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Beaconstac REST API documentation


The Beaconstac API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.


The Beaconstac API uses API key to authenticate requests.

Your API key carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

You can find your developer token by using the following steps.

  1. Login to the Beaconstac dashboard.
  2. Go to your 'Account' section using the drop-down on the top-right.
  3. In the 'Account Details' section, copy the 'Developer Token' value.
  4. Add a header field with key Authorization and value as Token <YOUR_TOKEN>

Account Page

Table of Contents

  1. Reading the documentation
  2. Beacon
  3. NFC Tag
  4. QR Code
  5. Bulk QR Code
  6. Geofence
  7. Place
  8. User

Reading the Documentation

Filter fields

The API supports filters on fields specified in each object collections' List request. To use the filter add the filter name along with the operator and then the value in the request params.

Filter fields supported:

  1. exact: default. Based on exact match
  2. icontains: Case insensitive contains
  3. lt: less than match
  4. gt: greater than match
  5. lte: less than equal to match
  6. gte: greater than equal to match

Example: If a object states that the filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. place__name: exact, icontains

Some of the ways you can use filtering

  1. ?name='test_beacon' by default if no filter is specified for a param it defaults to exact
  2. ?name__icontains='test' case insensitive filter
  3. ?name='test_beacon'&place__name__icontains='office' Does a filter for all objects with name 'test_beacon' and who have been attached to places whose name inturn contains (case insensitive) 'office' in it

organization exact filter is supported across all objects. To get objects from all your organizations(including child organizations) use 'all' as the filter value


The API supports search filters on fields specified in each object collections' List request. To use the search filter specify the value in the request params and the response will be objects that match value with any of the search fields mentioned in the objects' List request documentation. The Searches will use case-insensitive partial matches.

Example: If a object states that the search fields supported are:

  1. name
  2. place__name

Some of the ways you can use filtering

  1. ?search='office' Will search both the name of the object and attached places' name objects for the text 'office' and return the results


The API supports ordering on fields specified in each object collections' List request. To use the ordering feature specify the parameter to order by in the request params. Ordering is done in an ascending order by default.

Example: If a object states that the ordering fields supported are:

  1. name

Some of the ways you can use filtering

  1. ?ordering='name' Will order by name by ascending order
  2. ?ordering='-name' Will order by name in decending order

Core Resources


Beacon objects allow you to perform actions on your beacons. You can retrieve individual beacons as well as a list of all your beacons or update a beacon.

Beacon object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the beacon
UUID string true true iBeacon UUID
major integer true true iBeacon major value
minor integer true true iBeacon minor value
organization integer true true Organization id
place integer true false Place id
serial_number string false true serial number
eddystone_nid string false true Eddystone namespace instance
eddystone_bid string false true Eddystone byte instance
eddystone_url string false true Eddystone URL(Deprecated)
url string false true Eddystone URL
state string false true State of the beacon (A Active, S Sleeping)
place_data list[object] false true Place data associated with place id. Only available in List
tags list[integer] false false List of tag ids associated
tag_data list[object] false true Tag data
rules list[integer] false false List of rule ids associated
rule_data list[object] false true Rule data
mode string false true Mode of the beacon
tx_power integer false false Transmission power
advertising_interval integer false false Advertising interval
battery integer false false Battery
temperature integer false false Temperature
latitude float false false Latitude
longitude float false false Longitude
closeby_id integer false true Closeby ID of the beacon(Deprecated)
nearby_id string false true Proximity ID of the beacon
temperature integer false false Temperature
proximity_status string false true Proximity status (Deprecated)
meta object false false Metadata associated with the beacon
deployment_meta object false false Deployment meta
kit_type object false true Beacon kit type (Deprecated)
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp
heartbeat timestamp false true Timestamp when the beacon was last detected
campaign Campaign false false Campaign object
notifications list[CampaignNotification] false false CampaignNotification object

Campaign object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
content_type integer true false Campaign Type (0 for 'No campaign')
custom_url URL true if content_type is 1 false Custom URL
markdown_card integer true if content_type is 2 false Markdown card
form integer true if content_type is 3 false Form
schedule integer true if content_type is 4 false Schedule
campaign_active boolean false true Current campaign status
organization integer false true Organization
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp

Campaign Notification object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
language_code string true false ISO 639-1 language code. Each beacon can have only 1 language notification.
is_default boolean true false Is default notification. Each beacon can have only one notification set as default.
title string false false Title of the notification (max 49 characters)
description string false false Description on the notification (max 2048 characters)
icon_url URL false false Icon URL
app_intent string false false App intent
banner_type integer false false Banner type for NearBee
banner_image_url string false false Banner Image URL for NearBee
meta object false false Metadata
slug string false true Slug for the notification
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp

List beacons

Returns a list of your beacons. The beacons are returned sorted by beacon heartbeat, with the most recent detected beacons appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. serial_number: exact, icontains
  3. place__name: exact, icontains
  4. tags__name: exact, icontains
  5. url: exact
  6. heartbeat: lt, lte, gt, gte
  7. campaign__content_type: exact
  8. state: exact

Search Fields:

  1. name
  2. serial_number
  3. place__name
  4. tags__name
  5. url
  6. campaign__content_type

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. serial_number
  3. battery
  4. heartbeat: default
  5. place__name
  6. created
  7. updated
  8. campaign__content_type
  9. state

Retrieve a beacon

Retrieves the details of an existing beacon. You need only supply the unique beacon identifier that was returned upon beacon listing.


Update beacon

Updates the specified beacon by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the Beacon object.


Example: Changing campaign to a Markdown Card

    "id": 1189,
    "campaign": {
        "id": 223,
        "custom_url": "",
        "content_type": 2,
        "campaign_active": true,
        "organization": 1284,
        "markdown_card": 434,
        "form": 7099,
        "schedule": null
    "name": "Corner_",
    "url": "",
    "UUID": "F94DBB23-2266-7822-3782-57BEAC0952AC",
    "major": 16,
    "minor": 10,
    "serial_number": "0117C53F26D6",
    "eddystone_nid": "5DC33487F02E477D4058",
    "eddystone_bid": "0117C53F26D6",
    "place": 1929


NFCTag objects allow you to perform actions on your NFC Tags. You can retrieve individual nfc tags as well as a list of all your tags or update a tag.

NFC Tag object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the NFC Tag
uid string true true NFC Tag UID
counter integer false true NFC Tag counter. Counts the number of times the tag has been read
organization integer true true Organization id
place integer true false Place id
url string false true NFC Tag URL
state string false true State of the NFC Tag (A Active, S Sleeping)
place_data list[object] false true Place data associated with place id. Only available in List
tags list[integer] false false List of tag ids associated
tag_data list[object] false true Tag data
meta object false false Metadata associated with the NFC Tag
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp
heartbeat timestamp false true Timestamp when the NFC Tag was last detected
campaign Campaign false false Campaign object

List NFC Tags

Returns a list of your NFC Tags. The tags are returned sorted by updated, with the most recently updated tags appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. place__name: exact, icontains
  3. tags__name: exact, icontains
  4. url: exact
  5. campaign__content_type: exact
  6. state: exact

Search Fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. tags__name
  4. url
  5. campaign__content_type

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. created
  4. updated - default
  5. campaign__content_type
  6. state

Retrieve an NFC Tag

Retrieves the details of an existing NFC Tag. You need only supply the unique NFC Tag identifier that was returned upon tags listing.


Update an NFC Tag

Updates the specified NFC Tag by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the NFCTag object.


Example: Changing campaign to a Markdown Card

    "id": 1189,
    "campaign": {
        "id": 223,
        "custom_url": "",
        "content_type": 2,
        "campaign_active": true,
        "organization": 1284,
        "markdown_card": 434,
        "form": 7099,
        "schedule": null
    "name": "Corner",
    "url": "",
    "uid": "abc",
    "place": 1929

QR Code

QRCode objects allow you to perform actions on your QR Codes. You can retrieve individual QR Codes as well as a list of all your qr codes or update a QR Code.

QR Code object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the qr code
fields_data object true false Fields data for the QR Code
attributes object true false Attributes data for the QR Code
qr_type integer false false QR type (1 Static, 2 Dynamic)
organization integer true true Organization id
place integer true false Place id
url string false true QR code URL
state string false true State of the QR Code (A Active, S Sleeping)
place_data list[object] false true Place data associated with place id. Only available in List
tags list[integer] false false List of tag ids associated
tag_data list[object] false true Tag data
meta object false false Metadata associated with the QR Code
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp
heartbeat timestamp false true Timestamp when the qr code was last detected
campaign Campaign false false Campaign object

List QR Codes

Returns a list of your QR Codes. The tags are returned sorted by updated, with the most recently updated qr codes appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. place__name: exact, icontains
  3. tags__name: exact, icontains
  4. url: exact
  5. campaign__content_type: exact
  6. state: exact

Search Fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. tags__name
  4. url
  5. campaign__content_type

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. created
  4. updated - default
  5. campaign__content_type
  6. state

Retrieve a QR Code

Retrieves the details of an existing qr code. You need only supply the unique qr code identifier that was returned upon qr codes listing.


Update a QR Code

Updates the specified qr code by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the QRCode object.


Example: Changing campaign to a Markdown Card

    "id": 1189,
    "campaign": {
        "id": 223,
        "custom_url": "",
        "content_type": 2,
        "campaign_active": true,
        "organization": 1284,
        "markdown_card": 434,
        "form": 7099,
        "schedule": null
    "name": "Corner",
    "url": "",
    "organization": 1284

Create a QR Code

Creates a new QR Code. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the QRCode object.


Example for creating QRCode with campaign set to a Markdown Card:

    "attributes": {
        "color": "#000000",
        "margin": "",
        "backgroundImage": "",
        "logoImage": ""
    "name": "test 3",
    "qr_type": 2,
    "organization": 1284,
    "place": 23,
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 2,
        "markdown_card": 34918

Example for creating QRCode with campaign set to a Form:

    "attributes": {
        "color": "#000000",
        "margin": "",
        "backgroundImage": "",
        "logoImage": ""
    "name": "test 3",
    "qr_type": 2,
    "organization": 1284,
    "place": 23,
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 3,
        "form": 36092

Example for creating dynamic QRCode of type vCard:

Create editable Dynamic vCard QR Codes for employees

    "name": "Dynamic vCard QR Code",
    "qr_type": 2,
    "organization": 1284,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#fb6e6e",
        "margin": 25,
        "logoImage": ""
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 7,
        "vcard_plus": {
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "user_image_url": "",
            "designation": "Android Developer",
            "company": "Mobstac Inc.",
            "summary": "Hello there!!!!",
            "phone": {
                "mobile": "9876543210",
                "work": "9012345678"
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "address_line1": "#316 Mobstac",
            "address_line2": "Indiranagar",
            "city": "Bengaluru",
            "zip": "560038",
            "country": "India",
            "address_url": ",77.6020364&query_place_id=ChIJt-8HuakWrjsRUNukdoGH8Es",
            "website": "",
            "logo_url": "",
            "customizations": {
                "background_color": "#2594FF",
                "user_info_color": "#FFFFFF"

Example for creating dynamic QRCodes pointed to PDF files:

Point your QR Code to PDF files so that users can easily access the contents from their phone.

a) Download PDF to user's device

    "name": "my PDF QR Code",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "organization": 1284,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#000000",
        "margin": 25,
        "logoImage": ""
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 13,
        "pdf": {
            "files": [
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "Enterprise QR Code solution"
            "uploaded": false

b) View PDF directly on the browser

    "name": "my PDF QR Code",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "organization": 1284,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#000000",
        "margin": 25,
        "logoImage": ""
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 13,
        "pdf": {
            "files": [
                    "url": "",
                    "name": "Enterprise QR Code Solution"
            "uploaded": true

** Note: For best results on PDF QR Codes that can be directly viewed on the viewer's browser(type (b)), use PDF files uploadedto Beaconstac.

Example for creating dynamic QRCode for coupons:

Make Coupon QR Codes to offer discounts and deals to your consumers to improve conversions and generate leads. Place these in-store or on print or digital material to maximize your ROI.

    "name": "Coupon QR Code",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "organization": 1284,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#000000",
        "margin": 25,
        "logoImage": ""
    "campaign": {
        "content_type": 10,
        "coupon": {
            "coupon_code": "ABCD1234",
            "header": "Flat 25% off",
            "expires_at": "2020-10-24T00:00:00+05:30",
            "timezone": "America/New_York",
            "message": "Big sale at Beaconstac stores",
            "company_name": "Mobstac Inc.",
            "terms_and_conditions": "read T&C carefully",
            "description_header": "Big Holiday sale",
            "description_body": "Enjoy the biggest holiday sale",
            "location": ",77.6020364&query_place_id=ChIJt-8HuakWrjsRUNukdoGH8Es",
            "website": "",
            "logo_url": "",
            "customizations": {
                "background_color": "#199087",
                "coupon_color": "#FFFFFF",
                "coupon_color": "#FFFFFF",
                "header_color": "#59C65D"

Download a QR code

Download a QR code in a particular size and image format. Image types supported are PNG, JPEG, SVG and PDF. If no canvas type is sent in the parameters, the QRCode would be generated in all image types supported.


Example: Download the QRCode of size 1024x1024 pixels in SVG format. GET

    "svg": "url.svg"

( For detailed QR Code API documentation please refer: )

Bulk QR Codes

BulkQRCode objects allow you to create a collection of multiple QR Codes from a CSV file in a single request. You can list, retreive, create or download a Bulk QR Code collection.

Obtain your AuthorizationToken from the Beaconstac dashboard

Bulk QR Code object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the Bulk QR code collection
media integet false true Media ID
media_data object false false Media data associated with media ID
attributes object true false Attributes/Design data for the QR Codes being created
qr_type integer false true QR type (1)
qr_data_type integer true false QR data type (1 Website, 2 SMS, 3 Phone, 4 email, 5 vCard, 6 text)
organization integer true true Organization ID
storage_url string false true QR code URL
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp

List Bulk QR Code collections

Returns a list of your QR Codes. The tags are returned sorted by updated, with the most recently updated qr codes appearing first.


Use the below cURL command to list all Bulk QR Code collections in your account:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <AuthorizationToken>'

Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. qr_data_type: exact

Search Fields:

  1. name

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. created
  3. updated - default

Retrieve a Bulk QR Code collection

Retrieves the details of an existing Bulk QR Code collection. You need only supply the unique Bulk QR Code identifier that was returned upon listing.


Use the below cURL command to retreive a single Bulk QR Code collection by id.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token <AuthorizationToken>'

CSV file data format

The examples for the CSV files can be viewed from the Beaconstac dashboard or from the CSV Files in the links below:

QR Data type Example CSV File
1 (Website)
2 (Phone)
3 (SMS)
4 (Email)
5 (vCard)
6 (Text)

Create a Bulk QR Code collection

Creates a new Bulk QR Code collection using data from CSV file. However, the request should contain the required fields.


Create a Bulk QR Code collection by using the cURL request:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token e62435a78e67ec98bba3b879ba00448650032557' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'file=@/Users/hariprasad/Desktop/bulk-qr-sample-csv/static-vcard-csv.csv' \
--form 'name=myvCard-QRCodes' \
--form 'qr_type=1' \
--form 'size=512' \
--form 'error_correction_level=0' \
--form 'qr_data_type=5' \
--form 'attributes={"color":"#ab578f",
 "margin": 50,
"logoImage": "",
}' \
--form 'organization=720'


    "id": 220,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#ab578f",
        "gradientType": "radial",
        "margin": 50,
        "dataPattern": "left-diamond",
        "eyeBallShape": "left-diamond",
        "eyeFrameShape": "left-leaf",
        "eyeBallColor": "#ea8745",
        "eyeFrameColor": "#ea4587",
        "logoImage": "",
        "frameStyle": "banner-top"
    "media_data": {
        "id": 68976,
        "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
        "url": ""
    "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
    "storage_url": "",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "qr_data_type": 5,
    "created": "2020-05-13T19:46:40.465826+05:30",
    "updated": "2020-05-13T19:46:50.948362+05:30",
    "organization": 720,
    "media": 68976

The QR Code designs can be customized by varying the attributes of the Bulk QR Code object. More details can be accessed here

Download Bulk QR code collection

The Bulk QR Code collection can be downloaded using the link from the storage_url ( Ex. ) field.

The URL downloads a zipped collection of the images in 4 formats: png, jpeg, pdf, svg.

Update an existing Bulk QR Code collection

You can update an existing Bulk QR Code collection with different design data using the unique ID field of the Bulk QR Code object. (Note: The csv file attached with a collection cannot be updated)


Update a Bulk QR Code collection by using the cURL request:


curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Token e62435a78e67ec98bba3b879ba00448650032557' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw '{
    "id": 220,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#2595ff",
        "gradientType": "radial",
        "margin": 50,
        "dataPattern": "left-diamond",
        "eyeBallShape": "left-diamond",
        "eyeFrameShape": "left-leaf",
        "eyeBallColor": "#2595ff",
        "eyeFrameColor": "#95ff25",
        "logoImage": "",
        "frameStyle": "banner-bottom"
    "media_data": {
        "id": 68976,
        "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
        "url": ""
    "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
    "storage_url": "",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "qr_data_type": 5,
    "created": "2020-05-13T19:46:40.465826+05:30",
    "updated": "2020-05-13T19:46:50.948362+05:30",
    "organization": 720,
    "media": 68976


    "id": 220,
    "attributes": {
        "color": "#2595ff",
        "gradientType": "radial",
        "margin": 50,
        "dataPattern": "left-diamond",
        "eyeBallShape": "left-diamond",
        "eyeFrameShape": "left-leaf",
        "eyeBallColor": "#2595ff",
        "eyeFrameColor": "#95ff25",
        "logoImage": "",
        "frameStyle": "banner-bottom"
    "media_data": {
        "id": 68977,
        "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
        "url": ""
    "name": "myvCard-QRCodes",
    "storage_url": "",
    "qr_type": 1,
    "qr_data_type": 5,
    "created": "2020-05-13T19:46:40.465826+05:30",
    "updated": "2020-05-13T19:49:44.578320+05:30",
    "organization": 720,
    "media": 68977


Geofence objects allow you to perform actions on your geofences. You can retrieve individual geofences as well as a list of all your geofences or update a geofence.

Geofence object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the geofence
latitude float true false Latitude
longitude float true false Longigtude
radius integer true false Radius of the geofence
organization integer true true Organization id
place integer true false Place id
url string false true Geofence URL
state string false true State of the geofence (A Active, S Sleeping)
place_data list[object] false true Place data associated with place id. Only available in List
tags list[integer] false false List of tag ids associated
tag_data list[object] false true Tag data
meta object false false Metadata associated with the geofence
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp
heartbeat timestamp false true Timestamp when the geofence was last detected
campaign Campaign false false Campaign object
notifications list[CampaignNotification] false false CampaignNotification object

List Geofences

Returns a list of your Geofences. The Geofences are returned sorted by updated, with the most recently updated Geofence appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains
  2. place__name: exact, icontains
  3. url: exact
  4. campaign__content_type: exact
  5. state: exact

Search Fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. url
  4. campaign__content_type

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. place__name
  3. created
  4. updated - default
  5. campaign__content_type
  6. state

Retrieve a Geofence

Retrieves the details of an existing Geofence. You need only supply the unique Geofence identifier that was returned upon Geofence listing.


Update Geofence

Updates the specified Geofence by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the Geofence object.


Example: Changing campaign to a Markdown Card

    "id": 1189,
    "campaign": {
        "id": 223,
        "custom_url": "",
        "content_type": 2,
        "campaign_active": true,
        "organization": 1284,
        "markdown_card": 434,
        "form": 7099,
        "schedule": null
    "name": "Corner",
    "url": "",
    "place": 1929,
    "latitude": 12.21343,
    "longitude": 12.213132,
    "radius": 100

Create Geofence

Creates a new geofence by setting the values of the parameters passed. The request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the Geofence object.


Example: Create Geofence with campaign to a Markdown Card

    "campaign": {
        "id": 223,
        "custom_url": "",
        "content_type": 2,
        "campaign_active": true,
        "organization": 1284,
        "markdown_card": 434,
        "form": 7099,
        "schedule": null
    "name": "Corner",
    "place": 1929,
    "latitude": 12.21343,
    "longitude": 12.213132,
    "radius": 100,
    "organization": 1234


Place objects allow you to view all places in your account and view beacons attached to them.

Place object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
name string true false The name of the place
organization integer true true Organization id
latitude float false false Latitude
longitude float false false Longitude
place_id string false false Google Place ID
address string false false Address of the place
beacons list[object] false true Beacon data associated with place id. Only available in List
beacon_count integer false true Beacon count
default_place boolean false true Indicated whether the place is a default place
business_icon_url string false false Business Icon URL (Used in NearBee)
business_cover_url string false false Business Cover URL(Used in NearBee)
business_color string false false Business Color(Used in NearBee)
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp

List Places

Returns a list of your beacons. The beacons are returned sorted by beacon heartbeat, with the most recent detected beacons appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. name: exact, icontains

Search Fields:

  1. name

Ordering fields:

  1. name
  2. created
  3. updated - default
  4. address

Retrieve a Place

Retrieves the details of an existing Place. You need only supply the unique Place identifier that was returned upon Place listing.


Update Place

Updates the specified Place by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged. However, the request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the Place object.


Example: Update an existing place based on ID of the place

	"organization": 1234,
	"name": "Mobstac, New York",
	"address": "450 Lexington Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10017",
	"latitude": "40.73",
	"longitude": "-73.94"

Create Place

Creates a new place in your account by setting the values of the parameters passed. The request should contain the required fields. Please refer to the Place object.


Example: Create a new Place

    "organization": 1234,
    "name": "Mobstac, Bangalore",
    "address": "MobStac,2nd floor, Mayfair Building, Karnataka, 316, 100 Feet Rd, Binnamangala, Stage 1, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038, India",
    "latitude": 12.9818683,
    "longitude": 77.6404921999999


User objects allow you to perform actions on the users in your account. You can list of all your users, retrieve individual users, create a user or update a user.

(Note: Creation of Users is supported only on Reseller plan and above)

User object


Field Type Required Read only Description
id integer false true Unique identifier for the object
username string true false The username used to login
organization integer true true Organization id
first_name string false false First name of the user
last_name string false false Last name of the user
email string false false email of the user
customer_plan string false false Customer Plan the User is subscribed to (ST Starter, LT Lite, BA Basic, PR Premium, RE Reseller, WL Whitelabel, EN Enterprise)
subscription_state string false false Subscription state of the user (A Active, E Expired, R Removed)
user_group string false false User group the user belongs to (OW Owner, AD Admin, RO Read-Only)
profile_picture string false false URL to the User's profile picture
billing_email string false false User email used for billing
firebase_token string false false User firebase token used to send Notifications
is_active boolean false true User active status
is_superuser boolean false true Superuser status
stripe_id string false false Stripe ID of the user
shopify_id integer false false Shopify ID for the user
date_joined timestamp false true Date joined timestamp
created timestamp false true Created timestamp
updated timestamp false true Last updated timestamp

(Note: Stripe ID and Shopify ID will be null for all users with user groups AD and RO)

List Users

Returns a list of all Users. The users are returned sorted by date joined, with the most recently joined users appearing first.


Filter arguments:

  1. first_name: exact, icontains
  2. last_name: exact, icontains
  3. username: exact, icontains
  4. email: exact, icontains
  5. organization id: exact
  6. date_joined: lt, lte, gt, gte
  7. customer_plan: exact
  8. subscription_state: exact

Search Fields:

  1. username
  2. email
  3. user_group
  4. first_name
  5. last_name

Ordering fields:

  1. username
  2. email
  3. date_joined - default
  4. user_group
  5. first_name
  6. last_name

Retrieve a User

Retrieves the details of an existing user. You need to supply the unique user identifier that was returned upon listing.


Create a new User

Creates a new user. However, the request should contain the required fields. New users can be created only by users having customer


Example: Create a new user User in an organization.

      "username": "sample_user",
      "customer_plan": "PR",
      "first_name": "Sample",
      "last_name": "User",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "billing_email": "[email protected]",
      "organization": 1284,
      "profile_picture": "",
      "password": "testPassword123"

(Note: User password is set to default password if no password is passed)

Update an existing User

Creates a new user. However, the request should contain the required fields. New users can be created only by users having customer


Example: Create a new user User in an organization.

    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "profile_picture": "",
    "organization": 1284

Partner API endpoints

Creating user accounts in the Beaconstac store

Beaconstac Analytics


Product types:

  1. beacon
  2. nfc
  3. qr
  4. geofence

from, to parameters should be in EPOCH milliseconds.

Product overview

Get analytics overview for the product type over the time interval.


Example: Get performance for all beacons in organization ID 23 POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "beacon",
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172

Product performance

Get analytics performace for the product.


Example: Get performance for nfc tag POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "nfc",
    "product_id": 12,
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172,
    "interval": "1d",
    "timezone": "UTC"

Product impressions

Get impressions generated by the product. If no place is provided data will be returned for all products of the product type specified in the organization.


Example: Get impression for all qr codes in place id 12 POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "qr",
    "place": 12,
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172,
    "interval": "1d",
    "timezone": "UTC"

Product impression detail

Get impressions details generated by the product. If no place is provided data will be returned for all products of the product type specified in the organization.


Example: Get impression details for all qr codes in place id 12 POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "qr",
    "place": 12,
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172

Product impression distribution

Get impression distribution generated by the product. If no place is provided data will be returned for all products of the product type specified in the organization.


Example: Get impression distribution for all qr codes in place id 12 POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "qr",
    "place": 12,
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172

Generate product CSV data

Generate a detailed CSV report for products in the specified organizations. The report will be emailed to the user email mentioned in the POST body. If not email is specified it would be emailed to the user making the request.


Example: Generate CS impression distribution for qr codes 23 and 43 in organizations 1 and 2. POST

Request body:

    "product_type": "qr",
    "organization_ids": [1, 2],
    "product_ids": [23, 43],
    "from": 1559273172,
    "to": 1559283172,
    "timezone": "UTC"

Get analytics overview for a given period

Get analytics overview (product count, notification count, impression count, conversion percentage) of your product based on product type being passed. The total number of unique visitors is also given in the response.


Example: Generate analytics overview of all products over a period of time.


Request body:

	"from": "1567535400000",
	"to": "1582482600000",
	"product_type": "geofence",
	"organization": 1234