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Clickhouse Database Secret Engine

This plugin provides clickhouse connectivity for clickhouse database using SQL user management

Checkout Docker Hub for a docker image that embeds the pluging, versioned by current version of Vault

Plugin Sha256 (linux amd64 binary)

Version Sha256
0.1.0 6537135bdb3fab24ceb97a4f3d68308428558d75d1c67ef716790730485e8fce
0.1.1 18c7795c17db236b06351af89ea4d4f0dcbefa71ab9f56073be007ee5ccf3ae7
0.1.2 00fd995d848c0702f2f78151ebfb2724a0f94b88443a8362534e533ed1578b25
0.1.3 e4c9039b5dc221728d146c807ba891be2dc92782e4c148a3eda37333b6642379

Build & Tests

make test will run the whole test suite

~# make test

make build will run build the corresponding plugin for the current os/arch

~# make build


The Vault plugin system is documented on the Vault documentation site.

You will need to define a plugin directory using the plugin_directory configuration directive, then place the vault-plugin-database-clickhouse executable generated above, into the directory.

Please note: Versions v0.2.0 onwards of this plugin are incompatible with Vault versions before 1.6.0 due to an update of the database plugin interface.

Sample commands for registering and starting to use the plugin:

note: sha256 could be found in the release page, per tag. Download the targz, and run the sha command against the right binary.

~# SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 plugins/clickhouse-database-plugin | cut -d' ' -f1)

~# vault secrets enable database

~# vault plugin register -sha256=$SHA256 database clickhouse-database-plugin

At this stage you are now ready to initialize the plugin to connect to clickhouse cluster using unencrypted or encrypted communications.

Prior to initializing the plugin, ensure that you have created an administration account. Vault will use the user specified here to create/update/revoke database credentials. That user must have the appropriate permissions to perform actions upon other database users.

Pre requisites

Clickhouse user management must be switched to SQL as follows

eg. file /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/vaultadminuser.xml


Also, roles must be defined in advance as per the vault roles.

CREATE ROLE readonly ON CLUSTER '{cluster_name}' SETTINGS max_execution_time=30, max_concurrent_queries_for_user=30, max_threads=8, max_query_size=50485760, max_memory_usage=32819380224, max_memory_usage_for_user=33356251136, max_ast_elements=50000000, distributed_product_mode='local', log_queries=1, distributed_group_by_no_merge=1, optimize_move_to_prewhere=0, readonly=2, optimize_min_equality_disjunction_chain_length=100;

Cluster creation statements

When dealing with a clickhouse cluster, (multiple replicas/shards) we may use the ON CLUSTER statement

Creation statement

creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}' ON CLUSTER 'my_cluster'; GRANT readonly TO '{{name}}' ON CLUSTER 'my_cluster';SET DEFAULT ROLE readonly TO '{{name}}'" 

Default statements

Default revocation statements:


Default Rotate credential statement

ALTER USER IF EXISTS '{{name}}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';

Default username template

`{{ printf "v-%s-%s-%s-%s" (.DisplayName | truncate 10) (.RoleName | truncate 10) (random 20) (unix_time) | truncate 32 }}`

Plugin configuration

Setting Description Type default value
tls TLS secure connection to clickhouse bool false
tls_skip_verify Whether to check certificate CA upon TLS connection bool true

Running a dev vault

~# docker run -p 8200:8200 -it contentsquareplatform/vault-plugin-database-clickhouse:1.13.1-latest server -dev -dev-plugin-dir=/vault/plugins -dev-root-token-id=bladibla
2023-04-14T15:32:04.888Z [INFO]  identity: entities restored
2023-04-14T15:32:04.888Z [INFO]  identity: groups restored
2023-04-14T15:32:04.888Z [INFO]  core: post-unseal setup complete
2023-04-14T15:32:04.888Z [INFO]  core: vault is unsealed
2023-04-14T15:32:04.890Z [INFO]  expiration: revoked lease: lease_id=auth/token/root/ha010bb14be140f3cdf07b143e150b6cdc75f822e4ac925f65b106553363ccdb2
2023-04-14T15:32:04.891Z [INFO]  core: successful mount: namespace="" path=secret/ type=kv version=""
WARNING! dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault runs entirely in-memory
and starts unsealed with a single unseal key. The root token is already
authenticated to the CLI, so you can immediately begin using Vault.

You may need to set the following environment variables:

    $ export VAULT_ADDR=''

The unseal key and root token are displayed below in case you want to
seal/unseal the Vault or re-authenticate.

Unseal Key: iOhLjm7fixKtDJbMicErCveh0A7GB/6i+4UstXG0Udo=
Root Token: bladibla

The following dev plugins are registered in the catalog:
    - clickhouse-database-plugin    << The clickhouse plugin has been loaded.

Development mode should NOT be used in production installations!
~# export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
~# vault login 
Token (will be hidden): ******** 
Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.

Key                  Value
---                  -----
token                bladibla
token_accessor       EgHmgtCbYhCEIxmTUV2RiQYn
token_duration       ∞
token_renewable      false
token_policies       ["root"]
identity_policies    []
policies             ["root"]

Check the plugin & version

~# vault plugin list database          
Name                                 Version
----                                 -------
cassandra-database-plugin            v1.13.1+builtin.vault
clickhouse-database-plugin           v0.1.0
couchbase-database-plugin            v0.9.0+builtin
elasticsearch-database-plugin        v0.13.1+builtin
hana-database-plugin                 v1.13.1+builtin.vault
influxdb-database-plugin             v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mongodb-database-plugin              v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mongodbatlas-database-plugin         v0.9.0+builtin
mssql-database-plugin                v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mysql-aurora-database-plugin         v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mysql-database-plugin                v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mysql-legacy-database-plugin         v1.13.1+builtin.vault
mysql-rds-database-plugin            v1.13.1+builtin.vault
postgresql-database-plugin           v1.13.1+builtin.vault
redis-database-plugin                v0.2.0+builtin
redis-elasticache-database-plugin    v0.2.0+builtin
redshift-database-plugin             v1.13.1+builtin.vault
snowflake-database-plugin            v0.7.0+builtin

Configure the clickhouse plugin

Enable vault database mount path

~# vault secrets enable database
Success! Enabled the database secrets engine at: database/

Create a connection to your clickhouse deployment

~# vault write database/config/my-clickhouse \
    plugin_name=clickhouse-database-plugin  \
    plugin_version=v0.1.0 \
    allowed_roles="readonly" \
    connection_url="clickhouse://my-clickhouse-server:9000?username={{username}}&password={{password}}" \
    username="vault_user" \
    password="mySEcreTP@assw0Rd" \
    username_template="{{.DisplayName}}-{{.RoleName}}-{{unix_time}}-{{random 8}}"
Success! Data written to: database/config/my-clickhouse

Create a vault role to use the db connection

~# vault write database/roles/readonly \
    creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}'; GRANT readonly TO '{{name}}';SET DEFAULT ROLE readonly TO '{{name}}'" \
    revocation_statements="REVOKE readonly FROM '{{name}}'; DROP USER '{{name}}';" \
    default_ttl="1h" \
Success! Data written to: database/roles/readonly

Request a database token for role readonly

vault read database/creds/readonly 

Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           database/creds/readonly/sYXjvvB50ZjXtygRQepYZtTr
lease_duration     1h
lease_renewable    true
password           dTbla2n-0talksjf4uK-rWJ
username           token-readonly-1681487166-1hAOaK6V

Check on clickhouse side

clickhouse-server:9000|default :) SHOW USERS


Query id: 15553c58-9b60-41ce-a19a-f0ff38b35cd8

│ default                            │
│ token-readonly-1681487166-1hAOaK6V │
│ vault_users                        │

3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

clickhouse-server:9000|default :)