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416 lines (364 loc) · 48.5 KB

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416 lines (364 loc) · 48.5 KB

Change Log

Version 0.26.0 (In development)

Version 0.25.0 (2023-09-17)

  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 8.1.1 & Lint to 31.1.1 #431 (vanniktech)
  • WrongGlobalIconColorDetector: Ignore ic_notification files. #420 (vanniktech)

Version 0.24.0 (2023-02-21)

Version 0.23.0 (2022-12-20)

  • NamingPatternDetector: Ignore generated Kotlin methods. #398 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2MissingCompositeDisposableClearDetector: Don't flag CompositeDisposable if it's returned in a method. #392 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2MethodMissingCheckReturnValueDetector: Add io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable #391 (vanniktech)
  • ErroneousLayoutAttributeDetector: Flag ConstraintLayout attribute usages with non ConstraintLayout parent layouts. #389 (vanniktech)
  • StringNotCapitalizedDetector: Correctly pin point where it went wrong. #388 (vanniktech)
  • ImplicitStringPlaceholderDetector: Marks implicit placeholders in strings without an index. #386 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 7.3.1 & Lint to 30.3.1 #383 (vanniktech)
  • FormalGermanDetector: Flags formal usage of German words. #379 (vanniktech)
  • TodoDetector: Fix few false positive with last change. #378 (vanniktech)
  • TodoDetector: Todo is now case insensitive and finds more. #376 (vanniktech)
  • Let Lint figure out the identifier from the Maven Coordinates. #372 (vanniktech)
  • WrongDrawableNameDetector: Allow animated_selector prefix. #365 (vanniktech)

Version 0.22.0 (2022-08-05)

  • Set namespace property & remove empty Manifest. #362 (vanniktech)
  • New lint-rules-kotlin module with KotlinRequireNotNullUseMessage. #361 (vanniktech)
  • Update dependency to v7.2.2 #360 (renovate[bot])
  • WrongDrawableNameDetector & WrongLayoutNameDetector: Allow exo_ prefix. #356 (vanniktech)

Version 0.21.0 (2022-05-21)

Version 0.20.0 (2022-05-10)

  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 7.2.0 & Lint to 30.2.0 #343 (vanniktech)
  • InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector: Don't flag ktlint-disable comments. #342 (vanniktech)

Version 0.19.0 (2022-03-10)

  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 7.1.2, Lint to 30.1.2 and ktlint to 0.44.0 #341 (vanniktech)

Version 0.18.0 (2022-01-29)

  • NamingPatternDetector: Improve Kotlin support for various cases. #340 (vanniktech)
  • WrongGlobalIconColorDetector: Don't flag resource names that contain ic as part of a name. #339 (vanniktech)
  • NamingPatternDetector: Allow I18N in the middle of a name. #337 (vanniktech)
  • ErroneousLayoutAttributeDetector: Add android:gravity to FrameLayout. #335 (vanniktech)

Version 0.17.0 (2021-08-22)

  • Documents checks automatically from JUnit test. #333 (vanniktech)
  • WrongDrawableNameDetector: Add background_ to allowed prefixes. #332 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 7.0.1 & Lint to 30.0.1 #331 (vanniktech)

Version 0.16.0 (2021-08-22)

  • InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector: Allow ] at the end of a comment. #330 (vanniktech)
  • NamingPatternDetector: Allow iOS in the middle of a name. #329 (vanniktech)
  • WrongDrawableNameDetectorTest: Flag invalid drawable file names. #327 (vanniktech)
  • WrongGlobalIconColorDetector: Force global color on icons. #326 (vanniktech)

Version 0.15.0 (2021-06-27)

  • Switch to GitHub workflows. #324 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 4.2.1 & Lint to 27.2.1 #323 (vanniktech)
  • RawDimen: Ignore 0dp app:behavior_peekHeight. #322 (vanniktech)
  • MissingScrollbarsDetector: Flag ScrollViews with missing scrollbars. #321 (vanniktech)
  • ErroneousLayoutAttributeDetector: Fix false positive with layout_gravity. #320 (vanniktech)
  • ErroneousLayoutAttributeDetector: Also work on merge with parentTag. #317 (vanniktech)
  • Update Gradle to 6.8.3 #316 (vanniktech)

Version 0.14.0 (2021-03-20)

  • Fix Lint issues that are reported on Lint issues. #315 (vanniktech)
  • Bump & run ktlint. #314 (vanniktech)
  • Also publish Lint artifacts. #313 (vanniktech)
  • MatchingViewIdDetector: Don't report when using ViewBinding. #312 (vanniktech)
  • InvalidImportDetector: Allow internal's within same package + special treatment for SQLDelight. #311 (vanniktech)
  • ErroneousLayoutAttribute: Flag invalid layout attributes. #310 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 4.1.2 & Lint to 27.1.2 #308 (vanniktech)

Version 0.13.0 (2020-03-22)

Version 0.12.0 (2019-04-29)

  • WrongLayoutNameDetector: Don't concatenate resource prefix with allowed prefixes if they are equal. #296 (vanniktech)
  • WrongConstraintLayoutUsage end instead of right #295 (okarakose)
  • Update Code Quality Tools Plugin to 0.18.0 #294 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 3.4.0 & Lint to 26.4.0 #292 (vanniktech)
  • Update Gradle to 5.3.1 #291 (vanniktech)
  • Fix on Annotation order and custom annotations #290 (tasomaniac)
  • Make id detector lintFix more intelligent #288 (tasomaniac)
  • Fix typo on test class name #287 (tasomaniac)
  • AnnotationOrderDetector: @Binds + @BindsInstance + @BindsOptionalOf before @Singleton. #285 (vanniktech)

Version 0.10.0 (2019-02-19)

  • Update dependencies to latest and greatest. #282 (vanniktech)
  • AnnotationOrderDetector: Provide quickfix. #281 (vanniktech)
  • MatchingMenuIdDetector: Add quickfix. #280 (vanniktech)
  • MatchingViewIdDetector: Add quickfix. #279 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2DisposableDisposeCallDetector: Fix typo. #278 (vanniktech)
  • Adjust the scope of all Detectors. #277 (vanniktech)
  • Always expect underscored resourcePrefix by forcing it if needed. #276 (dlleixap)
  • RxJava2MethodMissingCheckReturnValueDetector: Fix quickfix. #275 (vanniktech)
  • ColorCasingDetector: Use uppercase instead of lowercase letters. #273 (vanniktech)
  • Support for ignoring visibility modifiers for RxJava2MethodMissingCheckReturnValue #272 (tasomaniac)
  • Remove IgnoreWithoutReasonDetector as it was upstreamed into the default Lint checks. #271 (vanniktech)
  • Fix the category of RxJava2MethodMissingCheckReturnValueDetector #270 (tasomaniac)
  • Update Android SDK license #266 (tasomaniac)
  • WrongAnnotationOrder: @AssistedModule before @Module #265 (tasomaniac)

Version 0.9.0 (2019-01-18)

  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 3.3.0 and Gradle to 5.1.1 #264 (vanniktech)
  • NamingPatternDetector: Don't flag top level properties. #263 (vanniktech)
  • InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector: Don't flag comment string. #262 (vanniktech)
  • WrongLayoutNameDetector: Allow popup_window_ prefix. #261 (vanniktech)
  • Support AndroidX. #260 (vanniktech)
  • NamingPattern: Print out which name is incorrect in the message. #258 (vanniktech)
  • MatchingViewId: Don't complain about Android ids. #257 (vanniktech)
  • XmlSpacing: Allow new line before comment. #256 (vanniktech)
  • Remove sudo: false from travis config. #254 (vanniktech)
  • Mark applicable quickFixes as auto fixable. #253 (vanniktech)
  • AssertJDetector: Extract variable. #249 (vanniktech)
  • LayoutFileNameMatchesClassDetector: Allow layout file to be named exactly without trailing underscore. Similiar to #239 #247 (vanniktech)
  • Leverage indented on files to get syntax highlighting. #246 (vanniktech)
  • Use UAnnotated instead of deprecated PsiModifierListOwner. #244 (vanniktech)
  • Add AlertDialogUsageDetector. #243 (vanniktech)
  • Fix typo in WrongTestMethodName description. #241 (tasomaniac)

Version 0.8.0 (2018-09-25)

Version 0.7.1 (2018-04-16)

This release is matching with Android Studio Gradle Plugin 3.1.1 & Lint 26.1.1.

  • LayoutFileNameMatchesClassDetector: Better handle resource prefixes with numbers. #197 (vanniktech)
  • Update Lint to 26.1.1 #196 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImportDetector: Fix false positive when using constants from super class. #195 (vanniktech)
  • LayoutFileNameMatchesClassDetector: Fix bug with resource prefix and add tests. #194 (vanniktech)
  • WrongLayoutNameDetector: Test resource prefix. #193 (vanniktech)
  • LayoutFileNameMatchesClassDetector: Only consider R.layout.* parameters. #191 (vanniktech)
  • Fix regression in resourcePrefix extension function. #190 (vanniktech)
  • Add LayoutFileNameMatchesClassDetector. #189 (vanniktech)
  • Remove unnecessary parentheses. #187 (vanniktech)
  • Nuke badges in README. #186 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImportDetector: Rewrite in Kotlin and verify simple test case works in Kotlin too. #185 (vanniktech)
  • AnnotationOrderDetector: Change order of RestrictTo and fix Kotlin's annotation class. #184 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2MissingCompositeDisposableClearDetector: Fix false positive with Kotlin. #183 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2MethodMissingCheckReturnValueDetector: Don't check on Kotlin properties. #182 (vanniktech)
  • AnnotationOrderDetector: Place @Authenticated from Retroauth. #181 (vanniktech)
  • NamingPattern: Exclude CREATOR since it's required by the Android Framework. #180 (vanniktech)
  • Update everything to latest. #179 (vanniktech)
  • AnnotationOrderDetector: Add proper order for @JvmStatic. #178 (vanniktech)
  • Add TodoDetector. #177 (vanniktech)
  • InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector: Also handle Links at the end of a comment properly. #176 (vanniktech)
  • Add UnusedMergeAttributesDetector. #175 (vanniktech)
  • Update ktlint to 0.19.0 #171 (vanniktech)
  • Tweak Travis configuration. #170 (vanniktech)
  • Update Android Gradle Plugin to 3.1.0-rc01 #169 (vanniktech)
  • Update Lint checks for 26.1.0-beta4 #168 (vanniktech)

Version 0.6.0 (2018-02-04)

Closed issues:

  • Missing QuickFixes #153
  • RxJava2MissingCompositeDisposableClearDetector missing nested PsiStatement's checks? #152
  • Don't allow usage of and the like (same for AndroidSchedulers.mainThread() #118
  • Disallow importing from generated R classes like Drawable #115
  • XmlSpacingDetector #75
  • Fix fullyQualifiedMethodName usages show that they show up in the IDE #59
  • Supply quickfixes for lint checks #51

Merged pull requests:

Version 0.5.0 (2017-08-12)

  • Add Deprecated to AnnotationOrderDetector. #77 (vanniktech)
  • Some more fixes to AnnotationOrderDetector. #76 (vanniktech)
  • Adjust AnnotationOrderDetector a bit and fix some false positives. #74 (vanniktech)
  • Add AnnotationOrderDetector. #73 (vanniktech)
  • WrongLayoutNameDetector: Whitelist space_ #72 (vanniktech)
  • Fix a typo in MissingXmlHeaderDetector. #71 (vanniktech)
  • Add WrongLayoutNameDetector. #70 (vanniktech)
  • RxJava2MethodCheckReturnValueDetector: Triangulate to method name instead of declaration. #69 (vanniktech)
  • Add WrongTestMethodNameDetector. #68 (vanniktech)
  • Add MissingXmlHeaderDetector. #67 (vanniktech)
  • Clean up LayoutDetector and use ResourceXmlDetector where we don't check in Layouts. #66 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImportDetector: Add RetentionPolicy.* & Mockito Strictness.* #65 (vanniktech)
  • Update Gradle to 4.1 & Code Quality Tools to 0.8.0 #64 (vanniktech)
  • Add Jacoco Task. #63 (vanniktech)
  • Update all of the things and add Kotlin. #62 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImportDetector: Add Android Version Codes to the list. #61 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImportDetector: Add empty versions in Collections. #60 (vanniktech)
  • Let Gradle install all of the Android dependencies. #58 (vanniktech)
  • Fix NPE in WrongConstraintLayoutUsageDetector. #57 (vanniktech)

Version 0.4.0 (2017-07-02)

  • Update Checkstyle to 7.8.2 #54 (vanniktech)
  • Update PMD to 5.8.0 #53 (vanniktech)
  • Don't generate BuildConfig file for release builds. #52 (vanniktech)
  • Add WrongConstraintLayoutUsage. #50 (vanniktech)
  • Fix a few more false positive cases. #49 (vanniktech)
  • Add DefaultLayoutAttributeDetector. #48 (vanniktech)
  • RawDimen: Ignore 0dp for constraint layouts in layout_width & layout_height. #47 (vanniktech)
  • InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector: Further adjustments. #46 (vanniktech)
  • Fix a few false / positives from upcoming 0.4.0 detectors. #45 (vanniktech)
  • Add InvalidStringDetector. #43 (vanniktech)
  • Add InvalidSingleLineCommentDetector. #42 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImport: Add Collections.unmodifiable* #41 (vanniktech)
  • Add MatchingMenuIdDetector. #40 (vanniktech)
  • Add MatchingViewIdDetector. #39 (vanniktech)
  • Add a few more methods that should be statically imported. #37 (vanniktech)
  • MethodMissingCheckReturnValue: Expand check to public io.reactivex package. #36 (vanniktech)
  • Superfluous: Fix bug where margin + padding would be accumulated regardless of the parent. #34 (vanniktech)
  • ShouldUseStaticImport: Don't crash on Method references. #33 (vanniktech)
  • RawDimen: Also check for . in dp value, e.g. 0.5dp #32 (vanniktech)
  • Let all Java Checks also run in Test Sources. #31 (vanniktech)
  • RawDimen: Ignore 0dp layout_widht & height when layout_weight is set. #29 (vanniktech)
  • RawDimen also execute on Drawables. #28 (vanniktech)
  • Let Raw Detectors run on all attributes. #27 (vanniktech)
  • Add ShouldUseStaticImportDetector. #24 (vanniktech)
  • Add SuperfluousMarginDeclarationDetector & SuperfluousPaddingDeclarationDetector. #23 (vanniktech)

Version 0.3.0 (2017-03-14)

Version 0.2.0 (2017-03-04)

Version 0.1.0 (2017-02-19)

  • Initial release