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qinyizhang edited this page Apr 7, 2017 · 15 revisions

Reading suggestions: (Papers that have been presented previously marked by strikethrough)

  1. Book by Grace Wahba.

  2. Convergence guarantees for kernel-based quadrature rules in misspecified settings Motonobu Kanagawa, Bharath Sriperumbudur, Kenji Fukumizu. arxiv

  3. Universality of Mallows' and degeneracy of Kendall's kernels for rankings. Horia Mania, Aaditya Ramdas, Martin J. Wainwright, Michael I. Jordan, Benjamin Recht. arxiv

  4. Joint quantile regression in vector-valued RKHSs, Maxime Sangnier, Olivier Fercoq, Florence d’Alché-Buc, pdf

  5. I. Steinwart, P. Thomann, and N. Schmid, Learning with hierarchical Gaussian kernels, 2016. preprint.pdf

  6. P. Thomann, I. Steinwart, I. Blaschzyk, and M. Meister, Spatial decompositions for large scale SVMs, 2016. preprint.pdf

  7. Emanuel Parzen, Extraction and Detection Problems and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, 1962. Paper

  8. Hilbert Space Methods for Reduced-Rank Gaussian Process Regression. Arno Solin, Simo Sarkka. arxiv

  9. Operator-valued kernel-based vector autoregressive models for network inference. Néhémy Lim,Florence d’Alché-Buc,Cédric Auliac,George Michailidis.pdf

  10. End-to-End Kernel Learning with Supervised Convolutional Kernel Networks. Julien Mairal. pdf

  11. Information Rates of Nonparametric Gaussian Process Methods. Aad van der Vaart, Harry van Zanten; JMLR 12(Jun):2095−2119, 2011. pdf

  12. Supersamples from Kernel-Herding. Y. Chen, M. Welling and A. Smola. UAI 2010. pdf

  13. Randomized sketches for kernels: Fast and optimal non-parametric regression. Yun Yang, Mert Pilanci, Martin J. Wainwright.

  14. Fast Randomized Kernel Methods With Statistical Guarantees. Ahmed El Alaoui, Michael W. Mahoney.

  15. Kernels for Vector-Valued Functions: a Review. Mauricio A. Alvarez, Lorenzo Rosasco, Neil D. Lawrence.

  16. Neal, R. M. (1994) ``Priors for infinite networks'', Technical Report CRG-TR-94-1, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto. pdf

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