

  • when: (anytime, especially) in Tile Lay phase Remark: station marker of BA has to be laid first [german rules 2nd ed] [optional: only in Token Lay phase / Rick Westermann supplemental rule]

  • extra: yes

  • connected: no

  • free: yes

  • reserved: no

  • requires tile laid: yes [german rules 2nd ed]

  • Private closes: after special token lay

Separate execution

  • yes, token after tile lay possible, even by different companies


W&SR: Waterloo & Saugeen Railway
  • Type: Tile + Token

  • Location: I12 (yellow double cities)

  • Ownership: only available to owning company

Tile lay

  • tile: 59 (not reserved)
  • when: in Tile Lay phase
  • extra: no
  • connected: no
  • free: no (however there is no cost on I12 anyway)
  • reserved: no (except blocking before bought by company)

Token lay

  • when: in Token Lay phase

  • extra: no

  • connected: no

  • free: yes

  • reserved: no

  • requires tile laid: no [Lou Jerkich rules clarification] Remark: owner tile laying company chooses token location

  • Private closes: after either tile and token lay

Separate execution no, as private will close after either action


W&S: Waycross & Southern

  • Type: Token only

Token lay

  • when: in Token lay phase
  • extra: no
  • connected: no
  • free: yes
  • reserved: no (not even blocked for tile if owned by player)

Remark: Bug in Rails. Allows Special tile lay



it is identical to 1830/D&H, except location = K16