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User Stories: Journey Planning

Nikolay Martyanov edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 1 revision

This page focuses on the functionality of planning a journey within our application. These features allow registered users to set up, modify, and view their upcoming trips, which may include multiple regions and experiences.

User Stories

Create New Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To create a new journey plan
  • So that: I can prepare for my upcoming trip.

Set Journey Status to Planned

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To set the "Status" of my journey to "Planned"
  • So that: I can distinguish it from my past or ongoing journeys.

Add Regions to Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To add regions to my planned journey
  • So that: I know where I intend to go.

Add Experiences to Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To add experiences to my planned journey
  • So that: I know what activities or sights I want to explore.

Modify Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To update the regions and experiences in my planned journey
  • So that: I can make changes to my travel plans.

Set Tentative Dates in Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To set tentative dates for each region and experience in my planned journey
  • So that: I can have a structured itinerary.

Delete a Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To delete a planned journey
  • So that: I can remove trips I no longer intend to take.

View Planned Journeys

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To view a list of all my planned journeys
  • So that: I can easily manage or review them.

View Details of a Specific Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To view the details of a specific planned journey
  • So that: I can see the regions, experiences, and tentative dates associated with it.

Set Journey Visibility

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To set the visibility of my planned journey to "Private" or "Public"
  • So that: I can control who can see it.

Share Planned Journey

  • As a: Registered User
  • I want: To share my planned journey with specific users
  • So that: I can get feedback or coordinate with travel companions.