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⚡ Free AI completion plugin powered by codeium

NeoCodeium is a plugin that provides AI completion powered by Codeium. The primary reason for creating NeoCodeium was to address the issue of flickering suggestions in the official plugin which was particularly annoying when dealing with multi-line virtual text. Additionally, I desired a feature that would allow accepting Codeium suggestions to be repeatable using the . command because I use it as my main completion plugin and only manually invoke nvim-cmp.

Differences with codeium.vim
  • Supports only Neovim (written in Lua)
  • Flickering has been removed in most scenarios, resulting in a snappier experience
  • Completions on the current line can now be repeated using the . key
  • Performance improvements have been achieved through cache techniques
  • The suggestion count label is displayed in the number column, making it closer to the context
  • Default keymaps have been removed
  • Possibility to complete only word/line of the suggestion (codeium.vim added this feature in 9fa0dee)
  • No debounce by default, allowing suggestions to appear while typing (this behavior can be disabled with debounce = true in the setup)


While using this plugin, your code is constantly being sent to Codeium servers by their own language server in order to evaluate and return completions. Before using make sure you have read and accept the Codeium Privacy Policy. NeoCodeium has the ability to disable the server globally or for individual buffers. This plugin does not send any data to the server from disabled buffers, but the Codeium server is still running behind the scenes and we cannot guarantee that it doesn't send information while running.

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.10.0

📦 Installation

Here’s an example for 💤lazy plugin manager. If you're using a different plugin manager, please refer to its documentation for installation instructions.

-- add this to the file where you setup your other plugins:
  event = "VeryLazy",
  config = function()
    local neocodeium = require("neocodeium")
    vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-f>", neocodeium.accept)

Now you can use Alt-f in insert mode to accept codeium suggestions.

Enterprise users: you should receive portal and API URLs for Codeium from your company. Once you get them, add them to your config. This way :NeoCodeium auth will authenticate you on the right portal. For example,

  event = "VeryLazy",
  opts = {
    server = {
      api_url = '',
      portal_url = '',

Note: To obtain an API token, you’ll need to run :NeoCodeium auth. On Windows WSL wslview (sudo apt install wslu) should be installed to properly open the browser.

🚀 Usage


In addition to the already mentioned accept() function, the plugin also provides a few others:

local neocodeium = require("neocodeium")

-- Accepts the suggestion

-- Accepts only part of the suggestion if the full suggestion doesn't make sense

-- Clears the current suggestion

-- Cycles through suggestions by `n` (1 by default) items. Use a negative value to cycle in reverse order

-- Same as `cycle()`, but also tries to show a suggestion if none is visible.
-- Mostly useful with the enabled `manual` option

-- Checks if a suggestion's virtual text is visible or not (useful for some complex mappings)

🪄 Tips

Using alongside nvim-cmp

If you are using NeoCodeium with manual = false (the default), it is recommended to set nvim-cmp to manual completion and clear NeoCodeium suggestions on opening of the nvim-cmp pop-up menu. You can achieve this with following code in the place where nvim-cmp is configured:

local cmp = require("cmp")
local neocodeium = require("neocodeium")
local commands = require("neocodeium.commands")

cmp.event:on("menu_opened", function()

    filter = function()
        return not cmp.visible()

    completion = {
        autocomplete = false,

If you want to use autocompletion with nvim-cmp, then it is recommended to use NeoCodeium with manual = true, add a binding for triggering NeoCodeium completion, and make sure to close the nvim-cmp window when completions are rendered. You can achieve this with the following code where you setup NeoCodeium:

local neocodeium = require("neocodeium")

  manual = true, -- recommended to not conflict with nvim-cmp

-- create an autocommand which closes cmp when ai completions are displayed
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
  pattern = "NeoCodeiumCompletionDisplayed",
  callback = function() require("cmp").abort() end

-- set up some sort of keymap to cycle and complete to trigger completion
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-e>", function() neocodeium.cycle_or_complete() end)
-- make sure to have a mapping to accept a completion
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-f>", function() neocodeium.accept() end)
Disable in Telescope prompt and DAP REPL
    filetypes = {
        TelescopePrompt = false,
        ["dap-repl"] = false,
Enable NeoCodeium only in specified filetypes
local filetypes = { 'lua', 'python' }
  -- function accepts one argument `bufnr`
  filter = function(bufnr)
    if vim.tbl_contains(filetypes, vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('filetype',  { buf = bufnr})) then
        return true
    return false

⌨️ Keymaps

NeoCodeium doesn’t provide any keymaps, which means you’ll need to add them yourself. While codeium.vim and copilot.vim set the <Tab> key as the default key for accepting a suggestion, we recommend avoiding it as it has some downsides to consider (although nothing is stopping you from using it):

  • Risk of Interference: There’s a high chance of it conflicting with other plugins (such as snippets, nvim-cmp, etc.).
  • Not Consistent: It doesn’t work in the :h command-line-window.
  • Indentation Challenges: It is harder to indent with the tab at the start of a line.

Suggested keymaps:

vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-f>", function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-w>", function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-a>", function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-e>", function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-r>", function()
vim.keymap.set("i", "<A-c>", function()

🔤 Commands

NeoCodeium provides :NeoCodeium user command, which has some useful actions:

  • :NeoCodeium auth - authenticates the user and saves the API token.
  • :NeoCodeium[!] disable - disables completions. With the bang also stops the codeium server.
  • :NeoCodeium enable - enables NeoCodeium completion.
  • :NeoCodeium[!] toggle - toggles NeoCodeium completion. Convey the bang to disable command.
  • :NeoCodeium disable_buffer - disables NeoCodeium completion in the current buffer.
  • :NeoCodeium enable_buffer - enables NeoCodeium completion in the current buffer.
  • :NeoCodeium toggle_buffer - toggles NeoCodeium completion in the current buffer.
  • :NeoCodeium open_log - opens new tab with the log output. More information is in the logging section.
  • :NeoCodeium chat - opens browser with the Codeium Chat.
  • :NeoCodeium restart - restarts Codeium server (useful if the server stops responding for any reason).

You can also use the same commands in your Lua scripts by calling:

-- Examples
-- disable completions
-- disable completions and stop the server

📆 User Events

NeoCodeium triggers several user events which can be used to trigger code. These can be used to optimize when statusline elements are updated, creating mappings only when the server is available, or modifying completion engine settings when AI completion is started or displaying hints.

  • NeoCodeiumServerConnecting - triggers when a connection to the Codeium server is starting
  • NeoCodeiumServerConnected - triggers when a successful connection to the Codeium server is made
  • NeoCodeiumServerStopped - triggers when the Codeium server is stopped
  • NeoCodeiumEnabled - triggers when the NeoCodeium plugin is enabled globally
  • NeoCodeiumDisabled - triggers when the NeoCodeium plugin is disabled globally
  • NeoCodeiumBufEnabled - triggers when the NeoCodeium plugin is enabled for a buffer
  • NeoCodeiumBufDisabled - triggers when the NeoCodeium plugin is disabled for a buffer
  • NeoCodeiumCompletionDisplayed - triggers when NeoCodeium successfully displays a completion item as virtual text
  • NeoCodeiumCompletionCleared - triggers when NeoCodeium clears virtual text and completions

🚃 Statusline

require("neocodeium").get_status() can be used to get the some useful information about the current state. The best use case for this output is to implement custom statusline component. This function returns two numbers:

  1. Status of the plugin

     0 - Enabled
     1 - Globally disabled with `:NeoCodeium disable`, `:NeoCodeium toggle` or with `setup.enabled = false`
     2 - Buffer is disabled with `:NeoCodeium disable_buffer`
     3 - Buffer is disableld when it's filetype is matching `setup.filetypes = { some_filetyps = false }`
     4 - Buffer is disabled when `setup.filter` returns `false` for the current buffer
     5 - Buffer has wrong encoding (codeium can accept only UTF-8 and LATIN-1 encodings)
  2. Server status

     0 - Server is on (running)
     1 - Connecting to the server (not working status)
     2 - Server is off (stopped)

To use output from get_status() for in-time update it is required to invoke this function from events

Statusline Examples

Without statusline plugins
-- function to process get_status() and set buffer variable to that data.
local neocodeium = require("neocodeium")
local function get_neocodeium_status(ev)
    local status, server_status = neocodeium.get_status()
    -- process this data, convert it to custom string/icon etc and set buffer variable
    if status == 0 then
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(ev.buf, "neocodeium_status", "OK")
        vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(ev.buf, "neocodeium_status", "OFF")

-- Then only some of event fired we invoked this function
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
    -- group = ..., -- set some augroup here
    pattern = {
    callback = get_neocodeium_status,

-- add neocodeium_status to your statusline
vim.opt.statusline:append("%{get(b:, 'neocodeium_status', '')%}")
local NeoCodeium = {
  static = {
    symbols = {
      status = {
        [0] = "󰚩 ", -- Enabled
        [1] = "󱚧 ", -- Disabled Globally
        [2] = "󱙻 ", -- Disabled for Buffer
        [3] = "󱙺 ", -- Disabled for Buffer filetype
        [4] = "󱙺 ", -- Disabled for Buffer with enabled function
        [5] = "󱚠 ", -- Disabled for Buffer encoding
      server_status = {
        [0] = "󰣺 ", -- Connected
        [1] = "󰣻 ", -- Connecting
        [2] = "󰣽 ", -- Disconnected
  update = {
    pattern = { "NeoCodeiumServer*", "NeoCodeium*{En,Dis}abled" },
    callback = function() vim.cmd.redrawstatus() end,
  provider = function(self)
    local symbols = self.symbols
    local status, server_status = require("neocodeium").get_status()
    return symbols.status[status] .. symbols.server_status[server_status]
  hl = { fg = "yellow" },

🎨 Highlight groups

NeoCodeium offers a couple of highlight groups. Feel free to adjust them to your preference and to match your chosen color scheme:

  • NeoCodeiumSuggestion - virtual text color of the plugin suggestions (default: #808080)
  • NeoCodeiumLabel - color of the label that indicates the number of suggestions (default: inverted DiagnosticInfo)

📄 Logging

While running, NeoCodeium logs some messages into a temporary file. It can be viewed with the :NeoCodeium open_log command. By default only errors and warnings are logged.

You can set the logging level to one of trace, debug, info, warn or error by exporting the NEOCODEIUM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable.



⚒️ Setup

NeoCodeium comes with the following default options:

-- NeoCodeium Configuration
  -- If `false`, then would not start codeium server (disabled state)
  -- You can manually enable it at runtime with `:NeoCodeium enable`
  enabled = true,
  -- Path to a custom Codeium server binary (you can download one from:
  bin = nil,
  -- When set to `true`, autosuggestions are disabled.
  -- Use `require'neodecodeium'.cycle_or_complete()` to show suggestions manually
  manual = false,
  -- Information about the API server to use
  server = {
    -- API URL to use (for Enterprise mode)
    api_url = nil,
    -- Portal URL to use (for registering a user and downloading the binary)
    portal_url = nil,
  -- Set to `false` to disable showing the number of suggestions label in the line number column
  show_label = true,
  -- Set to `true` to enable suggestions debounce
  debounce = false,
  -- Maximum number of lines parsed from loaded buffers (current buffer always fully parsed)
  -- Set to `0` to disable parsing non-current buffers (may lower suggestion quality)
  -- Set it to `-1` to parse all lines
  max_lines = 10000,
  -- Set to `true` to disable some non-important messages, like "NeoCodeium: server started..."
  silent = false,
  -- Set to a function that returns `true` if a buffer should be enabled
  -- and `false` if the buffer should be disabled
  -- You can still enable disabled by this option buffer with `:NeoCodeium enable_buffer`
  filter = function(bufnr) return true end,
  -- Set to `false` to disable suggestions in buffers with specific filetypes
  -- You can still enable disabled by this option buffer with `:NeoCodeium enable_buffer`
  filetypes = {
    help = false,
    gitcommit = false,
    gitrebase = false,
    ["."] = false,
  -- List of directories and files to detect workspace root directory for Codeium chat
  root_dir = { ".bzr", ".git", ".hg", ".svn", "_FOSSIL_", "package.json" }

💬 Chat

You can chat with AI in the browser with the :NeoCodeium chat command. The first time you open it, it requires the server to restart with some chat-specific flags, so be patient (this usually doesn't take more than a few seconds). After that, it should open a chat window in the browser with the context of the current buffer. Here, you can ask some specific questions about your code base. When you switch buffers, this context should be updated automatically (it takes some time). You can see current chat context in the left bottom corner.

💐 Credits

  • codeium.vim - The main source for understanding how to use Codeium.

🌟 License

MIT license


free AI completion plugin for neovim







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  • Lua 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%