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Yii Framework 2 mongodb extension Change Log

3.0.1 under development

  • no changes in this release.

3.0.0 September 04, 2022

  • Bug #297: Fixed zero-index key problem in ActiveQuery::Each() (ziaratban)
  • Bug #299: Drop limit of batchSize cursor option in application level according to jira.mongodb(PHP-457) (ziaratban)
  • Bug #348: Add PHP 8.1 support (scrummitch, samdark)
  • Enh #294: Add transactions support (ziaratban)

2.1.12 August 09, 2021

  • Enh #342: Use random_int() for cache garbage collection (samdark)

2.1.11 December 23, 2020

  • Bug #327: Fix yii\mongodb\BatchQueryResult to be compatible with PECL MongoDb 1.9.0 driver (bizley)

2.1.10 November 10, 2020

  • Bug #308: Fix yii\mongodb\file\Upload::addFile() error when uploading file with readonly permissions (sparchatus)
  • Enh #319: Added support for the 'session.use_strict_mode' ini directive in yii\web\Session (rhertogh)

2.1.9 November 19, 2019

  • Bug #286: Fix Collection::dropAllIndexes() error when no indexes were dropped (samdark)

2.1.8 October 08, 2019

2.1.7 March 30, 2018

  • Bug #251: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery::indexBy() does not apply while using Yii 2.0.14 (klimov-paul)
  • Enh: yii\mongodb\Session now relies on error handler to display errors (samdark)

2.1.6 February 13, 2018

  • Bug #241: Fixed yii\mongodb\Command::aggregate() without 'cursor' option produces error on MongoDB Server 3.6 (Lisio, klimov-paul)
  • Bug #247: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::dropIndex() unable to drop index specified with sort via index plugin (klimov-paul)

2.1.5 November 03, 2017

  • Bug #223: Usage of deprecated yii\base\Object changed to yii\base\BaseObject allowing compatibility with PHP 7.2 (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #227: Fixed yii\mongodb\file\Collection::remove() does not removes all file chunks in case limit is specified (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #228: Fixed yii\mongodb\Command::aggregate() does not support 'cursor' option (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #224: Provided support for 'migrate/fresh' command to truncate database and apply migrations again (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #225: Added yii\mongodb\Migration::$compact supporting yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController::$compact option (klimov-paul)
  • Chg #158: Data structure for yii\mongodb\i18n\MongoDbMessageSource changed avoiding usage message key as BSON key (klimov-paul)

2.1.4 June 23, 2017

  • Bug #187: Fixed exception is thrown on yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager::invalidateCache() invocation (jafaripur)
  • Bug #201: Fixed selection of master/slave server for read/write operations at yii\mongodb\Command (KhristenkoYura)
  • Bug #205: Fixed negative value passed to yii\mongodb\Query::limit() or yii\mongodb\Query::offset() does not disables query limit or offset correspondingly (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #207: Fixed yii\mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator corrupts date value, while validating existing MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime instance (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #210: Fixed yii\mongodb\debug\MongoDbPanel overrides explain action of yii\debug\panels\DbPanel (Liv1020, klimov-paul)
  • Bug #213: Made MigrateController compatible with Yii 2.0.12 (cebe)

2.1.3 February 15, 2017

  • Bug #168: Fixed yii\mongodb\Command::update() uses upsert option by default (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #170: Fixed incorrect order of migrations history in case yii\mongodb\console\controllers\MigrateController::$migrationNamespaces is in use (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #173: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery does not respects relational link at methods count(), distinct(), sum(), average(), modify() (tuyakhov, klimov-paul)
  • Bug #176: Fixed yii\mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator uses seconds instead of milliseconds while creating MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime instance (reza-id, klimov-paul)
  • Bug #179: Fixed yii\mongodb\file\Upload unable to handle custom _id value, if it does not provided as \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID instance (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #186: Fixed yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager::getRolesByUser() results now includes default roles (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #171: Added support for yii\db\QueryInterface::emulateExecution() to force returning an empty result for a query (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #177: Method yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery::exists() optimized avoiding redundant ActiveRecord and relations population (klimov-paul)

2.1.2 October 31, 2016

  • Bug #150: Fixed yii\mongodb\Query::exists() always returning true (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #155: Fixed yii\mongodb\Query unable to process not condition with null compare value (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #152: Added support for namespaced migrations via [[yii\mongodb\console\controllers\MigrateController::migrationNamespaces]] (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #153: Added yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager::getChildRoles() method allowing finding child roles for the given one (githubjeka, klimov-paul)
  • Enh #154: Methods scalar() and column() added to yii\mongodb\Query (klimov-paul)

2.1.1 August 29, 2016

  • Bug #136: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::findOne() returns false instead of null on empty result (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #142: Fixed yii\mongodb\Migration::createIndexes() triggers E_NOTICE (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #145: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveFixture fails to find default data file if collectionName is specified in array format (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #146: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord and yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord looses _id custom value on insertion (lxyfirst, klimov-paul)
  • Enh #147: Added unknown methods stream_seek and stream_tell to yii\mongodb\file\StreamWrapper for fseek() and ftell() (AstRonin)
  • Enh: Added yii\mongodb\Migration::listCollections() method (klimov-paul)

2.1.0 June 27, 2016

  • Enh #33: Added support for batch (bulk) write operations (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #56: Now 'mongodb' PHP extension used instead of 'mongo' (klimov-paul, hardsetting, Sammaye)
  • Enh #76: Added ability to disable logging and/or profiling for the commands and queries (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #77: Added support for fetching data from MongoDB in batches (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #79: yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord::toArray() provides better representation for BSON objects in recursive mode (klimov-paul, rowdyroad)

2.0.5 May 9, 2016

  • Bug #40: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveFixture throws exception on empty fixture data (darkunz)
  • Bug #73: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::buildInCondition() unable to process composite 'IN' condition (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #75: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::distinct() always returns false on empty condition for MongoDB 2.8 (boxoft)
  • Bug #101: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::buildCondition() does not compose 'IN' condition for the values with broken index sequence (klimov-paul)
  • Bug: Avoid serializing PHP 7 errors (zuozp8, cebe)
  • Enh #23: Added support for complex sort specification at yii\mongodb\Query (raoptimus)
  • Enh #24: yii\mongodb\Query now contains a andFilterCompare() method that allows filtering using operators in the query value (lennartvdd)
  • Enh #27: Added support for saving extra fields in session collection for yii\mongodb\Session (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #35: Added support for cursor options setup at yii\mongodb\Query (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #36: Added support for compare operators (like '>', '<' and so on) at yii\mongodb\Query (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #37: Now yii\mongodb\Collection::buildInCondition is not added '$in' for array contains one element (webdevsega)
  • Enh #41: Added yii\mongodb\Connection::driverOptions allowing setup of the options for the MongoDB driver (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #57: Added i18n support via yii\mongodb\i18n\MongoDbMessageSource (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #69: Fixed log target to display exceptions like DbTarget in Yii core, also avoids problems with Exceptions that contain closures (cebe)
  • Enh #74: Added explain method to MongoDbPanel debug panel (webdevsega)
  • Enh #87: Added RBAC support via yii\mongodb\rbac\MongoDbManager (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #102: MongoDbTarget now uses batchInsert() while exporting log messages (klimov-paul)

2.0.4 May 10, 2015

  • Bug #7010: Fixed yii\mongodb\Query::one() fails on PHP MongoDB extension version 1.6.x (im-kulikov, klimov-paul)
  • Enh #5802: Added yii\mongodb\validators\MongoIdValidator and yii\mongodb\validators\MongoDateValidator validators (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #7798: Added support for 'NOT' conditions at yii\mongodb\Collection (klimov-paul)
  • Chg #7924: Migrations in history are now ordered by time applied allowing to roll back in reverse order no matter how these were applied (klimov-paul)

2.0.3 March 01, 2015

  • Bug #7010: Fixed yii\mongodb\Query::select now allows excluding fields (Sammaye, klimov-paul)

2.0.2 January 11, 2015

  • Bug #6376: Fixed lazy load of relations to yii\mongodb\file\ActiveRecord (klimov-paul)

2.0.1 December 07, 2014

  • Bug #6026: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord saves null as _id, if attributes are empty (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #3855: Added debug toolbar panel for MongoDB (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #5592: Added support for 'findAndModify' operation at yii\mongodb\Query and yii\mongodb\ActiveQuery (klimov-paul)

2.0.0 October 12, 2014

  • Bug #5303: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection unable to fetch default database name from DSN with parameters (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #5411: Fixed yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord unable to fetch 'hasMany' referred by array of \MongoId (klimov-paul)

2.0.0-rc September 27, 2014

  • Bug #2337: yii\mongodb\Collection::buildLikeCondition() fixed to escape regular expression (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #3385: Fixed "The 'connected' property is deprecated" (samdark)
  • Bug #4879: Fixed yii\mongodb\Collection::buildInCondition() handles non-sequent key arrays (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #3520: Added unlinkAll()-method to active record to remove all records of a model relation (NmDimas, samdark, cebe)
  • Enh #3778: Gii generator for Active Record model added (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #3947: Migration support added (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #4048: Added init event to ActiveQuery classes (qiangxue)
  • Enh #4086: changedAttributes of afterSave Event now contain old values (dizews)
  • Enh #4335: yii\mongodb\log\MongoDbTarget log target added (klimov-paul)

2.0.0-beta April 13, 2014

  • Initial release.