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Add dataset type selector to the "Add dataset" button.



To install ckanext-create_typed_package:

  1. Install the ckanext-create_typed_package Python package

     pip install ckanext-create-typed-package
  2. Add create_typed_package to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file.

Config settings

# Build list of package types using ckanext-scheming API instead of
# internal CKAN's package_type registry
# (optional, default: false).
create_typed_package.use_scheming = true

# Additional types that are not are not automatically added to the
# list for some reason
# (optional, default: []).
create_typed_package.additional_types = custom_type another_type

# Package types that need to be excluded from the list of available
# types
# (optional, default: []).
create_typed_package.exclude_types = custom_type another_type

# After clicking on "Add datset" button redirect user to special
# page with dataset type selector instead of using in-place modal
# (optional, default: false).
create_typed_package.use_separate_route = true

# URL where the special page with dataset type selector will be registered.
# (optional, default: /dataset/select-type).
create_typed_package.route_path = /create-package/select-type

# Custom label for dataset type. It will be used by `ctp_list_types`
# action and, as result, by the type-picker UI widget. Labels provided in a
# form `create_typed_package.label_for.<TYPE>`, where machine-name for a type
# is used instead of `<TYPE>`.
# (optional, default: tk._(type_machine_name)).
create_typed_package.label_for.dataset = Publication