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WIP adapting to an additional mapping argument for transforms and str…
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mattam82 committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent d5297f4 commit 9ecc7b5
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .vscode/metacoq.code-workspace
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"**/.DS_Store": true,
"**/Thumbs.db": true
"coq-lsp.check_only_on_request": true,
68 changes: 41 additions & 27 deletions erasure-plugin/theories/ETransform.v
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Expand Up @@ -1020,42 +1020,56 @@ Qed.

From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EReorderCstrs.

Axiom trust_reorder_cstrs_wf :
forall efl : EEnvFlags,
WcbvFlags ->
forall (m : inductives_mapping) (input : Transform.program E.global_context term),
wf_eprogram efl input -> wf_eprogram efl (reorder_program m input).
Axiom trust_reorder_cstrs_pres :
forall (efl : EEnvFlags) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping) (p : Transform.program E.global_context term)
(v : term),
wf_eprogram efl p ->
eval_eprogram wfl p v -> exists v' : term, eval_eprogram wfl (reorder_program m p) v' /\ v' = reorder m v.

Program Definition reorder_cstrs_transformation (efl : EEnvFlags) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping) :
Transform.t _ _ EAst.term EAst.term _ _
(eval_eprogram wfl) (eval_eprogram wfl) :=
{| name := "reoder inductive constructors ";
transform p _ := EReorderCstrs.reorder_program m p ;
pre p := wf_eprogram efl p ;
post p := wf_eprogram efl p ;
obseq p hp p' v v' := v' = EReorderCstrs.reorder m v |}.
Definition eval_eprogram_mapping (wfl : WcbvFlags) (p : inductives_mapping * eprogram) t :=
eval_eprogram wfl p.2 t.

Program Definition reorder_cstrs_transformation {efl : EEnvFlags} {wca : cstr_as_blocks = false} {has_app : has_tApp}
(wfl : WcbvFlags) {wcon : with_constructor_as_block = false} :
Transform.t _ _ _ EAst.term _ _
(eval_eprogram_mapping wfl) (eval_eprogram wfl) :=
{| name := "reorder inductive constructors ";
transform p _ := EReorderCstrs.reorder_program p.1 p.2 ;
pre p := [/\ wf_eprogram efl p.2, EEtaExpandedFix.expanded_eprogram p.2 & wf_inductives_mapping p.2.1 p.1] ;
post p := wf_eprogram efl p /\ EEtaExpandedFix.expanded_eprogram p;
obseq p hp p' v v' := v' = EReorderCstrs.reorder p.1 v |}.

Next Obligation.
move=> efl wfl m. cbn. now apply trust_reorder_cstrs_wf.
move=> efl wca hasapp wfl wcb [m p] [wfp exp wfm]. split => //.
now unshelve eapply reorder_program_wf. cbn.
now eapply reorder_program_expanded_fix.
Next Obligation.
red. eapply trust_reorder_cstrs_pres.
red. intros efl wca hasapp wfl wcb [m p] v [wfp wfm] evp.
destruct evp as [ev].
unshelve eapply EReorderCstrs.optimize_correct in ev; trea.
2,3:apply wfp.
exists (reorder m v). split => //.

Axiom trust_reorder_cstrs_transformation_ext : forall (efl : EEnvFlags) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping),
TransformExt.t (reorder_cstrs_transformation efl wfl m)
(fun p p' => extends p.1 p'.1) (fun p p' => extends p.1 p'.1).
Instance reorder_cstrs_transformation_ext {efl : EEnvFlags} (wca : cstr_as_blocks = false) (has_app : has_tApp) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping)
{wcon : with_constructor_as_block = false} :
TransformExt.t (reorder_cstrs_transformation (wca := wca) (has_app := has_app) wfl (wcon:=wcon))
(fun p p' => p.1 = p'.1 /\ extends p.2.1 p'.2.1) (fun p p' => extends p.1 p'.1).
red. intros p p' pr pr' [eq ext].
cbn. rewrite -eq. eapply EReorderCstrs.optimize_extends_env; eauto.
move: pr'; cbn. now intros []. apply pr. apply pr'.

Axiom trust_reorder_cstrs_transformation_ext' : forall (efl : EEnvFlags) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping),
TransformExt.t (reorder_cstrs_transformation efl wfl m)
extends_eprogram extends_eprogram.
Instance reorder_cstrs_transformation_ext' {efl : EEnvFlags} (wca : cstr_as_blocks = false) (has_app : has_tApp) (wfl : WcbvFlags) (m : inductives_mapping)
{wcon : with_constructor_as_block = false}
{wpc : with_prop_case = false} :
TransformExt.t (reorder_cstrs_transformation (wca := wca) (has_app := has_app) wfl (wcon:=wcon))
(fun p p' => p.1 = p'.1 /\ extends_eprogram p.2 p'.2) extends_eprogram.
red. intros p p' pr pr' [eq ext]. cbn.
red. split.
cbn. rewrite -eq. eapply EReorderCstrs.optimize_extends_env; eauto.
move: pr'; cbn. now intros []. apply ext. apply pr. apply pr'. cbn.
destruct ext. now rewrite H0.

From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EUnboxing.

Expand Down
269 changes: 256 additions & 13 deletions erasure-plugin/theories/Erasure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,8 +135,6 @@ Program Definition optional_unsafe_transforms econf :=
(* Coinductives & cofixpoints are translated to inductive types and thunked fixpoints *)
coinductive_to_inductive_transformation efl
(has_app := eq_refl) (has_box := eq_refl) (has_rel := eq_refl) (has_pars := eq_refl) (has_cstrblocks := eq_refl)) ▷
ETransform.optional_self_transform passes.(reorder_constructors)
(reorder_cstrs_transformation efl final_wcbv_flags econf.(inductives_mapping)) ▷
ETransform.optional_self_transform passes.(unboxing)
(rebuild_wf_env_transform (efl := efl) false false ▷
unbox_transformation efl final_wcbv_flags) ▷
Expand All @@ -157,18 +155,18 @@ Qed.
Next Obligation.
destruct (enable_unsafe econf) as [[] [] [] [] []]; cbn in * => //; intuition auto.
Next Obligation.
destruct (enable_unsafe econf) as [[] [] [] [] []]; cbn in * => //; intuition auto.

Program Definition verified_lambdabox_pipeline {guard : abstract_guard_impl}
(efl := EWellformed.all_env_flags)
: Transform.t _ _ EAst.term EAst.term _ _
: Transform.t _ _ _ EAst.term _ _
(* Standard evaluation, with cases on prop, guarded fixpoints, applied constructors *)
(EProgram.eval_eprogram_env default_wcbv_flags)
(eval_eprogram_mapping default_wcbv_flags)
(* Target evaluation, with no more cases on prop, unguarded fixpoints, constructors as block *)
(EProgram.eval_eprogram final_wcbv_flags) :=

(* Reorder constructors according to the mapping *)
reorder_cstrs_transformation (wca := eq_refl) (has_app := eq_refl) default_wcbv_flags (wcon := eq_refl) ▷
(* Rebuild the efficient lookup table *)
rebuild_wf_env_transform (efl := efl) true true ▷
(* Simulation of the guarded fixpoint rules with a single unguarded one:
the only "stuck" fixpoints remaining are unapplied.
This translation is a noop on terms and environments. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,10 +201,255 @@ Next Obligation.
now eapply ETransform.expanded_eprogram_env_expanded_eprogram_cstrs.

Definition eval_pcuic_program_mapping (p : EReorderCstrs.inductives_mapping * pcuic_program) t :=
PCUICTransform.eval_pcuic_program p.2 t.

Definition eval_eprogram_env_mapping wfl (ep : EReorderCstrs.inductives_mapping * eprogram_env) t :=
eval_eprogram_env wfl ep.2 t.

Import EReorderCstrs (inductives_mapping, wf_tags_list).

Definition wf_pcuic_inductive_mapping (Σ : PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.global_env) (m : EReorderCstrs.inductive_mapping) : bool :=
let '(ind, (_, cstrs)) := m in
match PCUICAst.PCUICLookup.lookup_inductive Σ ind with
| Some (mib, oib) => wf_tags_list cstrs #|oib.(PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.ind_ctors)|
| None => true

Definition wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping Σ m := forallb (wf_pcuic_inductive_mapping Σ) m.

Import ErasureFunction ErasureFunctionProperties.

Program Definition erase_transform_mapping {guard : abstract_guard_impl} : Transform.t _ _ _ _ PCUICAst.term EAst.term
eval_pcuic_program_mapping (eval_eprogram_env_mapping EWcbvEval.default_wcbv_flags) :=
{| name := "erasure";
pre p := wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping p.2.1 p.1 /\ pre erase_transform p.2 ;
transform p hp := let nhs := proj2 hp in
(p.1, transform erase_transform p.2 nhs) ;
post p := EReorderCstrs.wf_inductives_mapping p.2.1.(EEnvMap.GlobalContextMap.global_decls) p.1 /\ post erase_transform p.2;
obseq p hp p' := obseq erase_transform p.2 (proj2 hp) p'.2 |}.

Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Import PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment Extract EReorderCstrs EDeps EGlobalEnv.

Lemma lookup_env_filter Σ f kn :
fresh_global kn Σ ->
lookup_env (filter f Σ) kn = None.
induction 1; cbn => //.
destruct f. cbn. case: eqb_spec. intros ->. contradiction.
eauto. eauto.

Lemma lookup_env_filter_deps {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ f i p} :
wf_glob Σ ->
lookup_env Σ i = Some p ->
lookup_env (filter f Σ) i = Some p \/
lookup_env (filter f Σ) i = None.
move=> wfΣ.
induction Σ in wfΣ |- *; cbn => //.
case: eqb_spec.
- intros -> [= <-]. destruct f. left. cbn. now rewrite eqb_refl.
right. depelim wfΣ. cbn. now apply lookup_env_filter.
- intros diff hl.
destruct f. cbn. case: eqb_spec.
intros ->. contradiction. intros _. depelim wfΣ.
now specialize (IHΣ wfΣ hl).
depelim wfΣ.
now specialize (IHΣ wfΣ hl).

Lemma lookup_env_filter_deps_None {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ f i} :
wf_glob Σ ->
lookup_env Σ i = None ->
lookup_env (filter f Σ) i = None.
move=> wfΣ.
induction Σ in wfΣ |- *; cbn => //.
case: eqb_spec.
- intros -> [= <-].
- intros diff hl.
destruct f. cbn. case: eqb_spec.
intros ->. contradiction. intros _. depelim wfΣ.
now specialize (IHΣ wfΣ hl).
depelim wfΣ.
now specialize (IHΣ wfΣ hl).

Lemma lookup_inductive_filter_deps_Some {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ f i p} :
wf_glob Σ ->
lookup_inductive Σ i = Some p ->
lookup_inductive (filter f Σ) i = Some p \/
lookup_inductive (filter f Σ) i = None.
move => wfΣ.
rewrite /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
destruct lookup_env eqn:hle => //=.
eapply lookup_env_filter_deps in hle as [-> | ->] => //; destruct g => //=. now left.
now right.

Lemma lookup_inductive_filter_deps_None {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ f i} :
wf_glob Σ ->
lookup_inductive Σ i = None ->
lookup_inductive (filter f Σ) i = None.
move => wfΣ.
rewrite /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
destruct lookup_env eqn:hle => //=; try destruct g => //=.
eapply (lookup_env_filter_deps) in hle as [-> | ->] => //; destruct g => //=.
eapply (lookup_env_filter_deps) in hle as [-> | ->] => //; destruct g => //=.
eapply (lookup_env_filter_deps_None) in hle as -> => //; destruct g => //=.

Lemma erases_global_lookup_env_constant Σ Σ' kn :
erases_global Σ Σ' ->
forall d, PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.lookup_env Σ kn = Some (ConstantDecl d) ->
exists d', lookup_env Σ' kn = Some (EAst.ConstantDecl d').
destruct Σ as [? ? ?]. rewrite /erases_global //=.
induction 1; cbn => //.
- intros d. case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst. now eexists.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.
- intros d. case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.

Lemma erases_global_lookup_env_inductive Σ Σ' kn :
erases_global Σ Σ' ->
forall d, PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.lookup_env Σ kn = Some (InductiveDecl d) ->
exists d', lookup_env Σ' kn = Some (EAst.InductiveDecl d') /\ erases_mutual_inductive_body d d'.
destruct Σ as [? ? ?]. rewrite /erases_global //=.
induction 1; cbn => //.
- intros d. case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.
- intros d. case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst. now eexists.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.

Lemma erases_global_lookup_env_none Σ Σ' kn :
erases_global Σ Σ' ->
PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.lookup_env Σ kn = None ->
lookup_env Σ' kn = None.
destruct Σ as [? ? ?]. rewrite /erases_global //=.
induction 1; cbn => //.
- case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.
- case: eqb_spec.
+ intros ->. intros [=]; subst.
+ intros diff. cbn in *. eauto.

Lemma erases_wf_inductives_mapping {Σ : global_env_ext} {Σ' deps m} :
PCUICTyping.wf_ext Σ ->
erases_global Σ Σ' ->
wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping Σ m ->
EReorderCstrs.wf_inductives_mapping (filter_deps deps Σ') m.
move=> wfΣ er.
have wfΣ' := ErasureCorrectness.erases_global_wf_glob _ (fst wfΣ) er.
rewrite /wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping /wf_inductives_mapping.
solve_all. move: H.
rewrite /wf_pcuic_inductive_mapping /wf_inductive_mapping.
destruct x as [ind [na tags]].
have eral := EDeps.erases_global_all_deps _ _ (PCUICElimination.wf_ext_wf _ wfΣ) er.
have trind := ErasureProperties.trans_lookup_inductive eral ind.
destruct PCUICAst.PCUICLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mib oib]|] eqn:li.
specialize (trind _ _ eq_refl).
- intros wftags.
destruct trind as [mib' [oib' [hli' hctors]]].
rewrite (filter_deps_filter (efl := all_env_flags)) //.
set (f := fun x => _).
eapply (lookup_inductive_filter_deps_Some (efl := all_env_flags) (f:=f)) in hli' as [H|H] => //; rewrite H //.
- intros _. clear trind.
destruct (lookup_inductive (filter_deps deps Σ') ind) eqn:li' => //.
apply False_rect. move: li'.
rewrite (filter_deps_filter (efl:=all_env_flags)) //.
generalize (fun x : KernameSet.elt × EAst.global_decl => flip KernameSet.mem (global_deps Σ' deps) x.1).
intros f li'.
have nli : lookup_inductive Σ' ind = None.
{ clear -wfΣ wfΣ' er li.
move: li. rewrite /PCUICAst.PCUICLookup.lookup_inductive /lookup_inductive.
rewrite /PCUICAst.PCUICLookup.lookup_inductive_gen /lookup_minductive.
rewrite /PCUICAst.PCUICLookup.lookup_minductive_gen /lookup_minductive.
destruct PCUICAst.PCUICEnvironment.lookup_env eqn:hle => //=. destruct g => //.
eapply erases_global_lookup_env_constant in hle as [? ->]; tea => //.
eapply erases_global_lookup_env_inductive in hle as [? [-> ?]]; tea => //=.
depelim H.
destruct nth_error eqn:hnth => // _.
destruct (nth_error (EAst.ind_bodies _) _) eqn:hnth' => //=.
eapply nth_error_Some_length in hnth'. eapply nth_error_None in hnth. eapply Forall2_length in H. lia.
intros _.
eapply erases_global_lookup_env_none in hle as ->; tea => //. }
now rewrite (lookup_inductive_filter_deps_None wfΣ' nli) in li'.

Next Obligation.
cbn -[erase_transform]. intros.
split. 2:eapply (correctness erase_transform).
destruct input as [m prog]; cbn [fst snd] in *.
destruct p.
unfold erase_transform; cbn [transform].
unfold erase_program, erase_pcuic_program.
set (egf := erase_global_fast _ _ _ _ _).
set (ef := ErasureFunction.erase _ _ _ _ _).
cbn -[egf ef].
unfold erase_global_fast in egf.
rewrite /egf.
set (deps := EAstUtils.term_global_deps _); clearbody deps.
clear egf ef.
match goal with
|- context [erase_global_deps_fast ?deps ?X_type ?X ?decls (normalization_in:=?normalization_in) ?hprefix ] =>
have heq := @erase_global_deps_fast_erase_global_deps deps X_type X decls normalization_in hprefix
cbn in heq. specialize (heq (fun Σ eq => f_equal declarations eq)).
destruct heq as [nin' eq]. rewrite eq. clear eq.
rewrite erase_global_deps_erase_global.
cbn -[ErasureFunction.erase_global].
match goal with
|- context [@erase_global ?X_type ?X ?decls ?SN ?eq] =>
have erg := @erases_global_erase_global X_type X _ _ SN eq
cbn in erg. specialize (erg _ eq_refl).
cbn in p. destruct p as [[wt] ?].
set (eg := erase_global _ _ _) in erg |- *. clearbody eg.
have := erases_wf_inductives_mapping (Σ' := eg) (fst wt) erg i.
intros h. eauto.

Next Obligation.
intros g p v pr ev. cbn.
now apply (preservation erase_transform).

Program Definition pcuic_expand_lets_transform_mapping {cf : checker_flags} K : Transform.t _ _ _ _ PCUICAst.term PCUICAst.term
eval_pcuic_program_mapping eval_pcuic_program_mapping :=
{| name := "let expansion in constructors";
pre p := wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping p.2.1 p.1 /\ pre (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K) p.2 ;
transform p hp := let nhs := proj2 hp in
(p.1, transform (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K) p.2 nhs) ;
post p := wf_pcuic_inductives_mapping p.2.1 p.1 /\ post (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K) p.2;
obseq p hp p' := obseq (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K) p.2 (proj2 hp) p'.2 |}.
Next Obligation.
cbn. intros cf K input []. split => //. todo "let exp".
unshelve eapply (correctness (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K)). apply H0.
Next Obligation.
intros cf K p v pr ev. now eapply (preservation (pcuic_expand_lets_transform K)).

Program Definition verified_erasure_pipeline {guard : abstract_guard_impl} (efl := EWellformed.all_env_flags) :
Transform.t _ _
PCUICAst.term EAst.term _ _
Transform.t _ _ _ EAst.term _ _
(EProgram.eval_eprogram final_wcbv_flags) :=
(* a bunch of nonsense for normalization preconditions *)
let K ty (T : ty -> _) p
Expand All @@ -215,9 +458,9 @@ Program Definition verified_erasure_pipeline {guard : abstract_guard_impl} (efl
(PCUICTyping.wf_ext p -> PCUICWeakeningEnvSN.normalizationInAdjustUniversesIn p) in
let T1 (p:global_env_ext_map) := p in
(* Branches of cases are expanded to bind only variables, constructor types are expanded accordingly *)
pcuic_expand_lets_transform (K _ T1) ▷
pcuic_expand_lets_transform_mapping (K _ T1) ▷
(* Erasure of proofs terms in Prop and types *)

Import EGlobalEnv EWellformed.
Expand Down

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