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Alex Trofimov edited this page Apr 13, 2019 · 43 revisions

1. How to change "Privacy Policy" and "Terms Of Use" pages ?

Go to Studio > Polyglot > Keys.

  • For "Privacy Policy" search for _sys_page_lang_block_privacy
  • For "Terms Of Use" search for _sys_page_lang_block_terms

Click "Edit" button and update text for all languages.

Also you can use free and paid online generators for this text, for example:

2. How to change copyright text ?

Copyright is showing when you hover mouse over copyright symbol in bottom right corner of your UNA site. You can change the text which is showing on hover in Studio > Polyglot > Keys > Search for "_copyright" then edit the found strings.

3. How to generate Google Maps API Key ?

Go to and create new project, when new project is created (select it if it isn't selected automatically) go to Credentials > Create Credentials > API Key, copy created API key and insert it in UNA Studio > Settings > General > Google Maps API Key, then go to Library:
UNA FAQ how to generate Google API key

Then enable the following APIs:

  • Google Maps JavaScript API
  • Google Maps Geocoding API
  • Google Static Maps API
  • Google Places API Web Service

Additionally, according to recent changes you also need to add Billing Account to your project:
UNA FAQ how to add Google Billing Account

4. How to manually reset the password ?

Run the following SQL query:

UPDATE  `sys_accounts` SET  `password` = SHA1(CONCAT(MD5('new_password'), `salt`)) WHERE `email` =  '[email protected]' LIMIT 1;

Replace [email protected] with account's email you want to change the password for, and new_password with new password.

5. How to manually create an Operator ?

Join as new member, when joining create only account, without profile creation.
Then run the following SQL query to make joined account an Operator:

UPDATE  `sys_accounts` SET  `role` = 3 WHERE `email` =  '[email protected]' LIMIT 1;

Then continue to create a profile.
As the result you will have an Operator account with access to the Studio and Administrator profile with admin right on the site.

6. How to change cover images ?

Default cover image on all pages can be changed in:
Studio > Designer > Cover

Images on individual pages can be changes in Pages Builder:
Studio > Pages > select desired page > Settings > Cover

But some pages override any of these images, for example Profile page, if cover is uploaded by user.

7. How to add custom meta-tag to HEAD section of all pages ?

It maybe needed to confirm site ownership in different services, like Google, Pinterest, etc.

Go to:
Studio > Designer > Injections

Paste your meta-tag in <HEAD> injection field, then press "Submit"

7. How to reset UNA license after domain change ?

  1. Login to you account
  2. Go to Dashboard > Licenses
  3. Reset the desired license on licenses page
  4. Login to your UNA site
  5. Go to your site Studio > Apps Market > Purchases > Download any app to associate your UNA license with your site

At the last step your license is associated with your site key&secret.

8. Where users can update their payment information (credit card) for the subscription.

Go to Dash > Subscriptions > Click on "Cog" button for the desired subscription > Change Billing Info

9. How to change UNA site URL ?

Edit inc/ file, the following string:

define('BX_DOL_URL_ROOT', ''); ///< site url

Then clear /cache/ and /cache_public/ folders (leave only .htaccess file there)

10. How UNA cronjob should look like ?

UNA cronjob should run every minute and look like this:

* * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/una/periodic/cron.php

You can see if it's running properly by going to: Studio > Dashboard > Host Tools > Server Audit
Last cron jobs execution value should be within a minute from you local time.

11. How to use my email to send messages in UNA ?

You need to install 'SMTP Mailer' module first. Use the following settings in 'Studio > SMTP Mailer':

  • Enable SMTP Mailer: true
  • SMTP Authentication: true
  • SMTP Username: your Gmail email
  • SMTP Password: your Gmail password
  • SMTP Server Name:
  • SMTP Server Port: 587
  • Secure Connection: TLS
  • Allow self-signed certificates: false
  • 'From' Name: your site name
  • Override Default Sender: your Gmail email

Change values in bold to your own. Please note some limits apply on how many emails can be send per certain period of time.

If you have "Sign-in attempt was blocked" error, then go to Google security settings page and disable "Allow less secure apps" option.

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