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DasSkelett edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 30 revisions


Default Parts
Life Support
Other Mods

Default Parts


Image Part Description Crew Capacity
Habitat MK1 The small habitat. It provides enough space for three Kerbals. 3
Habitat MK2 The bigger version of the Habitat. It has the same size as the MK2 by default but can be deployed. When deployed, it has space for four Kerbals. 0/4
Central Hub The biggest habitat. It has enough space for six Kerbals. It also holds a control room to control the vessel. Additionaly a little laboratory is included. 6


Image Part Description Crew Needs for Control
Planetary Command Module A modules that allows the Kerbals to control the vessel. 2 1 Kerbal
Planetary Cupola A command module that offers a nice view from its big windows 1 1 Kerbal
Automated Control "HAL" An advanced automatic control module. It includes a strong reaction wheel for more control. 0 3.0 EC/min
Landing Control "MAL" An automatic control module that is escpecially handy for landing 0 1.2 EC/min


Image Part Description Special
Planetary Service Bay A service bay that can store other smaller parts ~
"Bigfoot" Low Profile Landing-Leg A landing leg that can be attached on the sides of the bases ~
"Little Bigfoot" Underside Landing-Leg A landing leg that can be attached underneath the bases ~
Attachable Landing Gear Landing gear that can be attached to the landing legs or bases Can be decoupled from the vessel
LV25 "Meerkat" Landing Assist A structural piece that allows attachment of landing legs and landing gear Has two engines to land on other planets


Image Part Description Capacity
Modular 2X Storage A small modular container rack for the bases 2 Containers
Modular 4X Storage A mide size modular container rack for the bases 4 Containers
Modular 6X Storage A big modular container rack for the bases 6 Containers
Modular Inline 4X Storage A small modular container rack for the mid-sized rocket profile 4 Containers
Modular Inline 8X Storage A big modular container rack for the mid-sized rocket Profile 8 Containers
Modular Storage End An end part for the base profile 1 Container
Z-3K Battery Container A battery for the modular container systzem 3500 EC
FuelCell Container A container that generates EC from Liguid Fuel and Oxidizer
Liquid Fuel Container A container for Liguid Fuel 200 Liquid Fuel
RCS-Fuel Container A container for RCS 350 RCS
T200 Fuel Container A container for Rocket Fuel 90 Liquid Fuel / 110 Oxidizer
T400 Fuel Container A big container for Rocket Fuel 180 Liquid Fuel / 220 Oxidizer
Xenon Container A container for Xenon 5350 Xenon
Small Ore Container A small container for Ore 200 Ore
Big Ore Container A big container for Ore 400 Ore


Image Part Description
Small Size Adapter An adapter for the size 1 profile
MK2 Adapter An adapter for the MK2 profile
Base Bi-Coupler Allows to stack two base profile parts on a size 2 rocket
Base Tri-Coupler Allows to stack three base profile parts on a size 3 rocket
Base Separator The separator can be used to create bases that need to be in separate pieces when landing, but need to be one piece for launch.
Docking-Port A docking port for the base profile. Is compatible with the 1.25m docking ports
Corridor Docking-Port A docking port for the corridors. Is compatible with the 1.25m docking ports
Planetary Adapter A structural piece that allows the attachment of landing legs and landing gear
Cross-Way A structural piece to connect parts of the base to build a bigger one. It changes its appearance according to the attached parts


Image Part Description Crew
Science Container The container version of the Science Jr. ~
Planetary Laboratory A fully operational laboratory for bases on other planets. Including a telescope! Needs one Kerbal to operate 2 Kerbals


Image Part Description Special
Corridor Airlock An airlock for the corridors Can hold 1 Kerbal
Two-End Corridor with landingleg mount A corridor that has attachment points for two landing legs or landing gear ~
Corridor ending An end piece for the corridors ~
4-ended modular Corridor A corridor that can be attached to up to four other parts changes its appearance dending on attached parts
6-ended modular Corridor A corridor that can be attached to up to six other parts changes its appearance dending on attached parts


Image Part Description
Garage Adapter An adapter for the garage parts to be connected to the base profile
Garage Front The front piece of the garage parts. With an adjustable ramp for loading and unloading
Garage with Side-Door The main piece of the garages. Had space for a rover. It also has ramps on the side for loading and unloading
Garage Structure This structural piece for the garages can be used to attach landing lags and wheels to the garages
Garage Cover Can be attached to the underside of the garages for a full MK3 profile and be detached later. The model is switchable to fit under all garage pieces.


Image Part Description Special
Base Heat Shield The heatshield can be used for reentry into an atmosphere ~
Inline Drill This inline drill can be used to gather ore Harvests Ore
Planetary ISRU An ISRU for the base profile Converts Ore into various fuels
Airlock Mid-Section An airlock for the base profile. Can be used inline Holds one Kerbal, has KIS Storage
Airlock An airlock for the base profile. Can be placed at the ends the base Holds one Kerbal, has KIS Storage
Planetary Greenhouse A greenhouse for bases on other planets. Can be used with the life support mods to produce suppplies/food

Life Support












IFI Life Support

Other Mods