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Preprocessing: Preparing the input geometry

Preparing the geometry required for solving the transport physics involves conversion of the 3D vascular geometry into a weighted graph. The format for specifying topology information of the vascular network is found in input.xlsx. The specifics of the column fields provided in the spreadsheet are detailed below.

Step 1: Original graph geomerty

The reconstructed 3D volume of the microvasculatue is translated into a graph represented by nodes and edges (or vessel segments). Nodes represent terminal ends or junctions at which n-furcation of blood vessels occur. The edges are oriented in the direction of flow and each edge is formed by a tail (t) and head (h) node. The inputs required to form the weighted graph are:

A test image

Here, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the nodes labels. (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) are the edges.

The following 11 fileds are the column headers present in the spreadsheet. These values in these fileds are extracted from the skeletonized version of the vascular geometry.

  • t - tail
  • h - head
  • r - radius of the vessel segment formed by (tail, head)
  • d - diameter of the vessel segment formed by (tail, head)
  • l - length of the vessel segment formed by (tail, head)
  • xpos - x-coordinate of a node
  • ypos - y-coordinate of a node
  • zpos - z-coordinate of a node
  • nodes(index) - index/numbering of the graph nodes
  • hNode - inlet node at which fluid enters the domain (e.g. 1)
  • tNode - outlet node at which fluid leaves the domain (e.g. 4)

Step 2: Discretizing graph domain

  • nodes_mesh - index/numbering of nodes in the discretized domain

  • xpos_mesh - x-coordinate of nodes in the discretized domain

  • ypos_mesh - y-coordinate of nodes in the discretized domain

  • zpos_mesh - z-coordinate of nodes in the discretized domain

  • segment_i_nnode - no of intermediate(i) nodes between each head and tail nodes in the a given segment. e.g if 2 nodes (labelled 5 and 6) are added between (1, 2) segment_i_nnode=2.

  • volume_ratio and other extras (computed internally, not user defined)

The topology data of four vasculatures studied in our work are available in the workbooks of the input file. For carring out simulations with new vasculatures, add a workbook and populate the topology information corresponding to the 11 fields mentioned in Step 1. Next, generate the data of the first 5 column fields mentioned in Step 2 via which discretizes the domain using Gmsh library. generates the coordinates of the mesh elements making use of the minimum and maximum bounds of element size specified by the user. Copy the output saved in data_model.xlsx and update the coordinate information of the discretized domain in the input spreadsheet prior to simulation. The data is read from the input file by the executable main.exe and the computational domain is created for proceeding with the static and dynamic simulation runs.


Generation of the metamodel, mathematical formulation and simulation is carried out in main.exe

Step 3: Setting up the computational domain for multiphysics simulation

The static flow field is computed by treating the vasculature as cylindrial network of pipes. For computing the transient concentration fields in the vasculature, the nodes in the discretized blood vessel domain are approximated as spherical and cylindrical volume elements which represent well mixed stirred tank units. At first, the cylindrical volume of the edge formed by each mesh element is evaluated; the height (l) and diameter(d) of the cylindrical volume elements are equal to the mesh size and vessel segment diameter, respectively. The bifurcation and trifurcation junctions are modelled as spherical volume elements and the non-junction nodes are modelled as cylindrical volume elements. The volume elements are formed by merging the half cylinder volumes of the adjoining edges. For studying cell-to-vessel exchange, the volume of the tissue monolayer surrounding the vessel is approximated by the volume of a hollow cylinder (also referred here as the donut volume). Advection-diffusion-reaction is modelled by writing mole balance equation for the transport occuring accross each volume element. Coupling between the donut element and the cylindrical volume element is established at reaction nodes which include all nodes in the domain expect for the junctional and terminal nodes.


Step 4: Simulation of static flow fields and transient concentration dynamics

Boundary conditions and the user-defined settings related to the dynamic simulations (advection-dispersion physics or advection-dispersion-reaction physics) can be modified in the initialization file input.ini.

To run static and dynamic simulations for capillary networks, please clone this repository and run the MATLAB executable main.exe.

git clone
Execution in the command line of MATLAB
cd simgraph/main

Options available for user-defined settings:

  • test_graph : 'test9'
  • tspan : 0:0.0001:0.25
  • run : struct('single', true, 'gscan', false, 'pscan', false, 'ascan', false, 'tspan', 0:0.0001:0.25, 'tend', 0.25);
  • pbc : 'pbc2'
  • discretize : true
  • userdefined_qin : false
  • qin : 1E+6
  • model : struct('vessel', true)
  • NVs : 1
  • IC_Vspecies: struct('glc_ext', 5, 'lac_ext', 1.2, 'ins_ext', 1.7, 'cpep_ext', 1.7)
  • Vinf : struct('glc_ext', 8, 'lac_ext', 3, 'ins_ext', 0, 'cpep_ext', 0)
  • IC_Cspecies: struct('glc', 0, 'lac',0)
  • rxn_set : struct('degree_2',true)
  • rxn_vol : struct('equal', false)
  • transporter: struct('glc_ext', struct('Vm', 100, 'Km', 1.0), 'lac_ext', struct('Vm', 100, 'Km', 0.5))
  • Vspecies : ["glc_ext", "lac_ext"]
  • NCs : 2
  • Cspecies : ["glc", "lac"]
  • diffusivity: struct('glc_ext', 5.46E4, 'lac_ext',7.71E4, 'ins_ext', 9.6E3, 'cpep_ext', 9.6E3)
  • glucose_scan : 2:0.5:20
  • pressure_scan : 20:20:200
  • jpattern_set : true
  • jacobian_set : false
  • saveop_4julia : false


Python scripts for generating flow and concentration fields

Output files:

File naming convention for mat files.

e.g test1_default_bc1_v1_c2

{graph}{mesh}{boundary condition}{no. of species in blood vessel}{no. of species in cell}

Naming convection used: advection diffusion: {species}{tool}{physics}

species = glc_ext/lac_ext/glc_cell/lac_cell tool = simgraph/comsol physics = ad/sink/' '/eq


  • ad(advection diffusion) : glc_ext_comosl_ad
  • sink( irreversible) : glc_ext_comsol_sink
  • ' ' (convection + diffusion + reaction): glc_ext_comsol
  • eq (convection + diffusion + reaction - blood vessel and cell have equal volumes): glc_ext_comsol_eq
  • eqfull (convection + diffusion + reaction - blood vessel and cell have equal volumes): glc_ext_comsol_eqfull
  • full (convection + diffusion + reaction - blood vessel and cell have unequal volumes): glc_ext_comsol_full

The 3D visualization are created via


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