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Console tools for working with Privateness service node.

Currently node and files services are supported.

Node service is for working with remote node.

Files service is for encrypted files storage.

All registration are done by Emercoin blockchain NVS.

All comunication between service node and client is encrypted and signed with ed25519 keypairs.


  • Required Python 3.10 + git clone

pip install humanize requests pynacl pycryptodome prettytable validators lxml libxslt random-word


Generate user

./keygen user Example: $ ./keygen user my_user 50

Register user in blockchain

  • Select user ./user sel my_user
  • Blockchain NVS key ./user nvs my_user
  • Blockchain NVS value ./user worm my_user
  • Make blockchain NVS record in Emercoin wallet wallet or in NVS exchange here

Update nodes list (

  • Run ./nodes-update node more detailed here
  • Run ./node ls to display active nodes list
  • Run ./node about to display node about page
  • Run ./node info to info about node (max users count, file storage quota, etc)

Register in your node

  • ./node sel can be replaced to your node from nodes list
  • ./mkdir to create directory, ./cd to change current directory, ./upload to upload file, ./download to download file, ./quota to show your file usage quota
  • Genearate backup key to be able to restore all your keys from selected node through link run ./keygen backup 50 to generate backup key and ./backup backup to do backup to node


  • Any command can be runned python or ./command

File system

On service node

On service node all user files are stored in user's directory. There are no directories on service node, all user owned directories and real file names are stored on client. Here are the listin of files stored on service node:

user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./ls raw
 *** list *** 
| Filename | ID                                       | Size    |
| cgcu.94  | 84ac22776d99df2de55c4440609a7f9f9b73058c | 1244312 |
| dmsu.79  | 8c0f29eb08f96177188761490db9419c2b969d47 | 4690311 |
| gpte.61  | 782e579e92f85c2ed5526c1e418e5894dad4e2af | 4690023 |
| hnno.39  | b7e2187901e2257c3649b809c104186b66dc919a | 98531   |
| lgku.30  | 5672f1ec20b028f97903e5f2cb12a08b275e2230 | 1254024 |
| lpto.87  | 58cb5769261ac6f396e2c953b7c2298b010a9b1e | 4690023 |
| nlca.29  | 65bcf3ed2a7e241c4fce12012bc1cbc7b6882bae | 1244312 |
| swti.86  | f74010963816e7c4017f3a888e3b02849f3a4b47 | 6986349 |
| w.jpg    | 3f272cb9774bb9ad22b27ffa8acce114ad6f1c46 | 1244296 |
| yyze.67  | 69f5855cb9f21f1144f0ec01142a6f80b5e235f3 | 3322    |

cgcu.94 is shadowname, this is a filename on service node, and a file is encrypted on client, each file is encrypted with it's own key. w.jpg is unencrypted file with custom shadowname=filename, this is a publicly shared file. Here is more informative file listing:

user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./ls
 *** Contents of 4: /555/qwerty  
| Shadowname | Filename | Size   | Cipher  | Status  | Filepath                |
| 5          | [..]     |        |         |         |                         |
| 6          | [pub]    |        |         |         |                         |
| cgcu.94    | w.jpg    | 1.2 MB | salsa20 | On Node | /home/user/Videos/w.jpg |
user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./cd 6
user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./ls
 *** Contents of 6: /555/qwerty/pub  
| Shadowname | Filename | Size   | Cipher | Status  | Filepath                |
| 4          | [..]     |        |        |         |                         |
| w.jpg      | w.jpg    | 1.2 MB |        | On Node | /home/user/Videos/w.jpg |

4 5 and 6 are directory ID's linked to directory names all stored on client. cgcu.94 is encrypted file with original file name w.jpg and encrypted with salsa20 and uploaded from /home/user/Videos/w.jpg. Here is fileinfo for both files:

user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./fileinfo cgcu.94
 *** fileinfo *** 
| Param             | value                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| File ID           | 84ac22776d99df2de55c4440609a7f9f9b73058c                                                                                                                                                                         |
| Filename          | w.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| Shadowname        | cgcu.94                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Status            | On Node                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Filesize (local)  | 1.2 MB                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Filesize (remote) | 1.2 MB                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Filepath (local)  | /home/user/Videos/w.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Cipher            | salsa20                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Encryption key    | Dvw]>?gsf}gKa%Ivc1.Tv[K6k8SEVVv9                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| Public link       | |
user@robocop:~/Code/PrivatenessTools$ ./fileinfo w.jpg
 *** fileinfo *** 
| Param             | value                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| File ID           | 3f272cb9774bb9ad22b27ffa8acce114ad6f1c46                                                                                                                                                                         |
| Filename          | w.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| Shadowname        | w.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| Status            | On Node                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Filesize (local)  | 1.2 MB                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Filesize (remote) | 1.2 MB                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| Filepath (local)  | /home/user/Videos/w.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| Cipher            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Encryption key    |                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| Public link       | |

On Client

On client all keys are stored in ~/privateness-keys/*.json directory, directories are stored in directories.json and files are stored in files.json.

Key generation


*** PrivateNess KEY GENERATOR
  Generates ciphers for NESS service nodes and NESS service node clients
  Works on ed25519 for keypairs
  Adjustable entropy when generating private keys
### USAGE:
#### Generate new user
  ./keygen user <username> <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen user user1 5
#### Generate user and add userinfo to bith users (~/.privateness-keys/users.key.json) and user (user.key.json) key
  ./keygen userkey <username> <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen userkey user1 5
#### Generate node Key
  ./keygen node <Node name or URL> <Tariff> master-user-name "coma,separated,services" "network"  <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen node 111 master "prng,files" inet 5
#### Generate Faucet Key
  ./keygen faucet <Faucet URL> <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen faucet 5
#### Generate Backup Key
  ./keygen backup <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen backup 5
#### Generate seed
  ./keygen seed <length> <Entropy level>
  Example: $ ./keygen seed 32 5
#### Show this manual
  ./keygen help
  ./keygen -h

Key management


*** PrivateNess KEY UTILITY
  Privateness keys infrastructure management
### USAGE:
### List Keys
#### Show all contents of keyfile
./key list [dirpath]
### Show Key
#### Show all contents of keyfile
./key show <keyfile>
#### show nvs name (for blockchain)
./key nvs <keyfile>
#### Show <worm> for blockchain (if there are any)
./key worm <keyfile>
#### Show all encrypted keys (if there are any)
./key list <keyfile>
### Pack keyfiles into encrypted keyfile
./key pack <keyfile1,keyfile2, ...> <encrypted keyfile>
### Unpack keyfiles from encrypted keyfile
./key unpack <encrypted keyfile>
### Save local keyfiles into encrypted keyfile
./key save <encrypted keyfile>
### Restore local keyfiles from encrypted keyfile
./key restore <encrypted keyfile>
### Eraise keyfile or all local keyfiles (fill with 0)
./key eraise [encrypted keyfile]

Keys directory: /home/user/.privateness-keys

Node and user management


*** Remote nodes update UTILITY
  Service node list update from blockchain or remote node
### USAGE:
#### Update from blockchain (if RPC connection settings olready exist)
 ./nodes-update blockchain
 ./nodes-update blk
#### Update from remote node
 ./nodes-update node <remote-node-url>
#### Update from remote node (random node fron existing nodes list)
 ./nodes-update node
#### Auto update (try to update from random node, on error try to update from blockchain


*** Node manipulation
### USAGE:
#### List all nodes (previously fetched from blockchain or remote node):
 ./node list all
 ./node ls all
#### List all active nodes:
 ./node <list or ls> network service <+-s or +-t or +-q>
  network: inet yggdrasil tor i2p
  service: files or prng
   +-s free slots
   +-t tariff (coin hours)
   +-q file storage quota
   + ascending order
   - descending order
#### Set current node (you will be registered in that node):
 ./node sel <node-name>
#### Show about page
 ./node about <node-name>
#### Show info about node
 ./node info <node-name>
#### Show information about user on selected node
 ./node userinfo


*** User list and user selection
### USAGE:
#### Show current user and current node
#### Show userlist
 ./user list|ls
#### Select user
 ./user sel|sl username
#### Check if current user is registered in blockchain
 ./user check|chk|ch
#### Show current user nvs
 ./user nvs
#### Show current user <WORM>
 ./user worm
#### Edit users file
 ./user edit [editor=nano]


*** User file usage quota



*** File upload
### USAGE:
#### Upload and encrypt file on service node
 ./upload enc <path to your file to upload>
 ./upload encrypt <path to your file to upload>
#### Upload file on service node with filename=shadowname
 ./upload <path to your file to upload>
 ./upload pub <path to your file to upload>
 ./upload public <path to your file to upload>


*** File download
### USAGE:
#### Download file from service node
 ./download <file_shadowname> [path]


*** File jobs
### USAGE:
#### List jobs
 ./jobs ls
 ./jobs list
#### Pause job
 ./jobs pause <file shadowname with current running job>
#### Resume job
 ./jobs run <file shadowname with current paused job>


*** File info
### USAGE:
 ./fileinfo <file_shadowname>


*** Move to other directory
### USAGE:
 ./move <File shadowname or Directory ID> <Directory ID>



*** Current directory listing
### USAGE:
#### List files (current directory)
#### RAW list files (as they are stored on service node)
 ./ls raw


*** File info
### USAGE:
 ./cd <Directory ID>


*** Create directory
### USAGE:
 ./mkdir <parent directory ID> <directory name>


*** Move to other directory
### USAGE:
 ./move <File shadowname or Directory ID> <Directory ID>


*** Directory tree
### USAGE:
#### List directories only
#### List directories with files
 ./tree files


TODO ...


*** Show random data
### USAGE:
#### Show random generated seed:
 ./prng seed
#### Show random generated seed (big):
 ./prng seedb
#### Show random generated numbers:
 ./prng numbers
#### Show random generated numbers (many):
 ./prng numbersb
#### Show random generated 256 bit number (int, ethereum):
 ./prng i256
#### Show random generated 256 bit number (hex, ethereum):
 ./prng h256


*** PrivateNess keys BACKUP
### Show backup SEED
 ./backup seed
### Show backup ADDRESS
 ./backup address
### Do backup to selected NODE or to FILE
 ./backup backup [filename]
### Restore backup from current NODE or from FILE
 ./backup restore [filename]


Privateness console tools







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  • Python 99.7%
  • Shell 0.3%