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A utility belt that normalizes and wraps Ramda and Lodash/FP. In addition, some other "adjunct" methods are included that solve common patterns. The order of precedence is: Does it exist in Ramda? Does it exist in Lodash/FP? Then it must be custom (in src/omnibelt). That means that you can deconstruct methods from any of those three from the omnibelt exported object.

const {
  merge, converge, toString,   // Ramda
  isNull, throttle, camelCase, // Lodash
  isPopulatedString,           // Omnibelt
} = require('omnibelt');

... I've only grouped them for demonstration purposes, please don't do that in your code.


yarn run test



const { isPopulatedString, toLower } = require('omnibelt');
const foo = 'foo';

if (!isPopulatedString(foo)) {
  throw new Error('DANGER');
} else {
  return toLower(foo);

Namespaced - Use O by convention

const O = require('omnibelt');
const foo = 'foo';

if (!O.isPopulatedString(foo)) {
  throw new Error('DANGER');
} else {
  return O.toLower(foo);


  • What is this method :: Type -> Type stuff? It's Hindley-Milner Notation.
  • Since most methods are straight from the source, refer to the Ramda and Lodash/FP on their respective sites.
  • Docs and examples for the omnibelt methods are collocated with the method's definition. When contributing a new function, please provide docs (and tests).


JSDoc definitions at the top of each of the omnibelt module functions should be kept up to date and are meant to describe the usage of each function in detail. From these doc comments, a documentation site is generated using the Docdash template.


You can open the docs locally by running the following npm script on a mac. In general (and for non-mac machines), you can simply opening docs/index.html in a browser.

yarn run docs

You can also see documentation for the latest tag on the GitHub pages for this project.


Docs should be generated when a new version is tagged and pushed. Ramda and Lodash docs are autogenerated as part of a pre build step and you shouldn't have to interface with manually updating which methods are being pulled in. Docs are committed to docs and are served as a GitHub page whenever master is updated.

yarn run docs:build
git add -A
git commit -m "Regenerated docs"


git co develop
git fetch
git pull
# Update `package.json` version
# Update `README` changelog, naming the latest version
yarn run docs:build
git add -A
git commit -m "version bump and doc regeneration"
git push
git checkout master
git merge develop
git release vX.X.X


Below should serve as an "upgrade guide" jumping off point as you are migrating projects to newer versions of this package. Ideally, interface changes will be called out specifically and one should not have to go sifting through git diffs to discern what changed.


  • moved from travis to github actions
  • bumped ramda to 0.30.1
  • bumped various dev dependencies
  • drop support for node.js version 14 and 16.
  • 3.1.2
    • Added methods:
      • debounceLeading
      • debounceTrailing
  • 3.1.1
    • Added methods:
      • size (Lodash)
    • removed @rjhilgefort/export-dir.
    • updated index.js files to be destructured on import such as import { size } from 'omnibelt'.
  • 3.1.0
    • bumped .node-version to 18.16.0
    • bumped ramda to 0.29.0 (note in this version of ramda they release a function called isNotNil, omnibelt has a isNotNil function already so that ramda function is not included in this library)
    • bumped various dev dependencies
  • 3.0.0
    • bumped .node-version to 16.17.1
    • drop support for node versions, 10, 12, 13, and 15
    • bumped ramda version 0.28.0 (note in this version of ramda they release a function called count, omnibelt has a count function already so that ramda function is not included in this library)
    • bumped @losant/eslint-config-losant to 1.5.0
    • bumped expect to 29.3.1
    • bumped fs-extra 10.1.0
    • bumped husky 8.0.2
    • bumped jest 29.3.1
    • bumped jsdoc 4.0.0
    • bumped lint-staged 13.0.3
    • added taffdb as a dev dependency for building the documentation
  • 2.1.0
    • mapP waits for all promises to complete and then throw the first error if found
    • mapParallelLimitP does not continue to run promises once a promise has errored
    • resolveProps waits for all promises to complete and then throws the first error if found
  • 2.0.2
    • bumped .node-version to 14.16.1
    • bumped lodash to 4.17.21
    • bumped @losant/eslint-config-losant to 1.4.3
    • bumped handlebars to 4.7.7
    • bumped husky 6.0.0
    • bumped jest 26.6.3
    • bumped lint-staged 11.0.0
  • 2.0.1
    • Added mapSerialP
    • bumped .node-version to 14.15.0
    • bumped expect to 26.6.2
    • bumped jest to 26.6.2
    • bumped lint-staged to 10.5.1
  • 2.0.0
    • ramda bumped to 0.27.1
    • lodash bumped to 4.17.20
    • @rjhilgefort/export-dir bumped to 2.0.0
    • dropped support for Node.js 8 and 9
    • various development dependencies updated
    • added Node.js 13, 14, and 15 to travis
  • 1.3.3
    • ramda bumped to 0.27.0
    • @rjhilgefort/export-dir bumped to 1.1.3
  • 1.3.2
    • lodash bumped to 4.17.15
    • string-format bumped to 2.0.0
    • various development dependencies updated
    • stack trace improvement for timeoutP
  • 1.3.1
    • Added methods:
      • isPlainObject
  • 1.3.0
    • Updating linting, fix various spelling and linting errors
    • lodash bumped to 4.17.11
    • Ramda upgraded from 0.25.0 to 0.26.1
      • Removed internal implementation of thunkify, now comes from Ramda
      • Removed evolveArray, Ramda evolve now supports arrays with evolve
    • stringify-object bumped to 3.3.0
    • Added methods:
      • allSettledP
      • forEachSerialP
      • mapParallelLimitP
    • Removed methods:
      • evolveArray
        • 0.26.0 Ramda evolve now supports arrays
  • 1.2.0
    • Repo renamed and open sourced!
    • git remote set-url origin [email protected]:Losant/omnibelt.git
    • lodash bumped to 4.17.10
    • string-format bumped to 1.0.0
    • Added methods:
      • mapIndexed
  • 1.1.9
    • Added methods:
      • mapP
    • Method name change:
      • timeout -> timeoutP
  • 1.1.8
    • Ability to generate a static documentation site that's hosted on GitHub pages.
  • 1.1.7
    • Added methods:
      • ensureEndsWith
  • 1.1.6
    • External changes:
      • testHarness and the like, no longer assume that expect is available in your environment through jest. Instead, you must pass expect in as a dependency. See this issue for more info.
    • Internal changes:
      • linter update to 1.3.2
      • tests for equalsAny
      • tests for containsAll
  • 1.1.5
    • Added methods:
      • testHarness
      • testCases
    • Internal changes:
      • Linter bumped and ran on project.
      • Tests for evolveArray.
  • 1.1.4
    • ⬆️ Ramda upgrade to 0.25.0. Upgrade guide here.
    • tap has been omitted from Ramda and implemented in this project to work around new version.
    • Added methods:
      • toInteger (Lodash)
    • Remove methods:
      • testHarness: Now is not exported as part of this library and is only used internally
    • Internal changes:
      • test* methods have been moved to test/ and are only for internal use.
      • testHarness has been updated with a new interface. testHarnessUnary is still around for backwards compatibility.
      • testCases now exists to eliminate a common pattern when using testHarness.
  • 1.1.3
    • All internal Losant utilities now only require the specific function(s) they need from ramda/lodash.
    • The following methods are now pulled from Lodash instead of Ramda:
      • forEach: Note that forEachObjIndexed still comes from ramda (behaves as expected)
    • Removed methods:
      • indexBy from Ramda has been omitted in favor of keyBy
      • parseInt from Lodash has been omitted because it conflicts poorly with native
    • Added methods:
      • dotPath
      • dotPathOr
      • eqDotPaths
      • eqDotPathsShallow
      • equalsShallow
      • toPlainObject (Lodash)
      • toNumber (Lodash)
      • mapFilter
      • filterMap
      • mapRejectNil
      • rejectNilMap
      • defer
      • noopAsync
      • resolveProps
      • timeout
  • 1.1.2
    • Added methods:
      • keyByWith
  • 1.1.1
    • Added methods:
      • sleep
      • round
      • within
  • 1.1.0
    • All docs now collocated with implementations.
    • Added methods:
      • clampPositive
      • count
      • intersectAny
      • upperCamelCase
    • Removed methods:
      • flattenShallow
        • This is just R.unnest (though flattenShallow is a bit more semantic).
  • 1.0.12
    • ramda back down to 0.24.1.
  • 1.0.11
    • Moved git repo from Bitbucket to GitHub, update your remotes!
    • Added methods:
      • nonePass
      • eqPaths
      • ensureStartsWith
      • throttleLeading
      • throttleTrailing
    • Moved methods:
      • flip now comes from lodash/fp
      • throttle is now "custom" and accepts 3 arguments (still curried)
      • debounce is now "custom" and accepts 3 arguments (still curried)
  • 1.0.10
    • Node and Yarn version less restrictive, allows anything newer.
    • Added methods:
      • containsAny
      • isNotNil
    • The following methods are now pulled from Lodash instead of Ramda:
      • toString
      • toLower
      • toUpper
      • trim
      • split
  • 1.0.9
    • Added methods:
      • jsonParseSafe
      • thunkify
      • tryCatchSafe
  • 1.0.8
    • fpThrow now accepts an Error object and will rethrow when passed.
  • 1.0.7
    • Converted to flat structure that exports all of the Lodash, Ramda, and custom methods that we're using.
    • New documentation standard introduced, but not fully converted to.
    • Dependency updates.
    • Added methods:
      • allEqual
      • argsToObj
      • containsAll
      • defaultToStrict
      • ensureArray
      • equalsAny
      • evolveArray
      • flattenShallow
      • fpThrow
      • isNilOrEmpty
      • isNotEmpty
      • isNot
      • list
      • mergeSpec
      • propOrStrict
      • stringify
      • updateKeys
      • updateKeysWith
      • updateKeyPaths
  • 1.0.6
    • Added methods:
      • format
      • isPopulatedString
      • mergeWithArrays
      • replaceAll
      • stringToBoolean
      • trace
    • documentation can be found at the rood of the repo.