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Lex Nederbragt edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 6 revisions

CEES owns a server that allows us to set up genome browsers for the genomes that result from research performed at CEES. A genome browser is a graphical interface for viewing and accessing genomic data for a species. CEES collaborate with the ELIXIR-Norway node at NMBU to set up genome browsers each genome.

The list of Genomes Browsers for CEES projects is here.

Adding your genome

If you would like to add your genome, provided that it resulted from research performed at CEES, you need to collect and make available these things:

  • contact person that can be listed with the browser, in case someone has a question about your genome
  • a short description (one or a few sentences is enough) stating the common name, latin name, and literature reference (manuscript in preparation, or preprint, is fine too)
  • what to use in the URL as genome name: URLs start with followed by your genome name, e.g. house_sparrow, so that the final URL becomes
  • a fasta file with the DNA sequences
  • a GFF file with the corresponding annotation, using the same sequence identifiers as the fasta file
  • we can optionally add genomic tracks (transcriptome data, aligned reads, SNPs etc) provided these are made available in the correct format, and that these should be available for all browser users (individual users can upload their own custom genomic track files at any time)

Send this information, and instructions on how to access the files, to Lex Nederbragt: [email protected]

The CEES Genome browsers are a collaboration between CEES and the ELIXIR.NO crew at NMBU.