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Installing Kritis


The only currently supported backend for vulnerability data is the Google Cloud Container Analysis API. You will need access to it, along with:

Step #1: Create a Google Cloud Project

Follow the prompts at Google Cloud Console: New Project.

For convenience, save the project ID as an environment variable:

PROJECT=<project ID assigned to you>

If you do not know your project ID, you may use:

gcloud projects list

Step #2: Enable the requisite API's for your Google Cloud Project

NOTE: Your account must be whitelisted to enable the Container Analysis API. To do so, join the Container Analysis Users Group. It may take 1-5 business days to approve the request.

Once approved, enable the necessary API's:

Enable the Container Analysis API:

gcloud services enable

Enable the Kubernetes API:

gcloud services enable

Enable the Container Registry API:

gcloud services enable

Wait for the above API's to be fully enabled, then enable vulnerability scanning:

For more documentation, see Container Analysis Overview.

Step #3: Create a cluster

kritis requires a cluster running Kubernetes v1.9.2 or newer. You may create one named kritis-test by executing:

gcloud components update
gcloud config set project $PROJECT
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
gcloud container clusters create kritis-test --num-nodes=2

After creating your cluster, you need to get authentication credentials to interact with the cluster. This command will also configure kubectl for your newly created cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials kritis-test

For more documentation, see Kubernetes Engine: Creating a Cluster.

Step #4: Create service account & configure roles

This creates a service account named kritis-ca-admin:

gcloud iam service-accounts create kritis-ca-admin \
  --display-name "Kritis Service Account"

Which must be bound to the appropriate roles:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
  --member=serviceAccount:kritis-ca-admin@${PROJECT} \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
  --member=serviceAccount:kritis-ca-admin@${PROJECT} \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
  --member=serviceAccount:kritis-ca-admin@${PROJECT} \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
  --member=serviceAccount:kritis-ca-admin@${PROJECT} \

Step #5: Upload the Service Account Key

Download the service key from Google Cloud:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create gac.json \
  --iam-account kritis-ca-admin@${PROJECT}

Then upload the service key to your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl create secret generic gac-ca-admin --from-file=gac.json

Step #6: Install and Configure Helm

Install helm, and execute the following to create an account for helm in your cluster:

kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Then deploy helm:

helm init --wait --service-account tiller

Installing Kritis to your cluster

Install the resolve-tags kubectl plugin and binary:

Mac OS X

curl -LO && \
  RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR=$HOME/.kube/plugins/resolve && \
  mkdir -p $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR && tar -C $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR -xzf resolve-tags-darwin-amd64.tar.gz && \
  mv $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags-darwin-amd64 $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags && \
  sudo cp $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags /usr/local/bin/


curl -LO && \
  RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR=$HOME/.kube/plugins/resolve && \
  mkdir -p $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR && tar -C $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR -xzf resolve-tags-linux-amd64.tar.gz && \
  mv $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags-linux-amd64 $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags && \
  sudo cp $RESOLVE_TAGS_DIR/resolve-tags /usr/local/bin/

For more information, please see the resolve-tags documentation.

Install kritis to your cluster:

helm install

You may use the --set flag, to override the installation defaults:

Value Default Description
serviceNamespace default namespace to install kritis within gac-ca-admin name of the secret created above with container analysis permissions

The kritis installation will create 3 pods:

  • kritis-preinstall creates a CertificateSigningRequest and TLS Secret for the webhook
  • kritis-postinstall creates the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
  • kritis-validation-hook-xxx serves the webhook

The deployment status may be viewed using:

kubectl get pods

Sample output:

NAME                                      READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
kritis-postinstall                        0/1       Completed          0          2m
kritis-preinstall                         0/1       Completed          0          2m
kritis-validation-hook-7c84c48f47-lsjpg   1/1       Running            0          2m

The installation is complete once:

  • kritis-preinstall and kritis-postinstall have status Completed
  • kritis-validation-hook-xxx is Running


Once installed, follow our tutorial to learn how to test and manage Kritis.

Uninstalling Kritis

Find the name of your helm release to delete:

helm ls


NAME          REVISION  UPDATED                   STATUS    CHART         NAMESPACE
loopy-numbat    1       Fri Jul 27 14:25:44 2018  DEPLOYED  kritis-0.1.0  default

Then delete the name of the release:

helm delete <name>

This command will also kick off the kritis-predelete pod, which deletes the CertificateSigningRequest, TLS Secret, and Webhooks created during installation. You may view the status using:

kubectl get pods kritis-predelete

And the logs using:

kubectl logs kritis-predelete

Most resources created by kritis will be deleted from your cluster once this Pod has reached Completed status.

To delete the remaining resources run:

kubectl delete pods,serviceaccount,clusterrolebinding --selector --namespace <your namespace>

NOTE: This will not delete the container analysis secret created above.



If you're unable to install or delete kritis, looking at logs for the following pods could provide more information:

  • kritis-validation-hook-xxx
  • kritis-preinstall (during installation)
  • kritis-postinstall (during installation)
  • kritis-predelete (during deletion)

You can view their status using:

kubectl get pods

Deleting Kritis Manually

If you're unable to delete kritis via helm delete <DEPLOYMENT NAME>, you can manually delete all kritis resources with the following commands:

kubectl delete all,validatingwebhookconfiguration,serviceaccount,secret,csr,crd \
  --selector \
  --namespace <your namespace>

You should then be able to delete the helm deployment with

helm delete [deployment name] --no-hooks