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Reordering preserves well-formedness
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mattam82 committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent adec8f4 commit 4a2c169
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 31 deletions.
130 changes: 99 additions & 31 deletions erasure/theories/EReorderCstrs.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,31 +197,19 @@ Section Tags.
setoid_rewrite heq. eexists; split => //.

(* Lemma reorder_list_opt_spec_inv {A} (l : list A) (tags : list nat) (htags : wf_tags tags) :
#|l| = #|tags| ->
exists l', reorder_list_opt tags l = Some l' /\
(forall oldidx newidx, new_tag tags newidx = Some oldidx ->
(* oldidx = 0 -> newidx = 1 *)
exists x, nth_error l oldidx = Some x (* 0 -> x *) /\ nth_error l' newidx (* l'[1] = x ?*) = nth_error l oldidx).
Lemma reorder_list_opt_In {A} (l : list A) (tags : list nat) l' :
reorder_list_opt tags l = Some l' ->
(forall x, In x l' -> In x l).
rewrite /reorder_list_opt.
rewrite /wf_tags in htags.
intros hlen.
have optH := mapopt_inv_spec (nth_error l) tags.
forward optH.
{ intros i x hnth. solve_all. eapply All_nth_error in htags; tea. apply Nat.ltb_lt in htags.
rewrite -hlen in htags.
apply nth_error_Some in htags. destruct (nth_error l x) eqn:hnth'; try congruence. now eexists. }
destruct optH as [l' [heq hl']].
setoid_rewrite heq. eexists; split => //.
destruct hl' as [hlen' hl'].
intros newidx oldidx H.
eapply new_tag_spec in H.
specialize (hl' oldidx).
destruct (nth_error l' oldidx) eqn:hl'idx. specialize (hl' _ eq_refl) as [x' []].
rewrite H0 in H. noconf H.
exists a.
Qed. *)
induction tags in l, l' |- *; cbn.
- intros [= <-] x [].
- destruct nth_error eqn:hnth => //.
destruct mapopt eqn:hmap => //.
intros [= <-] x [->|].
now eapply nth_error_In in hnth.
eapply IHtags; tea.

(* Lemma reorder_list_spec {A} (tags : list nat) (l : list A) n i :
wf_tags tags -> #|l| = #|tags| ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,7 +356,7 @@ Section Reorder.
| tApp fn arg => tApp (reorder fn) (reorder arg)
| tConst nm => tConst nm
| tConstruct i m args => tConstruct i (lookup_constructor_ordinal i m) (map reorder args)
| tCase i mch brs => tCase i mch (reorder_branches i.1 (map (on_snd reorder) brs))
| tCase i mch brs => tCase i (reorder mch) (reorder_branches i.1 (map (on_snd reorder) brs))
| tFix mfix idx => tFix (map (map_def reorder) mfix) idx
| tCoFix mfix idx => tCoFix (map (map_def reorder) mfix) idx
| tProj p bod =>
Expand All @@ -391,7 +379,7 @@ Section Reorder.
ind_propositional := oib.(ind_propositional);
ind_kelim := oib.(ind_kelim);
ind_ctors := reorder_list tags oib.(ind_ctors);
ind_projs := reorder_list tags oib.(ind_projs) |}
ind_projs := oib.(ind_projs) |}

Definition reorder_inductive_decl kn idecl :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +476,6 @@ Section reorder_proofs.
destruct nth_error => //=.

Lemma lookup_inductive_assoc_spec {ind p} :
wf_inductives_mapping Σ m ->
lookup_inductive_assoc m ind = Some p ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,7 +571,7 @@ Section reorder_proofs.
Qed. *)
Arguments eqb_eq {A H x y}.
Lemma issome_lookup_ordinal i n :
Lemma lookup_constructor_reorder i n :
option_map (fun '(mib, oib, c) => (reorder_inductive_decl m (inductive_mind i) mib, reorder_one_ind m (inductive_mind i) (inductive_ind i) oib, c)) (lookup_constructor Σ i n) =
lookup_constructor (reorder_env m Σ) i (lookup_constructor_ordinal m i n).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,10 +620,85 @@ Section reorder_proofs.
apply nth_error_Some_length in hnth'. lia.

Lemma ind_projs_reorder mind ind oib :
ind_projs (reorder_one_ind m mind ind oib) = ind_projs oib.
rewrite /reorder_one_ind. destruct lookup_inductive_assoc as [[na tags]|]=> //.

Lemma wf_glob_ind_projs {p pinfo} :
wf_glob Σ ->
lookup_projection Σ p = Some pinfo ->
#|(ind_ctors pinfo.1.1.2)| = 1.
intros wf.
rewrite /lookup_projection /lookup_constructor /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
destruct lookup_env eqn:hl => //.
have := lookup_env_wellformed wf hl.
destruct g as [|mib] => //=.
destruct nth_error eqn:hind => //=.
destruct ind_ctors eqn:hctors => //=.
destruct (nth_error (ind_projs o) _) eqn:hprojs => //=.
intros wfmind [= <-]. cbn.
move: wfmind; rewrite /wf_minductive.
move/andP=> [] _ /forallb_All ha.
eapply All_nth_error in ha; tea.
move: ha; rewrite /wf_inductive /wf_projections.
destruct ind_projs => //. now rewrite nth_error_nil in hprojs.
rewrite hctors. destruct l => //.

Lemma lookup_projection_reorder p :
wf_glob Σ ->
isSome (lookup_projection Σ p) ->
lookup_projection (reorder_env m Σ) p = option_map (fun '(((mib, oib), c), pb) =>
(reorder_inductive_decl m p.(proj_ind).(inductive_mind) mib,
reorder_one_ind m p.(proj_ind).(inductive_mind) p.(proj_ind).(inductive_ind) oib,
c, pb))
(lookup_projection Σ p).
intros wf iss.
assert (lookup_constructor_ordinal m (proj_ind p) 0 = 0).
{ move: iss.
case hl: lookup_projection => [pro|] //= _.
have wfpro := wf_glob_ind_projs wf hl. move: hl.
rewrite /lookup_projection /lookup_constructor_ordinal.
destruct lookup_constructor as [[[mib oib] cb]|] eqn:hlc => //=.
destruct nth_error eqn:nthp => //=. intros [= <-]. cbn in wfpro.
rewrite /lookup_constructor_mapping.
destruct lookup_inductive_assoc as [[na tags]|] eqn:hla => //=.
destruct new_tag eqn:hnt => //=.
eapply new_tag_spec in hnt.
eapply lookup_inductive_assoc_spec in hla; tea.
rewrite /wf_inductive_mapping in hla.
eapply lookup_constructor_lookup_inductive in hlc. rewrite hlc in hla.
move/andP: hla. rewrite wfpro. rewrite /wf_tags => [] [] taglen /andP[] /forallb_All ht.
destruct tags as [|] => //. destruct tags as [|] => //.
destruct n => //. cbn in hnt. now rewrite nth_error_nil in hnt. }
unfold lookup_projection.
rewrite -{1}H -lookup_constructor_reorder.
destruct lookup_constructor eqn:hlc => //=.
destruct p0 as [[mib oib] cb] => //=.
rewrite ind_projs_reorder //=.
destruct nth_error eqn:nthp => //=.

Lemma All_reorder_list {A tags} {P : A -> Prop} {l} :
All P l ->
All P (reorder_list tags l).
rewrite /reorder_list.
destruct reorder_list_opt as [l'|] eqn:hre => //=.
have hin := reorder_list_opt_In _ _ _ hre.
move/(Forall_forall _ _) => hl.
apply Forall_All, Forall_forall. intuition eauto.

Lemma wf_optimize t k :
wf_glob Σ ->
wellformed Σ k t -> wellformed (reorder_env m Σ) k (optimize t).
Proof using Type.
Proof using Type wfm.
intros wfΣ.
induction t in k |- * using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; auto;
intros; try easy;
Expand All @@ -645,12 +707,18 @@ Section reorder_proofs.
simpl closed in *; try solve [simpl subst; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; rtoProp; solve_all]; try easy.
- rtoProp. now rewrite -lookup_constant_reorder.
- move/andP: H => [] iss isnil.
rewrite -issome_lookup_ordinal.
rewrite -lookup_constructor_reorder.
destruct lookup_constructor eqn:hl => //=.
destruct args => //.
- admit.
- rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all.
* rewrite lookup_inductive_reorder; destruct lookup_inductive => //.
* rewrite /reorder_branches.
destruct lookup_inductive_assoc as [[nas tags]|].
eapply All_reorder_list.
- rtoProp; intuition auto.
rewrite lookup_projection_reorder //.
destruct lookup_projection => //.
- rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all.
destruct (dbody x) => //.
- rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all.
Expand Down

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