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File metadata and controls

21 lines (12 loc) · 1.41 KB


Carthage compatible CocoaPods

This is a Swift µframework providing Result<Value, Error>.

Result<Value, Error> values are either successful (wrapping Value) or failed (wrapping Error). This is similar to Swift’s native Optional type, with the addition of an error value to pass some error code, message, or object along to be logged or displayed to the user.


API documentation is in the source.


  1. Add this repository as a submodule and check out its dependencies, and/or add it to your Cartfile if you’re using carthage to manage your dependencies.
  2. Drag Result.xcodeproj and Box.xcodeproj into your project or workspace. NB: Result.xcworkspace is for standalone development of Result, while Result.xcodeproj is for targets using Result as a dependency.
  3. Link your target against Result.framework and Box.framework.
  4. Application targets should ensure that the framework gets copied into their application bundle. (Framework targets should instead require the application linking them to include Result and Box.)