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Programs Included

Creates a dashboard overlaying your GoPro movie. Lots of options!

Basic Usage

Create an overlay movie

venv/bin/ ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Create an overlay movie using a GPX file

venv/bin/ --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Note that information from GPX can either EXTEND or OVERWRITE the data from the GoPro movie... see below.

Create a movie with a privacy zone

venv/bin/ --privacy 52.000,-0.40000,0.50 ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Create a movie with a custom layout

venv/bin/ --layout xml --layout-xml ~/layouts/my-layout.xml ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Create a movie with a specific map style

venv/bin/ --map-style tf-cycle --map-api-key my-api-key ~/layouts/my-layout.xml ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Create a transparent overlay without video, for using it in external software

You'll need to create an overlay profile (with alpha channel) - see Create a movie with alpha channel

venv/bin/ --generate overlay ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4

Create a movie, using GPU encoding and decoding

You'll need to create a profile - see FFMPEG Profiles

venv/bin/ --profile nvgpu ~/layouts/my-layout.xml ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4


The units for speed, altitude, distance and temperature can be controlled from the command line.

venv/bin/ --units-speed kph --units-altitude feet --units-temperature degreeF ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Setting Custom background colour

For overlaying videos in external programs it might be useful to use a different background colour

This can be done with --bg R,G,B,A - where R,G,B and A are the colour and alpha components - between 0 and 255

e.g. Use solid green as background

venv/bin/ --bg 0,255,0,255 ~/gopro/GH020073.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Loading additional GoPro data

There are a number of different data types in the GoPro video - by default gopro-dashboard will only load the ones that relate to GPS, as loading the others can be slow. You can use --load to load the other data types.

Supported GoPro data

  • ACCL
  • GRAV
  • CORI



GPX Modes

When using a GPX file, you may wish to use it as a primary GPS receiver, or simply to load in extra data that the GoPro can't capture - like Heartrate, Cadence, or Power.

Use --gpx-merge to control how this is interpreted.

  • EXTEND (the default) - add in fields that aren't already present
  • OVERWRITE - replace any fields, including speed, gps location, altitude from GoPro with those from GPX file.


--gpx-merge OVERWRITE

Omitting Widgets

If the layout you are using has a widget you don't want, you can use --include <name> <name>.. or --exclude <name> <name>... on the command line to include or exclude that widget. To get the name of the widget, currently you need to look at the xml file. (linked above)

Skipping Containers

If you didn't want to render a container, you could add --exclude <container-name> when running the program, and this container would be skipped.

FFMPEG Profiles

FFMPEG Profiles are a way to control the parameters to ffmpeg. The program supports very many options, so it's not very practical for us to support all of them. has a number of built-in profiles, selectable with --profile <name> on the command line, or you can create a configuration file as shown below, and create your own.

Each profile can control the input, output, and optionally, the filter arguments to ffmpeg.

Built-in profiles

Since v0.121.0

  • nvgpu - Use NVIDIA GPU for decoding the GoPro MPEG file, and for encoding the output.
  • nnvgpu - Use NVIDIA GPU for as much of the process as possible - only supported on in newer versions of ffmpeg, and for certain drivers.
  • mov - Use PNG images inside a MOV container - allows an alpha channel in a movie, useful when using another video processing system. Note: Use an output filename extension of .mov
  • vp9 - Create a vp9 webm movie. Note: use an output filename extension of .webm
  • vp8 - Create a vp8 webm movie. Note: use an output filename extension of .webm

User-defined profiles

Create a file ~/.gopro-graphics/ffmpeg-profiles.json, and put FFMPEG parameters to control the input and output

Both input and output sections are mandatory.

The ffmpeg command line arguments are a bit of a minefield, so when using this, then it definitely is out-of-warranty. (There's no warranty anyway!)

Please consider contributing useful settings, particularly those that control GPU outputs.

  "profile-name": {
    "input": ["list", "of", "input", "options"],
    "output": ["list", "of", "output", "options"]

You can also provide a custom setting for the "filter_complex" argument in ffmpeg. Mostly you'll not need to do this, but to get certain GPU accelerations, you might need this.

The filter arguments are only used when overlaying onto a video, and in this case input 0 is the gopro movie, and input 1 is the overlay.

  "profile-name": {
    "input": ["list", "of", "input", "options"],
    "filter": "[0:v][1:v]custom_filter",
    "output": ["list", "of", "output", "options"]


  "nvgpu": {
    "input": ["-hwaccel", "nvdec"],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "h264_nvenc", "-rc:v", "cbr", "-b:v", "50M", "-bf:v", "3", "-profile:v", "high", "-spatial-aq", "true"]
  "nnvgpu": {
    "input": ["-hwaccel", "cuda", "-hwaccel_output_format", "cuda" ],
    "filter": "[0:v]scale_cuda=format=yuv420p[mp4_stream];[1:v]format=yuva420p,hwupload[overlay_stream];[mp4_stream][overlay_stream]overlay_cuda",
    "output": ["-vcodec", "h264_nvenc", "-rc:v", "cbr", "-b:v", "40M", "-bf:v", "3", "-profile:v", "main", "-spatial-aq", "true", "-movflags", "faststart"]

  "low-fr": {
    "input": [],
    "output": ["-r", "10"]

Creating smaller filesize movies

You can vary the output bitrate with the -b:v argument, as shown above - by reducing to 20M or 30M you might find that videos are acceptably small. This is a complex art, and you'll need to balance other settings when making smaller files.

Creating Videos using only GPX File

Create a movie with alpha channel, using only GPX file, without any video at all

This is when you want to use external software to do the final video - combining the "dashboard" video and some other video using Lightworks or whatever

You'll need to create a profile - see FFMPEG Profiles

  "overlay": {
    "input": [],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "png"]

then execute (NOTE: extension is mov)

venv/bin/ --use-gpx-only --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx --profile overlay --overlay-size 1920x1080

if you use -vcodec rawvideo file will be really huge

or you can use slower codecs (but smaller file size) vp9 orvp8 (even slower) or hevc_videotoolbox (available on Mac only):

  "overlay": {
    "input": [],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "vp9", "-pix_fmt", "yuva420p"]
  "sloweroverlay": {
    "input": [],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "vp8", "-pix_fmt", "yuva420p", "-auto-alt-ref", "0"]

then execute (NOTE: extension is webm)

venv/bin/ --use-gpx-only --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx --profile overlay --overlay-size 1920x1080 GH020073-dashboard.webm

You could also use HW-accelerated h264 on macOS (more info on -q:v):

    "overlay-mac": {
    "input": [],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "h264_videotoolbox", "-q:v", "65"]

then execute (NOTE: extension is mp4)

venv/bin/ --use-gpx-only --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx --profile overlay-mac --overlay-size 1920x1080 GH020073-dashboard.mp4

Create a movie from GPX and video not created with GoPro

This is currently quite hard to align things properly!

Ensure file time matches GPX times

Make sure that the time of the file is correct and when aligned to the timezone of your computer matches the data in GPX file (this might not be the case if video is recorded abroad).

If it is not correct you can fix it using touch -d '2022-08-29T11:17:44Z' file.mp4.

To get the correct time you can try with different dates available from exiftool file.mp4 or exiftool thumbnail_image_of_the_video.thm (if thumbnail image exist), from SRT/flight log viewer/CSV from Airdata, etc.

But first make sure that you have set the correct date and time of the camera BEFORE recording the video.

venv/bin/ --video-time-start file-accessed --use-gpx-only --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Drive.gpx ~/recording/drive.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

Depending on the camera maker and model file-accessed, file-created, file-modified should be used for --video-time-start or --video-time-end, e.g.

venv/bin/ --video-time-end file-created --use-gpx-only  --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx ~/recording/flight.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4
venv/bin/ --video-time-end file-modified --use-gpx-only --gpx ~/Downloads/Morning_Ride.gpx ~/recording/sail.MP4 GH020073-dashboard.MP4

GPU Learnings

nvidia cuvidCreateDecoder failed

You might see this in the ffmpeg output:

[h264 @ 0x557b56012a00] decoder->cvdl->cuvidCreateDecoder(&decoder->decoder, params) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE: invalid argument
[h264 @ 0x557b56012a00] Using more than 32 (34) decode surfaces might cause nvdec to fail.
[h264 @ 0x557b56012a00] Try lowering the amount of threads. Using 16 right now.
[h264 @ 0x557b56012a00] Failed setup for format cuda: hwaccel initialisation returned error.
[swscaler @ 0x557b57b570c0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

I 'fixed' this with this profile:

  "nvgpu": {
    "input": ["-hwaccel", "nvdec", "-threads", "12"],
    "output": ["-vcodec", "h264_nvenc", "-rc:v", "cbr", "-b:v", "50000k", "-bf:v", "3", "-profile:v", "high", "-spatial-aq", "true"]

I don't know the formula for calculating the correct number of threads... this was trial and error.


usage: [-h] [--font FONT] [--privacy PRIVACY] [--generate {default,overlay,none}]
                          [--overlay-size OVERLAY_SIZE] [--bg BG] [--config-dir CONFIG_DIR]
                          [--cache-dir CACHE_DIR] [--profile PROFILE] [--double-buffer] [--ffmpeg-dir FFMPEG_DIR]
                          [--load {ACCL,GRAV,CORI} [{ACCL,GRAV,CORI} ...]] [--gpx GPX]
                          [--gpx-merge {EXTEND,OVERWRITE}] [--use-gpx-only]
                          [--video-time-start {file-created,file-modified,file-accessed}]
                          [--video-time-end {file-created,file-modified,file-accessed}]
                          [--map-style {osm,tf-cycle,tf-transport,tf-landscape,tf-outdoors,tf-transport-dark,tf-spinal-map,tf-pioneer,tf-mobile-atlas,tf-neighbourhood,tf-atlas,geo-osm-carto,geo-osm-bright,geo-osm-bright-grey,geo-osm-bright-smooth,geo-klokantech-basic,geo-osm-liberty,geo-maptiler-3d,geo-toner,geo-toner-grey,geo-positron,geo-positron-blue,geo-positron-red,geo-dark-matter,geo-dark-matter-brown,geo-dark-matter-dark-grey,geo-dark-matter-dark-purple,geo-dark-matter-purple-roads,geo-dark-matter-yellow-roads,local}]
                          [--map-api-key MAP_API_KEY] [--layout {default,speed-awareness,xml}]
                          [--layout-xml LAYOUT_XML] [--exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]
                          [--include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]] [--units-speed UNITS_SPEED]
                          [--units-altitude UNITS_ALTITUDE] [--units-distance UNITS_DISTANCE]
                          [--units-temperature {kelvin,degC,degF}] [--gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX]
                          [--gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX] [--gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS]
                          [--gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT] [--show-ffmpeg] [--print-timings]
                          [--debug-metadata] [--profiler]
                          [input] output

Overlay gadgets on to GoPro MP4

positional arguments:
  input                 Input MP4 file - Optional with --use-gpx-only (default: None)
  output                Output Video File - MP4/MOV/WEBM all supported, see Profiles documentation

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --font FONT           Selects a font (default: Roboto-Medium.ttf)
  --privacy PRIVACY     Set privacy zone (lat,lon,km) (default: None)
  --generate {default,overlay,none}
                        Type of output to generate (default: default)
  --overlay-size OVERLAY_SIZE
                        <XxY> e.g. 1920x1080 Force size of overlay. Use if video differs from supported bundled
                        overlay sizes (1920x1080, 3840x2160), Required if --use-gpx-only (default: None)
  --bg BG               Background Colour - R,G,B,A - each 0-255, no spaces! (default: (0, 0, 0, 0))
  --config-dir CONFIG_DIR
                        Location of config files (api keys, profiles, ...) (default: /home/richja/.gopro-graphics)
  --cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        Location of caches (map tiles, ...) (default: /home/richja/.gopro-graphics)

  Controlling rendering performance

  --profile PROFILE     Use ffmpeg options profile <name> from ~/gopro-graphics/ffmpeg-profiles.json (default:
  --double-buffer       Enable HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL double buffering mode. May speed things up. May not work at all
                        (default: False)
  --ffmpeg-dir FFMPEG_DIR
                        Directory where ffmpeg/ffprobe located, default=Look in PATH (default: None)

  Loading data from GoPro

  --load {ACCL,GRAV,CORI} [{ACCL,GRAV,CORI} ...]

  Using GPX & Fit Files

  --gpx GPX, --fit GPX  Use GPX/FIT file for location / alt / hr / cadence / temp ... (default: None)
  --gpx-merge {EXTEND,OVERWRITE}
                        When using GPX/FIT file - OVERWRITE=replace GPS/alt from GoPro with GPX values,
                        EXTEND=just use additional values from GPX/FIT file e.g. hr/cad/power (default:

GPX Only:
  Creating Movies from GPX File only

  --use-gpx-only, --use-fit-only
                        Use only the GPX/FIT file - no GoPro location data (default: False)
  --video-time-start {file-created,file-modified,file-accessed}
                        Use file dates for aligning video and GPS information, only when --use-gpx-only -
                        EXPERIMENTAL! - may be changed/removed (default: None)
  --video-time-end {file-created,file-modified,file-accessed}
                        Use file dates for aligning video and GPS information, only when --use-gpx-only -
                        EXPERIMENTAL! - may be changed/removed (default: None)

  Display of Maps

  --map-style {osm,tf-cycle,tf-transport,tf-landscape,tf-outdoors,tf-transport-dark,tf-spinal-map,tf-pioneer,tf-mobile-atlas,tf-neighbourhood,tf-atlas,geo-osm-carto,geo-osm-bright,geo-osm-bright-grey,geo-osm-bright-smooth,geo-klokantech-basic,geo-osm-liberty,geo-maptiler-3d,geo-toner,geo-toner-grey,geo-positron,geo-positron-blue,geo-positron-red,geo-dark-matter,geo-dark-matter-brown,geo-dark-matter-dark-grey,geo-dark-matter-dark-purple,geo-dark-matter-purple-roads,geo-dark-matter-yellow-roads,local}
                        Style of map to render (default: osm)
  --map-api-key MAP_API_KEY
                        API Key for map provider, if required (default OSM doesn't need one) (default: None)

  Controlling layout

  --layout {default,speed-awareness,xml}
                        Choose graphics layout (default: default)
  --layout-xml LAYOUT_XML
                        Use XML File for layout (default: None)
  --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]
                        exclude named component (will include all others (default: None)
  --include INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]
                        include named component (will exclude all others) (default: None)

  Controlling Units

  --units-speed UNITS_SPEED
                        Default unit for speed. Many units supported: mph, mps, kph, knot, ... (default: mph)
  --units-altitude UNITS_ALTITUDE
                        Default unit for altitude. Many units supported: foot, mile, metre, meter, parsec,
                        angstrom, ... (default: metre)
  --units-distance UNITS_DISTANCE
                        Default unit for distance. Many units supported: mile, km, foot, nmi, meter, metre,
                        parsec, ... (default: mile)
  --units-temperature {kelvin,degC,degF}
                        Default unit for temperature (default: degC)

  Controlling GPS Parsing (from GoPro Only)

  --gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX
                        Max DOP - Points with greater DOP will be considered 'Not Locked' (default: 10)
  --gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX
                        Max GPS Speed - Points with greater speed will be considered 'Not Locked' (default: 60)
  --gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS
                        Units for --gps-speed-max (default: kph)
  --gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT
                        Define GPS Bounding Box, anything outside will be considered 'Not Locked' -
                        minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat (default: None)

  Controlling debugging outputs

  --show-ffmpeg         Show FFMPEG output (not usually useful) (default: False)
  --print-timings       Print timings (default: False)
  --debug-metadata      Show detailed information when parsing GoPro Metadata (default: False)
  --profiler            Do some basic profiling of the widgets to find ones that may be slow (default: False)

Extract GoPro metadata to its own file.


usage: [-h] input [output]

Extract GoPro metadata to data file

positional arguments:
  input       Input file
  output      Output file (default stdout)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Rename a GoPro file to a date-based filename, which means it will sort correctly by name in a file viewer.

The GoPro files have an unusual naming format with the chapter first, and the "event" second, so sorting by name gives a strange ordering. Additionally, the GoPro files are dated with the on board "real-time-clock", but this is very inaccurate and often wildy wrong. This program finds the first GPS-locked datetime in the metadata, and uses that for the filename.

Additionally, you can provide a "description" on the command line, and that will be incorporated into the file name

Additionally, you can specify that the program will look up the address of the GPS location, and it will name the files according to that location:


usage: [-h] [-t] [-to] [--desc DESC] [--geo] [-y] [--dirs] file [file ...]

Rename a series of GoPro files by date. Does nothing (so its safe) by default.

positional arguments:
  file               The files to rename, or directory/ies containing files

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -t, --touch        change the modification time of the file
  -to, --touch-only  change the modification time of the file only - don't rename
  --desc DESC        a descriptive name to add to the filename - the filename will be yyyymmdd-hhmmss-{desc}.MP4
  --geo              [EXPERIMENTAL] Use to add description for you (city-state) - see for terms
  -y, --yes          Rename the files, don't just print what would be done
  --dirs             Allow directory

Convert GoPro metadata to a CSV file.

Not hugely flexible at the moment.


usage: [-h] [--every EVERY] [--only-locked] [--gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX] [--gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX] [--gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS] [--gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT] [--gpx]
                       input [output]

Convert GoPro MP4 file / GPX File to CSV

positional arguments:
  input                 Input file
  output                Output CSV file (default stdout)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --every EVERY         Output a point every 'n' seconds. Default is output all points (usually 20/s)
  --only-locked         Only output points where GPS is locked
  --gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX
                        Max DOP - Points with greater DOP will be considered 'Not Locked'
  --gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX
                        Max GPS Speed - Points with greater speed will be considered 'Not Locked'
  --gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS
                        Units for --gps-speed-max
  --gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT
                        Define GPS Bounding Box, anything outside will be considered 'Not Locked' - minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat
  --gpx                 Input is a gpx file

Convert GoPro metadata to a GPX file for upload/import into other software


sage: [-h] [--every EVERY] [--only-locked] [--gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX] [--gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX] [--gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS] [--gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT] input [output]

Convert GoPro MP4 file to GPX

positional arguments:
  input                 Input MP4 file
  output                Output GPX file (default stdout)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --every EVERY         Output a point every 'n' seconds. Default is output all points (usually 20/s)
  --only-locked         Only output points where GPS is locked
  --gps-dop-max GPS_DOP_MAX
                        Max DOP - Points with greater DOP will be considered 'Not Locked'
  --gps-speed-max GPS_SPEED_MAX
                        Max GPS Speed - Points with greater speed will be considered 'Not Locked'
  --gps-speed-max-units GPS_SPEED_MAX_UNITS
                        Units for --gps-speed-max
  --gps-bbox-lon-lat GPS_BBOX_LON_LAT
                        Define GPS Bounding Box, anything outside will be considered 'Not Locked' - minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat

Join a series of GoPro files to a single movie - including the metadata


usage: [-h] input output

Concatenate sequence of GoPro Files

positional arguments:
  input       A single MP4 file from the sequence
  output      Output MP4 file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Extract a section of a movie to a separate file, including metadata.


usage: [-h] [--start START] [--end END] [--duration DURATION] input output

Extract section of GoPro Files

positional arguments:
  input                A single MP4 file
  output               Output MP4 file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --start START        Time to start (hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS)
  --end END            Time to end (hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS)
  --duration DURATION  Duration of clip (hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS)

Contributed Programs

Extract GoPro metadata to an NDJSON file.


usage: [-h] [--fourcc FOURCC] input output

Extract GoPro metadata - Contributed by

positional arguments:
  input                 Input file
  output                Output NDJSON file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fourcc FOURCC, -f FOURCC
                        GPMD fourcc field to extract