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This solution contains .Net Standard projects as follows:

  • A collection of support functions for MimeKit (NSG.MimeKit.Extensions)
  • A collection of support functions for MimeKit and SendGrid (NSG.MimeKit.SendGrid.Extensions)


MailKit/MimeKit libraries are commonly use in a .Net Core application. NSG.MimeKit.Extensions library uses the MimeKit namespace and fluently extends the MimeMessage and BodyBuilder classes.

Example from unit tests:

Task<MimeMessage> _email = (new MimeMessage())
            .Attachment(_buffer, "Text.txt", "text/plain;charset=utf-8")
    ).SendAsync(); // "localhost", 25, false, "", "");


EmailSettings is a class that maps the appSettings.json configuration. I've implemented the appSettings.json mapping as a Dictionary, so the application can have multiple configurations based on the company. The appSettings.json can be implemented as a simple single class. If you use gmail or yahoo or at&t mail server you will need to use an App Password instead of the email account's password. Since the configuration contains passwords I've stored the values in secrets.json.

Example from of secrets.json:

  "EmailSettings": {
    "Default": {
      "SmtpHost": "",
      "SmtpPort": 587,
      "SmtpSecureOption": "StartTls",
      "IMapHost": "",
      "IMapPort": 993,
      "IMapSecureOption": "StartTlsWhenAvailable",
      "InBox": "INBOX",
      "SentBox": "[Gmail]/Sent Mail",
      "UserName": "Administrator",
      "UserEmail": "[email protected]",
      "Password": "iiii vvvv uuuu dbdb"
    "NSG": {
      "SmtpHost": "",
      "SmtpPort": 587,
      "SmtpSecureOption": "StartTls",
      "IMapHost": "",
      "IMapPort": 993,
      "IMapSecureOption": "StartTlsWhenAvailable",
      "InBox": "INBOX",
      "SentBox": "[Gmail]/Sent Mail",
      "UserName": "Phil (Gmail)",
      "UserEmail": "[email protected]",
      "Password": "iiii vvvv uuuu dbdb"
    "Cmp1": {
      "SmtpHost": "",
      "SmtpPort": 587,
      "SmtpSecureOption": "StartTls",
      "IMapHost": "",
      "IMapPort": 993,
      "IMapSecureOption": "StartTlsWhenAvailable",
      "InBox": "Inbox",
      "SentBox": "Sent",
      "UserName": "Bill (Yahoo)",
      "UserEmail": "[email protected]",
      "Password": "ououwwwwkkkjjjj"

In the tests project, I've also hidden email accounts in the secrets.json as follows:

  "EmailSettings": {
  "gmail": {
    "UserName": "Phil (gmail)",
    "UserEmail": "[email protected]"
  "yahoo": {
    "UserName": "Phil (Yahoo)",
    "UserEmail": "[email protected]"


Translation of SendGridMessage to MimeMessage.


NSG.MimeKit_Tests is a project of MS unit tests for the library. One can view the tests for examples in using the functions.

Also, I used a fake SMTP server to build and test the library. The fake SMTP server is an NPM install. It is globally installed by the following command:

npm install -g fake-smtp-server

The following launches the server on port 25:

fake-smtp-server --smtp-port 25 --http-port 10080 --max 10

The Fake SMTP Server documentation is located here.

You can use your own SMTP solution to the problem of testing.


Currently having problems getting Sandcastle Help Builder to work with .Net Standard 2.1.


The Wiki pages were created by python script. The mediwiki scripts are located here.


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