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ATIOnet .NET SDK Reference

About: This document describes and explains how to consume the .NET SDK for all ATIOnet APIs.

Document Information
File: AN-SDK-Reference
Doc. Version: 1.3
Release Date: 10, July 2016
Author: ATIOnet LLC
Change Log
Ver. Date Change summary
1.0 10/July/2016 Initial version
1.1 04/April/2022 Driver and vehicle Id usage addition into programs
1.2 29/June/2022 Contingency add ApplyContingencyPrice into TransactionContingencyDto
1.3 01/Aug/2022 Statments Header
1.4 22/Aug/2022 CompanyInsertAndUpdate, RackPricesListInsertAndUpdate and QuotationsInsertAndUpdate addition to InterfaceOperations and Interface Methods Examples
1.5 01/Dec/2022 GetVehicles, GetVehiclesAsync paramenters addition: active, creationDateFrom, creationDateTo



The ATIOnet SDK (Software development Kit) helps any developer that wants to interact with ATIOnet Platform. If you are integrating an existing software or want to extract data out of ATIOnet, the SDK will make this much easier, taking care of all the HTTP communication, error handling and retry policies. ATIOnet SDK can be consumed from any .NET language.

Download / Installation

ATIOnet SDK is hosted in NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers.

Operation Types

ATIOnet SDK is able to handle most of the ATIOnet modules (Operation Types). These operations are very specific to the responsibility they have in the platform, like for example Authorization, FMS (Fuel Management Systems), Loyalty, etc. Each of this Operation Type, has a corresponding module in the SDK. the complete list of Operations Types are listed below.


The Auth Operation Type is the one in charge of interacting with the authorization engine. The authorization engine is the component that receives authorizations requests and decides if the transaction is approved or not. This SDK Operation Type should be use if you are building a POS or a terminal that will be sending authorization requests to ATIOnet.


The Api Operation Type was design to be used by 3rd party software that need to get information from ATIOnet. With this Operation Type you can perform the functions performed by the ATIOnet Console.


The FMS Operation Type is the one in charge of interacting with the FMS module. ATIOnet supports receiving Inventory and Deliveries transactions through this interface.


The Interface Operation Type was design to be used by 3rd party software that need to get information from ATIOnet. With this Operation Type you can download transactions (fleet, loyalty, retail, rejected, approved and exceptions), current account movements, current account balances and loyalty current account.


The Loyalty Operation Type is the one in charge of interacting with the Loyalty module. Using this Operation Type you will be able to send Loyalty transactions to ATIOnet among other features.


The Retail Operation Type is the one in charge of interacting with the Retail module. Using this Operation Type you will be able to send Retail information (transactions, batch closes, etc) to ATIOnet among other features.

Consuming the SDK

For this example we will use Visual Studio 2013 and we will create a Console Application.

  1. Inside Visual Studio create a new Console Application ationetlogo

  2. Once the project is created, open the Solution Explorer, right click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages. This will open a pop up. ationetlogo

  3. Inside the NuGet pop up, in the left part select Online, then in the right top corner type ationet. This will bring the list of packages found with this criteria. In this case only 1, ATIOnet SDK. Click Install, this will install the ATIOnet SDK packages and dependencies. Please accept terms and conditions for dependencies packages. ationetlogo

  4. In the sample below you will see how to download transactions. Open the Program.cs and type the following code:

var client = new Ationet.Sdk.Interface.InterfaceOperations("", 
var transactions = client.GetTransactions("XYZ", "", "", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1));

foreach (var tran in transactions.Content)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} - {2}", tran.AuthorizationCode, tran.TerminalCode, tran.ProductAmountDispensed);

First, you need an instance of the InterfaceOperations class. The constructor of this class requires 3 parameters, the url, username and password. Once you have an instance of the InterfaceOperations class you can start calling the different methods. Find below the list of all the methods by Operation Type:

Operation Types methods

Each Operation Type class has multiple methods to perform specific operation against ATIOnet. Each of this methods has a set of parameters, some of them to determine behaviour and others to filter data.

Auth Methods

Method Parameters Description
SendConfirmation AuthTransactionRequest Sends a Confirmation message to the host (learn more about transactions flow here:
SendConfirmationAsync AuthTransactionRequest Async version of the previous method
SendPreAuthorization AuthTransactionRequest Sends a Pre Authorization message to the host (learn more about transactions flow here:
SendPreAuthorizationAsync AuthTransactionRequest Async version of the previous method
SendSale AuthTransactionRequest Sends a Sale message to the host (learn more about transactions flow here:
SendSaleAsync AuthTransactionRequest Async version of the previous method

You can download a fully functional sample code from here: ATIONet Auth Sample

Api Methods


Type Name Description
string NetworkDateString
DateTime? NetworkDate
string NewData
string OriginalData
Guid? EntityId
string MerchantName
string CompanyName
string NetworkName
string UserName
Guid UserId
string OriginDescription
int? Origin
string ActionDescription
int Action
string SubCategoryDescription
int? SubCategory
string CategoryDescription
int Category
int Environment
Guid? MerchantId
Guid? CompanyId
Guid? NetworkId
Guid Id
DateTime RealDate
string RealDateString
Method Parameters (Type / var name / default value / Descr) Response Description
GetLogs List<Guid> userIds
List<int> categories
string dateFrom
string dateTo = null
Guid? idCompany = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
int? action = null
int? subCategory = null
string timeFrom = null
string timeTo = null
AuditLogDto Get list of the AuditLogDto
GetLogsAsync List<Guid> userIds
List<int> categories
string dateFrom
string dateTo = null
Guid? idCompany = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
int? action = null
int? subCategory = null
string timeFrom = null
string timeTo = null
AuditLogDto Get list of the AuditLogDto


Type Name Description
Guid Id
Guid FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterName
string Name
Method Parameters Response Description
GetBrandFuels Guid brandId
string searchText
BrandFuelMasterDto Get Brand Fuels
GetBrandFuelsAsync Guid brandId
string searchText
BrandFuelMasterDto Get Brand Fuels


Type Name Description
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
string Name
List BrandFuelMasterDto BrandFuelMasters
string BrandFuelMastersNames
Method Parameters Response Description
GetBrands int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
BrandDto Get list of the BrandDto
GetBrandsAsync int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
BrandDto Get list of the BrandDto
GetBrand Guid id BrandDto Get individual BrandDto
GetBrandAsync Guid id BrandDto Get individual BrandDto
CreateBrand BrandDto data BrandDto Create BrandDto
CreateBrandAsync BrandDto data BrandDto Create BrandDto
UpdateBrand BrandDto data string Update BrandDto
UpdateBrandAsync BrandDto data string Update BrandDto


Type Name Description
string Custom1
string Custom0
byte? DesactivationType
bool Active
string ContactPhone2
string ContactPhone1
string ContactEmail
string ContactName
DateTime UpdateDate
byte Type
DateTime CreationDate
string IndustryDescription
Guid IndustryId
string Custom2
string TaxpayerCategoryDescription
string TaxPayerId
string City
string ZipCode
string StateDescription
Guid StateId
string CountryDescription
Guid CountryId
string Street2
string Street1
string Name
string Code
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
Guid TaxpayerCategoryId
string Custom3
string LabelCustom1
string LabelCustom2
string LabelCustom3
string LabelCustom4
string EnableCustom1
string EnableCustom2
string EnableCustom3
string EnableCustom4
string EdiFactCFDIUseCode
bool IsEdiFactBilling
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompanies List<Guid> companyIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyDto Get list of the CompanyDto
GetCompaniesAsync List<Guid> companyIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyDto Get list of the CompanyDto
GetCompany Guid id CompanyDto Get individual CompanyDto
GetCompanyAsync Guid id CompanyDto Get individual CompanyDto
CreateCompany CompanyDto data CompanyDto Create CompanyDto
CreateCompanyAsync CompanyDto data CompanyDto Create CompanyDto
UpdateCompany Guid id
CompanyDto data
string Update CompanyDto
UpdateCompanyAsync Guid id
CompanyDto data
string Update CompanyDto


Data Description
Guid IdCompany Identification of de Company
string Classification1Label classification 1 Label
string Classification2Label classification 2 Label
string Classification3Label classification 3 Label
string Classification4Label classification 4 Label
bool Classification1Enabled status for the use of the company
bool Classification2Enabled status for the use of the company
bool Classification3Enabled status for the use of the company
bool Classification4Enabled status for the use of the company
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompaniesClassificationsConfiguration CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto Get the configuractions of the Classifications Companies
GetCompaniesClassificationsConfigurationAsync CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto Get the configuractions of the Classifications Companies
UpdateCompaniesClassificationsConfiguration CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto data string Update configuractions of the Classifications Companies
UpdateCompaniesClassificationsConfigurationAsync CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto data string Update configuractions of the Classifications Companies


Data Description
string TypeDescription
Guid? IdOrigen
byte Origen
DateTime NetworkDate
DateTime RealDate
bool IsDebit
string DisplayDateTimeString
Guid? IdCurrencyCode
string Description
byte Type
string CompaniesGroupDescription
Guid IdCompaniesGroup
Guid IdNetwork
Guid Id
decimal Amount
string DisplayNetworkDateTimeString
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompaniesGroupsMovements CompaniesGroupsMovementDto Get list of the CompaniesGroupsMovementDto
GetCompaniesGroupsMovements Guid? companiesGroupId = null
string companiesGroupCode = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
decimal? amountFrom = null
decimal? amountTo = null
byte? type = null
byte? origin = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "networkDate"
string orderType = "asc"
CompaniesGroupsMovementDto Get list of the CompaniesGroupsMovementDto
GetCompaniesGroupsMovementsAsync Guid? companiesGroupId = null
string companiesGroupCode = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
decimal? amountFrom = null
decimal? amountTo = null
byte? type = null
byte? origin = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "networkDate"
string orderType = "asc"
CompaniesGroupsMovementDto Get list of the CompaniesGroupsMovementDto
GetCompaniesGroupsMovementAsync Guid id CompaniesGroupsMovementDto Get individual CompaniesGroupsMovementDto
CreateCompaniesGroupsMovement CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto data string Create a CompaniesGroupsMovement
CreateCompaniesGroupsMovementAsync CompanyClassificationsConfigurationDto data string Create a CompaniesGroupsMovement


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdCompany
string Code
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompaniesClassifications1 string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications1Async string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications2 string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications2Async string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications3 string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications3Async string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications4 string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompaniesClassifications4Async string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications1 Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications1Async Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications2 Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications2Async Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications3 Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications3Async Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications4 Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
GetCompanyClassifications4Async Guid id CompanyClassificationDto Get individual CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification1 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification1Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification2 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification2Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification3 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification3Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification4 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
CreateCompaniesClassification4Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Create CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification1 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification1Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification2 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification2Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification3 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification3Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification4 CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
UpdateCompaniesClassification4Async CompanyClassificationDto data CompanyClassificationDto Update CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification1 Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification1Async Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification2 Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification2Async Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification3 Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification3Async Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification4 Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto
DeleteCompaniesClassification4Async Guid id string delete CompanyClassificationDto


Type Name Description
List CompanyContractProductDto Products
List CompanyContractSiteDto Sites
List CompanyContractFuelDto Fuels
CompanyContractBillingDto Billing
decimal? ReactivationAmount
byte? DeactivationType
bool Active
bool ValidateSites
decimal? SecurityLimit
decimal? Limit
Guid? CurrencyId
byte CurrentAccountMode
List CompanyContractDiscountDto Discounts
short BalanceMode
byte Periodicity
string StartDate
decimal Version
string InternalCode
byte Mode
string Description
string Code
byte Type
Guid NetworksCompanyId
Guid CompanyId
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
short Duration
bool MoneyBalance
string CompanyName
string CurrencyCode
bool IsBlockedByERP
decimal? BalanceAvailable


Type Name Description
string Name
string City
string Street1
string Street2
string ZipCode
string TaxPayerId
Guid CurrencyId
byte Type
byte? PeriodicityMode
short? PeriodicityValue
string CutTime
byte? CutDay
byte? CutMonth
bool Manual
bool DeductChargesFromBalance
bool SeparateChargesDocument
int StatementDueDays
string CountryDescription
string StateDescription
string CurrencyCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetContracts string companyCode = null
List Guid contractIds = null
string code = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractDto Get list of the CompanyContractDto
GetContractsAsync string companyCode = null
List Guid contractIds = null
string code = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractDto Get list of the CompanyContractDto
GetContract Guid id CompanyContractDto Get individual CompanyContractDto
GetContractAsync Guid id CompanyContractDto Get individual CompanyContractDto
CreateContract CompanyContractDto data CompanyContractDto Create CompanyContractDto
CreateContractAsync CompanyContractDto data CompanyContractDto Create CompanyContractDto
UpdateContract CompanyContractDto data CompanyContractDto Update CompanyContractDto
UpdateContractAsync CompanyContractDto data CompanyContractDto Update CompanyContractDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
string Code
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompanyContractsClassifications int index
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractsClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyContractsClassificationDto
GetCompanyContractsClassificationsAsync int index
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractsClassificationDto Get list of the CompanyContractsClassificationDto
CreateCompanyContractsClassification CompanyContractsClassificationDto data CompanyContractsClassificationDto Get individual CompanyContractsClassificationDto
CreateCompanyContractsClassificationAsync CompanyContractsClassificationDto data CompanyContractsClassificationDto Get individual CompanyContractsClassificationDto
UpdateCompanyContractsClassification Guid id
CompanyContractsClassificationDto data
CompanyContractsClassificationDto Update CompanyContractsClassificationDto
UpdateCompanyContractsClassificationAsync Guid id
CompanyContractsClassificationDto data
CompanyContractsClassificationDto Update CompanyContractsClassificationDto


Data Description
Guid IdNetwork
bool EnableClassification0
string Classification0
bool EnableClassification1
string Classification1
bool EnableClassification2
string Classification2
bool EnableClassification3
string Classification3
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompanyContractsClassificationsConfiguration Guid id CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto Get individual CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto
GetCompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationAsync Guid id CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto Get individual CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto
UpdateCompanyContractsClassificationsConfiguration Guid id
CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto data
string Update CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto
UpdateCompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationAsync Guid id
CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto data
string Update CompanyContractsClassificationsConfigurationDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdCompanyContract
string ContractName
Guid IdCompany
string CompanyName
Guid IdNetwork
string DateFrom
string DateTo
string CreationDate
string CreationNetworkDate
string NetworkTimeZone
decimal Value
byte Type
byte State
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompanyContractOverLimits Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idCompanyContract = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string creationDate = null
byte? filterType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "idFuelMaster"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractOverLimitDto Get list of the CompanyContractOverLimitDto
GetCompanyContractOverLimitsAsync Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idCompanyContract = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string creationDate = null
byte? filterType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "idFuelMaster"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyContractOverLimitDto Get list of the CompanyContractOverLimitDto
GetCompanyContractOverLimit Guid id CompanyContractOverLimitDto Get individual CompanyContractOverLimitDto
GetCompanyContractOverLimitAsync Guid id CompanyContractOverLimitDto Get individual CompanyContractOverLimitDto
CreateCompanyContractOverLimit CompanyContractOverLimitDto data CompanyContractOverLimitDto Create CompanyContractOverLimitDto
CreateCompanyContractOverLimitAsync CompanyContractOverLimitDto data CompanyContractOverLimitDto Create CompanyContractOverLimitDto
UpdateCompanyContractOverLimit Guid id
CompanyContractOverLimitDto data
CompanyContractOverLimitDto Update CompanyContractOverLimitDto
UpdateCompanyContractOverLimitAsync Guid id
CompanyContractOverLimitDto data
CompanyContractOverLimitDto Update CompanyContractOverLimitDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
Guid IdCompany
string InvoiceNumber
byte Type
DateTime Date
decimal Net
decimal Taxes
decimal? Total
IEnumerable CompanyInvoiceDetailDto CompaniesInvoicesDetails
IEnumerable TransactionDto Transactions
Method Parameters Response Description
GetInvoices string companyCode = null
List Guid companyIds = null
string invoiceNumber = null
byte? invoiceType = null
DateTime? dateFrom = null
DateTime? dateTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyInvoiceDto Get list of the CompanyInvoiceDto
GetInvoicesAsync string companyCode = null
List Guid companyIds = null
string invoiceNumber = null
byte? invoiceType = null
DateTime? dateFrom = null
DateTime? dateTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
CompanyInvoiceDto Get list of the CompanyInvoiceDto
GetInvoice Guid id CompanyInvoiceDto Get individual CompanyInvoiceDto
GetInvoiceAsync Guid id CompanyInvoiceDto Get individual CompanyInvoiceDto
CreateInvoice CompanyInvoiceDto data CompanyInvoiceDto Create CompanyInvoiceDto
CreateInvoiceAsync CompanyInvoiceDto data CompanyInvoiceDto Create CompanyInvoiceDto
UpdateInvoice CompanyInvoiceDto data string Update CompanyInvoiceDto
UpdateInvoiceAsync CompanyInvoiceDto data string Update CompanyInvoiceDto


Data Description
string Street1
string Street2
string PhoneNumber1
string PhoneNumber2
short Type
Guid TypeModelId
string TypeModelDescription
string ZipCode
Guid NetworkId
string NetwornName
string PIN
bool RequiresPINChange
bool RequiresPIN
bool IdentificationActive
string IdentificationExpirationDate
string TrackNumber
Guid ContractId
string ContractDescription
int? RequestOrder
string CompleteName
string PAN
string TypeDescription
string City
Guid? StateId
Guid Id
decimal? Balance
byte IdentificationState
string IdentificationDescription
Guid ConsumerCardProgramId
Guid ConsumerCardIdentificationId
Guid ConsumerCardSubAccountId
string StateDescription
string ConsumerCardProgramName
string UserAtionetEmail
Guid DriverId
string Code
string LastName
string FirstName
string Birthdate
DateTime CreationDate
DateTime UpdateDate
DateTime AssigmentDate
DateTime ExpirationDate
Guid? CountryId
string CountryDescription
string Email
string NetworkLogo
Method Parameters Response Description
GetConsumerCardClients Guid? programId = null
string pan = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
ConsumerCardClientDto Get list of the ConsumerCardClientDto
GetConsumerCardClientsAsync Guid? programId = null
string pan = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
ConsumerCardClientDto Get list of the ConsumerCardClientDto
GetConsumerCardClient Guid id ConsumerCardClientDto Get individual ConsumerCardClientDto
GetConsumerCardClientAsync Guid id ConsumerCardClientDto Get individual ConsumerCardClientDto


Data Description
Guid? ConsumerCardProgramId
Guid ConsumerCardClientId
Guid? DestinationConsumerCardClientId
Guid? SiteId
ConsumerCardMovementTypeEnum Type
decimal Amount
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
CreateMovement ConsumerCardMovementDto data ConsumerCardMovementDto Create a ConsumerCardMovementDto
CreateMovementAsync ConsumerCardMovementDto data ConsumerCardMovementDto Create a ConsumerCardMovementDto


Data Description
decimal UnitPrice
decimal Amount
string ShiftNumber
string PumpNumber
int? Odometer
int? EngineHours
string DriverId
string VehicleId
string Miscellaneous
byte State
string ResponseCode
string ResponseMessage
string Comments
string ImageFileName
Guid? ReasonId
decimal Volume
string FuelName
Guid FuelMasterId
string TerminalCode
Guid Id
Guid? TransactionId
Guid NetworkId
string NetworkName
Guid ConsumerCardProgramId
string ConsumerCardProgramName
Guid ConsumerCardClientId
string ReasonName
string ConsumerCardClientPAN
string Date
string Time
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid SiteId
string SiteName
Guid TerminalId
string AuthorizationCode
ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyImageDto Image


Data Description
string FileExtension
byte[] FileContent
ChangeTypeEnum ChangeType
Method Parameters Response Description
GetConsumerCardTransactionsContingencies Guid? idConsumerCardClient = null
Guid? idProgram = null
Guid? idSite = null
Guid? idTerminal = null
Guid? idFuelMaster = null
string dateFrom = null
string timeFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string timeTo = null
string authorizationCode = null
byte? state = null
Guid? idReason = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get list of the ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetConsumerCardTransactionsContingenciesAsync Guid? idConsumerCardClient = null
Guid? idProgram = null
Guid? idSite = null
Guid? idTerminal = null
Guid? idFuelMaster = null
string dateFrom = null
string timeFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string timeTo = null
string authorizationCode = null
byte? state = null
Guid? idReason = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get list of the ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetConsumerCardTransactionsContingency Guid id ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get individual ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyAsync Guid id ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get individual ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
CreateConsumerCardTransactionsContingency ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto dto ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Create ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
CreateConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyAsync ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto dto ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto Create ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
UpdateConsumerCardTransactionsContingency ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto dto string Update ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto
UpdateConsumerCardTransactionsContingency ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto dto string Update ConsumerCardTransactionsContingencyDto


Data Description
short? CompanyContractDuration
int? CompanyContractAccountsLimit
decimal? CompanyContractVersion
string ContractCode
decimal? Balance
bool? IsDebit
decimal? CreditLimit
decimal? OverLimit
Guid? StatementId
string MovementTypeDescription
string CompanyContractDescription
string VehicleDescription
string DriverDescription
string CompleteName
string FuelName
string ModeDescription
decimal? Debit
decimal? Credit
decimal BillingValue
bool Enable
string CompanyContractExpirationDate
string IdentificationsDescription
string LocalDateShortString
byte? CompanyContractPeriodicity
DateTime? CompanyContractStartDate
string SiteFuelName
string NetworkFuelName
Guid Id
Guid? IdMovement
Guid? IdCompanyContract
Guid? IdFuelMaster
Guid? IdSubAccount
string Description
decimal Amount
Guid? IdCurrencyCode
Guid? IdUserAtionet
byte MovementType
string NetworkName
string LocalTimeString
string CompanyName
string MovementIdOrigin
string MovementDescription
byte ContractMode
Guid? VehicleId
string VehiclePlate
string VehicleCode
Guid? DriverId
string DriverCode
string DriverFirstName
string DriverLastName
string FuelMasterName
DateTime MovementDate
string DisplayDateTimeString
Method Parameters Response Description
GetContractsBalance Guid? idContract
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetContractsBalanceAsync Guid? idContract
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the rentAccountReportDto
GetContractsMovements Guid idContract
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetContractsMovementsAsync Guid idContract
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetSubAccountsBalance Guid? idContract=null
Guid? idSubAccount=null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetSubAccountsBalanceAsync Guid? idContract=null
Guid? idSubAccount=null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetSubAccountsMovements Guid? idContract=null
Guid? idSubAccount=null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto
GetSubAccountsMovementsAsync Guid? idContract=null
Guid? idSubAccount=null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CurrentAccountReportDto Get list of the CurrentAccountReportDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Name
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCountries int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CompanyInvoiceDto Get list of the CountryDto
GetCountriesAsync int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
CountryDto Get list of the CountryDto


Data Description
Guid ContractId
Guid? FuelMasterId
List DispersionSubAccounts
string Description
decimal Balance
byte DispersionMode


Data Description
Guid SubAccountId
decimal? Amount
Method Parameters Response Description
Disperse DispersionDto data DispersionDto Create DispersionDto
DisperseAsync DispersionDto data DispersionDto Create DispersionDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
string Code
string Description
bool Validator
bool Active
Method Parameters Response Description
GetDocumentTypesAccepted string code = null
string description = null
bool? validator = null
bool? active = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Get list of the DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
GetDocumentTypesAcceptedAsync string code = null
string description = null
bool? validator = null
bool? active = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Get list of the DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
GetDocumentTypeAccepted Guid id DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Get individual DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
GetDocumentTypeAcceptedAsync Guid id DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Get individual DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
CreateDocumentTypeAccepted DocumentTypeAcceptedDto data DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Create DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
CreateDocumentTypeAcceptedAsync DocumentTypeAcceptedDto data DocumentTypeAcceptedDto Create DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
UpdateDocumentTypeAccepted Guid id
DocumentTypeAcceptedDto data
string Update DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
UpdateDocumentTypeAcceptedAsync Guid id
DocumentTypeAcceptedDto data
string Update DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
DeleteDocumentTypeAccepted Guid id string Delete DocumentTypeAcceptedDto
DeleteDocumentTypeAcceptedAsync Guid id string Delete DocumentTypeAcceptedDto


Data Description
string Clasification3Description
Guid? Clasification4Id
string Clasification4Description
List Rules
List Vehicles
List Identifications
List LoyaltyIdentifications
List Notifications
string Balance
string Consumption
Guid? Clasification3Id
string IdentificationsDescription
string LoyaltyIdentificationsDescription
List VehiclesDrivers
string Custom0
string Custom1
string Custom2
string Custom3
decimal? AvaliableAmount
decimal? AvaliableVolume
IEnumerable Balances
IEnumerable QuotaRules
string LoyaltyProgramsDescription
string Clasification2Description
Guid? Clasification2Id
string Clasification1Description
Guid Id
Guid CompanyId
string CompanyName
string Code
string LastName
string FirstName
string CompleteName
string Birthdate
string LicenseNumber
bool Enabled
bool IsCodeAutomaticallyGenerated
Guid? CountryId
string CountryName
Guid? StateId
string StateName
string City
string Street1
string Street2
string ZipCode
string PhoneNumber1
string PhoneNumber2
string Email
Guid? Clasification1Id
decimal? AverageCost
List SubAccounts


Data Description
Guid RuleId
string RuleName
short RuleType
string RuleTypeDescription
Guid DriverId
string DriverName
string Description


Data Description
Guid VehicleId
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid DriverId
string DriverName
bool RequireVehicleIdentification
bool RequireDriverIdentification
bool IsLoyalty


Data Description
Guid IdentificationId
string IdentificationLabel
string IdentificationTypeModel
byte IdentificationStatus
Guid ContractId
string PIN
string PAN
bool Active
string CompanyContractDescription
string ExpirationDate


Data Description
Guid LoyaltyIdentificationId
string LoyaltyIdentificationLabel
string LoyaltyIdentificationTypeModel
Guid DriverId
string DriverName


Data Description
Guid? VehicleId
string Payload
byte? UserState
string UserAtionetDestination
string UserAtionetCreated
Guid? IdMerchant
Guid? IdCompany
object Message
string Subject
Guid? DriverId
byte State
Guid? UserAtionetDestinationId
Guid? UserAtionetCreatedId
DateTime CreatedDate
string DestinationAddresses
string Origin
byte Channel
Guid? NotificationFormatId
Guid? NetworkId
Guid Id
byte Type
string CreatedDateString


Data Description
bool RequireVehicleIdentification
string VehicleClasification4Description
Guid? VehicleClasification4Id
string VehicleClasification3Description
Guid? VehicleClasification3Id
string VehicleClasification2Description
Guid? VehicleClasification2Id
string VehicleClasification1Description
Guid? VehicleClasification1Id
string VehicleVehiclesClassDescription
Guid VehicleVehiclesClassId
string VehicleFleetDescription
bool RequireDriverIdentification
Guid VehicleFleetId
short VehicleServiceType
string VehicleServiceDescription
int? VehicleCurrentEngineHours
string VehicleChassisNumber
string VehicleEngineNumber
int? VehicleCurrentOdometer
int? VehicleYear
bool VehicleEnabled
string VehiclePlate
string VehicleCode
Guid VehicleId
Guid Id
int? VehicleInitialOdometer
bool IsLoyalty
Method Parameters Response Description
GetDrivers List identificationIds = null
List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
string searchText = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
DriverDto Get list of the DriverDto
GetDriversAsync List identificationIds = null
List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
string searchText = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
DriverDto Get list of the DriverDto
GetDriver Guid id DriverDto Get individual DriverDto
GetDriverAsync Guid id DriverDto Get individual DriverDto
CreateDriver DriverDto data DriverDto Create DriverDto
CreateDriverAsync DriverDto data DriverDto Create DriverDto
UpdateDriver Guid id
DriverDto data
string Update DriverDto
UpdateDriverAsync Guid id
DriverDto data
string Update DriverDto


Data Description
byte[] File
bool NeedIdentification
Guid? IdCompanyContract
short? IdentificationsType
Guid? IdIdentificationsTypeModel
Guid? IdProgram
Guid? IdLoyaltyProgram
ImportDto ImportResult


Data Description
List listItemError
long correctProcessedQuantity
long errorProcessedQuantity
long totalProcessedQuantity
bool withErrors
string successfullyImportedTotal
string failedToBeImportedTotal
string totalProcessed
bool needIdentification
bool IdentificationResult
string identificationOrderNumber
string identificationErrorText
string identificationMessageResult


Data Description
long row
List errorList
Method Parameters Response Description
ImportDrivers ImportDriversDto data ImportDriversDto Import ImportDriversDto
ImportDriversAsync ImportDriversDto data ImportDriversDto Import ImportDriversDto


Data Description
List Drivers
Method Parameters Response Description
ImportDriversBatch ImportDriversBatchDto data ImportDriversBatchDto Import ImportDriversBatchDto
ImportDriversBatchAsync ImportDriversBatchDto data ImportDriversBatchDto Import ImportDriversBatchDto


Data Description
string FileExtension
string FileName
byte[] FileContents
Method Parameters Response Description
GetDriverImportTemplate ImportDriversTemplateDto Get individual ImportDriversTemplateDto
GetDriverImportTemplateAsync ImportDriversTemplateDto Get individual ImportDriversTemplateDto


Data Description
Dictionary<string, string> Data
string Number
string DocumentDateString
DateTime DocumentDate
string DocumentTypeCode
Guid DocumentTypeId
string NetworkTimeZone
string RealDateString
DateTime RealDate
string DateString
DateTime Date
string MerchantCode
string MerchantName
Guid? MerchantId
string CompanyCode
string CompanyName
Guid? CompanyId
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
decimal? Amount
FileStorageDto File


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdFile
Guid IdNetwork
Guid? IdCompany
Guid? IdMerchant
byte IdEntity
Guid IdUser
DateTime UploadDate
DateTime UploadRealDate
string NetworkTimeZone
string FileName
string FileExtension
string FileFullUrl
byte[] FileContent
DocumentStatusEnum DocumentStatus
Method Parameters Response Description
GetExternalDocuments string companyId = null
string merchantId = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string documentNumber = null
string documentTypeCode = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
ExternalDocumentDto Get list of the ExternalDocumentDto
GetExternalDocumentsAsync string companyId = null
string merchantId = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string documentNumber = null
string documentTypeCode = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
ExternalDocumentDto Get list of the ExternalDocumentDto
GetExternalDocument Guid id ExternalDocumentDto Get individual ExternalDocumentDto
GetExternalDocumentAsync Guid id ExternalDocumentDto Get individual ExternalDocumentDto


Data Description
string Clasification4Description
Guid? IdClasification4
string Clasification3Description
Guid? IdClasification3
string Clasification2Description
Guid? IdClasification2
string Clasification1Description
Guid? IdClasification1
string Code
string City
string StateDescription
Guid? IdState
string CountryDescriptiion
Guid? IdCountry
string Streep2
string Street1
string Name
string CompanyDescription
Guid IdCompany
Guid Id
List EntityRuleDto Rules


Data Description
Guid Id
string Description
short? RuleType
string RuleTypeDescription
string Value
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFleets List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
string code = null
string searchText = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
FleetDto Get list of the FleetDto
GetFleetsAsync List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
string code = null
string searchText = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
FleetDto Get list of the FleetDto
GetFleet Guid id FleetDto Get individual FleetDto
GetFleetAsync Guid id FleetDto Get individual FleetDto
CreateFleet FleetDto data FleetDto Create FleetDto
CreateFleetAsync FleetDto data FleetDto Create FleetDto
UpdateFleet Guid id
FleetDto data
string Update FleetDto
UpdateFleetAsync Guid id
FleetDto data
string Update FleetDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
byte Type
string TypeDescription
byte Periodicity
short PeriodicityValue
int? TransactionsQuantity
decimal? Amount
decimal? Volume
int? Distance
bool Active
string Description
byte? TransactionMode
byte? SubAccountOwner
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFraudAlertsConfigurations string code = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
FraudAlertConfigurationDto Get list of the FraudAlertConfigurationDto
GetFraudAlertsConfigurationsAsync string code = null
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
FraudAlertConfigurationDto Get list of the FraudAlertConfigurationDto
GetFraudAlertsConfiguration Guid id FraudAlertConfigurationDto Get individual FraudAlertConfigurationDto
GetFraudAlertsConfigurationAsync Guid id FraudAlertConfigurationDto Get individual FraudAlertConfigurationDto
CreateFraudAlertsConfiguration FraudAlertConfigurationDto data FraudAlertConfigurationDto Create FraudAlertConfigurationDto
CreateFraudAlertsConfigurationAsync FraudAlertConfigurationDto data FraudAlertConfigurationDto Create FraudAlertConfigurationDto
UpdateFraudAlertsConfigurationAsync Guid id
FraudAlertConfigurationDto data
string Update FraudAlertConfigurationDto
UpdateFraudAlertsConfigurationAsyncAsync Guid id
FraudAlertConfigurationDto data
string Update FraudAlertConfigurationDto
DeleteFraudAlertsConfiguration Guid id string Delete FraudAlertConfigurationDto
DeleteFraudAlertsConfigurationAsync Guid id string Delete FraudAlertConfigurationDto


Data Description
string CodeBrandFuelMasterDescription
Guid Id
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid SiteId
string SiteShortName
Guid FuelsMasterId
string FuelMasterDescription
string BrandFuelMasterDescription
string Code
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFuels int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelDto Get list of the FuelDto
GetFuelsAsync int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelDto Get list of the FuelDto
GetFuel Guid id FuelDto Get individual FuelDto
GetFuelAsync Guid id FuelDto Get individual FuelDto
CreateFuel FuelDto data FuelDto Create FuelDto
CreateFuelAsync FuelDto data FuelDto Create FuelDto
UpdateFuel Guid id FuelDto data string Update FuelDto
UpdateFuelAsync Guid id FuelDto data string Update FuelDto


Data Description
Guid Id
short? Type
string Code
string Description
byte? ContingencyCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFuelsMasters string code = null
string description = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelsMasterDto Get list of the FuelsMasterDto
GetFuelsMastersAsync string code = null
string description = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelsMasterDto Get list of the FuelsMasterDto
GetFuelsMaster Guid id FuelsMasterDto Get individual FuelsMasterDto
GetFuelsMasterAsync Guid id FuelsMasterDto Get individual FuelsMasterDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Code
string Name
string Description
decimal CO2EmissionCoefficient
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFuelsMastersGroups string code = null
string name = null
string description = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelsMastersGroupDto Get list of FuelsMastersGroupDto
GetFuelsMastersGroupsAsync string code = null
string name = null
string description = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
FuelsMastersGroupDto Get list of FuelsMastersGroupDto
GetFuelsMastersGroup Guid id FuelsMastersGroupDto Get individual FuelsMastersGroupDto
GetFuelsMastersGroupAsync Guid id FuelsMastersGroupDto Get individual FuelsMastersGroupDto


Data Description
string Code
Method Parameters Response Description
GetGenerateCode byte type
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
string siteName = null
GenerateCodeDto Get individual GenerateCodeDto
GetGenerateCodeAsync byte type
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
string siteName = null
GenerateCodeDto Get individual GenerateCodeDto


Data Description
string PIN
bool RequiresPIN
bool IdentificationActive
string TypeModelDescription
Guid TypeModelId
short Type
int RequestOrder
DateTime? RequestOrderDate
byte GiftCardState
DateTime CreationDate
int? PINDigits
Guid? GiftCardRequestOrderId
Guid GiftCardProgramValueId
Guid GiftCardDriverId
Guid GiftCardSubAccountId
Guid GiftCardIdentificationId
Guid GiftCardProgramId
string IdentificationLabel
string IdentificationTrackNumber
decimal? Balance
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
string GiftCardProgramName
string PAN
Method Parameters Response Description
GetGiftCardClients Guid? programId = null
byte? cardState = null
DateTime? CreatedFrom = null
DateTime? CreatedTo = null
decimal? BalanceFrom = null
decimal? BalanceTo = null
bool? active = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
string pan = ""
GiftCardClientDto Get list of the GiftCardClientDto
GetGiftCardClientsAsync Guid? programId = null
byte? cardState = null
DateTime? CreatedFrom = null
DateTime? CreatedTo = null
decimal? BalanceFrom = null
decimal? BalanceTo = null
bool? active = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
string pan = ""
GiftCardClientDto Get list of the GiftCardClientDto
GetGiftCardClient Guid id GiftCardClientDto Get individual GiftCardClientDto
GetGiftCardClientAsync Guid id GiftCardClientDto Get individual GiftCardClientDto
CreateGiftCardClient GiftCardClientDto data GiftCardClientDto Create GiftCardClientDto
CreateGiftCardClientAsync GiftCardClientDto data GiftCardClientDto Create GiftCardClientDto
UpdateGiftCardClient Guid id
GiftCardClientDto data
string Update GiftCardClientDto
UpdateGiftCardClientAsync Guid id
GiftCardClientDto data
string Update GiftCardClientDto


Data Description
List GiftCardProgramValueDto Values
List GiftCardProgramSiteDto Sites
List GiftCardProgramFuelDto Fuels
List GiftCardProgramDiscountDto Discounts
string BINRange
short? CardDuration
byte? CardPeriodicity
bool ActiveCards
bool ValidateSites
string StartDate
short Duration
byte Periodicity
byte CurrentAccountMode
bool Rechargable
bool SingleUse
string Description
string Name
string Code
string NetworkName
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
GiftCardProgramIdentificationTypeModelDto IdentificationsTypesModel
GiftCardProgramRuleDto Rule


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid GiftCardProgramId
decimal Value


Data Description
Guid SiteId
string SiteName
string SiteCode
List Fuels


Data Description
Guid FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterName
decimal? Price


Data Description
Guid FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterName
decimal? Price


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid? SiteId
string SiteName
Guid? FuelId
string FuelName
byte Type
string TypeName
decimal Value
string DateFrom
string TimeFrom
string DateTo
string TimeTo
byte State


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid? NetworkId
bool IgnoreTerminalVehicleIdBehavior
bool RequirePin
int? PinDigits
bool RequiresPINChange


Data Description
string ProgramDescription
Guid? ProgramId
string RuleTypeDescription
byte Owner
bool TrailerNumberReprompt
bool TruckUnitNumberReprompt
bool DriverPINReprompt
bool DriverIdReprompt
string Description
short? RuleType
int? EngineHoursMaxVariation
int? EngineHoursMinVariation
bool EngineHoursReprompt
int? OdometerMaxVariation
int? OdometerMinVariation
bool OdometerReprompt
bool MiscellaneousReprompt
bool SecondaryTrackReprompt
bool VehiclePINReprompt
int? Retries
string NetworkName
Guid? NetworkId
Guid Id
bool VehicleIdReprompt
bool SecondaryTrack
Method Parameters Response Description
GetGiftCardPrograms Guid? NetworkId
Guid? IdSite
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
GiftCardProgramDto Get list of the GiftCardProgramDto
GetGiftCardProgramsAsync Guid? NetworkId
Guid? IdSite
string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
GiftCardProgramDto Get list of the GiftCardProgramDto
GetGiftCardProgram Guid id GiftCardProgramDto Get individual GiftCardProgramDto
GetGiftCardProgramAsync Guid id GiftCardProgramDto Get individual GiftCardProgramDto
CreateGiftCardProgram GiftCardProgramDto data GiftCardProgramDto Create GiftCardProgramDto
CreateGiftCardProgramAsync GiftCardProgramDto data GiftCardProgramDto Create GiftCardProgramDto
UpdateGiftCardProgram Guid id
GiftCardProgramDto data
string Update GiftCardProgramDto
UpdateGiftCardProgramAsync Guid id
GiftCardProgramDto data
string Update GiftCardProgramDto


Data Description
decimal UnitPrice
decimal Amount
string ShiftNumber
string PumpNumber
int? Odometer
int? EngineHours
string DriverId
string VehicleId
string Miscellaneous
byte State
string ResponseCode
string ResponseMessage
string Comments
string ImageFileName
Guid? ReasonId
decimal Volume
string FuelName
Guid FuelMasterId
string TerminalCode
Guid Id
Guid? TransactionId
Guid NetworkId
string NetworkName
Guid GiftCardProgramId
string GiftCardProgramName
Guid GiftCardClientId
string ReasonName
string GiftCardClientPAN
string Date
string Time
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid SiteId
string SiteName
Guid TerminalId
string AuthorizationCode
GiftCardTransactionsContingencyImageDto Image


Data Description
string FileExtension
byte[] FileContent
ChangeTypeEnum ChangeType
Method Parameters Response Description
GetGiftCardTransactionsContingencies Guid? idGiftCardClient = null
Guid? idProgram = null
Guid? idSite = null
Guid? idTerminal = null
Guid? idFuelMaster = null
string dateFrom = null
string timeFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string timeTo = null
string authorizationCode = null
byte? state = null
Guid? idReason = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get list of the GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetGiftCardTransactionsContingenciesAsync Guid? idGiftCardClient = null
Guid? idProgram = null
Guid? idSite = null
Guid? idTerminal = null
Guid? idFuelMaster = null
string dateFrom = null
string timeFrom = null
string dateTo = null
string timeTo = null
string authorizationCode = null
byte? state = null
Guid? idReason = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get list of the GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetGiftCardTransactionsContingency Guid id GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get individual GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
GetGiftCardTransactionsContingencyAsync Guid id GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Get individual GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
CreateGiftCardTransactionsContingency GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto data GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Create GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
CreateGiftCardTransactionsContingencyAsync GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto data GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto Create GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
UpdateGiftCardTransactionsContingency GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto data string Update GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto
UpdateGiftCardTransactionsContingencyAsync GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto data string Update GiftCardTransactionsContingencyDto


Data Description
Guid Id
int Type
int? SubType
string Title
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetGlobalSearch string searchText GlobalSearchDto Get individual GlobalSearchDto
GetGlobalSearchAsync string searchText GlobalSearchDto Get individual GlobalSearchDto


Data Description
string SubAccountDescription
Guid? DriverId
Guid? VehicleId
Guid? ProgramId
string ProgramDescription
Guid? LoyaltyProgramId
string LoyaltyProgramDescription
Guid? ContractId
string ContractDescription
bool RequiresPINChange
Guid? IdCompany
string CompanyName
string DriverCode
string DriverFirstName
string DriverLastName
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid? SubAccountId
string DriverDescription
string PIN
string ExpirationDateShort
Guid NetworkId
string NetworkName
Guid Id
byte UseType
short? Type
Guid TypeModelId
string TypeModelDescription
string Label
string TrackNumber
string PAN
byte State
bool Active
string CreationDate
string UpdateDate
string AssignmentDate
string ExpirationDate
string AssignmentDateShort
int? RequestOrder
string VehicleDescription
string Email
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentifications List contractIds = null
List subAccount = null
List<byte?> types = null
List<byte?> state = null
byte? subAccountOwner = null
string label = null
Guid? vehicle = null
Guid? driver = null
byte? type = null
Guid? model = null
Guid? program = null
byte? status = null
byte? active = null
string pan = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationDto Get list of the IdentificationDto
GetIdentificationsAsync List contractIds = null
List subAccount = null
List<byte?> types = null
List<byte?> state = null
byte? subAccountOwner = null
string label = null
Guid? vehicle = null
Guid? driver = null
byte? type = null
Guid? model = null
Guid? program = null
byte? status = null
byte? active = null
string pan = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationDto Get list of the IdentificationDto
GetIdentification Guid id IdentificationDto Get individual IdentificationDto
GetIdentificationAsync Guid id IdentificationDto Get individual IdentificationDto
CreateIdentification IdentificationDto data IdentificationDto Create IdentificationDto
CreateIdentificationAsync IdentificationDto data IdentificationDto Create IdentificationDto
UpdateIdentification Guid id
IdentificationDto data
string Update IdentificationDto
UpdateIdentificationAsync Guid id
IdentificationDto data
string Update IdentificationDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Description
bool RequirePin
int? PinDigits
string PIN
bool Instalable
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationsToAssign Guid entityId
bool isDriver
Guid? companyContractId = null
string searchText = null
IdentificationCompactDto Get individual IdentificationCompactDto
GetIdentificationsToAssignAsync Guid entityId
bool isDriver
Guid? companyContractId = null
string searchText = null
IdentificationCompactDto Get individual IdentificationCompactDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string PIN
Method Parameters Response Description
UpdateIdentificationChangePin Guid id
IdentificationsChangePinDto data
string Update Pin of identification
UpdateIdentificationChangePinAsync Guid id
IdentificationsChangePinDto data
string Update Pin of identification


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
tring Name
string Email
string EmailTemplate
string SettingExportFiles
int? IdentificationsPerFile
bool SendDeliveryLabel
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationsProviders string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationsProviderDto Get list of the IdentificationsProviderDto
GetIdentificationsProvidersAsync string name = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationsProviderDto Get list of the IdentificationsProviderDto
GetIdentificationProvider Guid id IdentificationsProviderDto Get individual IdentificationsProviderDto
GetIdentificationProviderAsync Guid id IdentificationsProviderDto Get individual IdentificationsProviderDto
CreateIdentificationProvider IdentificationsProviderDto data IdentificationsProviderDto Create IdentificationsProviderDto
CreateIdentificationProviderAsync IdentificationsProviderDto data IdentificationsProviderDto Create IdentificationsProviderDto
UpdateIdentificationProvider Guid id
IdentificationsProviderDto data
string Update IdentificationsProviderDto
UpdateIdentificationProviderAsync Guid id
IdentificationsProviderDto data
string Update IdentificationsProviderDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
short IdentificationType
string Description
bool Instalable
bool Personalized
bool Reusable
bool MultipleAssign
bool ValidateExpDate
bool RequierePin
int PinDigits
bool IgnoreTerminalVehicleIdBehavior
bool CustomTrack
bool RequiresPINChange
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationTypeModels short? identificationType = null
bool? installable = null
bool? personalize = null
bool includeGiftCard = false
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationTypeModelDto Get list of the IdentificationTypeModelDto
GetIdentificationTypeModelsAsync short? identificationType = null
bool? installable = null
bool? personalize = null
bool includeGiftCard = false
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationTypeModelDto Get list of the IdentificationTypeModelDto
GetIdentificationtypeModel Guid id IdentificationTypeModelDto Get individual IdentificationTypeModelDto
GetIdentificationtypeModelAsync Guid id IdentificationTypeModelDto Get individual IdentificationTypeModelDto


Data Description
DateTime? UpdateRealDate
string NetworkTimezoneCode
DateTime CreatedNetworkDate
DateTime CreatedRealDate
bool UserConsent
string ReportedCopy
string ReportedProcedureNumber
string ReportedIssueDate
string ReportedBirthDate
string ReportedSex
string ReportedLastName
string ReportedFirstName
string ReportedCountry
string ReportedIdentityNumber
string ProfilePicture
string PhoneNumber
string ZipCode
string StreetAddress
DateTime? BirthDate
string Alias
string Name
byte? IdentityNumberType
string IdentityNumber
Guid IdNetwork
Guid Id
DateTime? UpdateNetworkDate
List LoyaltyIdentifications


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdCommunity
Guid IdCompany
Guid? IdFleet
string CommunityName
short? CommunityTarget
string Label
string TrackNumber
short Type
Guid IdIdentificationModel
bool Active
string PAN
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentities string identitiyNumber = null
string name = null
bool? userConsent = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentityDto Get list of the IdentityDto
GetIdentitiesAsync string identitiyNumber = null
string name = null
bool? userConsent = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentityDto Get list of the IdentityDto
GetIdentity Guid id IdentityDto Get individual IdentityDto
GetIdentityAsync Guid id IdentityDto Get individual IdentityDto
CreateIdentity IdentityDto data IdentityDto Create IdentityDto
CreateIdentityAsync IdentityDto data IdentityDto Create IdentityDto
UpdateIdentity Guid id IdentityDto data string Update IdentityDto
UpdateIdentityAsync Guid id IdentityDto data string Update IdentityDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Code
string Name
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetInvoicesTypes string code = null
string name = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
InvoicesTypeDto Get list of the InvoicesTypeDto
GetInvoicesTypesAsync string code = null
string name = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
InvoicesTypeDto Get list of the InvoicesTypeDto
GetInvoiceType Guid id InvoicesTypeDto Get individual InvoicesTypeDto
GetInvoiceTypeAsync Guid id InvoicesTypeDto Get individual InvoicesTypeDto
CreateInvoiceType InvoicesTypeDto data InvoicesTypeDto Create InvoicesTypeDto
CreateInvoiceTypeAsync InvoicesTypeDto data InvoicesTypeDto Create InvoicesTypeDto
UpdateInvoiceType Guid id InvoicesTypeDto data string Update InvoicesTypeDto
UpdateInvoiceTypeAsync Guid id InvoicesTypeDto data string Update InvoicesTypeDto


Data Description
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid? IdFleet
Guid? IdVehicle
string DriverLastName
string DriverFirstName
string DriverEmail
string DriverCode
string DriverLicenseNumber
Guid? IdDriver
short CommunityTarget
Guid IdNetwork
string IdentityName
byte IdentitiyNumberType
string IdentityNumber
Guid IdIdentity
Guid IdCompany
Guid IdCommunity
Guid Id
List IdentityDto Identities
List LoyaltyAccountIdentificationDto LoyaltyClientCards


Data Description
Guid Id
string IdentificationLabel
string IdentificationTrackNumber
short IdentificationType
Guid IdIdentificationModel
bool Active
string IdentificationPAN
Method Parameters Response Description
GetLoyaltyAccounts string searchText = null
string identificationLabel = null
string identificationTrackNumber = null
Guid? idCommunity = null
Guid? idIdentity = null
string identityNumber = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
LoyaltyAccountDto Get list of the LoyaltyAccountDto
GetLoyaltyAccounts string searchText = null
string identificationLabel = null
string identificationTrackNumber = null
Guid? idCommunity = null
Guid? idIdentity = null
string identityNumber = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
LoyaltyAccountDto Get list of the LoyaltyAccountDto
GetLoyaltyAccount Guid id LoyaltyAccountDto Get individual LoyaltyAccountDto
GetLoyaltyAccountAsync Guid id LoyaltyAccountDto Get individual LoyaltyAccountDto
CreateLoyaltyAccount LoyaltyAccountDto data LoyaltyAccountDto Create LoyaltyAccountDto
CreateLoyaltyAccountAsync LoyaltyAccountDto data LoyaltyAccountDto Create LoyaltyAccountDto
UpdateLoyaltyAccount Guid id LoyaltyAccountDto data string Update LoyaltyAccountDto
UpdateLoyaltyAccountAsync Guid id LoyaltyAccountDto data string Update LoyaltyAccountDto


Data Description
Guid? DriverId
string VehiclePlate
string VehicleCode
Guid? VehicleId
string FleetName
string FleetCode
string DriverCode
Guid? FleetId
string SecondaryLoyaltyAccountDescription
Guid? SecondaryLoyaltyAccountId
bool IsPrimaryLoyaltyAccountVehicle
string PrimaryLoyaltyAccountDescription
Guid? PrimaryLoyaltyAccountId
string SecondaryIdentificationPAN
bool IsSecondaryLoyaltyAccountVehicle
string DriverCompleteName
string AccountTypeDescription
string InvoiceNumber
bool EHVoided
bool Voided
short EHState
byte State
short ConciliationState
decimal? LoyaltyPoints
decimal? EHLoyaltyPoints
string EHComments
string EHAuthorizationCode
string UnitName
decimal? TransactionAmount
decimal? Amount
string EntryMethod
string ShiftNumber
int? BatchNumber
string SecondaryIdentificationLabel
List< PaymentsMethodDto PaymentMethods
Guid? SecondaryIdentificationId
string PrimaryIdentificationLabel
string StatusDescription
short? Status
string ModeDescription
short? Mode
string TypeDescription
short Type
string HostDateTime
string ResponseMessage
string AuthorizationCode
string TransactionSequenceNumber
string SubscriberName
string SubscriberCode
Guid? SubscriberId
Guid Id
string ResponseCode
string SubscriberDateTime
string SubscriberTimeZone
string SiteDateTime
Guid? PrimaryIdentificationId
string CompanyTaxpayerId
string CompanyName
string CompanyCode
Guid? CompanyId
string TerminalCode
Guid? TerminalId
string SiteName
string SiteCode
Guid? SiteId
string MerchantName
string MerchantCode
Guid? MerchantId
string DateTime
string SiteTimeZone
string PrimaryIdentificationPAN
List LoyaltyTransactionsProductDto Products


Data Description
Guid Id
decimal? Quantity
string UnitCode
string SKUDescription
string ProductCode
decimal? UnitPrice
decimal? Total
Method Parameters Response Description
GetLoyaltyTransactions string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
LoyaltyTransactionDto Get list of the LoyaltyTransactionDto
GetLoyaltyTransactionsAsync string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
LoyaltyTransactionDto Get list of the LoyaltyTransactionDto
GetLoyaltyTransaction Guid id LoyaltyTransactionDto Get individual LoyaltyTransactionDto
GetLoyaltyTransactionAsync Guid id LoyaltyTransactionDto Get individual LoyaltyTransactionDto


Data Description
ContractCurrentAccountModeEnum CurrentAccountMode
string BillingRecepientEmails
string MerchantCity
string MerchantStreet1
string MerchantStreet2
string MerchantZipCode
string MerchantTaxPayerId
List Products
bool BillingManual
bool BillingDeductChargesFromBalance
string BillingCutTime
byte? BillingCutDay
string BillingCutMonth
string CountryDescription
string StateDescription
string CurrencyCode
bool BillingSeparateChargesDocument
bool IsCodeAutomaticallyGenerated
List Sites
EdifactContractFiscalConfigurationDto EdifactConfigurationDto
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid NetworksMerchantId
string Code
string Description
List Fuels
Guid? CurrencyId
Guid? StateId
string ClearingCurrencyCode
DateTime StartDate
byte Periodicity
short Duration
decimal? Limit
BillingProcessTypeEnum BillingProcessType
Guid? CountryId
Guid? IdRackPricesList


Data Description
MerchantContractProductBillingDto BillingData
List Modifiers
bool Enabled
bool RollUp
decimal? Ceiling
decimal? Threshold
byte? IdentificationType
string ApplicationName
byte ApplicationType
byte ConceptType
decimal Quantity
string CurrencyCode
Guid? CurrencyId
decimal Price
string Description
Guid ProductId
Guid Id


Data Description
Guid Id
byte Class
string ClassName
byte Type
string TypeName
byte? RangeType
string RangeTypeName
byte? CeilingType
string CeilingTypeName
decimal? Ceiling
bool Included
bool Stepped
List Steps


Data Description
Guid Id
decimal? RangeFrom
decimal? RangeTo
decimal Value


Data Description
byte Event
string EventName
byte? PeriodicityMode
short? PeriodicityValue
string CutTime
byte? CutDay
byte? CutMonth


Data Description
Guid SiteId
string SiteName
List Fuels


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterName
string FuelMasterCode
Guid? CurrencyId
string CurrencyCode
decimal? Price
decimal? VolumeLimit
decimal? SecurityLimit
decimal? OverLimit
DateTime? OverLimitStartDate
DateTime? OverLimitEndDate


Data Description
Guid? Id
Guid? IdCompanyContract
Guid? IdMerchantContract
int? RegimeCode
int? ElectronicInvoiceUseCode
int? PaymentForm
int? PaymentMethod
int? ReceiversCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetMerchantContracts string merchantCode = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
bool? valid = null
string description = null
Guid? merchantId = null
Guid? siteId = null
byte? mode = null
byte? balanceMode = null
Guid? countryId = null
Guid? stateId = null
bool? moneyBalance = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
MerchantContractDto Get list of the MerchantContractDto
GetMerchantContractsAsync string merchantCode = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
bool? valid = null
string description = null
Guid? merchantId = null
Guid? siteId = null
byte? mode = null
byte? balanceMode = null
Guid? countryId = null
Guid? stateId = null
bool? moneyBalance = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
MerchantContractDto Get list of the MerchantContractDto
GetMerchantContract Guid id MerchantContractDto Get individual MerchantContractDto
GetMerchantContractAsync Guid id MerchantContractDto Get individual MerchantContractDto
CreateMerchantContract MerchantContractDto data MerchantDto Create MerchantContractDto
CreateMerchantContractAsync MerchantContractDto data MerchantDto Create MerchantContractDto
UpdateMerchantContract MerchantContractDto data string Update MerchantContractDto
UpdateMerchantContractAsync MerchantContractDto data string Update MerchantContractDto


Data Description
string Custom1
string Custom0
bool Active
string ContactPhone2
string ContactPhone1
string ContactEmail
string ContactName
DateTime CreationDate
string IndustryDescription
Guid IndustryId
string Custom2
string TaxPayerId
string ZipCode
string StateDescription
Guid StateId
string CountryDescription
Guid CountryId
string Street2
string Street1
string Name
string Code
Guid Id
string City
string Custom3
Method Parameters Response Description
GetMerchants List Guid merchantIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
MerchantDto Get list of the MerchantDto
GetMerchantsAsync List Guid merchantIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
MerchantDto Get list of the MerchantDto
GetMerchant Guid id MerchantDto Get individual MerchantDto
GetMerchantAsync Guid id MerchantDto Get individual MerchantDto
CreateMerchant MerchantDto data MerchantDto Create MerchantDto
CreateMerchantAsync MerchantDto data MerchantDto Create MerchantDto
UpdateMerchant Guid id MerchantDto data string Update MerchantDto
UpdateMerchantAsync Guid id MerchantDto data string Update MerchantDto


Data Description
string MerchantCode
string MerchantName
string ContractCode
string ContractDescription
string FuelMasterCode
string FuelMasterDescription
string CurrencyCode
decimal Amount
Method Parameters Response Description
GetMerchantContractBalance Guid? merchantContractId MerchantContractBalanceDto Get individual MerchantContractBalanceDto
GetMerchantContractBalanceAsync Guid? merchantContractId MerchantContractBalanceDto Get individual MerchantContractBalanceDto

Merchants Contracts


Data Type Name Description
Guid Id Unique identifier of the Merchant Contract
Guid MerchantId Unique identifier of the Merchant related to this contract
bool Active
string MerchantUser User responsible for the contract (will be granted the Merchant Admin role)
string Code
string Description
Guid? CurrencyId Unique identifier of the Currency used by the contract (only for Money)
DateTime StartDate
byte Periodicity
short Duration
ContractCurrentAccountModeEnum CurrentAccountMode Determines whether the contract is Money or Products
bool IsCodeAutomaticallyGenerated Automatically generates a code for the contract if not provided
Guid? IdRackPricesList Unique identifier for the Rack Price List to be used by the contract
MerchantContractBillingDto Billing
List<MerchantContractFuelDto> Fuels
List<MerchantContractSiteDto> Sites
List<MerchantContractProductDto> Products
IEnumerable<MerchantContractModifierDto> Modifiers


Data Type Name Description
bool Active
string RecepientEmails All emails that will recieve a copy of the statement generated in the billing process. Each email must be separated by a semi-colon ";"
string Name Name to be shown as recipient in the statement
string City Statement address
string Street1 Statement address
string Street2 Statement address
string ZipCode Statement address
Guid? CountryId Statement address
Guid? StateId Statement address
string TaxPayerId
BillingProcessTypeEnum Type Determines whether the billing process is only ATIONET or EdiFact
bool Manual
BillingPeriodicityEnum? PeriodicityMode
short? PeriodicityValue
string CutTime
byte? CutDay
byte? CutMonth
short DueDays
bool DeductChargesFromBalance All extra charges from the statement generation will impact the contract current account
bool SeparateChargesDocument All extra charges will be processed in their own statement
EdifactContractFiscalConfigurationDto EdifactConfiguration


Data Type Name Description
Guid FuelMasterId Unique identifier of the Fuel Master


Data Type Name Description
Guid SiteId Unique identifier of the Site


Data Type Name Description
Guid Id Unique identifier of the relationship Product-Contract
Guid ProductId Unique identifier of the Product
decimal Quantity
byte ApplicationType
byte? ApplicationTypeLimit
decimal? ApplicationMinLimit
decimal? ApplicationMaxLimit
decimal? Threshold
decimal? Ceiling
bool RollUp
bool Enabled
Guid? ZoneId Unique identifier of the Zone
Guid? SiteClassification0Id Unique identifier of the SiteClassification0
Guid? SiteClassification1Id Unique identifier of the SiteClassification1
Guid? SiteClassification2Id Unique identifier of the SiteClassification2
Guid? SiteClassification3Id Unique identifier of the SiteClassification3
List<MerchantContractProductModifierDto> Modifiers
MerchantContractProductBillingDto BillingData


Data Type Name Description
Guid Id Unique identifier of the Product modifier
byte Class
byte Type
byte? RangeType
byte? CeilingType
decimal? Ceiling
bool Included
bool Stepped
List<MerchantContractProductModifierDto.Step> Steps


Data Type Name Description
Guid Id Unique identifier of the Step
decimal? RangeFrom
decimal? RangeTo
decimal Value


Data Type Name Description
byte Event
byte? PeriodicityMode
short? PeriodicityValue
string CutTime
byte? CutDay
byte? CutMonth


Data Type Name Description
Guid Id Unique identifier of the modifier
bool Delete Marks the modifier for deletion
Guid? FuelMasterId Unique identifier of the Fuel Master
Guid? SiteId Unique identifier of the Site
ModifierTypeEnum Type
ModifierClassEnum Class
decimal Value
string Description
DateTime DateTimeFrom
DateTime? DateTimeTo
IEnumerable<MerchantContractModifierCompanyDto> Companies


Data Type Name Description
Guid CompanyId Unique identifier of the Company


Data Description
string OriginId
byte Origin
byte Type
DateTime NetworkDate
string NetworkTimeZone
DateTime RealDate
bool Reversed
string Description
Guid? UserAtionetId
Guid? ProcessBillingStatementId
Guid? FastTrackId
Guid? TransactionId
Guid CompanyId
Guid Id
Guid? LastMovementId
List MovementsDetailDto DetailsMovementDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid MovementId
Guid CompanyContractId
Guid? SubAccountId
Guid? FuelMasterId
Guid? CurrencyCodeId
decimal Amount
bool IsDebit
DateTime RealDate
Method Parameters Response Description
GetMovements Guid? idCompany= null
Guid? fastTrackId = null
Guid? lastMovementId = null
Guid? processBillingStatementId = null
Guid? transactionId = null
Guid? userAtionetId = null
string originId = null
string description = null
byte? origin = null
byte? type = null
bool? reversed = null
string realDateFrom = null
string realDateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
MovementDto Get list of the MovementDto
GetMovementsAsync Guid? idCompany= null
Guid? fastTrackId = null
Guid? lastMovementId = null
Guid? processBillingStatementId = null
Guid? transactionId = null
Guid? userAtionetId = null
string originId = null
string description = null
byte? origin = null
byte? type = null
bool? reversed = null
string realDateFrom = null
string realDateTo = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
MovementDto Get list of the MovementDto
GetMovement Guid id MovementDto Get individual MovementDto
GetMovementAsync Guid id MovementDto Get individual MovementDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid CompanyContractId
Guid? SubAccountIdFrom
Guid? SubAccountIdTo
Guid? FuelMasterId
Guid? SiteID
byte Type
decimal Amount
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
CreateMovement CurrentAccountMovementDto data CurrentAccountMovementDto Create CurrentAccountMovementDto
CreateMovementAsync CurrentAccountMovementDto data CurrentAccountMovementDto Create CurrentAccountMovementDto


Data Description
string StateName
string TimeZone
string City
string Street1
string Street2
string ZipCode
string PhoneNumber1
string PhoneNumber2
string ContactName
string ContactEmail
string CreationDate
Guid StateId
Guid BrandId
string IdentificationRequestMail
string SupportMail
string SenderMail
bool IsEdiFactBillingProcessType
List NetworkCustomFieldsConfigurationDto CustomFieldsConfigurations
List NetworkCompanyDto Companies
List NetworkMerchantDto Merchants
List NetworkFiscalConfigurationDto FiscalConfigurations
string PrimaryColor
string SecondaryColor
string AccentColor
string BrandName
string NetworkLogoURL
string CountryName
string TaxPayerId
Guid Id
string Name
short Type
byte? BalanceMode
byte? CurrentAccountMode
byte BillingProcessType
short EdiFactTaxRegimeCode
string Code
string InternalCode
bool Active
bool SupportsLoyalty
Guid CountryId
bool SupportsInventory
bool SupportsTracking
bool SupportsFleet
bool SupportsAnalytics
bool SupportsConsumerCard
bool SupportsWorkflows
bool SupportsDriverMobileApp
bool SupportsCompanyMobileApp
bool SupportsMerchantMobileApp
bool SupportsNetworkMobileApp
Guid IndustryId
string IndustryDescription
bool SupportsOffline
string NetworkLogoExtension


Data Description
short Entity
bool Enabled
bool ReadOnly
int CustomField
string Label


Data Description
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
string MerchantCode


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
short Type
string Configuration


Data Description
Guid CompanyId
string CompanyName
string CompanyCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetNetworkAsync NetworkDto Get individual NetworkDto
GetNetworkAsync NetworkDto Get individual NetworkDto


Data Description
List NotificationSubscriptionDto NotificationSuscriptionDto


Data Description
int AlertType
string AlertTypeName
int CategoryType
string CategoryTypeName
List Channels
string Configuration


Data Description
string ChannelName
byte Channel
bool Suscribed
Method Parameters Response Description
GetUsersAtionetNotificationsSubscription UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto Get UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
GetUsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionAsync UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto Get UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
UpdateNotificationSubscription UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto data string Update UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
UpdateNotificationSubscriptionAsync UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto data string Update UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
string Code
string Description
decimal? Total
DateTime UpdateDate
Method Parameters Response Description
GetPaymentsMethods List Guid paymentsMethodIds = null
string code = null
string description = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
PaymentsMethodDto Get list of the PaymentsMethodDto
GetPaymentsMethodsAsync List Guid paymentsMethodIds = null
string code = null
string description = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
PaymentsMethodDto Get list of the PaymentsMethodDto
GetPaymentsMethod Guid id PaymentsMethodDto Get individual PaymentsMethodDto
GetPaymentsMethodAsync Guid id PaymentsMethodDto Get individual PaymentsMethodDto
CreatePaymentsMethod PaymentsMethodDto data PaymentsMethodDto Create PaymentsMethodDto
CreatePaymentsMethodAsync PaymentsMethodDto data PaymentsMethodDto Create PaymentsMethodDto
UpdatePaymentsMethod Guid id
PaymentsMethodDto data
string Update PaymentsMethodDto
UpdatePaymentsMethodAsync Guid id
PaymentsMethodDto data
string Update PaymentsMethodDto


Data Description
<<<<<<< HEAD
bool SupportsDryProducts
string BINRange
decimal? GiftCardAmount
bool IsRechargeable
byte SupportsOffline
byte SupportsContingency
byte ApplyContractsSites
bool ValidateExpDate
byte BalanceMode
string Description
string CompanyName
Guid? CompanyId
string NetworkName
Guid NetworkId
string InternalCode
Guid Id
byte Type
ProgramRuleDto Rule
ProgramRuleDto RuleLocation
byte DriverIdUsage
byte VehicleIdUsage
string VoucherAmounts
short? Duration
byte? Periodicity
bool ReturnsBalance
bool ValidateExpDate
bool SupportsDryProducts
string BINRange
decimal? GiftCardAmount
bool IsRechargeable
byte SupportsOffline
byte SupportsContingency
byte ApplyContractsSites
byte BalanceMode
byte Type
string Description
string CompanyName
Guid? CompanyId
string NetworkName
Guid NetworkId
string InternalCode
Guid Id
ProgramRuleDto Rule
ProgramRuleDto RuleLocation


Data Description
bool SecondaryTrack
bool VehicleIdReprompt
string ProgramDescription
Guid? ProgramId
string RuleTypeDescription
byte Owner
bool TrailerNumberReprompt
bool TruckUnitNumberReprompt
bool DriverPINReprompt
bool DriverIdReprompt
string Description
short? RuleType
int? EngineHoursMaxVariation
int? EngineHoursMinVariation
bool EngineHoursReprompt
int? OdometerMaxVariation
int? OdometerMinVariation
bool OdometerReprompt
bool MiscellaneousReprompt
bool SecondaryTrackReprompt
bool VehiclePINReprompt
int? Retries
string NetworkName
Guid? NetworkId
Guid Id
List SitesIds
List ZonesIds


Method Parameters Response Description
GetPrograms List Guid programIds = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc" string orderType = "asc"
List<ProgramDto> Get list of the ProgramDto
GetProgramsAsync List Guid programIds = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc" string orderType = "asc"
List<ProgramDto> Get list of the ProgramDto
GetProgram Guid id ProgramDto Get individual ProgramDto
GetProgramAsync Guid id ProgramDto Get individual ProgramDto
CreateProgram ProgramDto data ProgramDto Create ProgramDto
CreateProgramAsync ProgramDto data ProgramDto Create ProgramDto
UpdateProgram Guid id
ProgramDto data
string Update ProgramDto
UpdateProgramAsync Guid id
ProgramDto data
string Update ProgramDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdCurrencyCode
string Name
string Code
string RealCreatedDate
string NetworkCreatedDate
string NetworkTimeZone
bool Active
short? GroupingType
bool HasCurrentRackPrices
List RackPrices


Data Description
public string SiteClassifications3Name
string FuelName
string FuelMasterName
string DisplayFuelName
decimal Value
string DateFrom
string TimeFrom
string DateTo
string TimeTo
string CreationDate
string NetworkCreationDate
string NetworkTimeZone
bool IsFuture
bool IsHistoric
string DateTimeFrom
string SiteClassifications3Code
Guid? IdSiteClassifications3
string SiteClassifications2Name
string SiteClassifications2Code
Guid Id
string NetworkName
Guid IdFuelMaster
Guid? IdSite
string SiteName
string SiteCode
Guid? IdZone
string DateTimeTo
string ZoneName
Guid? IdSiteClassifications0
string SiteClassifications0Code
string SiteClassifications0Name
Guid? IdSiteClassifications1
string SiteClassifications1Code
string SiteClassifications1Name
Guid? IdSiteClassifications2
string ZoneCode
short Type
Method Parameters Response Description
GetRackPricesLists string name = null
string code = null
bool? active = null
Guid? idCurrency = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
List<RackPricesListDto> Get list of the RackPricesListDto
GetRackPricesListsAsync string name = null
string code = null
bool? active = null
Guid? idCurrency = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "name"
string orderType = "asc"
List<RackPricesListDto> Get list of the RackPricesListDto
GetRackPricesList Guid id RackPricesListDto Get individual RackPricesListDto
GetRackPricesListAsync Guid id RackPricesListDto Get individual RackPricesListDto
CreateRackPricesList RackPricesListDto data RackPricesListDto Create RackPricesListDto
CreateRackPricesListAsync RackPricesListDto data RackPricesListDto Create RackPricesListDto
UpdateRackPricesList RackPricesListDto data string Update RackPricesListDto
UpdateRackPricesListAsync RackPricesListDto data string Update RackPricesListDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Description
string StatusMessage
bool Error
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationRequestStatus short type
short origin
Guid idCompanyContract
Guid idProgram
List idsList
Guid? idLoyaltyProgram = null
IdentificationsRequestStatusDto Get list of the IdentificationsRequestStatusDto
GetIdentificationRequestStatusAsync short type
short origin
Guid idCompanyContract
Guid idProgram
List idsList
Guid? idLoyaltyProgram = null
IdentificationsRequestStatusDto Get list of the IdentificationsRequestStatusDto


Data Description
Guid IdCompanyContract
Guid? IdProgram
Guid? IdLoyaltyProgram
Guid? IdIdentificationsTypesModel
List Guid EntityIds
short Type
Method Parameters Response Description
CreateRequestIdentificationVehicle IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Vehicle
CreateRequestIdentificationVehicleAsync IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Vehicle
CreateRequestIdentificationDriver IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Driver
CreateRequestIdentificationDriverAsync IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Driver
CreateRequestIdentificationDriver IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Driver
CreateRequestIdentificationDriverAsync IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Request Identification Driver


Data Description
List Guid Ids
Method Parameters Response Description
SetRequestIdentificationDelivery IdentificationsRequestChangeStatusDto data string Set IdentificationsRequestChangeStatusDto
SetRequestIdentificationDeliveryAsync IdentificationsRequestChangeStatusDto data string Set IdentificationsRequestChangeStatusDto


Data Description
int RequestedQuantity
int RequestOrder
string UseTypeDescription
byte UseType
string StateDescription
short State
string ReceptionDate
Guid? IdCountryDelivery
string CountryDelivery
Guid? IdStateDelivery
string StateDelivery
string CityDelivery
string ZipCodeDelivery
int RequestedValue
string Street2Delivery
string DeliveryDate
string RequestDate
string LoyaltyProgramName
Guid? LoyaltyProgramId
string ProgramName
Guid? ProgramId
Guid? CompanyContractId
string CompanyName
Guid? CompanyId
string NetworkName
Guid NetworkId
short? Type
Guid Id
string Street1Delivery
IEnumerable IdentificationsList
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationsRequestsAsync List idsCompanyContract = null
int? orderNumber = null
byte? state = null
Guid? idProgram = null
Guid? idLoyaltyProgram = null
IdentificationsRequestDateTypeEnum? dateType = null
DateTime? dateFrom = null
DateTime? dateTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "label"
string orderType = "asc"
IdentificationsRequestDto Get list of the IdentificationsRequestDto
GetIdentificationsRequest Guid id IdentificationsRequestDto Get individual IdentificationsRequestDto
GetIdentificationsRequestAsync Guid id IdentificationsRequestDto Get individual IdentificationsRequestDto


Data Description
byte[] File
Method Parameters Response Description
GetIdentificationsRequestExport Guid id IdentificationExportDto Get individual IdentificationExportDto
GetIdentificationsRequestExportAsync Guid id IdentificationExportDto Get individual IdentificationExportDto


Data Description
bool PINBlock
int? PINRetriesLimit
bool TruckUnitNumberReprompt
bool TrailerNumberReprompt
decimal? ContingencyLimit
decimal? OfflineLimit
List SitesIds
byte Owner
string OwnerDescription
List DaysTimeRuleType
string RuleTypeDescription
string RuleValues
Guid? ProgramId
bool DriverPINReprompt
string ProgramDescription
bool VehicleIdReprompt
bool SecondaryTrack
List FuelsIds
List Fuels
List Drivers
List Vehicles
List Fleets
List Zones
List FuelGroups
List Sites
bool NonBlocking
List FuelGroupsIds
List ZonesIds
bool ExactDateTime
bool DriverIdReprompt
int? EngineHoursMaxVariation
int? EngineHoursMinVariation
Guid Id
Guid? NetworkId
string NetworkName
Guid? CompanyId
string CompanyName
Guid? MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid? CompanyContractId
string ContractDescription
short? RuleType
string Description
byte? Periodicity
short? PeriodicityAmount
decimal? MoneyQuota
decimal? VolumeQuota
int? TimeFrom
int? TimeTo
int? DateFrom
int? DateTo
decimal? SecurityLimit
int? TransactionsQuantity
int? Retries
bool VehiclePINReprompt
bool SecondaryTrackReprompt
bool MiscellaneousReprompt
bool OdometerReprompt
int? OdometerMinVariation
int? OdometerMaxVariation
bool EngineHoursReprompt
Guid? SKUCategoryId
string SKUCategoryDescription


Data Description
byte Day
List TimeRanges


Data Description
string TimeFrom
string TimeTo
int TimeFromInt
int TimeToInt


Data Description
Guid IdRule
string RuleName
short RuleType
Guid IdFuel
string FuelName
string FuelCode


Data Description
Guid IdRule
string RuleName
short RuleType
Guid IdDriver
string DriverName
string DriverCode


Data Description
Guid IdRule
string RuleName
short RuleType
string RuleTypeDescription
Guid IdVehicle
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
string Description


Data Description
Guid IdRule
string RuleName
short RuleType
string RuleTypeDescription
Guid IdFleet
string FleetName
string FleetCode
string Description


Data Description
Guid ZoneId
string ZoneName
string ZoneCode


Data Description
Guid FuelGroupId
string FuelGroupsName
string FuelGroupsCode


Data Description
Guid SiteId
string SiteName
string SiteDescription
string SiteCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetRules string rule = null
short? ruleType = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
Guid? idDriver = null
Guid? idFleet = null
string customer = null
string company = null
string contract = null
bool? nonBlocking = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
List<RuleDto> Get list of the RuleDto
GetRulesAsync string rule = null
short? ruleType = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
Guid? idDriver = null
Guid? idFleet = null
string customer = null
string company = null
string contract = null
bool? nonBlocking = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "description"
string orderType = "asc"
List<RuleDto> Get list of the RuleDto
GetRule Guid id RuleDto Get individual RuleDto
GetRuleAsync Guid id RuleDto Get individual RuleDto
CreateRule RuleDto data RuleDto Create RuleDto
CreateRuleAsync RuleDto data RuleDto Create RuleDto
UpdateRule Guid id
RuleDto data
string Update RuleDto
UpdateRuleAsync Guid id
RuleDto data
string Update RuleDto
DeleteRule Guid id string Get individual RuleDto
DeleteRuleAsync Guid id string Get individual RuleDto


Data Description
List Ids
bool Increase
bool IsPercentage
decimal Value
bool TransactionEnabled
bool MoneyEnabled
bool VolumeEnabled
Method Parameters Response Description
UpdateRuleQuotaBulk Guid id
RuleQuotaUpdateDto data
string Update RuleQuotaUpdateDto
UpdateRuleQuotaBulkAsync Guid id
RuleQuotaUpdateDto data
string Update RuleQuotaUpdateDto


Data Description
int? QuantityIdentifications
string PaymentReference
decimal? RequestedTotalAmount
decimal? RequestedTaxesAmount
decimal? RequestedNetAmount
decimal? RequestedCommisionAmount
decimal? RequestedAmount
string NetworkDateTimeZone
DateTime? UpdateRealDate
DateTime? UpdateDate
DateTime? RequestRealDate
DateTime? RequestDate
byte State
byte Type
Guid? RquestIdentificationId
Guid CompanyContractId
Guid CompanyId
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
int? OrderNumber
string ContractDescription
Method Parameters Response Description
GetSalesOrders Guid? companyContractId = null
Guid? identificationRequestId = null
byte? type = null
byte? state = null
string paymentReference = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "PaymentReference"
string orderType = "asc"
SalesOrderDto Get list of the SalesOrderDto
GetSalesOrdersAsync Guid? companyContractId = null
Guid? identificationRequestId = null
byte? type = null
byte? state = null
string paymentReference = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "PaymentReference"
string orderType = "asc"
SalesOrderDto Get list of the SalesOrderDto
GetSalesOrder Guid id SalesOrderDto Get individual SalesOrderDto
GetSalesOrderAsync Guid id SalesOrderDto Get individual SalesOrderDto
ConfirmSalesOrder SalesOrderDto data string Confirm SalesOrderDto
ConfirmSalesOrderAsync SalesOrderDto data string Confirm SalesOrderDto
CancelSalesOrder SalesOrderDto data string Cancel SalesOrderDto
CancelSalesOrderAsync SalesOrderDto data string Cancel SalesOrderDto
PaidSalesOrderAsync SalesOrderDto data string Paid SalesOrderDto
PaidSalesOrderAsyncAsync SalesOrderDto data string Paid SalesOrderDto


Data Description
Guid CompanyContractId
decimal RequestedAmount
decimal RequestedCommisionAmount
decimal RequestedNetAmount
decimal RequestedTaxesAmount
decimal RequestedTotalAmount
Method Parameters Response Description
CreateSalesOrderBalanceRecharge SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto data SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto Create SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto
CreateSalesOrderBalanceRechargeAsync SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto data SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto Create SalesOrderBalanceRechargeDto


Data Description
Guid IdCompanyContract
Guid? IdProgram
Guid? IdLoyaltyProgram
Guid? IdIdentificationsTypesModel
List EntityIds
short Type
Method Parameters Response Description
CreateSalesOrderIdentificationsSalesVehicles IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Sales Order Identifications Sales Vehicles
CreateSalesOrderIdentificationsSalesVehiclesAsync IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Sales Order Identifications Sales Vehicles
CreateSalesOrderIdentificationsSalesDrivers IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Sales Order Identifications Sales Drivers
CreateSalesOrderIdentificationsSalesDriversAsync IdentificationOrderDto data IdentificationOrderDto Create Sales Order Identifications Sales Drivers


Data Description
DateTime RecordDate
byte? ServiceFileTargetType
byte? TransactionType
int? EngineHours
int? Odometer
string FreeText
string StockKeepingUnitDescription
string ServiceEntryClass3Description
string ServiceEntryClass2Description
string ServiceEntryClass1Description
string ServiceEntryTypeGroupDescription
string ServiceEntryTypeDescription
string ServiceFileCode
string DriverDescription
string VehicleDescription
string NetworkName
Guid? IdStockKeepingUnit
Guid? IdServiceEntryClass3
Guid? IdServiceEntryClass2
Guid? IdServiceEntryClass1
Guid? IdLoyaltyTransaction
Guid? IdTransaction
Guid? IdServiceEntryTypeGroup
Guid? IdServiceEntryType
Guid? IdServiceFile
Guid? IdDriver
Guid? IdVehicle
Guid? IdNetwork
Guid Id
DateTime? EntryDate
DateTime? ExpirationDate
Method Parameters Response Description
GetServiceFileEntries List Guid loyaltyPrograms = null
List identifications = null
List drivers = null
List vehicles = null
List groups = null
List types = null
List products = null
string memberDate = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
List<ServiceFileEntryDto> Get list of the ServiceFileEntryDto
GetServiceFileEntriesAsync List Guid loyaltyPrograms = null
List identifications = null
List drivers = null
List vehicles = null
List groups = null
List types = null
List products = null
string memberDate = null
string dateFrom = null
string dateTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
List<ServiceFileEntryDto> Get list of the ServiceFileEntryDto
GetServiceFileEntry Guid id ServiceFileEntryDto Get individual ServiceFileEntryDto
GetServiceFileEntryAsync Guid id ServiceFileEntryDto Get individual ServiceFileEntryDto
CreateServiceFileEntry ServiceFileEntryDto data ServiceFileEntryDto Create ServiceFileEntryDto
CreateServiceFileEntryAsync ServiceFileEntryDto data ServiceFileEntryDto Create ServiceFileEntryDto


Type Name Description
double? Latitude
double? Longitude
string TimeZone
decimal? MaxDiffVolume
decimal? MaxDiffAmount
Guid? IdSiteClassification0
Guid? IdSiteClassification1
Guid? IdSiteClassification2
string Code
Guid? IdSiteClassification3
string SiteClassification1Description
string SiteClassification2Description
string SiteClassification3Description
Guid? IdZone
string ZoneName
string ZoneCode
Guid CurrencyId
string CurrencyCode
string SiteClassification0Description
bool IsCodeAutomaticallyGenerated
string City
bool RequiresFuelMapping
Guid Id
string ShortName
string FullName
string Street1
string Street2
Guid? CountryId
string CountryDescription
Guid? StateId
byte? SiteType
string StateDescription
string LanguageDescription
Guid MerchantId
string MerchantName
Guid BrandId
string BrandName
string ZipCode
string PhoneNumber1
string PhoneNumber2
Guid? LanguageId
int MobilePaymentMethod
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetSites List<Guid> - merchantIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - countryIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - stateIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - ruleIds - null - TBD
string - code - null - TBD
string - shortName - null - TBD
string - fullName - null - TBD
int - page - 1 - TBD
int - pageSize - 50 - TBD
string - orderField - "code" - TBD
string - orderType - "asc" - TBD
double? - atitude - null - TBD
double? - longitude - null - TBD
double - distance - 5000 - TBD
Guid? - idZone - null - TBD
List<SiteDto> Get List SiteDto
GetSitesAsync List<Guid> - merchantIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - countryIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - stateIds - null - TBD
List<Guid> - ruleIds - null - TBD
string - code - null - TBD
string - shortName - null - TBD
string - fullName - null - TBD
int - page - 1 - TBD
int - pageSize - 50 - TBD
string - orderField - "code" - TBD
string - orderType - "asc" - TBD
double? - atitude - null - TBD
double? - longitude - null - TBD
double - distance - 5000 - TBD
Guid? - idZone - null - TBD
List<SiteDto> Get List SiteDto
GetSite Guid - id - Identification of Site SiteDto Get individual SiteDto
GetSiteAsync Guid - id - Identification of Site SiteDto Get individual SiteDto
CreateSite SiteDto - data - - Represent a Site entity to Create SiteDto Create SiteDto
CreateSiteAsync SiteDto - data - - Represent a Site entity to Create SiteDto Create SiteDto
UpdateSite Guid - id - - Identification of Site
SiteDto - data - - Represent a Site entity to Update
string Update SiteDto
UpdateSiteAsync Guid - id - - Identification of Site
SiteDto - data - Represent a Site entity to Update
string Update SiteDto


Type Name Description
bool Weighable
bool Fractional
byte POSProductType
bool Stockable
bool Consignment
int? StockMinVolumeDefault
bool Salable
int? StockMaxVolumeDefault
int? RestockVolumeDefault
DateTime AvailabilityFrom
DateTime? AvailabilityTo
List<SkuItemDto> StockKeepingUnitsItems
List<SkuRewardDto> StockKeepingUnitsRewards
List<SkuTaxDto> StockKeepingUnitsTaxes
int? RestockDaysDefault
List<SkuSiteDto> StockKeepingUnitsSites
Guid? IdFuelBlend
byte Fuel
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
string Code
string DescriptionFull
string DescriptionShort
string DescriptionUltraShort
int? FuelGrade
bool IsPos
bool IsReward
bool IsService
bool IsLoyalty
string IdStockUnitOfMeasure
Guid StockKeepingUnitsCategoryId
Guid? IdCostPriceGroup
bool IsFleetDry
DateTime UpdateDate
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetSku List<Guid> - skuIds - null - TBD
string - code - null - TBD
bool - isPos - false - TBD
bool - isLoyalty - false - TBD
bool - isFleetDry - false - TBD
bool - isReward - false - TBD
bool - isService - false - TBD
string descriptionShort - null - TBD
DateTime? updateDate - null - TBD
int - page - 1 - TBD
int - pageSize - 50 - TBD
string - orderField - "code" - TBD
string - orderType - "asc"
List<SkuDto> Get List SkuDto
GetSkuAsync List<Guid> - skuIds - null - TBD
string - code - null - TBD
bool - isPos - false - TBD
bool - isLoyalty - false - TBD
bool - isFleetDry - false - TBD
bool - isReward - false - TBD
bool - isService - false - TBD
string descriptionShort - null - TBD
DateTime? updateDate - null - TBD
int - page - 1 - TBD
int - pageSize - 50 - TBD
string - orderField - "code" - TBD
string - orderType - "asc"
List<SkuDto> Get List SkuDto
GetSku Guid - id - Identification of Sku SkuDto Get individual SkuDto
GetSkuAsync Guid - id - Identification of Sku SiteDto Get individual SkuDto
CreateSku SiteDto - data - - Represent a Sku entity to Create SkuDto Create SkuDto
CreateSkuAsync SiteDto - data - - Represent a Sku entity to Create SkuDto Create SkuDto
UpdateSku Guid - id - - Identification of Sku
SiteDto - data - - Represent a Sku entity to Update
string Update SkuDto
UpdateSkuAsync Guid - id - - Identification of Sku
SiteDto - data - Represent a Sku entity to Update
string Update SkuDto


Type Name Description
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
string Code
string Name
string Abbreviation
bool IsPos
bool IsFleetDry
bool IsReward
bool IsService
bool IsLoyalty
Guid? StockKeepingUnitsCategory1Id
SkuCategoryDto StockKeepingUnitsCategoryParent
DateTime UpdateDate
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetSkuCategories List skuCategoryIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "level1code"
string orderType = "asc"
List<SkuCategoryDto> Get List SkuCategoryDto
GetSkuCategoriesAsync List skuCategoryIds = null
string code = null
string name = null
DateTime? updateDate = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "level1code"
string orderType = "asc"
List<SkuCategoryDto> Get List SkuCategoryDto
GetSkuCategory Guid - id - Identification of Sku Category SkuCategoryDto Get individual SkuCategoryDto
GetSkuCategoryAsync Guid - id - Identification of Sku Category SkuCategoryDto Get individual SkuCategoryDto
CreateSkuCategory SkuCategoryDto - data - - Represent a Sku Category entity to Create SkuCategoryDto Create SkuCategoryDto
CreateSkuCategoryAsync SkuCategoryDto - data - - Represent a Sku Category entity to Create SkuCategoryDto Create SkuCategoryDto
UpdateSkuCategory Guid - id - - Identification of Sku
SkuCategoryDto - data - - Represent a Sku Category entity to Update
string Update SkuCategoryDto
UpdateSkuCategoryAsync Guid - id - - Identification of Sku
SkuCategoryDto - data - Represent a Sku Category entity to Update
string Update SkuCategoryDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdCountry
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetStates Guid idCountry
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
StateDto Get list StateDto
GetStatesAsync Guid idCountry
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
StateDto Get list StateDto


Data Description
int? VehicleEngineHours
int? VehicleOdometer
int? VehicleYear
string VehicleCode
Guid? VehicleId
string DriverLastName
string DriverFirstName
string DriverCode
Guid? DriverId
List IdentificationIds
decimal Limit
decimal Consumption
decimal PreviousBalance
decimal CurrentBalance
DateTime BalanceDate
string ContractDescription
string IdentificationsDescription
string Description
Guid Id
decimal VehicleConsumption
string FleetDescription
Method Parameters Response Description
GetSubAccounts List idsSubAccount = null, List idsClassification1 = null, List idsClassification2 = null, List idsClassification3 = null, List idsClassification4 = null, List vehicleCodes = null, List driverCodes = null, Guid? idCompany = null, Guid? idIdentification = null, Guid? idDriver = null, Guid? idVehicle = null, Guid? idFleet = null, Guid? idContract = null, byte subAccountOwner = (byte)SubAccountOwnerEnum.Both, string identificationLabel = null, string identificationPAN = null, string identificationTrack = null, string vehicleCode = null, string vehiclePlate = null, string description = null, string driverCode = null, string driverName = null, string searchText = null, string order = "asc", int page = 1, int pageSize = 50 SubAccountDto Get list SubAccountDto
GetSubAccountsAsync List idsSubAccount = null, List idsClassification1 = null, List idsClassification2 = null, List idsClassification3 = null, List idsClassification4 = null, List vehicleCodes = null, List driverCodes = null, Guid? idCompany = null, Guid? idIdentification = null, Guid? idDriver = null, Guid? idVehicle = null, Guid? idFleet = null, Guid? idContract = null, byte subAccountOwner = (byte)SubAccountOwnerEnum.Both, string identificationLabel = null, string identificationPAN = null, string identificationTrack = null, string vehicleCode = null, string vehiclePlate = null, string description = null, string driverCode = null, string driverName = null, string searchText = null, string order = "asc", int page = 1, int pageSize = 50 SubAccountDto Get list SubAccountDto
GetSubAccount Guid id SubAccountDto Get individual SubAccountDto
GetSubAccountAsync Guid id SubAccountDto Get individual SubAccountDto


Data Description
Guid? VehicleId
string Payload
byte? UserState
string UserAtionetDestination
string UserAtionetCreated
Guid? IdMerchant
Guid? IdCompany
object Message
string Subject
Guid? DriverId
byte State
Guid? UserAtionetDestinationId
Guid? UserAtionetCreatedId
DateTime CreatedDate
string DestinationAddresses
string Origin
byte Channel
Guid? NotificationFormatId
Guid? NetworkId
Guid Id
byte Type
string CreatedDateString
Method Parameters Response Description
GetSystemNotifications List userStates = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
byte? state = null
byte? type = null
string subject = null
byte? userState = null
byte? channel = null
List idsDrivers = null
List idsVehicles = null
SystemNotificationDto Get list SystemNotificationDto
GetSystemNotificationsAsync List userStates = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
byte? state = null
byte? type = null
string subject = null
byte? userState = null
byte? channel = null
List idsDrivers = null
List idsVehicles = null
SystemNotificationDto Get list SystemNotificationDto
GeSystemNotification Guid id SystemNotificationDto Get individual SystemNotificationDto
GetSystemNotificationAsync Guid id SystemNotificationDto Get individual SystemNotificationDto
UpdateSystemNotification SystemNotificationDto data string Update SystemNotificationDto
UpdateSystemNotificationAsync SystemNotificationDto data string Update SystemNotificationDto


Data Description
short? UseMode
string CurrentValueString
string TypeDescription
string CodeDescription
TaxesBillingConfigurationDto TaxBillingConfiguration
List TaxValidities
bool Included
bool Active
string UseModeDescription
short? Mode
short? Type
string Description
string Code
Guid NetworkId
Guid Id
string ModeDescription


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid? TaxId
byte? BillingType
byte? Factor
string Code
string Description


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid NetworkId
Guid TaxId
decimal Amount
DateTime DateFrom
DateTime? DateTo
string DisplayDateFrom
string DisplayDateTo
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTaxes List taxIds = null
Guid? networkId = null
string code = null
string description = null
short? type = null
short? mode = null
short? useMode = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
TaxDto Get list TaxDto
GetTaxesAsync List taxIds = null
Guid? networkId = null
string code = null
string description = null
short? type = null
short? mode = null
short? useMode = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
TaxDto Get list TaxDto
GetTax Guid id TaxDto Get individual TaxDto
GetTaxAsync Guid id TaxDto Get individual TaxDto
CreateTax TaxDto data TaxDto Create TaxDto
CreateTaxAsync TaxDto data TaxDto Create TaxDto
UpdateTaxDto Guid id
TaxDto data
string Update TaxDto
UpdateTaxDtoAsync Guid id
TaxDto data
string Update TaxDto


Data Description
bool Active
byte VehicleIdUsage
int? LastTSN
string FuelsMasterDescription
Guid? FuelsMasterId
int? MaxVolumeCutOff
byte DriverIdUsage
bool TagReader
string Description
string Code
string ProtocolName
Guid ProtocolId
string TerminalTypeName
Guid TerminalTypeId
string SiteShortName
Guid SiteId
string MerchantName
Guid MerchantId
Guid Id
int? InvoiceNumberInContingencySequence
List Configurations


Data Description
MessageTypeEnum MessageType
TransactionTypeEnum TransactionType
List AuthorizerPropertiesConfigurations
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTerminals List merchantIds = null
List siteIds = null
string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
TerminalDto Get list TerminalDto
GetTerminalsAsync List merchantIds = null
List siteIds = null
string code = null
string description = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
TerminalDto Get list TerminalDto
GetTerminal Guid id TerminalDto Get individual TerminalDto
GetTerminalAsync Guid id TerminalDto Get individual TerminalDto
CreateTerminal TerminalDto data TerminalDto Create TerminalDto
CreateTerminalAsync TerminalDto data TerminalDto Create TerminalDto
UpdateTerminalDto Guid id
TerminalDto data
string Update TerminalDto
UpdateTerminalDtoAsync Guid id
TerminalDto data
string Update TerminalDto


Data Description
decimal? ConciliationProductUnitPriceMerchant
decimal? ConciliationProductUnitPriceCompany
decimal? ConciliationTransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? ConciliationTransactionAmountAuthorized
decimal? ConciliationTransactionAmountRequested
decimal? ConciliationTransactionAmountCompany
decimal? ConciliationTransactionAmountMerchant
Guid? IdCurrencyMerchant
string MerchantCurrencyCode
decimal? MerchantCurrencyFactor
decimal? ConciliationProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? MerchantProductAmountDispensed
decimal? MerchantProductAmountRequested
decimal? MerchantProductAmount
decimal? MerchantProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal? MerchantProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? MerchantProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? MerchantProductUnitPrice
decimal? MerchantTransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? MerchantTransactionAmountAuthorized
decimal? MerchantTransactionAmountRequested
decimal? MerchantTransactionAmount
decimal? MerchantProductAmountAuthorized
Guid? IdCurrencyCompany
decimal? ConciliationProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? ConciliationProductAmountCompany
decimal? ConversionProductAmountDispensed
decimal? ConversionProductAmountAuthorized
decimal? ConversionRequestedCurrencyAmount
decimal? ConversionCurrencyAmountCompany
decimal? ConversionCurrencyAmountMerchant
decimal? ConversionProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal? ConversionProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? ConversionProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? ConversionProductUnitPriceMerchant
decimal? ConversionProductUnitPriceCompany
decimal? ConciliationProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal? ConversionTransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? ConversionTransactionAmountRequested
decimal? ConversionTransactionAmountCompany
decimal? ConversionTransactionAmountMerchant
Guid? IdCurrencyConciliation
string ConciliationCurrencyCode
decimal? ConciliationCurrencyFactor
decimal? ConciliationProductAmountDispensed
decimal? ConciliationProductAmountAuthorized
decimal? ConciliationProductAmountRequested
decimal? ConciliationProductAmountMerchant
decimal? ConversionTransactionAmountAuthorized
string CompanyCurrencyCode
decimal? CompanyCurrencyFactor
decimal? CompanyProductAmountDispensed
string ClassificationLabel4
string VehicleClassDescription
string VehicleClassificationValue1
string VehicleClassificationValue2
string VehicleClassificationValue3
string VehicleClassificationValue4
string DriverClassificationValue1
string DriverClassificationValue2
string DriverClassificationValue3
string DriverClassificationValue4
string ClassificationLabel3
string ContingencyReason
List Modifiers
string> CustomerData
string> FastTrackData
decimal> TaxesData
decimal? LocationStartLatitude
decimal? LocationStartLongitude
decimal? LocationStartAltitude
decimal? LocationEndLatitude
decimal? LocationEndLongitude
decimal? LocationEndAltitude
TransactionCustomerDataDto CustomerDataDto
string ClassificationLabel2
string ClassificationLabel1
string EntryMethod
decimal? CompanyProductAmountAuthorized
decimal? CompanyProductAmountRequested
decimal? CompanyProductAmount
decimal? CompanyProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal? CompanyProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? CompanyProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? CompanyProductUnitPrice
decimal? CompanyTransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? CompanyTransactionAmountAuthorized
decimal? CompanyTransactionAmountRequested
decimal? CompanyTransactionAmount
string MeasurementUnitCode
string CurrencyCode
string FuelCode
string FuelNetworkName
string FuelSiteName
Guid? FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterCode
string FuelMasterDescription
string InvoiceNumber
int? BatchNumber
string ShiftNumber
string PumpNumber
decimal? SiteCurrencyFactor
string ConversionCurrencyCode
Guid? IdCurrencyConversion
decimal? SiteTransactionAmountMerchant
string SiteCode
string SiteName
Guid? TerminalId
string TerminalCode
Guid? CompanyId
string CompanyCode
string CompanyName
string CompanyTaxpayerId
Guid? CompanyContractId
string CompanyContractCode
Guid? SiteId
string CompanyContractDescription
string SubContractDescription
string PrimaryIdentificationTrack
string SecondaryIdentificationTrack
Guid? PrimaryIdentificationId
string PrimaryIdentificationLabel
string PrimaryIdentificationPAN
string PrimaryIdentificationTypeDescription
string PrimaryIdentificationExpirationDate
Guid? SecondaryIdentificationId
string SecondaryIdentificationLabel
string SubContractCode
string MerchantTaxPayerId
string MerchantName
string MerchantCode
Guid Id
Guid? SubscriberId
string SubscriberCode
string SubscriberName
string TransactionequenceNumber
string AuthorizationCode
string ResponseCode
string ResponseMessage
short Type
string TypeDescription
short Mode
string ModeDescription
short Status
short DisputeStatus
string StatusDescription
byte State
string HostDateTime
string SubscriberDateTime
string SubscriberTimeZone
string SiteDateTime
string SiteTimeZone
string DateTime
Guid? MerchantId
string SecondaryIdentificationPAN
TransactionMovementsERPDto TransactionMovementERPDto
Guid? PrimarySubAccountId
bool IsPrimarySubAccountVehicle
decimal? ProductUnitPriceCompany
decimal? ProductUnitPriceMerchant
decimal? ProductAmountCompany
decimal? ProductAmountMerchant
decimal? TransactionAmountCompany
decimal? TransactionAmountMerchant
Guid? IdCurrencySite
string SiteCurrencyCode
decimal? SiteProductAmountDispensed
decimal? SiteProductAmountAuthorized
decimal? TransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? SiteProductAmountRequested
decimal? SiteProductAmountMerchant
decimal? SiteProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal? SiteProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? SiteProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? SiteProductUnitPriceMerchant
decimal? SiteProductUnitPriceCompany
decimal? SiteTransactionAmountDispensed
decimal? SiteTransactionAmountAuthorized
decimal? SiteTransactionAmountRequested
decimal? SiteTransactionAmountCompany
decimal? SiteProductAmountCompany
decimal? ProductNetAmountDispensed
decimal? ProductAmountDispensed
decimal? ProductVolumeDispensed
Guid? SecondarySubAccountId
string SecondarySubAccountDescription
bool IsSecondarySubAccountVehicle
Guid? FleetId
string FleetCode
string FleetName
Guid? VehicleId
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid? DriverId
string DriverCode
decimal? TransactionNetAmount
string DriverCompleteName
string AccountTypeDescription
decimal? ProductUnitPriceRequested
decimal? ProductVolumeRequested
decimal? ProductAmountRequested
decimal? TransactionAmountRequested
decimal? ProductUnitPriceAuthorized
decimal? ProductVolumeAuthorized
decimal? ProductAmountAuthorized
decimal? TransactionAmountAuthorized
decimal? ProductUnitPriceDispensed
string PrimarySubAccountDescription
string FuelERPCode


Data Description
Guid TransactionId
byte ModifierClass
string ModifierClassDescription
byte ModifierType
string ModifierTypeDescription
decimal ModifierValue
decimal ModifierTotal
decimal? BaseValue


Data Description
int? MinOdometer
int? Odometer
int? LastEngineHours
int? MaxEngineHours
int? MinEngineHours
int? EngineHours
string Miscellaneous
int? MaxOdometer
string TruckUnitNumber
string PurchaseOrderNumber
string TripNumber
string DriverLicenseNumber
string DriverLicenseState
string DriverId
decimal? TrailerHourMeterReading
string TrailerNumber
string VehicleId
int? LastOdometer


Data Description
DateTime? ControllerDate
string SiteCode
string InvoiceNumber
decimal? InvoiceTotalAmount
decimal? OrderTotalAmount
decimal? TaxAmount5
decimal? TaxAmount4
decimal? TaxAmount3
decimal? TaxAmount2
short ERPState
decimal? TaxAmount1
decimal NetAmount
decimal NetPrice
string ERPInvoicedDateString
DateTime? ERPInvoicedDate
string ERPDateString
DateTime ERPDate
decimal? TaxAmount0
string ERPInvoiceNumber
bool NoCurrentAccountAdjustment
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactions List idsIdentification = null
List idsSubAccount = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
List idsContract = null
List idsClassification1 = null
List idsClassification2 = null
List idsClassification3 = null
List idsClassification4 = null
List<byte?> subAccountType = null
List modes = null
List states = null
string terminalCode = null
string authrizationCode = null
string localTransactionDateFrom = null
string LocalTransactionDateTo = null
byte reportType = (byte)TransactionReportTypeEnum.Approved
byte? declinedType = null
byte? exceptionType = null
byte? dateType = null
byte timeIntervalType = (byte)TimeIntervalTypeEnum.Fixed
byte timePeriod = (byte)TimePeriodEnum.Year
bool fuelOut = true
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string shiftNumber = null
string invoiceNumber = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
Guid? idProgram = null
string siteCode = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
TransactionDto Get list TransactionDto
GetTransactionsAsync List idsIdentification = null
List idsSubAccount = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
List idsContract = null
List idsClassification1 = null
List idsClassification2 = null
List idsClassification3 = null
List idsClassification4 = null
List<byte?> subAccountType = null
List modes = null
List states = null
string terminalCode = null
string authrizationCode = null
string localTransactionDateFrom = null
string LocalTransactionDateTo = null
byte reportType = (byte)TransactionReportTypeEnum.Approved
byte? declinedType = null
byte? exceptionType = null
byte? dateType = null
byte timeIntervalType = (byte)TimeIntervalTypeEnum.Fixed
byte timePeriod = (byte)TimePeriodEnum.Year
bool fuelOut = true
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string shiftNumber = null
string invoiceNumber = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
Guid? idProgram = null
string siteCode = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
TransactionDto Get list TransactionDto
GetTransaction Guid id TransactionDto Get individual TransactionDto
GetTransactionAsync Guid id TransactionDto Get individual TransactionDto


Data Description
string AttendantCode
bool Reject
bool Approve
string SecondarySubAccountValue
string PrimarySubAccountValue
bool HasDriver
bool HasVehicle
string DriverCompleteName
string MerchantName
string VehicleFleetDescription
string SecondaryIdentificationLabel
string SecondarySubAccountDescription
Guid? SecondarySubAccountId
string PrimaryIdentificationLabel
string PrimarySubAccountDescription
Guid PrimarySubAccountId
string FuelsMasterCode
IEnumerable Terminals
string VehiclePlate
Guid MerchantId
string NetworkName
Guid NetworkId
string CompanyDescription
string SiteCurrencyCode
string SiteDescription
string BrandedFuelMasterDescription
string CompanyContractDescription
string PrimaryIdentificationDescription
string ResponseMessage
string ResponseCode
string LocalDateShortString
byte State
int? EngineHours
int? Odometer
string ShiftNumber
decimal ProductAmountDispensed
decimal ProductUnitPriceDispensed
decimal ProductVolumeDispensed
string AuthorizationCode
Guid Id
string Miscellaneous
string PumpSide
string LocalTimeString
int LocalTransactionDate
string TransactionProductCode
Guid? TransactionId
Guid FuelId
Guid SiteId
Guid TerminalId
string Time
string Date
Guid? SecondaryIdentificationId
int LocalTransactionTime
Guid? SecondaryAccountEntityId
Guid PrimaryAccountEntityId
string ReasonName
Guid? ReasonId
string TerminalIdentification
string DriverDescription
string VehicleDescription
bool SecondaryVehicle
bool PrimaryVehicle
Guid PrimaryIdentificationId
string PurchaseOrderNumber
Bool ApplyContingencyPrice


Data Description
string FileExtension
byte[] FileContent
ChangeTypeEnum ChangeType
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactionContingencies List idsIdentification = null
List idsSubAccount = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
string terminalCode = null
string authorizationCode = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
Guid? idProgram = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionContingencyDto Get list TransactionContingencyDto
GetTransactionContingenciesAsync List idsIdentification = null
List idsSubAccount = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
string terminalCode = null
string authorizationCode = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
Guid? idProgram = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionContingencyDto Get list TransactionContingencyDto
GetTransactionContingency Guid id TransactionContingencyDto Get individual TransactionContingencyDto
GetTransactionContingencyAsync Guid id TransactionContingencyDto Get individual TransactionContingencyDto
CreateTransactionContingency TransactionContingencyDto data TransactionContingencyDto Create TransactionContingencyDto
CreateTransactionContingencyAsync TransactionContingencyDto data TransactionContingencyDto Create TransactionContingencyDto
UpdateTransactionContingencyDto TransactionContingencyDto data string Update TransactionContingencyDto
UpdateTransactionContingencyDtoAsync TransactionContingencyDto data string Update TransactionContingencyDto


Data Description
Guid? FuelMasterId
string FuelName
List Periods
decimal Total
decimal Average


Data Description
decimal? Amount
short? DateGroupValue
string DateGroupValueDescription
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactionsCostReport Guid idContract
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
TransactionsCostReportDto Get list TransactionsCostReportDto
GetTransactionsCostReportAsync Guid idContract
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
TransactionsCostReportDto Get list TransactionsCostReportDto


Data Description
Guid Id The Id of the Transaction Contingency
bool Approve Flag to approve or reject the Transaction Contingency.
Apppove = true
Reject = False
Method Parameters Response Description
ApproveTransactionsContingency TransactionContingencyDto dto string Approves or rejects a Transaction Contingency


Data Description
bool Reject
bool Approve
string StateDescription
string ReasonDescription
string SiteDescription
string MerchantName
string CompanyName
string TimeString
string DateString
TransactionDto Transaction
string SystemDate
string CommentCompanySystemDate
string CommentMerchantSystemDate
string CommentNetworkSystemDate
string NetworkTimeZoneCode
string HostResponse
string CommentNetworkDateTime
string CommentNetwork
string CommentMerchantDateTime
string CommentMerchant
string CommentCompanyDateTime
string CommentCompany
short State
short Reason
string DateTime
string ApplicationCode
Guid Id
Guid TransactionId
string ContingencyReason
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactionsDisputes List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
Guid? idIdentification = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
string applicationCode = null
int? state = null
int? type = null
string authorizationCode = null
string dateFromRequest = null
string dateToRequest = null
string dateFromClosed = null
string dateToClosed = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionDisputeDto Get list TransactionDisputeDto
GetTransactionsDisputesAsync List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
Guid? idIdentification = null
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idMerchant = null
string applicationCode = null
int? state = null
int? type = null
string authorizationCode = null
string dateFromRequest = null
string dateToRequest = null
string dateFromClosed = null
string dateToClosed = null
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionDisputeDto Get list TransactionDisputeDto
GetTransactionDispute Guid id TransactionDisputeDto Get individual TransactionDisputeDto
GetTransactionDisputeAsync Guid id TransactionDisputeDto Get individual TransactionDisputeDto
CreateTransactionDispute TransactionDisputeDto data TransactionDisputeDto Create TransactionDisputeDto
CreateTransactionDisputeAsync TransactionDisputeDto data TransactionDisputeDto Create TransactionDisputeDto
UpdateTransactionDisputeDto TransactionDisputeDto data string Update TransactionDisputeDto
UpdateTransactionDisputeDtoAsync TransactionDisputeDto data string Update TransactionDisputeDto


Data Description
Guid Id The Id of the Transaction Dispute
bool Approve Flag to approve or reject the Transaction Contingency.
Apppove = true
Reject = False
string Comment Networks commentary for the approval.
Method Parameters Response Description
ApproveTransactionsDispute TransactionContingencyDto dto string Approves or rejects a Transaction Dispute


Data Description
byte? DateGroupType
string FuelName
Guid? FuelMasterId
string SiteCode
string SiteName
Guid? SiteId
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid? VehicleId
string FleetCode
string FleetName
Guid? FleetId
string DriverCode
string DriverFirstName
string DriverLastName
Guid? DriverId
string ContractCode
string ContractDescription
Guid? ContractId
string CompanyCode
string CompanyName
Guid? CompanyId
string MerchantCode
string MerchantName
Guid? MerchantId
decimal? Price
decimal? Volume
decimal? Amount
int Count
short? DateGroupValue
byte? ReportType
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactionsGroups Guid? idMerchant = null
List idsSite = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
bool groupMerchant = false
bool groupSite = false
bool groupFuel = false
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idContract = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
bool groupCompany = false
bool groupContract = false
bool groupDriver = false
bool groupFleet = false
bool groupVehicle = false
List<byte?> subAccountType = null
byte reportType = (byte)TransactionReportTypeEnum.Approved
bool groupReportType = false
byte? dateType = null
byte? groupDatePeriod = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string order = "asc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionsGroupDto Get list TransactionsGroupDto
GetTransactionsGroupsAsync Guid? idMerchant = null
List idsSite = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
bool groupMerchant = false
bool groupSite = false
bool groupFuel = false
Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idContract = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsFleet = null
List idsVehicle = null
bool groupCompany = false
bool groupContract = false
bool groupDriver = false
bool groupFleet = false
bool groupVehicle = false
List<byte?> subAccountType = null
byte reportType = (byte)TransactionReportTypeEnum.Approved
bool groupReportType = false
byte? dateType = null
byte? groupDatePeriod = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string order = "asc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionsGroupDto Get list TransactionsGroupDto


Data Description
string VehicleClassificationDescription2
string VehicleClassificationDescription3
string VehicleClassificationDescription4
string DriverClassificationDescription1
string DriverClassificationDescription2
string DriverClassificationDescription3
string DriverClassificationDescription4
string PrimaryClassification1
string PrimaryClassification2
string PrimaryClassification3
string PrimaryClassification4
int? Odometer
int? EngineHours
string CompanyContractDescription
string ShiftNumber
string VehicleClassificationDescription1
string SecondaryIdentificationLabel
string PeriodPerformanceFormated
decimal? PeriodPerformance
Guid Id
bool PrimaryVehicle
string SubAccountDescription
string LocalDate
string LocalTime
string SiteDescription
string TerminalTranNumber
Guid? IdVehicle
string NetworkFuelName
string IdentificationSecundaryLabel
decimal? ProductVolumeDispensed
string ProductVolumeDispensedFormated
decimal? ProductAmountDispensed
string ProductAmountDispensedFormated
decimal? Performance
string PerformanceFormated
string IdentificationPrimaryLabel
string AuthorizationCode
Method Parameters Response Description
GetTransactionsPerformances List idsIdentification = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
List idsContract = null
List idsClassification1 = null
List idsClassification2 = null
List idsClassification3 = null
List idsClassification4 = null
string authrizationCode = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string shiftNumber = null
bool performanceByPeriod = false
bool performanceExceptions = false
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionPerformanceDto Get list TransactionPerformanceDto
GetTransactionsPerformancesAsync List idsIdentification = null
List idsDriver = null
List idsVehicle = null
List idsSite = null
List idsTerminal = null
List idsFuelMaster = null
List idsContract = null
List idsClassification1 = null
List idsClassification2 = null
List idsClassification3 = null
List idsClassification4 = null
string authrizationCode = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
string shiftNumber = null
bool performanceByPeriod = false
bool performanceExceptions = false
string order = "desc"
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
TransactionPerformanceDto Get list TransactionPerformanceDto


Data Description
Guid UserId
UserAtionetImageDto Image


Data Description
string FileExtension
string FileFullUrl
byte[] Content
Method Parameters Response Description
GetUserAtionetProfilePicture UserAtionetProfilePictureDto Get UserAtionetProfilePictureDto
GetUserAtionetProfilePictureAsync UserAtionetProfilePictureDto Get UserAtionetProfilePictureDto
UpdateUserAtionetProfilePicture Guid id
UserAtionetProfilePictureDto data
string Update UserAtionetProfilePictureDto
UpdateUserAtionetProfilePictureAsync Guid id
UserAtionetProfilePictureDto data
string Update UserAtionetProfilePictureDto


Data Description
Guid UserId
List Widgets


Data Description
byte Widget
string Name
bool Selected
Method Parameters Response Description
GetUserAtionetProfileWidget UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto Get list UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto
GetUserAtionetProfileWidgetAsync UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto Get list UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto
UpdateUserAtionetProfileWidget Guid id
UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto data
string Update UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto
UpdateUserAtionetProfileWidgetAsync Guid id
UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto data
string Update UserAtionetProfileWidgetDto


Data Description
List ConsumerCardClients
List Sites
List Merchants
List Fleets
List Companies
List Networks
string ProfilePicture
string SocialSecurity
List CompaniesGroups
string PhoneNumber2
string ZipCode
Guid StateId
Guid CountryId
string Street2
string Street1
string Name
string UserName
Guid Id
string PhoneNumber1
RolesStruct? Driver
Method Parameters Response Description
GetUserAtionetProfile Guid id UserAtionetProfileDto Get UserAtionetProfileDto
GetUserAtionetProfileAsync Guid id UserAtionetProfileDto Get UserAtionetProfileDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Name
string Type
string RoleName
Method Parameters Response Description
UpdateUserAtionetProfilePreference AvailableEntity data string Update AvailableEntity
UpdateUserAtionetProfilePreferenceAsync AvailableEntity data string Update AvailableEntity


Data Description
string OldPassword
string NewPassword
Method Parameters Response Description
UpdateUserAtionetProfileChangePassword UserChangePasswordDto data string Change Password
UpdateUserAtionetProfileChangePasswordAsync UserChangePasswordDto data string Change Password


Type Name Description
bool IsApproved
bool? isLockedOut
bool IsOnlyApiUser
string Provider
string ConsumerCarClientNewPassword
string ConsumerCarClientPassword
string ConsumerCarClientPANNumber
RolesStruct? Driver
List<RolesStruct> CompaniesGroups
List<RolesStruct> ConsumerCardClients
List<RolesStruct> Sites
List<RolesStruct> Merchants
List<RolesStruct> Fleets
List<RolesStruct> Companies
List<RolesStruct> Networks
IEnumerable<ConsumerCardIdentificationsStruct> ConsumerCardIdentifications
List<string> PhonePNSTokens
string SocialSecurity
string PhoneNumber2
string PhoneNumber1
string ZipCode
Guid StateId
Guid CountryId
string Street2
string Street1
string NewPassword
string OldPassword
string Name
string UserName
Guid Id
string ProfilePicture


Type Name Description
Guid UserId
string NewPassword
string Message
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetUsers string - userName - null- TBD
int - page - 1- TBD
int - pageSize - 50- TBD
string - orderField - "userName"- TBD
string - orderType - "asc"- TBD
string - name - null- TBD
string - socialSecurityNumber - null
List<SiteDto> Get List UsersAtionetDto
GetUsersAsync string - userName - null- TBD
int - page - 1- TBD
int - pageSize - 50- TBD
string - orderField - "userName"- TBD
string - orderType - "asc"- TBD
string - name - null- TBD
string - socialSecurityNumber - null
List<UsersAtionetDto> Get List UsersAtionetDto
GetUser Guid - id - Identification of User UsersAtionetDto Get individual UsersAtionetDto
GetUserAsync Guid - id - Identification of User SiteDto Get individual UsersAtionetDto
CreateUser SiteDto - data - - Represent a User entity to Create UsersAtionetDto Create UsersAtionetDto
CreateUserAsync SiteDto - data - - Represent a User entity to Create UsersAtionetDto Create UsersAtionetDto
UpdateUser Guid - id - - Identification of User
SiteDto - data - - Represent a User entity to Update
string Update UsersAtionetDto
UpdateUserAsync Guid - id - - Identification of User
SiteDto - data - Represent a User entity to Update
string Update UsersAtionetDto
ResetUserAtionetPassword ResetUserAtionetPasswordDto - data - - Represent a User entity needed to Reset Password ResetUserAtionetPasswordDto Reset User Password
ResetUserAtionetPasswordAsync ResetUserAtionetPasswordDto - data - - Represent a User entity needed to Reset Password ResetUserAtionetPasswordDto Reset User Password
UnlockedUser Guid - id - - Identification of User string Unlocked User
UnlockedUserAsync Guid - id - - Identification of User string Unlocked User
LockedUser Guid - id - - Identification of User string Locked User
LockedUserAsync Guid - id - - Identification of User string Locked User


Data Description
string LabelCustom3
string LabelCustom2
string LabelCustom1
bool EnableCustom4
bool EnableCustom3
bool EnableCustom2
string LabelCustom4
bool EnableCustom1
string Custom2
string Custom1
string Custom0
string SubModel
string Model
string Brand
string Custom3
IEnumerable Rules
IEnumerable FleetRules
decimal? AvaliableAmount
decimal? TotalCO2
decimal? AverageCost
decimal? AverageTravel
decimal? AverageConsumption
List Notifications
IEnumerable ServiceFileEntries
List ExclusiveRules
List Identifications
string Colour
string VehicleTypeCode
Guid VehicleTypeId
IEnumerable FleetQuotaRules
IEnumerable QuotaRules
IEnumerable Balances
decimal? AvaliableVolume
List VehiclesDrivers
decimal? TotalTravel
string Clasification4Label
string Clasification2Label
int? InitialOdometer
short ServiceType
string ServiceDescription
int? CurrentEngineHours
string ChassisNumber
string EngineNumber
Guid FleetId
DateTime? LastEngineHoursDate
int? CurrentOdometer
int? Year
bool Enabled
string Plate
string Code
Guid Id
DateTime? LastOdometerDate
string FleetDescription
Guid CompanyId
string CompanyName
string Clasification1Label
bool EnableClasification4
bool EnableClasification3
bool EnableClasification2
bool EnableClasification1
string Clasification4Description
Guid? Clasification4Id
string Clasification3Description
Guid? Clasification3Id
string Clasification2Description
Guid? Clasification2Id
string Clasification1Description
Guid? Clasification1Id
string VehiclesClassDescription
Guid VehiclesClassId
string Clasification3Label
List SubAccounts


Data Description
string EntryDate
string ServiceFileEntryTypeDescription
string TypeDescription
string RecordDate


Data Description
Guid RuleId
string RuleName
byte RuleType


Data Description
Guid IdentificationId
string IdentificationLabel
string IdentificationTypeModel
byte IdentificationStatus
Guid ContractId
string PIN
string PAN
bool Active
string CompanyContractDescription
string ExpirationDate


Data Description
Guid FleetId
string FleetName


Data Description
Guid DriverId
string DriverCode
string DriverLastName
string DriverFirstName
bool RequireDriverIdentification
bool RequireVehicleIdentification
bool IsLoyalty
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehicles List fleetIds = null
List identificationIds = null
List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
string active = null
string searchText = null
string plate = null
string creationDateFrom = null
string creationDateTo = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int? page = 1
int? pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
VehicleDto Get list VehicleDto
GetVehiclesAsync List fleetIds = null
List identificationIds = null
List ruleIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
List contractIds = null
string code = null
string active = null
string searchText = null
string plate = null
string creationDateFrom = null
string creationDateTo = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int? page = 1
int? pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
VehicleDto Get list VehicleDto
GetVehicle Guid id VehicleDto Get individual VehicleDto
GetVehicleAsync Guid id VehicleDto Get individual VehicleDto
CreateVehicle VehicleDto data VehicleDto Create VehicleDto
CreateVehicleAsync VehicleDto data VehicleDto Create VehicleDto
UpdateVehicleDto Guid id
VehicleDto data
string Update VehicleDto
UpdateVehicleDtoAsync Guid id
VehicleDto data
string Update VehicleDto
DeleteVehicleDto Guid id string Delete VehicleDto
DeleteVehicleDtoAsync Guid id string Delete VehicleDto


Data Description
byte[] File
bool NeedIdentification
Guid? IdCompanyContract
short? IdentificationsType
Guid? IdIdentificationsTypeModel
Guid? IdProgram
Guid? IdLoyaltyProgram
ImportDto ImportResult
Method Parameters Response Description
ImportVehicles ImportVehiclesDto data ImportVehiclesDto Import Vehicles
ImportVehiclesAsync ImportVehiclesDto data ImportVehiclesDto Import Vehicles


Data Description
List VehicleBatchDto Vehicles


Data Description
VehicleDto VehicleDto
bool Success
string Message
Method Parameters Response Description
ImportVehiclesBatch ImportBatchVehiclesDto data ImportBatchVehiclesDto Import batch Vehicles
ImportVehiclesBatchAsync ImportBatchVehiclesDto data ImportBatchVehiclesDto Import batch Vehicles


Data Description
string FileExtension
string FileName
byte[] FileContents
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehicleImportTemplate ImportVehiclesTemplateDto Get ImportVehiclesTemplateDto
GetVehicleImportTemplateAsync ImportVehiclesTemplateDto Get ImportVehiclesTemplateDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdVehicleType
string VehicleTypeDescription
string Brand
string Model
decimal TheoricalConsumption
Guid IdCompany
int? MinMileage
int? MaxMileage
List VehiclesClassesFuelsMasterDto VehiclesClassesFuelsMaster


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdFuelMaster
decimal VolumeLimit
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesClasses VehiclesClassDto Get list VehiclesClassDto
GetVehiclesClassesAsync VehiclesClassDto Get list VehiclesClassDto
GetVehiclesClass Guid id VehiclesClassDto Get individual VehiclesClassDto
GetVehiclesClassAsync Guid id VehiclesClassDto Get individual VehiclesClassDto
CreateVehiclesClass VehiclesClassDto data VehiclesClassDto Create VehiclesClassDto
CreateVehiclesClassAsync VehiclesClassDto data VehiclesClassDto Create VehiclesClassDto
UpdateVehiclesClassDto Guid id
VehiclesClassDto data
string Update VehiclesClassDto
UpdateVehiclesClassDtoAsync Guid id
VehiclesClassDto data
string Update VehiclesClassDto


Data Description
DateTime? PreviousLastTransactionDate
DateTime? CurrentLastTransactionDate
int MonthGroup
int YearGroup
string FuelMasterDescription
Guid? FuelMasterId
string ContractDescription
string ContractCode
Guid? ContractId
string FleetName
string FleetCode
Guid FleetId
string VehicleCode
string VehiclePlate
Guid VehicleId
decimal CO2Emissions
int Traveled
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesCo2Report Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
VehiclesCo2ReportDto Get list VehiclesCo2ReportDto
GetVehiclesCo2ReportAsync Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
bool paginate = true
VehiclesCo2ReportDto Get list VehiclesCo2ReportDto


Data Description
Guid VehicleId
string VehiclePlate
string VehicleCode
Guid FleetId
string FleetCode
string FleetName
List VehicleConsumptionReportItemDto Periods


Data Description
decimal TotalVolume
decimal Traveled
decimal Average
decimal MaxOdometer
int YearGroup
int MonthGroup
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesConsumptionReport Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
VehiclesConsumptionReportDto Get list VehiclesConsumptionReportDto
GetVehiclesConsumptionReportAsync Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
VehiclesConsumptionReportDto Get list VehiclesConsumptionReportDto


Data Description
string IdentificationsDescription
string Brand
string Custom3
string Custom2
string Custom1
string Custom0
string Clasification4Description
Guid? Clasification4Id
string Clasification3Description
Guid? Clasification3Id
string Clasification2Description
Guid? Clasification2Id
decimal? Performance
string Clasification1Description
decimal? Consumption
int? CurrentEngineHours
string ChassisNumber
string EngineNumber
int? CurrentOdometer
string FleetName
string CompanyName
int? Year
bool Enabled
string Plate
string Code
Guid Id
Guid? Clasification1Id
string PerformanceFormated
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesPerformance List fleetIds = null
List identificationIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
bool exceptions = false
string code = null
string searchText = null
string plate = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int? page = 1
int? pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
VehiclePerformanceDto Get list VehiclePerformanceDto
GetVehiclesPerformanceAsync List fleetIds = null
List identificationIds = null
List classification1Ids = null
List classification2Ids = null
List classification3Ids = null
List classification4Ids = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
bool exceptions = false
string code = null
string searchText = null
string plate = null
string custom0 = null
string custom1 = null
string custom2 = null
string custom3 = null
int? page = 1
int? pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
bool paginate = true
VehiclePerformanceDto Get list VehiclePerformanceDto


Data Description
Guid Id
string Code
string Description
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesType string culture = null VehiclesTypeDto Get list VehiclesTypeDto
GetVehiclesTypeAsync string culture = null VehiclesTypeDto Get list VehiclesTypeDto


Data Description
List Categories
List<List> Liters
int CategoriesCount
int DaysCount
int StartYear
int StartMonth
int StartDay
string Series
Method Parameters Response Description
GetLitersWidget int entityType = -1
Guid? idEntity = null
LitersWidgetDto Get LitersWidgetDto
GetLitersWidgetAsync int entityType = -1
Guid? idEntity = null
LitersWidgetDto Get LitersWidgetDto


Data Description
Guid? IdCompany
Guid? IdCompanyContract
string CompanyName
string CompanyCode
string CompanyContractCode
int RemainingOperatingDays
Method Parameters Response Description
GetBalanceWidget Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idCompanyContract = null
BalanceWidgetDto Get BalanceWidgetDto
GetBalanceWidgetAsync Guid? idCompany = null
Guid? idCompanyContract = null
BalanceWidgetDto Get BalanceWidgetDto


Data Description
List HealthItems


Data Description
HealthWidgetStatusEnum Status
string Mesagge
HealthWidgetEntitiesEnum Entity
string ActionMesagge
Method Parameters Response Description
GetHealthWidget HealthWidgetDto Get HealthWidgetDto
GetHealthWidgetAsync HealthWidgetDto Get HealthWidgetDto


Data Description
Guid Id
ContractModeEnum Mode
decimal AvailableBalance
decimal ConsumedBalance
decimal AvailableBalancePercent
decimal ConsumedBalancePercent
decimal Balance
string Name
string Code
DateTime? StartDate
DateTime? ExpirationDate
int? DaysToExpirationDate
int DaysToNextCuteBillingDate
DateTime? NextCuteBillingDate
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCompanyContractStatusWidget List contractIds = null CompanyContractStatusWidgetDto Get CompanyContractStatusWidgetDto
GetCompanyContractStatusWidgetAsync List contractIds = null CompanyContractStatusWidgetDto Get CompanyContractStatusWidgetDto


Data Description
string FuelsMasterGroupsCode
string FuelsMasterGroupsDescription
int PeriodNumber
decimal CO2Emissions
int CountVehicles
Method Parameters Response Description
GetCO2Emissions Guid? idCompanyContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
Guid? idDriver = null
DateTime? startDate = null
CO2EmissionsDto Get CO2EmissionsDto
GetCO2EmissionsAsync Guid? idCompanyContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
Guid? idDriver = null
DateTime? startDate = null
CO2EmissionsDto Get CO2EmissionsDto


Data Description
Guid VehicleId
string VehiclePlate
string VehicleCode
Guid FleetId
string FleetCode
string FleetName
List EmissionByFuel
decimal TotalAverage


Data Description
Guid FuelMasterId
string FuelMasterDescription
decimal Amount
decimal Average
Method Parameters Response Description
GetVehiclesCo2Widget Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "totalCo2Emission"
string orderType = "asc"
VehiclesCo2WidgetDto Get VehiclesCo2WidgetDto
GetVehiclesCo2WidgetAsync Guid? idContract = null
Guid? idFleet = null
Guid? idVehicle = null
string dateTimeFrom = null
string dateTimeTo = null
byte? dateType = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "totalCo2Emission"
string orderType = "asc"
VehiclesCo2WidgetDto Get VehiclesCo2WidgetDto


Data Description
Guid Id
byte State
string StateDescription
int? LocalTransactionDate
int? LocalTransactionTime
string LocalDateTimeString
string AuthorizationCode
string TerminalDescription
string ResponseMessage
Method Parameters Response Description
GetFlaggedTransactionsWidget Guid? idCompany = null FlaggedTransactionsWidgetDto Get FlaggedTransactionsWidgetDto
GetFlaggedTransactionsWidgetAsync Guid? idCompany = null FlaggedTransactionsWidgetDto Get FlaggedTransactionsWidgetDto


Data Description
Guid Id
Guid IdNetwork
string Code
string Name
string Description
string ContactEmails
string TerritoryManager
Method Parameters Response Description
GetZones string code = null
string name = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
ZoneDto Get list ZoneDto
GetZonesAsync string code = null
string name = null
string searchText = null
int page = 1
int pageSize = 50
string orderField = "code"
string orderType = "asc"
ZoneDto Get list ZoneDto
GetZone Guid id ZoneDto Get individual ZoneDto
GetZoneAsync Guid id ZoneDto Get individual ZoneDto
CreateZone ZoneDto data ZoneDto Create ZoneDto
CreateZoneAsync ZoneDto data ZoneDto Create ZoneDto
UpdateZoneDto Guid id
ZoneDto data
string Update ZoneDto
UpdateZoneDtoAsync Guid id
ZoneDto data
string Update ZoneDto


Type Name Description
Guid Id
int Type
int? SubType
string Description
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetGlobalSearch string - searchText - - TBD List<GlobalSearchDto> Get List GlobalSearchDto
GetGlobalSearchAsync string - searchText - - TBD< List<GlobalSearchDto> Get List GlobalSearchDto


Type Name Description
List<NotificationSubscriptionDto> NotificationSuscriptionDto


Type Name Description
int AlertType Representa un NotificationAlertTypeEnum
string AlertTypeName
List<NotificationChannelDto> Channels
string Configuration corresponde a un json que se representa diferentes entidades dependiendo del AlertType
OdometerConfigurationJson cuando AlertType = 23
AmountDebitNotificationConfigurationJson cuando AlertType = 26
PercentCreditNotificationConfigurationJson cuando AlertType = 25


Type Name Description
string ChannelName
byte Channel Representa un NotificationChannelEnum
bool Suscribed
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetUsersAtionetNotificationsSubscription UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto Get UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
GetUsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionAsync UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto Get UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
UpdateNotificationSubscription UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto - data - - Represent a UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto entity to Update string Update UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto
UpdateNotificationSubscriptionAsync UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto - data - Represent a UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto entity to Update string Update UsersAtionetNotificationsSubscriptionDto


Type Name Description
Guid Id
string Description
bool RequirePin
int? PinDigits
string PIN
bool Instalable
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
GetIdentificationsToAssign Guid - Id - - TBD
bool - isDriver - - TBD
Guid? - companyContractId - null - TBD
string - searchText - null - TBD
List<IdentificationCompactDto> Get List IdentificationCompactDto
GetIdentificationsToAssignAsync Guid - Id - - TBD
bool - isDriver - - TBD
Guid? - companyContractId - null - TBD
string - searchText - null - TBD
List<IdentificationCompactDto> Get List IdentificationCompactDto


Type Name Description
List<Guid> Ids
bool Increase
bool IsPercentage
decimal Value
bool QuantityEnabled
bool MoneyEnabled
bool VolumeEnabled
Method Parameters (Type - Name - Default Value - Description) Response Description
UpdateRuleQuotaBulk RuleQuotaUpdateDto - data - - Represent a RuleQuotaUpdateDto entity to Update string Update Rules type Quota
UpdateRuleQuotaBulkAsync RuleQuotaUpdateDto - data - Represent a RuleQuotaUpdateDto entity to Update string Update Rules type Quota

FMS Methods

Method Parameters Description
UploadNativeDeliveries TerminalCode (string), trama (List), SystemModel (string), SystemVersion (string) loren impsum
UploadNativeDelivery TerminalCode (string), trama (FMSDeliveryData), SystemModel (string), SystemVersion (string) loren impsum
UploadNativeInventories TerminalCode (string), trama (List), SystemModel (string), SystemVersion (string) loren impsum
UploadNativeInventory TerminalCode (string), trama (FMSInventoryData), SystemModel (string), SystemVersion (string) loren impsum

Interface Methods

Method Parameters Description
BalanceTransferContractToSubAccount Transfers money from the contract to a sub account
BalanceTransferSubAccountToContract Transfers money from the sub account to the contract
BalanceTransferSubAccountToSubAccount Transfers money between sub accounts
BalanceTransferToContract Transfers (deposit) money to a contract
BalanceTransferToSubAccount Transfers (deposit) money to a sub account
BalanceWithdrawFromContract Removes (Withdraw) money from a contract
BalanceWithdrawFromSubAccount This method removes (Withdraw) money from a sub account
ContractBalanceDownload This method downloads a contracts balances list
FastTrackDownload This method downloads a fast track list
GetDeliveries This method downloads a deliveries list
GetExceptions This method downloads a transaction exceptions list
GetInventories This method downloads an inventories list
GetMovements This method downloads current account movements
GetRetailBatchCloses This method downloads retail batch closes
GetRetailTransactions This method downloads retail transactions
GetStatmentsHeader subscriberCode (string)
systemModel (string)
systemVersion (string)
dateFrom (DateTime 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss')
dateTo (DateTime 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss')
reportType (int 0 = ALL (default), 1 = Company, 2 = Merchant)
CustomOperation0 (bool? only available for report type = 2)
This method downloads the statments header
GetStatements This method downloads the statements
GetTransactions This method downloads fleet transactions
GetTransactionsDisputes This method downloads fleet transactions which are or were disputed
GetUncontrolledTransactions This method downloads uncontrolled transactions
InsertFastTrackOrder This method inserts fast tracks (trip orders)
InsertFastTrackOrder This method inserts fast tracks (trip orders)
SubAccountBalanceDownload This method downloads the balance of the sub accounts
UpdateCompanyContractOfflineBalance This methods updates the company contract offline balance.
InsertTransactionMovementERP This methods inserts the Transaction ERP Movements, also it can create Current Account Movements for deltas and update the Transaction depending on the parameters provided.
CompanyInsertAndUpdate subscriberCode (string)
systemModel (string)
systemVersion (string)
companyGroupID (Guid?)
custom0 (string)
custom1 (string)
custom2 (string)
custom3 (string)
phone1 (string)
phone2 (string)
contactEmail (string)
contactName (string)
taxPayerCategoryId (Guid?)
countryDeliveryId (Guid?)
stateDeliveryId (Guid?)
cityDelivery (string)
zipCodeDelivery (string)
permissionsType (short?)
street1Delivery (string)
street2Delivery (string)
stateId (Guid)
countryId (Guid)
city (string)
zipCode (string)
street1 (string)
street2 (string)
plan (byte?)
industryId (Guid)
name (string)
code (string)
desactivationType (byte?)
active (bool)
type (byte)
taxPayerId (string)
contracts (List <InterfaceCompanyContract>)
This methods inserts and updates a company and its contracts.
RackPricesListInsertAndUpdate subscriberCode (string)
code (string rack prices list code)
name (string rack prices list name)
active (bool)
currencyCodeId (Guid?)
currencyCode (string)
groupingType (short? 0 = Zones, 1 = SitesClassifications0, 2 = SitesClassifications1, 3 = SitesClassifications2, 4 = SitesClassifications3)
rackPrices (List <InterfaceRackPriceRequest>)
List <string> companyContracts (List <string> optional company contracts codes)
merchantContracts (List<string> optional merchant contracts codes)
This methods inserts a quotation between two currencies for the entire subscription.
QuotationsInsertAndUpdate subscriberCode (string)
targetCurrencyCode (string)
targetCurrencyId (Guid?)
dateFrom (string 'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm')
value (decimal)
This methods inserts a quotation between two currencies for the entire subscription.

Interface Methods Examples

CompanyInsertAndUpdate Example

Related Entities Instancing
List<InterfaceCompanyContract> companyContractsList = new List<InterfaceCompanyContract>();
List<InterfaceModifierContract> companyContractModifiers = new List<InterfaceModifierContract>();

InterfaceModifierContract companyContractModifier = new InterfaceModifierContract();

companyContractModifier.Class = (byte)ModifierClassEnum.Discount;
companyContractModifier.Type = (byte)ModifierTypeEnum.Percentual;
companyContractModifier.Value = 10;
companyContractModifier.FuelMasterId = null;
companyContractModifier.FuelMasterCode = "002";
companyContractModifier.SiteId = null;
companyContractModifier.SiteCode = string.Empty;
companyContractModifier.DateFrom = "2022/08/22";
companyContractModifier.TimeFrom = "14:30:00";
companyContractModifier.DateTo = null;
companyContractModifier.TimeTo = null;
companyContractModifier.Description = "Modifier Description";


InterfaceCompanyContract companyContract = new InterfaceCompanyContract();

companyContract.Id = null;
companyContract.Active = true;
companyContract.ReactivationAmount = null;
companyContract.DesactivationType = null;
companyContract.Code = "CCC001";
companyContract.Description = "Company Contract Description";
companyContract.StartDate = "2022/08/22";
companyContract.Duration = 5;
companyContract.Periodicity = (byte)PeriodicityEnum.Yearly;
companyContract.CurrentAccountMode = (byte)ContractCurrentAccountModeEnum.Money;
companyContract.CurrencyID = null;
companyContract.CurrencyCode = "USD";
companyContract.Mode = (byte)ContractModeEnum.Debit;
companyContract.CreditLimit = null;
companyContract.BalanceMode = (byte)BalanceModeEnum.Disperse;
companyContract.ValidateSites = false;
companyContract.ValidateFuels = false;
companyContract.ValidateMerchants = false;
companyContract.ApplyLowerPrice = null;
companyContract.IdRackPricesList = null;
companyContract.RackPricesListCode = string.Empty;
companyContract.ValidatePrograms = false;
companyContract.Type = (byte)ContractTypeEnum.Fleet;
companyContract.Subsidized = false;
companyContract.Classification1Id = null;
companyContract.Classification1Code = string.Empty;
companyContract.Classification2Id = null;
companyContract.Classification2Code = string.Empty;
companyContract.Classification3Id = null;
companyContract.Classification3Code = string.Empty;
companyContract.Classification4Id = null;
companyContract.Classification4Code = string.Empty;
companyContract.Custom0 = string.Empty;
companyContract.Custom1 = string.Empty;
companyContract.Custom2 = string.Empty;
companyContract.Custom3 = string.Empty;
companyContract.CustomInterface0 = null;
companyContract.CustomInterface1 = null;
companyContract.CustomInterface2 = null;
companyContract.CustomInterface3 = null;
companyContract.CustomInterface4 = null;
companyContract.CustomOperation0 = null;
companyContract.CustomOperation1 = null;
companyContract.CustomOperation2 = null;
companyContract.CustomOperation3 = null;
companyContract.CustomOperation4 = null;
companyContract.PermissionsType = null;
companyContract.BillingActive = true;
companyContract.BillingDueDays = null;
companyContract.BillingPeriodicity = null;
companyContract.BillingPeriodicityValue = null;
companyContract.BillingManual = true;
companyContract.BillingCutTime = null;
companyContract.BillingCutDay = null;
companyContract.BillingCutMonth = null;
companyContract.StartingBillingDate = null;
companyContract.DocumentChargesFromBalance = null;
companyContract.SeparateChargesDocument = null;
companyContract.RecepientEmails = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingTaxPayerId = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyName = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyStreet1 = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyStreet2 = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyZipCode = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyCity = string.Empty;
companyContract.BillingCompanyCountryId = null;
companyContract.BillingCompanyStateId = null;
companyContract.Fuels = new List<InterfaceFuelContract>();
companyContract.Sites = new List<InterfaceSiteContract>();
companyContract.Prices = null;
companyContract.Modifiers = companyContractModifiers;
companyContract.Concepts = new List<InterfaceConceptContract>();
companyContract.Blocks = new List<InterfaceBlockContract>();
companyContract.OverLimits = new List<InterfaceOverLimitContract>();
companyContract.Programs = new List<InterfaceProgramContract>();

Calling the Interface Method and Evaluating the Result
SdkResponse<InterfaceCompanyResponse> result = this.ationetInterface.CompanyInsertAndUpdate
(subscriberCode: "TTL",
 systemModel: "Example Model",
 systemVersion: "",
 companyGroupID: null,
 custom0: string.Empty,
 custom1: string.Empty,
 custom2: string.Empty,
 custom3: string.Empty,
 phone1: "11 058 021458",
 phone2: string.Empty,
 contactEmail: "[email protected]",
 contactName: "Company Admin Name",
 taxPayerCategoryId: null,
 countryDeliveryId: null,
 stateDeliveryId: null,
 cityDelivery: "Buenos Aires",
 zipCodeDelivery: "8957",
 permissionsType: null,
 street1Delivery: "Corrientes 7214",
 street2Delivery: string.Empty,
 stateId: Guid.Parse("CDA171F6-A790-4D02-A492-11425B977C9A"),
 countryId: Guid.Parse("CDA171F6-A790-4D02-A492-11425B977C9A"),
 city: "Buenos Aires",
 zipCode: "8957",
 street1: "Corrientes 7214",
 street2: string.Empty,
 plan: null,
 industryId: Guid.Parse("E256DFC7-D428-4394-B6C5-6F93FA65A35D"),
 name: "Company Name",
 code: "Company Code",
 desactivationType: null,
 active: true,
 type: (byte)CompanyTypeEnum.Fleet,
 taxPayerId: "Company Taxpayer ID",
 contracts: companyContractsList

if (result.Status != SdkResponseStatus.Ok)
	throw new Exception(result.ErrorMessage);

return result.Content;

RackPricesListInsertAndUpdate Example

Related Entities Instancing
List<InterfaceRackPriceRequest> rackPrices = new List<InterfaceRackPriceRequest>();

InterfaceRackPriceRequest rackPrice = new InterfaceRackPriceRequest {FuelMasterId =   Guid.Parse("E256DFC7-D428-4394-B6C5-6F93FA65A35D"),
 FuelMasterCode = null,
 FuelERPCode = null,
 Value = 51,
 DateFrom = "2022/08/22 15:30:00",
 DateTo = null,
 SiteId = null,
 SiteCode = null,
 SiteClassification0Id = null,
 SiteClassification0Code = null,
 SiteClassification1Id = null,
 SiteClassification1Code = null,
 SiteClassification2Id = null,
 SiteClassification2Code = null,
 SiteClassification3Id = null,
 SiteClassification3Code = null,
 ZoneId = null,
 ZoneCode = null,

Calling the Interface Method and Evaluating the Result
SdkResponse<string> result = this.ationetInterface.RackPricesListInsertAndUpdate(subscriberCode: "TTL",
 code: "RPL001",
 name:"Rack Prices List Name",
 active: true,
 currencyCodeId: Guid.Parse("E256DFC7-D428-4394-B6C5-6F93FA65A35D"),
 currencyCode: null,
 groupingType: null,
 rackPrices: rackPrices,
 companyContracts: new List<string>(),
 merchantContracts: new List<string>()

if (result.Status != SdkResponseStatus.Ok)
	throw new Exception(result.ErrorMessage);

return result.Content;

QuotationsInsertAndUpdate Example

Calling the Interface Method and Evaluating the Result
SdkResponse<string> result =  this.ationetInterface.QuotationsInsertAndUpdate(subscriberCode: "TTL",
 targetCurrencyCode: "USD",
 targetCurrencyId: null,
 dateFrom: "2022/08/22 16:30",
 value: 10.5

if (result.Status != SdkResponseStatus.Ok)
	throw new Exception(result.ErrorMessage);

return result.Content;

Loyalty Methods

Method Parameters Description
SendLoyaltyAccumulation loren impsum
SendLoyaltyAccumulationAsync loren impsum
SendLoyaltyBalanceInquiry loren impsum
SendLoyaltyBalanceInquiryAsync loren impsum

Retail Methods

Method Parameters Description
SendRetailBatchClose loren impsum
SendRetailBatchCloseAsync loren impsum
SendSaleRecordsUpload loren impsum
SendSaleRecordsUploadAsync loren impsum

Appendix A - Native Authorization Protocol Messages

Check this document to have detailed information about each field in each message under the Native Authorization Protocol