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UMA Protocol


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  • Email: for anything non-technical.

V0 System Deployment

Initial Setup

Before attempting to do anything with the v0 system, please run the following commands:

  1. Install nodejs and npm
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run cd v0. You'll need to be in the v0 directory to run any truffle commands against the v0 system.
  4. Run $(npm bin)/truffle compile to compile the contracts.

Motivating Example: Deploying a test BTC/ETH tracking token on a local Ganache instance

Before starting this example, ensure you have done the initial setup and are in the v0 directory.

  1. Follow these instructions to set up and deploy to Ganache. Note: this means that you should be using the network test throughout these instructions.
  2. To configure the price feed to track BTC/ETH rather than futures contracts that require an API key, you'll need to change the names of two files:
mv config/identifiers.json config/identifiersProdBackup.json
mv config/identifiersTest.json config/identifiers.json
  1. Follow these instructions to begin uploading BTC/ETH prices to your price feed.
  2. Follow these instructions to begin running the dapp and launching contracts.

Deploying to Ganache

  1. Install the Ganache UI. You can also use ganache-cli if you prefer to use the command line.
  2. Run Ganache on localhost port 9545 (use the above links for instructions on how to do this).
  3. To deploy to Ganache, run:
$(npm bin)/truffle migrate --reset --network test
  1. To run the automated tests, run:
$(npm bin)/truffle test --network test
  1. If you want to use the dapp with your Ganache deployment, make sure you plug the mnemonic that it generates into Metamask instead of your normal ETH account.

Mainnet/Ropsten Testnet Deployment

  1. Load your wallet mnemonic and Infura API key into your environment as such:
export MNEMONIC="candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"
export INFURA_API_KEY=1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd
  1. Ensure your wallet has enough ETH to pay for the deployment (can take up to 0.4 ETH with the default gas settings).
  2. Tune the default gas price in truffle.js (currently set to 20 Gwei) to your liking.
  3. Run the following command to start a fresh deployment to mainnet:
$(npm bin)/truffle migrate --reset --network mainnet_mnemonic

If you'd like to deploy to the Ropsten testnet instead, run the following command:

$(npm bin)/truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten_mnemonic
  1. Note: mainnet and testnet deployments do not automatically whitelist addresses. To whitelist your address, run the following command:
$(npm bin)/truffle exec test/scripts/WhitelistSponsor.js --sponsor <your_address_here> --network <network_name>

Load UMA Mainnet and Testnet Deployments

If you'd like to load the official UMA deployment instead of doing your own deployment, run the following commands:

$(npm bin)/truffle compile
$(npm bin)/apply-registry

Note: the mainnet and testnet deployments are whitelisted, so you will not be able to do much more than call view functions on these contracts unless you've been whitelisted previously.

Please do not run any security tests against the mainnet deployment.

Upload Prices to the ManualPriceFeed

After deploying the contracts to your network of choice, you can upload prices to the ManualPriceFeed contract for use by any derivatives that you choose to deploy. The script defaults to publishing ESM19 and CBN19 every 15 minutes. Depending on the types of price feeds configured in your v0/config/identifiers.json file, you may need some API keys in your environment:

  • Crypto price feeds (like BTCETH or ETHUSD): no environment variables are required.
  • Futures price feeds (like ESM19 or CBN19): a barchart key must be set as an environment variable called BARCHART_API_KEY. A barchart key is required whenever the key-value pair "dataSource": "Barchart" is present in identifiers.json.
  • Equities price feeds (like SPY): an AlphaVantage key must be set as an environment variable called ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY. An AlphaVantage key is equired whenever "dataSource: AlphaVantageCurrency" or "dataSource: AlphaVantage" is present in identifiers.json.

You can run this script using the following command:

./ --network <network>

For the script to succeed, the build directory must contain the ManualPriceFeed address for the specified network.

Running the dApp

After deploying to Ganache, ropsten, or mainnet (or any combination of those), you can run the Sponsor Dapp against the contracts. Before running the dApp, make sure you have done the following:

  • Make sure that you have Metamask installed.
  • Make sure you've provided your ETH account mnemonic to metamask.
    • If you're using the Ganache GUI, this should be available near the top of the page in the accounts (default) tab.
    • If you're using Ganache CLI, this should be printed when you start it.
    • If you're running against mainnet or testnet, you should use your own mnemonic.
  • Make sure you select the correct account.
    • If you're using Ganache, the only account that will be whitelisted will be the second account associated with your mnemonic. If you only have one account in Metamask, you can use the Create Account button to create a second. You will need to select the second account if you'd like to launch contracts in the dapp.
  • Make sure you have the correct network selected in metamask.
    • If you're using Ganache, you'll need to create a custom RPC with the following URL:

Once you've done the above, you can start the dapp by running the following commands from the protocol (top level) directory:

cd sponsor-dapp
npm install
npm run link-contracts
npm start

This should automatically start the dApp in your browser. If it doesn't start on its own, you can enter following URL into your browser: localhost:3000.

Interacting with contracts directly in the truffle console

Make sure you've done the initial setup and either deployed to Ganache, deployed to a public network, or loaded the UMA deployment. If you are using a mainnet or testnet deployment, make sure you load a mnemonic and infura API key into your environment as shown here.

You can open a truffle console (a light wrapper around a node console) by running the following command and substituting your_network_name with the name of the network you deployed to:

$(npm bin)/truffle console --network your_network_name


  • Run git diff. If you see any changes that were unintended, remove them. If you notice any changes inpackage.json, you should remove them and run:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install

Security and Bug Bounty

Please report all security vulnerabilities through our HackerOne bug bounty page. Please run all security tests against the testnet deployment or a local Ganache to preserve the integrity of the mainnet deployment.

Developer Information and Tools

Solhint - Solidity Linter

Find more information about solhint here. There are plugins available to see solhint errors inline in many IDEs.

  • Make sure you've run npm install.
  • To run over all contracts under contracts/:
$(npm bin)/solhint contracts/**/*.sol

Running Prettier JS Formatter

To run prettier over the .js files in the repo, run:

npm run prettier


We use the solidity-coverage package to generate our coverage reports. These can be generated manually by developers. There are no regression tests or published reports. CircleCI does generate a coverage report automatically, but if you'd like to generate it locally, run:

npm run coverage

The full report can be viewed by opening the coverage/index.html file in a browser.

Style Guide


Roadmap for the Oracle

The current iteration of the system relies on a centrally controlled oracle to settle financial contracts with correct prices. To provide truly universal market access, future iterations will open up the system to allow outside participation while still providing guarantees about correct behavior, even with assumptions of arbitrary (byzantine) behavior. Look forward to our second whitepaper where we outline our vision for a trustless oracle.


UMA Protocol Running on Ethereum







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  • JavaScript 73.3%
  • Solidity 24.6%
  • Shell 1.8%
  • Other 0.3%