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Protocol Cross Chain Member Registry (vite)

This is the front end app for the PRotocol Guild DAO to interact with the Cross Chain Member Registries.


1. Project Setup

Clone and install

git clone <this repo>

cd <into folder>


2. .env Setup

cp .env.sample .env

Get a free Rivet key here

Get a free Wallet Connect id here

3. Target DAO and globals Set-up

Edit src/targetDao.ts

Add your DAO's data and other deployed contracts and network meta data here

4. Run the Development Server

yarn dev


yarn build

ipfs deploy

build is a single file see plugin in vite config


this Github action uses web3storage to deploy the signle file build to ipfs. Set env vars in action secrets including your web3storage key. This will automatically deploy when merged to main. IPFS CID can be pulled from the action log after succesfull deploy.


get free web3storage token here

ENS routing

add record to your ENS pointing to IPFS gateway with CID

DAOhaus Components


  • Sets up the react-query provider @daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks will use
  • Sets up DHConnectProvider - that handles the Wallet Connect functionality
  • Sets up HausThemeProvider - that provides the styling theme to the app
  • Adds the router to the app


  • Parent component wrapping all routes/pages
  • Sets up DHLayout which adds the connect button and navigation to the app
    • You can update the navigation in navLinks
  • Sets up TXBuilder which enables easy transaction creation

Adding UI Components

Editing the Theme



Deploying a Network Registry

Follow these instructions if setting up and deploying new set of networked registries. New contract addresses should be set under TARGETS in targetDAO.ts.

Contract Repo

Clone or download the protocol-guild-contract repository to your machine

git clone

List of member addresses as of testing

Spreadsheet Link

Deploy a Home Registry

1. Collect addresses for at least 2 initial members


  • Addr_1
  • Addr_2

2. Deploy initial DAO

  • Use DAOHaus Summoner dApp. You can include an initial set of members, setup DAO config and vote settings for initial new member proposals.


  • moloch DAO address (DAO_ADDRESS)
  • safe treasury address (SAFE_ADDRESS)

3. Setup initial Split contract through the 0xSplits dApp

  • Go to the 0xSplit dApp to create new Split with initial members (at least two), split amounts can be equal as these will be updated in the first split proposals. You can either set the DAO Safe address or an EOA as the split controller (you must transfer ownership later). You can freely set the distribution threshold and sponsorship fee.


  • split address (SPLIT_ADDRESS)

4. Deploy a NetworkRegistry contract in the Home network

  • Before running the deployment script in the protocol-guild-contract repository you download locally, go to the constants/config.ts directory, find the chainID of the home network you plan to work with and set the moloch, safe & split addresses to the contract addresses you deployed in the previous steps.
  • Open a terminal, go to the directory where protocol-guild-contract is located and run the following command line (example uses Goerli):
pnpm hardhat --network goerli deploy --tags PGNetworkRegistry
  • Confirm the DAO Safe has ownership over the registry contract
  • Finally, set the new pgRegistry address within the home network in the constants/config.ts file.


  • registry address (REGISTRY_ADDRESS)

5. Transfer control of the 0xSplit to NetworkRegistry

  • If you set the 0xSplit controller to an EOA, you can transferControl to the registry contract through 0xSplits dApp. Alternatively, you can run the following script in the protocol-guild-contract repo:
pnpm hardhat --network goerli registry:ownSplit

If you initially set the 0xSplit controller to the DAO's Safe, you'll need to submit a DAO proposal using the DAOHaus Multicall Proposal Builder. For this, you need the splitMain address to craft a tx that calls transferControl(<split>, <new_controller>)

  • If you set the 0xSplit controller to an external smart contract wallet, try using wallet connect or a vendor tx builder dApp.

  • Make sure the registry address is set as the new potential 0xSplit controller.

6. NetworkRegistry accepts control of the 0xSplit

  • Now the new controller must accept the role for the 0xSplit contract, so you need to submit a DAO proposal using the DAOHaus Multicall Proposal Builder to craft a tx that calls acceptSplitControl() in the registry contract.

  • Make sure the registry address is set as the 0xSplit controller: you verify that in the 0xSplit dApp or by opening the splitMain contract in the block explorer and look for the getController(split) function.

Deploy a Foreign Registry

You can deploy as many foreign registries as you want as long as these networks can communicate with each other using Connext cross-chain messagging. Below, there's an example on how to deploy a foreign registry on Optimism Goerli.

1. Setup initial Split contract through the 0xSplits dApp

  • You can either follow the same instructions in Step 3 above, however, the 0xSplit dApp might not support certain testnet networks, so for our purpose, we'll use the following script from the protocol-guild-contract repo to deploy a new 0xSplit on the L2 test network:
pnpm hardhat --network optimismGoerli deploy:split --controller
  • NOTICE: The --controlller flag will set the deployer address as the 0xSplit controller. Run it with --help for further info about script parameters.


  • split address in the replica network

2. Deploy a NetworkRegistry contract in the replica network

  • Before running the deployment script in the protocol-guild-contract repo, go to the constants/config.ts directory, find the replica network you plan to work with and set the split address to the contract address you deployed in the previous step. Additionally, you can set the registryOwner address that will act as a fallback owner to setup the registry in the replica network before using connext to perform sync actions through the main registry.
  • Run the following command line under the protocol-guild-contract repo directory:
pnpm hardhat --network optimismGoerli deploy --tags PGNetworkRegistry
  • Confirm the registry contract has either an owner (registryOwner) or renounced ownership (AddressZero) and the main NetworkRegitry address & network domainID are set as the updater settings.
  • Finally, set the new registry address within the replica network in the constants/config.ts file.


  • replica registry address

3. Transfer + Accept control of the 0xSplit to Replica NetworkRegistry

  • You can follow the same instructions in Steps 5 & 6 from above but for the replica network. Remember that you might set your deployer address (EOA) as the 0xSplit controller, so you might just need to call acceptSplitControl(). Otherwise, you'll to craft a cross-chain tx by calling the acceptNetworkSplitControl([<chainId>], [<relayerFee>]) through the main registry contract.

  • However,you can also use the UI to batch the two actions required to add a new replica in the main registry (updateNetworkRegistry + acceptNetworkSplitControl). See the next section for instructions.

  • In the end, make sure the replica registry address is set as the new controller.

4. Enable a foreign registry + accept 0xSplit control in the frontend

  1. Open the targetDao.ts config file and add a new record (if not exists) under REPLICA_CHAINS in the TARGETS object.
  2. Make sure the keychain.ts config file supports the network where you deployed the new registry.
  3. In the frontend, navigate to the Registries page, open the menu for the new network registry and click on Register. This proposal form will batch the two actions required to enable a new replica in the main registry (updateNetworkRegistry + acceptNetworkSplitControl).

Notes of deployed Foreign Registries

optimisticGoerli foriforeignegn registry addrs: split: 0x41F757dC2122bD72967Cc6124345a3526200C472 (update contract config before running this) registry: 0x6B67d35D0B93F0a5C8ADFca64d50F14D6A5cb1D6 new: 0x0b19D9cDF9172A8D760605357B5331ce802BfB91

pnpm hardhat --network optimismGoerli deploy --tags PGNetworkRegistry

arbitrumGoerli foreign registry addrs: split: 0x7C80Fd0C51E6eb02d14B9bBaf6a916E4C4fE2ded registry:0x16465c10D98FB97d2adA84e5C19E08060085240c

pnpm hardhat --network arbitrumGoerli deploy --tags PGNetworkRegistry

mumbai foreign registry addrs split: 0xb2686820c23d266d74bfe46dab3f9faa3e04f27b registry: 0x28C57030923f781861852C01371624ed50C8F1aE

update foreign registry members

if you want to save gas you should update members from l2 chain. this needs to be done before transfer of updater/owner

transfer ownership

  • begin 0xsplit controller transfer to registry
  • change registry updater


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