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Sabiá API

Table of Contents

Running the API Server

  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and update all of the environment variables correctly.
  2. Make sure you have a MySQL database server (feel free to use docker or whatever method you prefer) up and running and update the DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD environment variables.
  3. Run the migrations in order to create the tables:
npm run migration:run
  1. Fill the database with the default values:

If you prefer, you can use fake values in order to fill your application database.

Do not run the default seed command if you prefer to use fake values

npm run seed:default
  1. Make sure the APP_KEY variable has been filled in the .env file (you can run npx adonis key:generate if you want).
  2. Start the server: npm start (npm run dev for develop mode).
  3. The API server will be available at

Running the Tests

After updating the environment variables in the .env.testing file, run:

npm run test

If you want to take a look at the code coverage, run:

npm run coverage

The API server will use DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD values set in the .env file in order to connect to the testing database server.

API Documentation

This project has been documented by using apiDoc. Use the following script to generate/update the documentation:

npm run apidoc

After generating the documentation files, you can start the API server and visit http://localhost:3333/docs to see the documentation.

Using Fake Values

If you ran the default seed script before, you will receive an error when running the following script. Reset the database before running this script

You can fill the database with fake values for testing purposes:

  1. Set the Algolia config.
  2. Run the following script:
npm run seed

Pushing the Data to Algolia

In order to use Algolia, you should create an account on the Algolia website (there is a free account option) and set the ALGOLIA_APP_ID (Application ID) and ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY (Admin API) variables.

The algolia index name prefix is searchable by default, but you can replace it by setting a new ALGOLIA_INDEX_PREFIX variable value. Remember to update the index name prefix in web package too. Otherwise it will fail to search.

Before running the API server, you should push all of the database data to algolia by running the following command:

npm run algolia:index

Sending Emails

In order to send emails, you should update the SMTP information by setting the following environment variables:

[email protected]

Feel free to use any email service that supports SMTP protocol (e.g.: sendgrid, mailgun or even gmail).

Queue Manager

This project uses Bull for queue manager. Make sure you have a Redis server (feel free to use docker or whatever method you prefer) up and running. Bull will by default try to connect to a Redis server running on localhost:6379. For development purposes it is possible monitoriing the queue using Bull Board dashboard. In http://localhost:9999.


In order to use Google Analytics integration, you should update the following environment variables:


The GA_CLIENT_EMAIL and GA_PRIVATE_KEY keys are used for Google Analytics authentication. They can be found in the Google API Console in the credentials menu.

  • GA_CLIENT_EMAIL is a Google service account for the Google project of the platform you knew.
  • GA_PRIVATE_KEY is found in the downloaded file .json.
  • GA_VIEW_ID_SITE and GA_VIEW_ID_BLOG are a view ID. They are found on the Google Analytics website, in the preview section.

Adonis Framework

This project was bootstrapped by using the Adonis Framework.