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Lev135 committed Apr 5, 2022
1 parent 4641447 commit aacb370
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Showing 4 changed files with 97 additions and 77 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions examples/example.ttex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
% This comment will be in output

% Everything here (2 spaces-indented) will be in \begin{document} .. \end{document}
@Document % Everything below 2 spaces-indented will be in \begin{document} .. \end{document}
@Section "Basics"
Basic elements of these language are Paragraphs, Environments and Prefs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,8 +63,9 @@

For block math \texttt{@Prefs} syntax is used:
> a + b = c
Next lines will be framed by align* environment and \verb.\\.
Next lines will be framed by align* environment and \verb.\\.%
% \verb is used here to escape LaTeX compilation errors
% '%' two lines above is to prevent splitting paragraph on two parts by this comment
will be added between them automatically
> a + b &= c
> (a + b)^2 &= d
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Binary file modified examples/out/example.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified examples/out/nibergall.pdf
Binary file not shown.
168 changes: 94 additions & 74 deletions src/Generator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,9 @@ module Generator where
import Prelude hiding (readFile, fail)
import Utils ( sepBy_, failMsg, (.:), withError, eitherFail )
import OptParser ( OptParser, (<||>), (<??>), mkOptP, toParsec )
import Text.Megaparsec.Debug
import Text.Megaparsec(Parsec, MonadParsec (takeWhileP, label, takeWhile1P, try, notFollowedBy, lookAhead, eof), Pos, sepBy1, sepBy, unPos, (<?>), choice, optional, parse, errorBundlePretty, mkPos, satisfy, manyTill, option)
import Text.Megaparsec(Parsec, MonadParsec (takeWhileP, label, takeWhile1P, try, notFollowedBy, lookAhead, eof, getParserState), Pos, sepBy1, sepBy, unPos, (<?>), choice, optional, parse, errorBundlePretty, mkPos, satisfy, manyTill, option, anySingle, someTill, setParserState)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char ( char, space1, eol, letterChar, string )
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer (indentGuard)

import Data.Void(Void)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
Expand All @@ -24,40 +22,34 @@ import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail (fail))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Text.Megaparsec.Debug (dbg)

-- Primitives

type Parser = Parsec Void Text

lineSpaces :: Parser [Char]
lineSpaces = many $ char ' ' <|> char '\t'

lineComment' :: Parser ()
lineComment' = do
char '%'
manyTill (satisfy (const True)) (lookAhead eol)
void . optional . try $ do
eol *> many (char ' ' <|> char '\t')
lineSpace :: Parser ()
lineSpace = void $ char ' ' <|> char '\t'

lineComment :: Parser ()
lineComment = void $ char '%' *> manyTill (satisfy (const True)) eol <* sc
lineComment = do
void . many . try $ eol *> many lineSpace *> p
p = char '%' *> manyTill anySingle (lookAhead (void eol) <|> eof)

sc :: Parser ()
sc = (void . some $ char ' ' <|> char '\t') lineComment empty

sc' :: Parser ()
sc' = (void . some $ char ' ' <|> char '\t') lineComment' empty
sc = lineSpace lineComment empty

scn :: Parser ()
scn = space1 lineComment empty

indentLevel :: Parser Pos
indentLevel = sc *> L.indentLevel

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme sc

indentLevel :: Parser Int
indentLevel = (\p -> unPos p - 1) <$> L.indentLevel

strLexeme :: Text -> Parser Text
strLexeme = lexeme . string

Expand All @@ -77,15 +69,16 @@ pIdentifierL = lexeme (takeWhile1P Nothing (\ch -> isLetter ch || ch `elem` ['-'
<?> "Identifier"

pOperator :: Parser Text
pOperator = takeWhile1P Nothing (not . isSpace)
pOperator = takeWhile1P Nothing (\ch -> not (isSpace ch) && ch `notElem` ['%', '`'])
<?> "Operator"

pPrefix :: Parser Text
pPrefix = T.cons <$> satisfy (`elem` fstSmbls) <*> takeWhileP Nothing (\ch -> not $ isSpace ch || isAlphaNum ch)
pPrefix = T.cons <$> satisfy (`elem` fstSmbls) <*> takeWhileP Nothing chPred
<?> "Prefix"
fstSmbls :: [Char]
fstSmbls = "!#$%^*-+,./|\\><[]~"
chPred ch = not $ isSpace ch || isAlphaNum ch || ch == '%'

pPrefixL :: Parser Text
pPrefixL = lexeme pPrefix
Expand All @@ -97,34 +90,67 @@ pCommandL :: Parser Text
pCommandL = pOperatorL <|> pIdentifierL
<?> "Command"

inEnvironment :: Text -> Maybe el -> ([el] -> a) -> Parser el -> Parser a
inEnvironment name emptyEl f
= inArgsEnvironment name emptyEl (return ()) (const f)

eol' = eol <* sc
data IndentOrd = IndGT | IndGEQ | IndEQ

block :: Int -> Maybe el -> ([el] -> a) -> Parser el -> Parser a
block ind emptyEl f pel = do
let checkInd = do
ind' <- indentLevel
guard (unPos ind' > ind)
`failMsg` "Incorrect indentation (should be greater than " <> show ind <> ")"
emptyL = emptyEl <$ sc <* eol' <* scn

f <$> choice [
try checkInd >> pel `sepBy_` try ((join <$> optional (try emptyL)) <* checkInd),
pure []
indentGuard :: IndentOrd -> Int -> Parser ()
indentGuard ord ind = sc >> indentLevel >>= \ind' ->
unless (ind' `comp` ind) . fail
$ "Incorrect indentation: " <> show ind'
<> " should be " <> msg <> " " <> show ind
comp = case ord of
IndGT -> (>)
IndGEQ -> (>=)
IndEQ -> (==)
msg = case ord of
IndGT -> "greater then"
IndGEQ -> "at least"
IndEQ -> "equal to"

recoverBind :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b
recoverBind pa pb = do
(mb, s) <- lookAhead $ do
try pa
mb <- optional pb
s <- getParserState
return (mb, s)
case mb of
Nothing -> empty
Just b -> setParserState s >> return b

block :: Show a => Parser a -> Parser [a]
block pel = do
ind <- indentLevel
some $ (indentGuard IndEQ ind >> notFollowedBy (void eol <|> eof)) `recoverBind` pel

block' :: Maybe a -> Parser a -> IndentOrd -> Int -> Parser [a]
block' eVal pel ord ind = do
els <- many $ do
lookAhead . try
$ scn *> notFollowedBy eof *> indentGuard ord ind
e <- emptyLine
el <- pel
return (e, el)
return $ h els
h = flip foldr [] $ \(e, a) -> case (eVal, e) of
(Just ea, True) -> (ea:) . (a:)
_ -> (a:)
emptyLine = isJust <$> optional eol <* scn

inArgsEnvironment :: Text -> Maybe el -> Parser args -> (args -> [el] -> a) -> Parser el -> Parser a
inArgsEnvironment name emptyEl pargs f pel
= label ("Environment " ++ show name) $ do
ind <- try $ do
ind <- indentLevel
atLexeme name <* sc
return ind
args <- sc *> pargs <* sc <* eol' <* sc
block (unPos ind) emptyEl (f args) pel
ind <- indentLevel
atLexeme name
args <- sc *> pargs <* sc <* eol <* sc
f args <$> block' emptyEl pel IndGT ind

inEnvironment :: Text -> Maybe el -> ([el] -> a) -> Parser el -> Parser a
inEnvironment name emptyEl f
= inArgsEnvironment name emptyEl (return ()) (const f)

-- Definition block

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,7 +209,7 @@ pMathCmdsDef = inEnvironment "MathCommands" Nothing id $ do
name <- pCommandL
strLexeme "="
val <- pStringLiteralL
return Command{ name, val }

pType :: Parser ArgType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,7 +249,7 @@ pEnvsDef = inEnvironment "Environments" Nothing id $ do
args <- pDefArgs
strLexeme "="
((begin, end), innerMath, innerVerb) <- pOpt $ (,,) <$> pBeginEndOpt <*> mathP <*> verbP
return Environment{ name, begin, end, args, innerMath, innerVerb}
mathP = isJust <$> optional (mkOptP "Math" (return ()))
Expand All @@ -235,7 +261,7 @@ pPrefDef = inEnvironment "Prefs" Nothing id $ do
strLexeme "="
((begin, end), pref, sep, innerMath) <- pOpt
$ (,,,) <$> pBeginEndOpt <*> prefP <*> sepP <*> mathP
return Pref{name, begin, end, pref, sep, innerMath}
prefP = optional (mkOptP "Pref" pStringLiteralL)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,10 +313,10 @@ data ParEl
deriving Show

pDocument :: Definitions -> Parser [DocElement]
pDocument defs = scn *> pElements 0 defs <* scn
pDocument defs = scn *> pElements IndGEQ 0 defs <* scn

pElements :: Int -> Definitions -> Parser [DocElement]
pElements ind defs = block ind (Just $ DocEmptyLine) id (pElement defs)
pElements :: IndentOrd -> Int -> Definitions -> Parser [DocElement]
pElements ord ind defs = block' (Just DocEmptyLine) (pElement defs) ord ind

pElement :: Definitions -> Parser DocElement
pElement defs
Expand All @@ -300,21 +326,16 @@ pElement defs

pPrefLineEnvironment :: Definitions -> Parser DocElement
pPrefLineEnvironment defs@Definitions{prefs, envs} = do
ind' <- indentLevel
name <- try $ pPrefix <* string " "
s <- getParserState
(name, ind) <- (,) <$> try (pPrefix <* string " ") <*> indentLevel
pref <- M.lookup name prefs `failMsg` "Unexpected prefix: " ++ unpack name
let pPref = indentGuard sc EQ ind' *> string (name <> " ")
pEl = do
ind'' <- indentLevel
pElements (unPos ind'' - 1) defs
els <- pEl `sepBy` try pPref
return $ DocPrefGroup pref els
setParserState s
DocPrefGroup pref <$> block (try (string $ name <> " ") *> pElements IndGEQ ind defs)

pParagraph :: Definitions -> Parser DocElement
pParagraph defs = do
ind <- indentLevel
let sep = eol' >> indentGuard sc EQ ind >> notFollowedBy (void eol' <|> eof <|> void (string "@"))
DocParagraph <$> (pParLine `sepBy1` try sep) <* eol'
DocParagraph <$> block pParLine

words' :: Text -> [Text]
words' t = h (T.head t) <> T.words t <> h (T.last t)
Expand All @@ -323,7 +344,7 @@ words' t = h (T.head t) <> T.words t <> h (T.last t)
h _ = []

pParLine :: Parser [ParEl]
pParLine = notFollowedBy (string "@") *> some ((pText <|> pForm) <* optional lineComment')
pParLine = notFollowedBy (string "@") *> some (pText <|> pForm) <* sc <* eol
pText = ParText <$> (words' <$> takeWhile1P Nothing smbl)
<?> "Paragraph text"
Expand All @@ -337,27 +358,26 @@ pArgV ArgString = ArgVString <$> pStringLiteralL

pVerb :: Int -> Parser DocElement
pVerb ind = DocVerb <$> do
indentGuard (void lineSpaces) GT $ mkPos ind
ind' <- indentLevel
concat <$> pLine `sepBy` try (checkIndent ind')
pLine = (:) . T.pack <$> manyTill (satisfy $ const True) eol
<*> many (try $ T.empty <$ lineSpaces <* eol)
checkIndent ind' = do
lookAhead $ indentGuard (void lineSpaces) GT $ mkPos ind
replicateM (unPos ind' - 1) (char ' ' <|> char '\t')
pLine = (:) . T.pack <$> manyTill anySingle eol
<*> many (try $ T.empty <$ many lineSpace <* eol)
checkIndent ind' = lookAhead indGuard >> replicateM ind' (char ' ' <|> char '\t')
indGuard = L.indentGuard (void $ many lineSpace) GT posInd
posInd = mkPos $ ind + 1

pEnvironment :: Definitions -> Parser DocElement
pEnvironment defs@Definitions{envs} = do
ind <- indentLevel
try $ string "@"
name <- pIdentifierL
name <- string "@" *> pIdentifierL
env <- M.lookup name envs `failMsg` ("Undefined environment " ++ show name)
args <- mapM pArgV (atype <$> args env)
sc <* eol'
sc <* eol
DocEnvironment env args <$> if innerVerb env
then (:[]) <$> pVerb (unPos ind)
else pElements (unPos ind) defs
then (:[]) <$> pVerb ind
else pElements IndGT ind defs

-- File readers and parsers

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