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D-FAST Morphological Impact GitHub license

This is one of the Deltares Fluvial Assessment Tools. The purpose of this tool is to provide a first estimate the morphological impact of engineering measures in rivers without doing a morphological simulation. The user should carry out six steady state hydrodynamic simulations using D-Flow FM. The results of these simulations will be combined with some basic morphological characteristics to arrive at the estimated impact. For more details see the documentation section.


The documentation is written in LaTeX, and consists of

  • User Manual including scientific description, and
  • Technical Reference Manual including developer starter guide (also in this readme), test plan, and test report, and
  • Release Notes. The sources of all three documents can be found in the docs folder.

Developer user starter guide

  1. install python 3
  2. Make sure pip is installed
  3. Install poetry with the following command: pip install poetry
  4. Use the following command to install the virtual environment with the correct dependencies: (problems with PyQt5 can occur here) poetry install
  5. After this command has run correctly, you should have a folder called "venv.", this is your virtual environment. To activate this environment, run the following command: (problems with admin rights can occur here) Poetry shell
  6. You should get something similar as this: (d-fast-morphological-impact-py3.11) PS C:\checkouts\D-Fast\MI\D-FAST_Morphological_Impact>
  7. Use the following command to run the GUI: poetry run python -m dfastmi
  8. Use the following command to run the tests: poetry run pytest tests/


This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. See the license file for details.