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Authoring a question

André Storhaug edited this page Jan 3, 2019 · 10 revisions

Authoring a question

To create a new question, navigate to the "question bank". Then, click on the [Create a new question...]button and select the ShortMath question type.

A question consists of mainly three parts:

  1. The "question name".
  2. The "question text", which is shown to the student.
  3. The teacher's "correct answer(s)".

Question name

All questions must have a name. Use something meaningful so it will be easy to identify later.

Question text

The question text is the actual question. Here, Moodle provides feature rich text editors; supporting both mathematical formulas, images etc. Be creative!

  1. You must provide at least one possible correct answer
  2. The correct answers must be written in a valid latex math format.
  3. Answers left blank will not be used.
  4. '*' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters.
  5. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback.

Saving the question

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the [Save changes and continue editing] button. If the question fails to save: carefully check for any errors, correct them and save again.

Question preview

To speed up the question testing process, scroll down in the preview window and under "Attempt options", make sure you have "How questions behave" set to "Adaptive Mode". If necessary, click the [Start again with these options] button. This allows you to check answers without having to Submit and Start again repeatedly.

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