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a module template for drug treatment in PhysiCell

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Getting Started... downloading PhysiPKPD add adding to a working PhysiCell directory

  1. Download the repository and unzip the file.
  2. Move the folder PhysiPKPD/addons/PhysiPKPD into PhysiCell/addons/
  3. Move the folder PhysiPKPD/sample_projects_phsyipkpd into PhysiCell
  4. Open PhysiCell/sample_projects/Makefile-default (the one that make reset will will put in the main PhysiCell directory)
  5. Add the text from Makefile-PhysiPKPD_Addendum to PhysiCell/sample_projects/Makefile-default (anywhere should work, perhaps best around line 195 at the end of the other sample projects)
  6. Replace PhysiCell/BioFVM/BioFVM_microenvironment.cpp with PhysiPKPD/BioFVM_microenvironment_robust_dcs.cpp (and similarly with the .h file). Make sure the new files are both named BioFVM_microenvironment with the proper extension.
  7. Delete PhysiCell/BioFVM_microenvironment.o so the next make call will compile the new BioFVM_microenvironment code. cloning the repository

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the resulting forked repository onto your machine.
  3. Copy all the PhysiCell files in your PhysiCell directory except addons
  4. Copy the subfolders in PhysiCell/addons into your cloned directory's addons folder
  5. Open PhysiCell/sample_projects/Makefile-default (the one that make reset will will put in the main PhysiCell directory)
  6. Add the text from Makefile-PhysiPKPD_Addendum to PhysiCell/sample_projects/Makefile-default (anywhere should work, perhaps best around line 195 at the end of the other sample projects)
  7. Replace PhysiCell/BioFVM/BioFVM_microenvironment.cpp with PhysiPKPD/BioFVM_microenvironment_robust_dcs.cpp (and similarly with the .h file). Make sure the new files are both named BioFVM_microenvironment with the proper extension.
  8. Delete PhysiCell/BioFVM_microenvironment.o so the next make call will compile the new BioFVM_microenvironment code.

Congratulations! You're ready to try out PhysiPKPD!

Running the samples

There are 5 sample projects currently distributed with PhysiPKPD. There is one for each supported Mechanism of Action (MOA) and one combination treatment. To run one of these samples, do the following:

  1. make reset to make sure you have the newly edited Makefile in your top directory
  2. Make your preferred project:
    • make moa_proliferation
    • make moa_apoptosis
    • make moa_necrosis
    • make moa_motility
    • make combo
  3. Compile your project: make
  4. Run your project: ./project ./config/mymodel.xml
  5. Look at the snapshots in output/ and the living cell counts in output/cell_counts.csv

Reconfiguring, editing, and re-running

Note: While the below functionality is present, it is discouraged because it is likely to inadvertently affect the work of others. Instead, it is recommended to instead save any changes to these files in a non-tracked directory and manually copy them into their proper places after make-ing the sample project.

Instead of editing the configuration file copied into PhysiCell/config/mymodel.xml, you can choose to edit the original in PhysiCell/sample_projects_physipkpd/[project_name]/config/mymodel.xml to save the changes for future runs. The command make rc will reconfigure from the original mymodel.xml to facilitate editing in the latter fashion.

Similarly, you can edit the custom modules in PhysiCell/sample_projects_physipkpd/[project_name]/custom_modules/ to save changes for future runs. After making these changes, you can run make redo and this will automatically move those changes to their proper places and recompile the project.

Varying parameters

PhysiPKPD parameters are largely concentrated in two areas in mymodel.xml: PK parameters are at the bottom in user_parameters and PD parameters are in cell_definitions in the custom_data for each cell type. PhysiPKPD comes hardcoded with two drugs and neither can be excluded. Of course, you can set them so that there are no doses or that doses result in no increase to the drug concentration. PK dynamics must be set for each drug and PD dynamics determined for each cell type for each drug.

PK parameters

For each drug, you can set the following parameters in user_parameters:

Parameter Description
PKPD_D1_number_loading_doses Number of loading doses to give before switching to regular doses
PKPD_D1_max_number_doses Total number of doses to give including loading doses
PKPD_D1_dose_interval Time between successive doses, loading or regular (in minutes)
PKPD_D1_set_first_dose_time Boolean determining if the first dose time is fixed or if a confluence condition will be used to determine the first dose time
PKPD_D1_first_dose_time Time of first dose if given at fixed time (in minutes)
PKPD_D1_confluence_condition Proportion of microenvironment filled with cells at which to give first dose; confluence calculated by sum of cross-sectional area of all cells divided by area of microenvironment
d1_color_ec50 If damage_coloring is used for plotting, this sets the damage from drug 1 that causes half the maximum redshift in the cell cytoplasm
d1_color_hp If damage_coloring is used for plotting, this is the Hill coefficient used to calculate the amount of redshift in the cytoplasm
d2_color_ec50 If damage_coloring is used for plotting, this sets the damage from drug 2 that causes half the maximum blueshift in the cell nucleus
d2_color_hp If damage_coloring is used for plotting, this is the Hill coefficient used to calculate the amount of blueshift in the nucleus
PKPD_D1_central_increase_on_loading_dose Increase in concentration in central compartment after a loading dose
PKPD_D1_central_increase_on_dose Increase in concentration in central compartment after a regular dose
PKPD_D1_central_elimination_rate Elimination rate in central compartment (in mintues-1)
PKPD_D1_flux_across_capillaries Rate of change in concentration in central compartment due to distribution and redistribution (in minutes-1)
PKPD_D1_biot_number Ratio of drug concentration on boundary of microenvironment (Dirichlet condition) and concentration in systemic circulation
central_to_periphery_volume_ratio Ratio of central compartment to periphery compartment to determine effects of distribution and redistribution on periphery

You can also set the following parameters in microenvironment_setup for each drug:

Parameter Description
diffusion_coefficient Diffusion rate in the microenvironment
decay_rate Rate of decay in the microenvironment

As of now, there is only one way for the drug to enter the microenvironment: through the ymin boundary. Thus, do not change the Dirichlet_options without also changing PK_model in PhysiCell/addons/PhysiPKPD/src/PhsyiPKPD.cpp.

PD parameters

For each cell type, all of the PD parameters are in custom_data for each cell type. In the table below, X can stand for any one of prolif, apop, necrosis, or motility.

Parameter Description
PKPD_D1_moa_is_X Used as boolean to determine which effects to apply to this cell type based on the damage from drug 1; values > 0.5 will apply the effect
PKPD_D1_X_saturation_rate Rate of X as damage from drug 1 approaches infinity
PKPD_D1_X_EC50 Damage from drug 1 at which the rate of X is halfway between the base and saturation rates (in damage)
PKPD_D1_X_hill_power Hill coefficient for calculating the effect of drug 1 on the rate of X
PKPD_D1_damage Not a parameter; data that tracks the current damage to the cell
PKPD_D1_repair_rate Zero-order elimination rate of damage from drug 1 (in damage per minute)
PKPD_D1_metabolism_rate Rate of elimination of drug 1 from inside a cell (in minutes-1)

Making your own project using PhysiPKPD

If you wish to make your own project that uses PhysiPKPD (and not just one of the pre-built sample projects), this is how you can proceed.

  1. Make the PKPD template project: make template_pkpd
  2. Edit the configuration file to set the Dirichlet conditions, PK Parameters, and PD Parameters for the two PKPD drugs and the default cell type cell.
  3. Add additional substrates as normal (using the Model Builder for this is untested)
  4. Add additional cell types as normal (using the Model Builder for this is untested). Copy the custom_data block for cell into any newly created cell types, setting these as desired.
  5. By default, each cell type is assigned the same update_phenotype function, which is cell_phenotype found in the custom.cpp file. Add new phenotype functions as desired for each cell type.
  6. For each phenotype function, make sure to uncomment the line resetting the mechanism of action to its base value.
  7. If the mechanism of action is motility, then uncomment the line setting the update_migration_bias or add that line for each cell type that undergoes a motility effect.

Note: You must manually put any any chemotactic signals here. See PhysiCell/core/PhysiCell_standard_models.cpp for the chemotaxis_function, advanced_chemotaxis_function, and advanced_chemotaxis_function_normalized. Hopefully, this will not be necessary in the future.


a module template for drug treatment in PhysiCell






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  • C++ 67.9%
  • Component Pascal 18.9%
  • Makefile 11.5%
  • Python 1.7%