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The first AI search project in C++

Initial Board States

The initial given boards are "120483765","208135467","704851632","536407182" and "638541720".

Each number is for one position on a 3 x 3 board.

The AI will find the shorest path to return them back to "123456780".

Number 0 is the empty pile on the board.


As shown in the graph, the blank tile can be filled by any other tiles nearby, I convert this theory into a C++ map, where 0 indicates the tile on the top left corner, 1 indicates the tile on the top middle.


From position 0, you can go to position 1 and 3. From position 1, you can go to position 0, 4 and 5. And so on

boardRules["0"] = "13";
boardRules["1"] = "042";
boardRules["2"] = "15";
boardRules["3"] = "046";
boardRules["4"] = "1375";
boardRules["5"] = "248";
boardRules["6"] = "37";
boardRules["7"] = "468";
boardRules["8"] = "57";

The Algorithm

In a while loop, create a Queue (Q) to save the current board status. If the status matches our goal, break the loop.

The board status was save as an object in the queue.

if (Q.empty()) {cout<<"Goal NOT Found"<<endl;break;}
        grabbedBoard = Q.front();
		if (grabbedBoard.checkGoal()) {
			keep_running = false;

Save the board status into has map to avoid check the same path again.

Once we find the path is not what we are looking for, leave it.

		oldLength = Exp.size();
		Exp[hashFunc(grabbedBoard.getContent())] = grabbedBoard.getContent();
		// Try to add the grabbed board (puzzle) into hash table
		// if the previous and the current length is the same
		// that means failed to add, there is a same board existed
		// in hash table already.
		// If the lengths are different, means new board added successfully
		// we did not expand this board before
		// so do the algorithm
		if (oldLength == Exp.size()) {continue;}

If the path is not proved bad path (we didn't check before), check the next possible move, then see if we are closer to our goal.

Loop through all possible moves and push the new status into the queue, the queue will sort (heap sorting) out the cloest move and save it for the next exploration.

for (int i = 0; i < newPositions.length(); i++) {
  Board currentBoard = grabbedBoard;
  newPosition = newPositions[i];

During searching and sorting, grabbedBoard object will keep track the path/move (U: Up, D: Down, L: Left, R: Right) and return it when we reached our goal.

	actualRunningTime = ((float)(clock() - startTime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	//path = "DDRRLLLUUURDLUDURDLUU"; //this is just a dummy path for testing the function
	path = grabbedBoard.getPath();
	cout << endl;
	cout << path << endl;
	pathLength = path.size();
	return path;

Apply the Algorithm by Different Sorting Factors

To apply the searching algorithm by using different sorting factors, simply change the value used for heap sorting.

In the code below there are comparators for heap sorting by the number of misplaced tiles and manhattan distance.

Everytime, the Queue will sort and find the move that has minimum distance from the goal (the closest to the goal) and the program will always searching further on the direction that is closest to the goal.

// For UC search
class PathsComparator {
    bool operator() (Board a, Board b) {
        return a.getCost() >= b.getCost();

// For misplaced tiles
class HeuMTComparator {
    bool operator() (Board a, Board b) {
        return a.getHeuByMisplacedTiles() >= b.getHeuByMisplacedTiles();

// For manhattan distance
class HeuMDComparator {
    bool operator() (Board a, Board b) {
        return a.getManhattanDistance() >= b.getManhattanDistance();


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