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Melandel's workflow

Hi, my name is Melandel and this project was born from my desire to feel as efficient as possible while developping software.

The main criteria for me is minimizing context switches.


As a C# developer, I spent 4 years using the Visual Studio IDE (up to the 2019 version, with ReSharper). My day-to-day workflow made me unhappy. It involved:

Searching with my eyes for the feature I was looking for on the screen
Scrolling to the data I was looking for
Clicking link after link to finally reach the page with button or input I was looking for
Using both an IDE and a text editor the first for the code, the second for drafts and notes
Having multiple file explorer windows for copypasta, for diffs, for downloads, for exploration
Switching back and forth between the keyboard and the mouse when working with two splits on the same screen
Visual pollution taking space on the screen buttons, menus, docked windows I have no immediate use for
Disruptive waiting times while firing up the IDE/ReSharper, while firing up the unit tests, while upgrading the IDE

The Problem

All these issues seemed to point to one main pain point:

Context switching
My brain's PROBLEM-SOLVING mode was constantly disrupted by some FIND-WHAT-YOU-ARE-LOOKING-FOR or BROWSE-TO-YOUR-DESTINATION process.

What to look for then ?

So now I know I want an environment that lets me stay in PROBLEM-SOLVING mode as consistently as possible. What could it involved ?

Keeping up with the speed of my thoughts
Fast and lightweight commands
One interface for every tool
Requests to a search engine over scrolling/following links/parsing the screen with my eyes
Display only what I need in the immediate moment on the screen

I also want to be able to use it from any operating system.

A Solution - that works for me

Files and Folders

My experience suggests that the following files/folders address my different needs:

[…]/todo Keeps track of my todo list, what I want done at the end of the current day
[…]/done Keeps track of how productive I have been lately
[…]/achievements Keeps track of the major steps that my productivity allowed me to reach
[…]/projects/** Regroups all the source code I'm editing
[…]/config/* Regroups all the config files I'm using for all my tools
[…]/tmp/* Regroups stuff that I need at the moment but don't care afterwards
[…]/notes/* Regroups stuff that I want to keep somewhere
[…]/notes/media/* Regroups pictures (or other resources) I want to display in my markdown notes
[…]/snippets/* Regroups all the text snippets I create
[…]/templates/** Regroups all the folder structure templates I create
[…]/tools/** Regroups all the tools I use as part of my workflow

Tool box

I went with a dev environment made mostly from vim.

Vim is fast.
Vim is lightweight.
Vim offers a universal interface for every tool (read: a cursor positioned on a text buffer).
Vim offers minimal graphical artifacts.
Last but not least, Vim offers INSANE customization capabilities.

Also, VIM will easily ask one year of your lifetime hahaha. Ha...     Contemplates the horizon, far away, for an instant...

But here, I'm also using VIM (and I know and understand many whom think this is very wrong) a cement for my whole toolbox:

Tool Main Feature Usage
Autohotkey Keyboard remappings Use CapsLock for Esc/Ctrl, use alphabetical keys for arrows/home/end/AltGr keys, CapsLock+I/M for Tab/Enter
Git Version Control System Helps me add values little by little but more frequently
Firefox Web browser Web browser & Image/pdf/markdown viewer
    Vimium vim-like keyboard shortcuts
    AutoFullscreen set window as fullscreen at startup
    Markdown Viewer Webext render markdown files
    Homify Add a quote and the current time & date at the bottom of pictures Use images as background wallpapers
Fzf fuzzy finder Allows me to organize commands/folders by groups with fast selection
Ripgrep (fast) Search tool Fast search for word in file contents
OmniSharp-roslyn C# language server Intellisense for C#
PlantUML Text-file-based diagram generation Helps me build a thought or keep a visual representation of an idea
Tree directory listing Shows the structure of a project
Nuget package manager for .NET Search for nugets names to add to current project
VIM Text edition Edit text, use keyboard for everything, split the screen, select intput and send it to command-line-friendly tools
    editorconfig-vim Consistent style in a project tabs vs spaces, CR/LF/CRLF
    ale Asynchronous Linting Engine Show errors and warnings on current file in real time
    fzf.vim Fzf wrapper for vim Offer fast selection of commands or files/folders
    lightline.vim Lightweight status line customization Show time & date, path-from-git-root, parent sln-or-csproj, window/tab number
    omnisharp-vim Provides vim commands for C# intellisense Go to Definition, Find Symbol, Find usages, Get Documentation, Fix Usings, Run Tests, etc.
    vimspector Debugger inside vim Toggle Breakpoint, Add Breakpoint with condition, Start/Stop/Re-run debugging session, Step In/Out/Over, etc.
    ultisnips Ability to use snippets in vim cls+ → `public class
    vim-dirvish Path navigator File explorer (similar usage from vifm)
    vim-dadbod Database interaction from vim database querying
    vim-surround delete, change, add surroundings ({[(<"'>)]})
    tabular Vertical alignment Markdown tables, C# property mappings, etc.
    vim-fugitive Git in vim git operations (log/commit/add/push/checkout/merge)
    vim-obsession Session in vim Start with everyone left the way they were when leaving vim the last time
    vim-css-color Show hex colors in background highlighting When tweaking my color theme mainly
    targets.vim Improved text objects Argument text object, next/2nd next/last/2nd last text object
    vim-empower My colorscheme Feel in an empowering environment all day
    gvimtweak Handle opacity/fullscreen features in (windows?) gVim
7-zip compression/decompression Install binaries on Windows
WSL2 Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 Feel in an efficient and comfortable environment under my control
Windows Terminal A Decent terminal on Windows Emoji support, several tabs in one window in Windows

Installation Details




Using config/vimfiles

Add environment variable:

  • VIMINIT to source %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\config\my_vimrc.vim
  • VIEB_CONFIG_FILE to %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\config\my_viebrc.vieb
  • VIEB_DATAFOLDER to %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\config\viebfiles\
  • D2_LAYOUT to tala


cd %homepath%
mklink /d vimfiles %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\config\myVim
mkdir vimfiles
mklink /J vimfiles/ultisnips %homepath%\Desktop\config\myVim\UltiSnips

Startup programs

gvim, tools/myAzertyKeyboard.RunMeAsAdmin.exe and your internet browser should be run when the system starts up.

On Windows, for each program that should be run at startup: Start > run > shell:startup > create a file with .vbs extension that looks like this example for firefox:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run """C:\Users\tranm\Desktop\tools\vieb\Vieb.exe""", 0 'Must quote command if it has spaces; must escape quotes
Set WshShell = Nothing

Windows Terminal has a particular configuration item "startOnUserLogin": true.

Task Bar Icons

Don't forget to set the target of the task bar icon to $HOME\Desktop\tools\vim\gvim.exe -S and its startup directory to $HOME in order to use and locate Vim's session file properly!


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