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Alex Trofimov edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 43 revisions


1. How to change "Privacy Policy" and "Terms Of Use" pages ?

Go to Studio > Polyglot > Keys.

  • For "Privacy Policy" search for _sys_page_lang_block_privacy
  • For "Terms Of Use" search for _sys_page_lang_block_terms

Click "Edit" button and update text for all languages.

Also you can use free and paid online generators for this text, for example:

2. How to change copyright text ?

Copyright is showing when you hover mouse over copyright symbol in bottom right corner of your UNA site. You can change the text which is showing on hover in Studio > Polyglot > Keys > Search for "_copyright" then edit the found strings.

3. How to generate Google Maps API Key ?

Go to and create new project, when new project is created (select it if it isn't selected automatically) go to Credentials > Create Credentials > API Key, copy created API key and insert it in UNA Studio > Settings > General > Google Maps API Key, then go to Library and enable the following APIs:

  • Google Maps JavaScript API
  • Google Maps Geocoding API
  • Google Static Maps API
  • Google Places API Web Service

4. How to manually reset the password ?

Run the following SQL query:

UPDATE  `sys_accounts` SET  `password` = SHA1(CONCAT(MD5('new_password'), `salt`)) WHERE `email` =  '[email protected]' LIMIT 1;

Replace [email protected] with account's email you want to change the password for, and new_password with new password.

5. How to manually create an Operator ?

Join as new member, when joining create only account, without profile creation.
Then run the following SQL query to make joined account an Operator:

UPDATE  `sys_accounts` SET  `role` = 3 WHERE `email` =  '[email protected]' LIMIT 1;

Then continue to create a profile.
As the result you will have an Operator account with access to the Studio and Administrator profile with admin right on the site.

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