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🤸‍ – A Blog Theme for Jekyll

Cartwheel is a blog theme for Jekyll built using HTML, Sass, and jQuery. External stylesheets and libraries included are Google Fonts, Font Awesome, Normalize.CSS, Instafetch.js, Owl Carousel 2, Smooth Scroll, and WOW.js.


All dependencies are saved in the Gemfile. Run bundle install (Install Bundler if it is not already).

Edit Theme

I made everything as easy as possible to edit. Most things can be found in the _config.yml, but if more editing is required digging through the code will be required. The head.html file is in the _includes folder and the Sass variables are found in the _base.scss file in the _sass folder.


Site Settings

baseurl: ""
  • baseurl - Path of blog if adding this on to another website

Color Settings

color_alpha: feeaeb
color_beta: 05009e
  • color_alpha - Main color
  • color_beta - Secondary color

Google Analytics

google_analytics: UA—XXXXXXXX-X
  • google_analytics - Option field to replace with correct Google Analytics code

Instagram API

  • instagram_key - See Instafetch.js docs for API key information
  • instagram_caption - true or false to display Instagram captions

SEO Settings

url: ""
  • title - Title of blog
  • description - Description of blog (recommended to not go over 160 characters)
  • url - URL of main website
  • email - Email address
  • twitter_username - Twitter username
  • default_img - Image that will appear when posting links on social networks

Profile Settings

  • name - Full name for SEO purposes
  • social - List of social networks for icons in the contact card and the footer (Font Awesome is used, so only match the name of the icon, but do not include fa-)

Build Settings

exclude: ["node_modules", "gulpfile.js", "assets/js/app.js", "", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock"]
permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
  • include - Folders that are not automatically included in Jekyll
  • exclude - Folders that are excluded from _site
  • permalink - URL structure of blog posts


layout: post
title: ""

This is the YAML front matter block for blog posts.

  • layout - This field will always be post
  • title - The title of the blog post
  • date - The date that will appear on the blog post
  • tags - Optional field that can be entered as an array or a list
  • description - Optional field for SEO (recommended to not go over 160 characters)
  • image - The blog theme was designed for 2000x1200px images (optimize your images because this is a picture heavy theme)