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This tool allows to segment a trace of events using a temporal behavior tree specification


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This tool is based on the paper Temporal Behavior Trees: Robustness and Segmentation and its companion poster Temporal Behavior Trees - Segmentation, which were published at HSCC'24.

If you encounter any issues, have questions, or need assistance, feel free to reach out: sebastian dot schirmer at dlr dot de

Table of Content

Temporal Behavior Trees: Robustness and Segmentation

Temporal Behavior Trees (TBT) are a specification formalism for monitoring behaviors. They are inspired by behavior trees that are commonly used to program robotic applications, but allow to specify temporal properties in their leaf nodes. Therefore, they can be easily retrofitted to existing behavior trees.

For instance, consider the following behavior tree that specifies the landing sequence of an unmanned aircraft (1) move to position, (2) stay in position, (3) move to touchdown, and (4) descend:

Given such a TBT specification and a trace, i.e., a sequence of events of a system, we can compute the corresponding robustness. Robustness provides an quantitative interpretation how much the TBT specification was satisfied or violated.

Further, we can use a TBT specification to segment a trace. That means that we assign portions of the provided specification to segments of the given trace. Such a segmentation then helps to better explain which portions of the specification were satisfied or violated.

It is also useful to visualize the resulting segmentation, as shown below for the landing maneuver:

Getting Started

Requires Rust to compile source code and Python for visualization.

  1. Install Rust
  2. Specify a TBT, e.g., as done here. The grammar can be found here
  3. Provide a Trace by implementing get_trace
  4. Replace the user_defined-function by your own (Line 5)
  5. Call cargo build or cargo build --release
  6. Call cargo run -- --help to get help on the command-line-usage
  7. Call cargo test to see if the tests are successful

For instance:

cargo run --release -- -u -s specification/shiplanding_formula_combined.tbt -f ./res/logs_wind_front_Lateral/ runs segmentation using subsampling on a provided logfile. For this example, get_trace is already provided.

Using the visualization script, we can easily plot a segmentation by, e.g., python plot -b Lateral -s 5000 10000 20000 -e 0 -l ../res/logs_wind_front_Lateral/ where 5000, 10000, 20000 represent beginning of segments (omitting 0), -b states the expected behavior and is used to plot the dotted lines, and -e represents the number of skipped entries due to subsampling. There is also the option to save a plot to inspect it in a docker environment using -p. We can also replay the flight by, e.g., python live -l ../res/logs_wind_front_Lateral/ -b Lateral -f 0.005 0.1 2.0.

For more information call python --help.

Using --toml <FILE> as command-line-argument generates a .toml-file for the computed segmentations.

Folder Structure

  • figs are resources used for this readme document
  • res contains the logfiles used in the HSCC paper
    • The logfolder name specifies the wind direction (front or side) and the anticipated maneuver (45Deg, Lateral, Oblique, or Straight)
    • Each flight consists of two csv-files: one for the ship and one for the aircraft
    • The files contain the position, the velocity, and the angles for the ship and the aircraft
  • scripts provides auxiliary resources
  • specification contains some example specifications
  • src contains the source code
    • provides a package of TBTs functions that can be used by others
    • is an example that uses and the user-defined functions tree/
    • provides the syntax and semantics for STL formulas
    • provides the syntax and semantics for TBTs
    • is used to interface with the command line
    • is used to represent atomic functions that are used by the TBT parser
    • is a TBT parser that reads a .tbt-file and produces a Tree
    • tbt.pest represents the grammar used by the TBT parser
    • is used to produce a .toml-file
    • represent auxiliary functions such as reading a csv-file
    • represents the main data structure for the dynamic programming
    • user_defined/ is an example implementation for the UserProvidedFunctions required by
      • reads the trace data used in the experiment (ie it reads a csv-file and provides a Trace)
  • tests contains multiple test cases that can be executed to test whether the compilation works
  • Dockerfile just c/p the whole repository and builds it to produce a docker container that then can run to procude the HSCC artifacts

To use the TBT tool for a different use-case, a user needs to provide the UserProvidedFunction (get_trace() and get_tree()) similar to what has been done here for the ship landing (tree/). I.e., he/she needs to extract logdata into a Trace struct and needs to build the TBT.

Brief Summary of the Supported Operators


  • Fallback([T_1,...,T_n]): At least one of the subtrees must eventually be satisfied.
  • Sequence([T_1, T_2]): Each subtree must be satisfied in order from left to right.
  • Parallel(m, [T_1,...,T_n]): At least m of the subtrees must be simultaneously satisfied.
  • Timeout(t, T): The subtree must be satisfied by a finite prefix of length t.
  • Kleene(n, T): There must be n repetitions of the subtree to be satisfied.
  • Leaf(S): STL formula S must be satisfied.


  • Atomic(function): The function must return a positive number to be satisfied, otherwise it is violated.
  • Conjuntion(S_1, S_2): Both subformulas must be satisfied.
  • Disjunction(S_1, S_2): One of the subformulas or both must be satisfied.
  • Neg(S): The subformulas must be violated.
  • Next(S): The subformula must be satisfied in the next step.
  • Eventually(S): Eventually the subformula must be satisfied.
  • Globally(S): The subformula must always be satisfied.
  • Until(S_1, S_2): The subformula S_1 must be satisfied until S_2 is satisfied.
  • EventuallyInterval(l, u, S): Eventually within l and u steps, the subformula must be satisfied.
  • GloballyInterval(l, u, S): Always within l and u steps, the subformula must be satisfied.
  • UntilInterval(l, u, S_1, S_2): Within l and u steps, the subformula S_1 must be satisfied until S_2 is satisfied.

The TBT operators are defined here and the STL operators are defined here.

A TBT parser is implemented that is based on this grammar.

For more details, we refer to the paper.

Docker Environment

  1. Install Docker
  2. Builder Docker Image: docker build -t tbt .
  3. Run Docker Container: docker run -it --rm --name tbt-container tbt bash
  4. To test if the container is working reproduce paper results by (being in the docker bash):
    • Run . scripts/ that takes all logfiles and computes the segmentation.
      • The script calls the tool as defined here for each logfolder that exists in res.
      • The results for each run are stored in the respective logfolder.
    • Check results of each logfiles that are located in the following subfolder: cd ./res/
    • The files in the folders res/ are called subsampling_result.txt and subsamplingAndLazy_result.txt.
    • Besides the result-files, for each segmentation, the script produces a .png-plot. Every .png-plot that has a name that ends with aX, where X is a number, represents an alternative segmentations where the number corresponds to the alternative in the result-file. For instance, Figure 9 of the HSCC paper can then be found here.
    • (Optional) To display plots copy them from the docker container to your host machine; dont use the docker bash.
      • docker cp <container_id>:<location_png/results> <location_to_be_stored> (copy whole folder or individual files), e.g., docker cp e7ba94d69e94:/app/res ./docker
      • to get container_id call docker ps

The Dockerfile uses multiple stages. The first stage builds the executable using rust/cargo and the second stage uses a debian environment to execute it. Therefore, there are no cargo-commands available in the container while running.

Also, there is a line ending issue, when building the docker image in a Windows environment. We recommend building the image on a Linux machine to avoid this issue (WSL is an option for Windows systems).

How to Interpret the Output Format

Running e.g. cargo run --release -- -l -c -u -s <your-folder>/TBT-Segmentation/specification/shiplanding_formula_combined.tbt -f <your-foulder>/TBT-Segmentation/res/logs_wind_front_Lateral/ produces an output that contains the following lines:

Constants: { "Lateral_AngleToShip": 90.0, ... }

that represent all read constants in the provided TBT specification.

AP(0) in_pos (["uas_x", "uas_y", "uas_z", "ship_x", "ship_y", "ship_z", "ship_heading"]): (2.5 - sqrt((((((ship_x + (30 * cos((deg_to_rad(135) + ship_heading)))) - uas_x) ^ 2) + (((ship_y + (30 * sin((deg_to_rad(135) + ship_heading)))) - uas_y) ^ 2)) + (((ship_z + 20) - uas_z) ^ 2))))

a sequence of the parsed atomic propositions.

Logfile: /root/canbedeleted/TBT-Segmentation/res/logs_wind_front_Lateral/

represents the logfile name.

Approximations: (lazy evaluation= true, subsampling = true(delta: 100))

show which approximations are enabled. In this case, lazy evauation and subsampling with a delta of 100 are enabled.

Trace length: 252

provides that the length of the trace is 252 after subsampling. I.e. the original file has >25.000 entries.

Temporal behavior tree:
Sequence(22)[ Fallback(20)[ <...> ]]

shows a pretty print of the used TBT with its node identifiers. Here, the root node has ID 22.

Created tree table with 733,194 entries.
Created formula table with 828,828 entries.

are information on the table used for dynamic programming.

Statistics: Robustness value is 0.05925286 with 3,277,611 total tree lookups and 1,503,504 formula lookups

provides information how effective dynamic programming was.

Get segmentation after 0 seconds.

states that it took 0 seconds to compute a segmentation.

Approximate segmentation with robustness 0.05925286 and subsampling delta of 0.5564443 is:

is the beginning of the segmentation. The following lines provide information on the segments.

lower: 0 upper: 78 value: 0.31250286 segment: Leaf(0 move_to_position_lateral)

represent one segment. It states that the leaf node move_to_position_lateral was assigned to the segment that begins at index 0 and ends at index 78. Further its robustness value is 0.31, i.e., the trace segment did satisfy this node.


  • Sebastian Schirmer


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This tool allows to segment a trace of events using a temporal behavior tree specification







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