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First, install Git using the instructions here:

Software Carpentry

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone

Then, you need to download and install Anaconda 3:


You can follow the instructions about Python from here:

Software Carpentry

Then, go to the directory ETSscripts and create an environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

You can learn more about Anaconda environments here:

Anaconda environments

Finally, you need to add these lines in your .bash_profile

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/Users/your_name/your_path/ETSscripts/utils"

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/Users/your_name/your_path/ETSscripts/wmtsa"

You should now be able to activate the seismic environment:

source activate seismic

And launch Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook

I think that should work on a Mac. Some things may be different on Windows or Linux.