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32-bit library (armeabi-v7a) is no longer maintained, please use 64-bit library (arm64-v8a) to build!

Table of Contents

First, add the maven address to your build file (the build.gradle file in the project root directory)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                // see sdk demo
                username = '***'
                password = '***'

Second import the dependent library in your build.gradle file of app directory

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.arashivision.sdk:sdkcamera:1.5.3'

Then initialize SDK in Application

public class MyApp extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        // Init SDK



You can connect the camera by WIFI or USB.

Note: You must do this on the main thread.

By Ble






You can also get the current camera connection type

int type = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getCameraConnectedType();


For example, to check if the camera is connected, you can do the following:

private boolean isCameraConnected() {
    return InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getCameraConnectedType() != InstaCameraManager.CONNECT_TYPE_NONE;


When you want to disconnect the camera, you can call



You can register / unregister ICameraChangedCallback on multiple pages to to monitor changes in camera status.

public abstract class BaseObserveCameraActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ICameraChangedCallback {

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    protected void onDestroy() {

     * Camera status changed
     * @param enabled: Whether the camera is available
    public void onCameraStatusChanged(boolean enabled) {

     * Camera connection failed
     * <p>
     * A common situation is that other phones or other applications of this phone have already
     * established a connection with this camera, resulting in this establishment failure,
     * and other phones need to disconnect from this camera first.
    public void onCameraConnectError(int errorCode) {

     * SD card insertion notification
     * @param enabled: Whether the current SD card is available
    public void onCameraSDCardStateChanged(boolean enabled) {

     * SD card storage status changed
     * @param freeSpace:  Currently available size
     * @param totalSpace: Total size
    public void onCameraStorageChanged(long freeSpace, long totalSpace) {

     * Low battery notification
    public void onCameraBatteryLow() {

     * Camera power change notification
     * @param batteryLevel: Current power (0-100, always returns 100 when charging)
     * @param isCharging:   Whether the camera is charging
    public void onCameraBatteryUpdate(int batteryLevel, boolean isCharging) {



After the camera is successfully connected, you can manipulate the camera preview stream like this

public class PreviewActivity extends BaseObserveCameraActivity implements IPreviewStatusListener {

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Auto open preview after page gets focus
        InstaCameraManager.getInstance().startPreviewStream(PreviewStreamResolution.STREAM_1440_720_30FPS, InstaCameraManager.PREVIEW_TYPE_NORMAL);

    protected void onStop() {
        if (isFinishing()) {
            // Auto close preview after page loses focus

    public void onOpening() {
        // Preview Opening       

    public void onOpened() {
        // Preview stream is on and can be played      

    public void onIdle() {
        // Preview Stopped

    public void onError() {
        // Preview Failed
    public void onExposureData(ExposureData exposureData) {
	// Callback frequency 500Hz
        // exposureData.timestamp: The time since the camera was turned on
	// exposureData.exposureTime: Rolling shutter exposure time

    public void onGyroData(List<GyroData> gyroList) {
	// Callback frequency 10Hz, 50 data per group
	// gyroData.timestamp: The time since the camera was turned on
	//, gyroData.ay, Three-axis acceleration
	// gyroData.gx,, gyroData.gz: Three-axis gyroscope

    public void onVideoData(VideoData videoData) {
	// Callback frequency 500Hz
	// videoData.timestamp: The time since the camera was turned on
	// Preview raw stream data every frame
	// videoData.size:


If the camera is passively disconnected or if you call closeCamera directly during the preview process, the SDK will automatically close the preview stream processing related state without the need to call closePreviewStream.

If you want to display the preview content, please see Media SDK Function - Preview & Live

Preview Stream Resolution

You can choose one of the resolutions supported by the camera to set arguments. Get the supported resolutions by

List<PreviewStreamResolution> supportedList = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getSupportedPreviewStreamResolution(int previewType);

Preview Type

There are 3 kinds of PreviewType in InstaCameraManager. You must restart preview stream (close first and then start again) to switch between different operations.

  • PREVIEW_TYPE_NORMAL - for normal preview or capture
  • PREVIEW_TYPE_RECORD - for record
  • PREVIEW_TYPE_LIVE - for live


You need to get supported resolution of the camrea for live by

List<PreviewStreamResolution> supportedList = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getSupportedPreviewStreamResolution(InstaCameraManager.PREVIEW_TYPE_LIVE);

//X4 no need to choose resolution, the parameter is default in firmware Then choose one resolution to start live preview

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().startPreviewStream(PreviewStreamResolution, InstaCameraManager.PREVIEW_TYPE_LIVE);

Note: The preview stream is different between Preview, Record and Live, so you must restart preview stream if you want to switch between them.

Display the live preview content, please see Media SDK Function - Preview & Live

When the preview is ready, you can start live like this

LiveParamsBuilder builder = new LiveParamsBuilder()

        // (Must) Set the rtmp adress to push stream
        .setRtmp(String rtmp)
        // (Must) Set width to push, such as 1440
        .setWidth(int width)
        // (Must) Set height to push, such as 720
        .setHeight(int height)
        // (Must) Set fps to push, such as 30
        .setFps(int fps)
        // (Must) Set bitrate to push, such as 2*1024*1024
        .setBitrate(int bitrate)
        // (Optional) Whether the live is panorama or not, the default value is true
InstaCameraManager.getInstance().startLive(builder, new ILiveStatusListener() {
        public void onLivePushStarted() {

        public void onLivePushFinished() {

        public void onLivePushError() {

        public void onLiveFpsUpdate(int fps) {

You can stop live by this


//For X4 you should switch the capture mode first before capture, InstaCameraManager.setFunctionModeToCamera(@FunctionMode int funcMode). After the camera is successfully connected, you can control its capture. We provide you with several capture interfaces.

Normal Capture

set true if you want to capture the original image in RAW format


HDR Capture

set true if you want to capture the original image in RAW format


Interval Capture

You can set interval time first (in ms)

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setIntervalTime(int intervalMs);

Then capture

// Start

// Stop

Normal Record

// Start

// Stop

HDR Record

// Start

// Stop


You can set interval time first (in ms)

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setTimeLapseInterval(int intervalMs);

Then record

// Start

// Stop

You can also get the current camera capture type

int type = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getCurrentCaptureType();


Observe Status Changed

You can set ICaptureStatusListener to observe capture status changed.

Note: You need to call this method every time the camera is successfully connected, because the listener is bound to the camera instance.

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setCaptureStatusListener(new ICaptureStatusListener() {
            public void onCaptureStarting() {

            public void onCaptureWorking() {

            public void onCaptureStopping() {

            public void onCaptureFinish(String[] filePaths) {
                // If you use sdk api to capture, the filePaths could be callback
                // Otherwise, filePaths will be null

            public void onCaptureCountChanged(int captureCount) {
                // Interval shots
                // Only Interval Capture type will callback this

            public void onCaptureTimeChanged(long captureTime) {            
                // Record Duration, in ms
                // Only Record type will callback this 

AAA Parameters

You can set / get the AAA parameters to the camera.

You need to specify a camera mode to set the parameters, see InstaCameraManager.FUNCTION_MODE_XXX.

Eg. Set/Get WB value

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setWhiteBalance(InstaCameraManager.FUNCTION_MODE_CAPTURE_NORMAL, InstaCameraManager.WHITE_BALANCE_2700K);
int wb = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getWhiteBalance(InstaCameraManager.FUNCTION_MODE_CAPTURE_NORMAL);

Please check the AAA parameters and range table of each camera. [ONE X] [ONE R] [ONE X2]

Camera Beep

You can set / get whether there is a beep sound when the camera shoots.

Set Beep Enabled

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setCameraBeepSwitch(boolean beep);

Determine Whether beep is enabled

boolean isBeep = InstaCameraManager.getInstance().isCameraBeep();

Obtain the firmware upgrade file from our person in charge and put it on your server or directly use the firmware link on our official website.

You can use the Firmware Upgrade interface after downloading the file to the local.

Note: Please do not upload the wrong file to the camera to avoid bricking. Example: Do not upload OneX firmware upgrade package to OneX2 camera.

Start Upgrading

String fwFilePath = "/xxx/InstaOneXFW.bin";
FwUpgradeManager.getInstance().startUpgrade(fwFilePath, new FwUpgradeListener() {
            public void onUpgradeSuccess() {


            public void onUpgradeFail(int errorCode, String message) {
                // errorCode see
                // -1000: Already in upgrading
                // -1001: Please connect the camera first
                // -1002: The upgrade will fail when the battery level of the camera is lower than 12%, 
                //        please make sure that the battery level of the camera is sufficient
                // -14004/400/500: Http Server Error
                // -14005: Socket IO exception
                // -14046: be cancelled, it will not be called back to this interface, but will be called back to onUpgradeCancel()

            public void onUpgradeCancel() {


            public void onUpgradeProgress(double progress) {
                // progress: 0-1

Cancel Upgrade


Determine whether it is being upgraded


Calibrate Gyro

This function must be used when the camera is connected to WIFI

Before calibrate, please stand the camera upright on a stable and level surface.

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().calibrateGyro(new ICameraOperateCallback() {
            public void onSuccessful() {

            public void onFailed() {

            public void onCameraConnectError() {

Set GPS Data

Add GPS data to recording videos

    InstaCameraManager.getInstance().setCaptureStatusListener(new ICaptureStatusListener() {

        public void onCaptureWorking() {

        public void onCaptureFinish(String[] filePaths) {

    private void startSendGpsData() {

    private void stopSendGpsData() {
        if (!mCollectGpsDataList.isEmpty()) {

    private List<GpsData> mCollectGpsDataList = new ArrayList<GpsData>();
    private Runnable mCollectGpsDataRunnable = new Runnable(){
        public void run() {
            Location location = LocationManager.getInstance().getCurrentLocation();
            if (location != null) {
                GpsData gpsData = new GpsData();
                if (mCollectGpsDataList.size() >= 20) {
            mMainHandler.postDelayed(this, 100);

Format SD card

InstaCameraManager.getInstance().formatStorage(new ICameraOperateCallback() {
            public void onSuccessful() {

            public void onFailed() {    

            public void onCameraConnectError() {

Delete Files from Camera

Note: Please do not pass in wrong path parameters, so we recommend that you get the valid urls from the WorkWrapper.

List<String> fileUrls = Arrays.asList(workWrapper.getUrlsForDelete());
InstaCameraManager.getInstance().deleteFileList(fileUrls, new ICameraOperateCallback() {
                    public void onSuccessful() {

                    public void onFailed() {

                    public void onCameraConnectError() {

The following methods are only used as parameters for other interfaces to call. Developers don't need to pay much attention to them, and they will be explained later at the places where they need to be called.


Method Type Explanation
getCameraType() String Camera Type
getCameraVersion() String Camera Version
getCameraSerial() String Camera Serial
getMediaOffset() String Camera Media Offset
getMediaOffsetV2() String Camera Media Offset V2
getMediaOffsetV3() String Camera Media Offset V3
isCameraSelfie() boolean Camera Selfie
getGyroTimeStamp() double Only use for preview
getBatteryType() int Only use for preview
getCameraCurrentBatteryLevel() int Camera Battery Level, form 0 to 100
isCameraCharging() boolean Camera Charge State
getCameraStorageTotalSpace() long Camera Storage Total Space, bytes
getCameraStorageFreeSpace() long Camera Storage Free Space, bytes
isSdCardEnabled() boolean Camera SD card state
getCameraHttpPrefix() String Camera Host
List<String> Camera File List (Exclued Recording File)
getAllUrlListIncludeRecording() List<String> Camera File List (Include Recording File)
getWifiInfo() WifiInfo WifiInfo(ssid: String, pwd: String, macAddress: String, channel: int, mode: int, state: int, pwdVersion: int)
setInternalSplicingEnable(boolean enable) void Enable device stitching only support on x4.
*	CameraMode: lens mode
*	CAMERA_MODE_SINGLE_FRONT -> Single Lens Mode - Front Lens
*	CAMERA_MODE_SINGLE_REAR -> Single Lens Mode - Rear Lens
*	CAMERA_MODE_PANORAMA -> Panoramic Lens Mode

*	FocusSensor:focus mode
*	FOCUS_SENSOR_FRONT -> The front lens is the main focus
*	FOCUS_SENSOR_REAR -> The rear lens is the main focus
*	FOCUS_SENSOR_ALL -> Both lenses are the main focus
InstaCameraManager.getInstance().switchCameraMode(InstaCameraManager.CAMERA_MODE_xxx, InstaCameraManager.FOCUS_SENSOR_xxx, callback);

// Get current camera lens state

Note: When CameraMode is Single Lens Mode, FocusSensor should correspond to CameraMode Front/Rear. When CameraMode is Panorama Lens Mode, if FocusSensor is All, it is a normal panorama, and FocusSensor is Front/Rear, which should be used in Insta Pano photo mode.

First add the maven address to your build file (build.gradle file in the project root directory)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                // see sdk demo
                username = '***'
                password = '***'

Second import the dependent library in your build.gradle file of app directory

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.arashivision.sdk:sdkmedia:1.5.3'

Then initialize SDK in Application

public class MyApp extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        // Init SDK


If you already import CameraSDK, you can open and display the preview content.

Put InstaCapturePlayerView in your xml file

    android:background="@android:color/darker_gray" />

Bind lifecycle when your activity created

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Display preview in IPreviewStatusListener.onOpened () callback of CameraSdk

public void onOpened() {
    mCapturePlayerView.setPlayerViewListener(new PlayerViewListener() {
        public void onLoadingFinish() {
            // Must do this
            Object pipeline = mCapturePlayerView.getPipeline();
        public void onLoadingStatusChanged(boolean isLoading) {

        public void onFail(String desc) {

private CaptureParamsBuilder createParams() {
    CaptureParamsBuilder builder = new CaptureParamsBuilder()
    return builder;

Release InstaCapturePlayerView when preview is closed

protected void onStop() {
    if (isFinishing()) {
        // Auto close preview after page loses focus
public void onIdle() {
    // Preview Stopped

You can configure more options by CaptureParamsBuilder

private CaptureParamsBuilder createParams() {
    CaptureParamsBuilder builder = new CaptureParamsBuilder()
            // (Must) The parameters are fixed
            // (Must) The parameters are fixed
			// (Must) The parameters are fixed
			// (Must) The parameters are fixed

            // (Must) The parameters are fixed
			// (Must) The parameters are fixed
			// (Must) The parameters are fixed
            // (Depends on) If you start preview for live, this is required.
            // (Depends on) If you use custom resloution to start preview, this is required.
            .setResolutionParams(mCurrentResolution.width, mCurrentResolution.height, mCurrentResolution.fps);
            // (Optional) Whether to enable stabilization, the default is true
            // (Optional) if setStabEnabled(true), you can choose the type of stabilization type, the default is InstaStabType.STAB_TYPE_AUTO
            // InstaStabType.STAB_TYPE_AUTO: Use the official default stabilization type for different cameras.
            // InstaStabType.STAB_TYPE_PANORAMA: Panoramic stabilization, keep the screen still.
            // InstaStabType.STAB_TYPE_CALIBRATE_HORIZON: Align the horizon only. (The roll axis does not move, the yaw pitch changes)
            // InstaStabType.STAB_TYPE_FOOTAGE_MOTION_SMOOTH: Smooth footage motion, no horizon alignment. (yaw pitch roll changes with the camera)
            // (Optional) Whether to allow gesture operations, the default is true
            // (Optional) If you want to show preview stream on your custom surface
            // (Note) Every time you open a new preview, you must create a new Surface and pass in parameters. You cannot reuse Surface
            // (Note) Destroy your surface when priview is idle
            .setCameraRenderSurfaceInfo(surface, surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight);
    if (You want to preview as plane mode) {
        // Plane Mode
        // (Optional) Set Render Model Type, the default is `RENDER_MODE_AUTO`
                // (Optional) Set the aspect ratio of the screen, the default is full screen display (ie full canvas)
                // If the rendering mode type is `RENDER_MODE_PLANE_STITCH`, the recommended setting ratio is 2:1
                .setScreenRatio(2, 1);
    } else {
        // Normal Mode
    return builder;

if you use RENDER_MODE_AUTO, you can switch between the following modes.

Switch to Normal Mode


Switch to Fisheye Mode


Switch to Perspective Mode


You can customize the player angle according to your preferences.

Fov: Viewing width. Range 0(inclusive) ~ 180(exclusive)

Distance: Distance from observation point to observed point. Range 0(inclusive) ~ ∞

mCapturePlayerView.setConstraint(float minFov, float maxFov, float defaultFov, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float defaultDistance);

if you want to switch between Plane Mode and others, you must restart preview first.

if (current mode is Normal && new mode is Plane){
    InstaCameraManager.getInstance().startPreviewStream(resolution, previewType);

You can set PlayerGestureListener to observe gesture operation.

mCapturePlayerView.setGestureListener(new PlayerGestureListener() {
    public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public boolean onTap(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public void onUp() {

    public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {

    public void onZoom() {

    public void onZoomAnimation() {

    public void onZoomAnimationEnd() {

    public void onScroll() {

    public void onFlingAnimation() {

    public void onFlingAnimationEnd() {

If you want to play an image or a video, you must create a WorkWrapper object first.

You can scan media files from camera or a local directory to get List<WorkWrapper>.

Scan from camera

Note: This is a time-consuming operation and needs to be processed in a child thread. Not recommended for non-essential situations, you can get the file path and store it after shooting.

List<WorkWrapper> list = WorkUtils.getAllCameraWorks(

Scan from local directory

Note: This is a time-consuming operation and needs to be processed in a child thread.

List<WorkWrapper> list = WorkUtils.getAllLocalWorks(String dirPath);

or if you have urls of the media file, you can also create WorkWrapper by yourself.

String[] urls = {img1.insv, img2.insv, img3.insv};
WorkWrapper workWrapper = new WorkWrapper(urls);

You can get the media info based from the workWrapper

Method Type Explanation
getIdenticalKey() String Uniquely Identify, used for DiskCacheKey of Glide or others
getUrls() String[] Get media file urls
getUrls(boolean) String[] Get media file urls. Set true/false to decide whether to include the dng file path
getWidth() int Get media width
getHeight() int Get media height
getBitrate() int Get video bitrate, return 0 if is photo
getFps() double Get video fps, return 0 if is photo
isPhoto() boolean Whether the media is photo
isHDRPhoto() boolean Whether the media is hdr photo
supportPureShot() boolean Whether the media support PureShot algo
isVideo() boolean Whether the media is video
isHDRVideo() boolean Whether the media is hdr video
isCameraFile() boolean Whether the media file is from camera
isLocalFile() boolean Whether the media is is from device
getCreationTime() long Get media capture timestamp, in ms
getFirstFrameTimeOffset() long Get the offset of the timestamp relative to the camera startup when the media file was taken, used to match Gyro, Exposure and other data, in ms
getGyroInfo() GyroInfo[] Get media gyro data
getExposureData() ExposureData[] Get media exposure data

Image Player

You can play an image by InstaImagePlayerView.

Put InstaImagePlayerView in your xml file

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Bind the lifecycle when your activity is created.

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Build parameters and play

mImagePlayerView.prepare(workWrapper, new ImageParamsBuilder());;

Release the InstaImagePlayerView when the activity is destroyed.

protected void onDestroy() {

You can configure more options by ImageParamsBuilder

ImageParamsBuilder builder = new ImageParamsBuilder()

      // (Optional) Whether to enable dynamic stitching, the default is true.
      .setDynamicStitch(boolean dynamicStitch)
      // (Optional) Whether to enable stabilization, the default is true
      // (Optional) Set playback proxy file, such as HDR.jpg generated by stitching, the default is null
      .setUrlForPlay(String url)
      // (Optional) Set Render Model Type, the default is `RENDER_MODE_AUTO`
      .setRenderModelType(int renderModeType)
      // (Optional) Set the aspect ratio of the screen, the default is full screen display (ie full canvas)
      // If the rendering mode type is `RENDER_MODE_PLANE_STITCH`, the recommended setting ratio is 2:1
      .setScreenRatio(int ratioX, int ratioY)
      // (Optional) Eliminate the chromatic aberration of image stitching, the default is false
      .setImageFusion(boolean imageFusion)
      // (Optional) Whether to allow gesture operations, the default is true
      .setGestureEnabled(boolean enabled);
      // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/work_thumbnail"
      .setCacheWorkThumbnailRootPath(String path)
      // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/stabilizer"
      .setStabilizerCacheRootPath(String path)
      // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/cut_scene"
      .setCacheCutSceneRootPath(String path)

if you use RENDER_MODE_AUTO, you can switch between the following modes.

if you want to switch between Plane Mode and others, you must restart player first.

Switch to Normal Mode


Switch to Fisheye Mode


Switch to Perspective Mode


You can customize the player angle according to your preferences.

Fov: Viewing width. Range 0(inclusive) ~ 180(exclusive)

Distance: Distance from observation point to observed point. Range 0(inclusive) ~ ∞

mImagePlayerView.setConstraint(float minFov, float maxFov, float defaultFov, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float defaultDistance);

You can set PlayerViewListener to observe player status changed.

mImagePlayerView.setPlayerViewListener(new PlayerViewListener() {
    public void onLoadingStatusChanged(boolean isLoading) {

    public void onLoadingFinish() {

    public void onFail(String desc) {

You can set PlayerGestureListener to observe gesture operation.

mImagePlayerView.setGestureListener(new PlayerGestureListener() {
    public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public boolean onTap(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public void onUp() {

    public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {

    public void onZoom() {

    public void onZoomAnimation() {

    public void onZoomAnimationEnd() {

    public void onScroll() {

    public void onFlingAnimation() {

    public void onFlingAnimationEnd() {

Video Player

You can play a video by InstaVideoPlayerView.

Put InstaVideoPlayerView in your xml file

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Bind lifecycle when your activity created

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Build parameters and play

mVideoPlayerView.prepare(workWrapper, new VideoParamsBuilder());;

Release InstaVideoPlayerView when activity is destory

protected void onDestroy() {

You can configure more options by VideoParamsBuilder

VideoParamsBuilder builder = new VideoParamsBuilder()

      // (Optional) Loading icon, default is none
      .setLoadingImageResId(int resId)
      // (Optional) Background color when loading, default is black
      .setLoadingBackgroundColor(int color)
      // (Optional) Whether to play automatically after preparation, the default is true
      .setAutoPlayAfterPrepared(boolean autoPlayAfterPrepared)
      // (Optional) Whether to enable stabilization, the default is true
      // (Optional) Whether to loop playback, the default is true
      .setIsLooping(boolean isLooping)
      // (Optional) Set Render Model Type, the default is `RENDER_MODE_AUTO`
      .setRenderModelType(int renderModeType)
      // (Optional) Set the aspect ratio of the screen, the default is full screen display (ie full canvas)
      // If the rendering mode type is `RENDER_MODE_PLANE_STITCH`, the recommended setting ratio is 2:1
      .setScreenRatio(int ratioX, int ratioY)
      // (Optional) Whether to allow gesture operations, the default is true
      .setGestureEnabled(boolean enabled)
      // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/work_thumbnail"
      .setCacheWorkThumbnailRootPath(String path)
      // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/cut_scene"
      .setCacheCutSceneRootPath(String path)

if you use RENDER_MODE_AUTO, you can switch between the following modes.

if you want to switch between Plane Mode and others, you must restart player first.

Switch to Normal Mode


Switch to Fisheye Mode


Switch to Perspective Mode


You can customize the player angle according to your preferences.

Fov: Viewing width. Range 0(inclusive) ~ 180(exclusive)

Distance: Distance from observation point to observed point. Range 0(inclusive) ~ ∞

mVideoPlayerView.setConstraint(float minFov, float maxFov, float defaultFov, float minDistance, float maxDistance, float defaultDistance);

You can set PlayerViewListener to observe player status changed.

mVideoPlayerView.setPlayerViewListener(new PlayerViewListener() {
    public void onLoadingStatusChanged(boolean isLoading) {

    public void onLoadingFinish() {

    public void onFail(String desc) {

You can set VideoStatusListener to observe video status changed.

mVideoPlayerView.setVideoStatusListener(new VideoStatusListener() {
    public void onProgressChanged(long position, long length) {

    public void onPlayStateChanged(boolean isPlaying) {

    public void onSeekComplete() {

    public void onCompletion() {

You can set PlayerGestureListener to observe gesture operation.

mVideoPlayerView.setGestureListener(new PlayerGestureListener() {
    public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public boolean onTap(MotionEvent e) {
        return false;

    public void onUp() {

    public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) {

    public void onZoom() {

    public void onZoomAnimation() {

    public void onZoomAnimationEnd() {

    public void onScroll() {

    public void onFlingAnimation() {

    public void onFlingAnimationEnd() {

Other VideoPlayerView operates

// Whether the video is playing

// Whether the video is looping
setLooping(boolean isLooping);

// Set Volume (Range 0-1)
setVolume(float volume);

// Pause Video

// Resume Video

// Seek to Play
seekTo(long position);

// Get the current playback position

// Get video total duration

You can export WorkWrapper to an image or a video file.

if you want to export an image, you need to know ExportImageParamsBuilder first.

ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()

    // (Must) Set the export file path
    .setTargetPath(String path)

    // (Optional) Set the width of the exported image, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setWidth(int width)

    // (Optional) Set the height of the exported image, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setHeight(int height)

    // (Optional) Set export mode, default is `PANORAMA`
    // ExportMode.PANORAMA: Use when exporting panorama media
    // ExportMode.SPHERE: Use when exporting flat thumbnails
    .setExportMode(ExportUtils.ExportMode mode)

    // (Optional) Whether to enable dynamic stitching, the default is true.
    .setDynamicStitch(boolean dynamicStitch)
    // (Optional) Eliminate the chromatic aberration of image stitching, the default is false
    .setImageFusion(boolean imageFusion)

    // (Optional) Whether to enable stabilization, the default is true
    // (Optional) Set such as HDR.jpg generated by stitching, the default is null
    .setUrlForExport(String url)
    // (Optional) Set the camera angle. It is recommended to use when exporting thumbnails. 
    // The currently displayed angle parameters can be obtained from `PlayerView.getXXX()`.
    .setFov(float fov)
    .setDistance(float distance)
    .setYaw(float yaw)
    .setPitch(float pitch)

    // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/work_thumbnail"
    .setCacheWorkThumbnailRootPath(String path)

    // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/stabilizer"
    .setStabilizerCacheRootPath(String path)

    // (Optional) Cache Folder, the default is getCacheDir() + "/cut_scene"
    .setCacheCutSceneRootPath(String path)

if you want to export a video, you need to know ExportVideoParamsBuilder first.

Note: Exporting videos demands high performance from your mobile device. If you encounter OOM or if the app is forcibly closed by the system during export, please try setting a smaller width and height.

ExportVideoParamsBuilder builder = new ExportVideoParamsBuilder()

    // (Must) Set the export file path
    .setTargetPath(String path)

    // (Optional) Set the width of the exported video. It must be a power of 2, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setWidth(int width)

    // (Optional) Set the height of the exported video. It must be a power of 2, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setHeight(int height)

    // (Optional) Set the bitrate of the exported video, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setBitrate(int bitrate)
    // (Optional) Set the fps of the exported video, the default is get from WorkWapper.
    .setFps(int fps)

    // (Optional) Set export mode, default is `PANORAMA`
    // ExportMode.PANORAMA: Use when exporting panorama media
    // ExportMode.SPHERE: Used when exporting flat thumbnails
    .setExportMode(ExportUtils.ExportMode mode)

    // (Optional) Whether to enable dynamic stitching, the default is true.
    .setDynamicStitch(boolean dynamicStitch)
    // (Optional) Whether to enable stabilization, the default is true
    // (Optional) Cache Folder,the default is getCacheDir() + "/work_thumbnail"
    .setCacheWorkThumbnailRootPath(String path)

    // (Optional) Cache Folder,the default is getCacheDir() + "/cut_scene"
    .setCacheCutSceneRootPath(String path)

Next let's see how to export

Export Panorama Image (Image to Image)

ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()
int exportId = ExportUtils.exportImage(WorkWrapper, builder, new IExportCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() {               

            public void onFail() {

            public void onCancel() {

            public void onProgress(float progress) {
                // callback only when exporting video

Export Image Thumbnail (Image to Image)

ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()
int exportId = ExportUtils.exportImage(WorkWrapper, builder, new IExportCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() {               

            public void onFail() {

            public void onCancel() {

            public void onProgress(float progress) {
                // callback only when exporting video

Export Panorama Video (Video to Video)

Note: Exporting videos demands high performance from your mobile device. If you encounter OOM or if the app is forcibly closed by the system when exporting 5.7k videos, please try setting a smaller width and height or increase app priority.

ExportVideoParamsBuilder builder = new ExportVideoParamsBuilder()
        .setBitrate(20 * 1024 * 1024)
int exportId = ExportUtils.exportVideo(WorkWrapper, builder, new IExportCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() {               

            public void onFail() {

            public void onCancel() {

            public void onProgress(float progress) {
                // callback only when exporting video

Export Video Thumbnail (Video to Image)

ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()
int exportId = ExportUtils.exportVideoToImage(WorkWrapper, builder, new IExportCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() {               

            public void onFail() {

            public void onCancel() {

            public void onProgress(float progress) {
                // callback only when exporting video

You can stop export by the exportId returned by ExportUtils.exportXXX()

ExportUtils.stopExport(int exportId);

If you have a WorkWrapper of HDR Image, you can generate it to one image file by HDR Stiching.

Note: This is a time-consuming operation and needs to be processed in a child thread.

boolean isSuccessful = StitchUtils.generateHDR(WorkWrapper workWrapper, String hdrOutputPath);

After the generateHDR call is successful, the outputPath can be played as a proxy or set as export url.

ImageParamsBuilder builder = new ImageParamsBuilder()
        // If HDR stitching is successful then set it as the playback proxy
        .setUrlForPlay(isSuccessful ? hdrOutputPath : null);
mImagePlayerView.prepare(workWrapper, builder);;
ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()

If you have a WorkWrapper of PureShot Image, you can generate it to one image file by PureShot Stiching.

Note: This is a time-consuming operation and needs to be processed in a child thread.

boolean isSuccessful = StitchUtils.generatePureShot(WorkWrapper workWrapper, String pureshotOutputPath, String algoFolderPath);

Note: algoFolderPath can be either LocalStoragePath or AssetsRelativePath. Please ask our technical support staff for the algorithm model file corresponding to the sdk version.

After the generatePureShot call is successful, the outputPath can be played as a proxy or set as export url.

ImageParamsBuilder builder = new ImageParamsBuilder()
        // If PureShot stitching is successful then set it as the playback proxy
        .setUrlForPlay(isSuccessful ? pureshotOutputPath : null);
mImagePlayerView.prepare(workWrapper, builder);;
ExportImageParamsBuilder builder = new ExportImageParamsBuilder()

OSC Official Document: Open Spherical Camera API

Get the camera network address by InstaCameraManager.getInstance().getCameraHttpPrefix(). Execute commands via Open Sepherial Camera API/osc/commands/execute

You need to poll yourself to call /osc/commands/status to get the execution status of the camera on the current command. The polling cycle can be adjusted according to specific conditions.

Camera support Open Spherical Camera API level 2, except preview stream.

Take picture & Record


List files

You can use camera.listFiles to get the files list.

Open Spherical Camera API

Familiarity with Open Spherical Camera API official documentation is a prerequisite for OSC development.

  • You can use /osc/info to get the basic information about the camera and functionality it supports.
  • You can use /osc/state to get the attributes of the camera.
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