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808 lines (549 loc) · 41.2 KB

File metadata and controls

808 lines (549 loc) · 41.2 KB


New feature

  1. New DistSQL to load and show all the ShardingSphere configuration rules
  2. Support join SQL from different database instances
  3. Support multiple backend database types for new feature of database gateway
  4. Support creating and updating the authentication online
  5. Add new automated agent module

API Change

  1. QueryReplica configuration item is replaced by read-write-splitting
  2. Authentication configuration item of ShardingProxy is replaced by AUTHORITY
  3. Optimize the datasource configuration for ShardingJDBC with dataSourceClassName
  4. New API for automated sharding table configuration to provide standard and automated sharding tables
  5. Remove configuration item acceptor-size from ShardingProxy
  6. Create a built-in sharding algorithm SPI which allows users to directly configure the class name as in 4.x


  1. Improve metadata loading process distinctly
  2. Greatly enhance the SQL parsing for Oracle, SQLServer and PostgreSQL
  3. Support loading privileges from MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLServer/Oracle
  4. Support DDL statement for encryption feature
  5. Support rewrite owner table name of projection if using sharding and encrypt together
  6. When using SELECT * from encrypt SQL, add quote char for rewritten column to avoid conflict with keyword
  7. Support PostgreSQL JSON/JSONB/pattern matching operator parse
  8. Support MySQL/PostgreSQL CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLESPACE statement
  9. Support PostgreSQL PREPARE, EXECUTE, DEALLOCATE statement
  10. Support PostgreSQL EXPLAIN statement
  11. Support PostgreSQL START/END TRANSACTION statement
  12. Support PostgreSQL ALTER/DROP INDEX statement
  13. Support CREATE TABLESPACE of PostgreSQL
  14. Support MySQL CREATE LOADABLE FUNCTION statement
  15. Support MySQL/PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE RENAME statement
  16. Support PostgreSQL Close command


  1. New schema structure in registry center
  2. Remove Nacos and Apollo config center support
  3. ShardingScaling leverages elasticJob as its job distribution
  4. Refactor the metadata content and its update process

Bug Fix

  1. Bug fix for cannot use SELECT * wildcard when readwrite-splitting only
  2. Fix instance error when the custom sharding algorithm does not match the configuration type.
  3. Fix NoSuchTableException when execute drop table if exists statement
  4. Fix wrong table rewrite in UPDATE ... SET ... statement
  5. Fix wrong table rewrite in CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement foreign key reference table
  6. Fix projection owner check exception when exist subquery temporary table
  7. Fix Oracle/SQL92 SELECT ... WHERE ... LIKE statement class cast exception
  8. Fix MySQL SELECT EXISTS ... FROM ... statement parse error
  9. Fix wrong result of SHOW INDEX statement
  10. Fix SELECT ... GROUP BY ... statement rewrite and merge result error
  11. Fix CREATE TABLE statement rewrite error for encrypt
  12. Fix exception occur in PostgreSQL Proxy when reading text format parameter values
  13. Enhance the support of array object for PostgreSQL Proxy
  14. Fix the bug of Datetype casting for ShardingProxy
  15. PostgreSQL Proxy supports using numeric type
  16. Fix PostgreSQL Proxy transaction command complete packet's tag incorrect
  17. Fix PostgreSQL Proxy may return packet which is not expected by client

Change Log



Build & Dependencies

  1. Upgrade the minimum supported version of JDK to Java8
  2. Update Zookeeper to version 3.6.x and curator to version 5.1.0
  3. Update Google Guava to version 29.0-jre

New Feature

  1. The pluggable architecture is available and support function extension through the SPI
  2. Independent SQL parsing engine is available to get SQL parsed AST for the different database dialects
  3. New RDL(Rule Definition Language) feature for ShardingSphere Proxy supports creating sharding rules and sharding tables
  4. ShardingSphere-Scaling supports resuming data migration from break-point
  5. ShardingSphere-Scaling supports using ShardingSphere JDBC to migrate data to new cluster
  6. ShardingSphere shadow database is available

API Changes

  1. New sharding/encryption/shadow/queryReplica API
  2. New sharding algorithm and strategy API
  3. New API for ShardingSphere Scaling to create task
  4. Remove DefaultDataSourceName setting item
  5. The separator of the parameter configuration item is changed from the dot ‘.’ to minus sign ‘-’
  6. Change parameter allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding from global parameter to sharding algorithm parameter


  1. Refactor the architecture of SQL parsing module base on the database dialects
  2. Use SPI mechanism to reconstruct online metadata change processing
  3. Rename Orchestration module to Governance module
  4. Rename MasterSlave module to QueryReplica module
  5. Refactor the metadata structure in the governance registration center
  6. Refactor GovernmentShardingSphereDataSource
  7. ShardingSphere UI merges configuration center and registration center display layout


  1. The enhancement for MySQL and PostgreSQL SQL syntax definition and parsing process
  2. The enhancement for sub-queries in different database dialects
  3. Support MySQL view operations for non-sharding tables
  4. Support MySQL stored function and procedure operations for non-sharding tables
  5. Support SQLServer Top syntax
  6. Optimize the metadata loading to improve the startup speed
  7. Optimize batch insert performance
  8. Supports the use of Oracle RAC JDBC URL
  9. XA transaction manager adds support for Oracle database
  10. ShardingSphere Proxy supports the use of p6sy driver
  11. Add help information to the ShardingSphere Proxy startup script

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix alias rewriting error when processing OrderBy condition
  2. Fix SQL rewriting error when MYSQL Insert statement contains expression
  3. Fix parameter calculation error in update on duplicate SQL
  4. Fix generatedKeys gets wrong when batch inserting
  5. Fix the abnormal issue of multi-table verification in DML statement update operation
  6. Fix the NPE problem caused by executing SQL when the table does not exist
  7. Fix the exception when using the Show table command for an unconfigured table
  8. Fix metadata loading error when Oracle database has multiple qualified users
  9. Fix the issue that replica node cannot be enabled online
  10. Fix the problem that ShardingSphere-JDBC does not support PostgreSQL array type
  11. Fix the problem that ShardingSphere-Proxy does not respond when querying long blob data

Change Logs




  1. Add Sharding-Scaling & Sharding-UI dockerfile
  2. update MySQL & PostgreSQL version for proxy

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix parser syntax rule of SUBSTRING and CONVERT
  2. Fix parser ColumnSegment ClassCastException
  3. Fix TableMetaData load error when use Sharding-JDBC with oracle
  4. Fix getSchema NPE when use Sharding-JDBC with oracle
  5. Fix Sharding-JDBC parse sql NPE in PostgreSQL
  6. Fix Sharding-Proxy receive error response for PostgreSQL JDBC client
  7. Fix Sharding-Proxy response number of update is 0 for PostgreSQL JDBC client
  8. Fix Sharding-Proxy receive null for PostgreSQL column meta data
  9. Fix Sharding-Scaling NPE in MySQL incremental task

Change Logs



New Features

  1. Support scaling for ShardingSphere (alpha version)
  2. Move etcd registry center from experiment repo to apache repo
  3. Upgrade to Java 8


  1. Optimization for Sharing Parser with ANTLR Visitor improving the parsing performance of long SQL by 100%~1000%
  2. Use multiple threads to load metadata for different data sources
  3. Support allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding option
  4. The docker of ShardingSphere-Proxy supports loading external lib packages
  5. Support integration with Spring using @ShardingSphereTransactionType
  6. Enhance ShardingDataSource to compatible with Seata in micro-service distribution transaction


  1. Remove leaf key generator

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix an exception caused by using a CHAR/VARCHAR type column as an order by item
  2. Refine DataTypeName syntax rules of all database dialects
  3. Fix an exception caused by executing BEGIN using prepared statement of MySQL C API
  4. Fix the problem that ALTER TABLE fails to execute when the field type of the table contains Integer/Double/BigDecimal
  5. Fix the problem of the stop index dislocation of segment with alias
  6. Fix the problem that overwriting SQL SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE encrypt_col = ? AND (sharding_key = ? OR sharding_key = ?) when using sharding + encrypt would throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
  7. Fix the problem of incorrect decoding after AES encoding when using ShardingSphere-Proxy in Spring Boot
  8. Fix a long-time problem of adding schema dynamically in ShardingSphere-UI

Change Logs



Bug Fixes

  1. Using guava cache to fix parsing deadlock.
  2. Oracle insert SQL could not work in encrypt mode.
  3. Proxy for PostgreSQL decode parameters error in all types except String.
  4. COM_STM_EXECUTE of proxy for MySQL could not support sysbench.
  5. None sharding strategy could not config in spring-boot.
  6. Plain column could not get from resultSet in encrypt mode.
  7. WasNull field was wrong in GroupByStreamMergeResult.
  8. Metadata.getColumns could not work in JDBC.
  9. IN operator contains space and \n \t \r could not supported by parser.


  1. Optimize antlr performance using two-stage parsing strategy.
  2. Add class filter constructor to restrict the illegal class from YAML.

Change Logs



API Changes

  1. Change package and maven groupId form io.shardingsphere to org.apache.shardingsphere.
  2. Adjust ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration API.
  3. Adjust persist structure for registry center.

New Features

  1. SQL92 Syntax available.
  2. ShardingSphere-Proxy for PostgreSQL protocol available.
  3. SQL 100% compatible if route to single data node.
  4. Less-than(<), greater-than(>) and Less-than-equal(<=), greater-than-equal(>=) for sharding key operator available.
  5. DISTINCT SQL syntax available.
  6. Broadcast table available.
  7. LEAF key generator available.
  8. XA Transaction available, Atomikos, Narayana and Bitronix integrated.
  9. BASE Transaction available, Seata integrated.
  10. Data encrypt available.
  11. Skywalking plugin available.
  12. ShardingSphere-UI available, an orchestration management platform.


  1. MariaDB supported.
  2. Improve the compatibility of SQL parsing.
  3. SELECT FOR UPDATE route to primary data source only.
  4. Hint in ShardingSphere-Proxy available.
  5. Make configuration of orchestration consistent between ShardingSphere-JDBC and ShardingSphere-Proxy.
  6. Renew modified data sources only, not renew all the data sources.
  7. Vibrate configurable for Snowflake key generator.

Bug Fixes

  1. Improve the compatibility of JDBC Driver URL.
  2. Delete statement with alias available.
  3. Check and disable updating sharding column.
  4. Fix wrong type of TINYINT and SMALLINT as INTEGER.

Change Logs



New Features

  1. ShardingSphere-UI, an orchestration management platform for ShardingSphere comes online.
  2. Not only SQLs from MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, Oracle, but any SQL92 Syntax can be parsed correctly and used in ShardingSphere.


  1. Support using less-than character(<) and greater-than character(>) for sharding data.
  2. When primary and replica dataSources exist, support executing SELECT FOR UPDATE on primary data source.
  3. Support hint in ShardingSphere-Proxy.
  4. Finish parsing DAL syntax for MySQL.
  5. Make configuration of orchestration compatible between ShardingSphere-JDBC and ShardingSphere-Proxy.

Bug Fixes

  1. Through Bug fix, the feature of encryption becomes much stable and applicable.
  2. Support delete statement with alias.
  3. Check and disable updating sharding column.
  4. Fix wrong type of TINYINT and SMALLINT as INTEGER.


  1. Rename optimized module to preprocessor module.
  2. Decouple rewrite core module and sharding/encrypt features.

Change Logs



API Changes

  1. Optimize and delete API and configuration item of sharding logic index.
  2. Update the API of encryption to support the encrypted and plain data coexistence.

New Features

  1. Integration of Seata for distributed transaction.
  2. User can do data encryption by using ShardingProxy.
  3. User can use Leaf-segment generator to get distributed ID.
  4. Support Skywalking plugin for application performance management.


  1. Renew modified dataSources, not all the datasources to improve performance for configuration orchestration.
  2. Improve the compatibility of SQL parsing.


  1. Remove DatabaseType enum, use dynamic SPI to load data source type.
  2. The parse engine upgrade from the 2nd generation to 3rd.
  3. The Refactoring of SQL rewriting module.

Change Logs



Merge all change logs of version 3.1.0.M1, 3.1.0, and 4.0.0.M1. First apache release.

API Changes

  1. Adjust persist structure for orchestration's registry center.
  2. Adjust ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration API.
  3. Change package and maven groupId form io.shardingsphere to org.apache.shardingsphere.
  4. Adjust spring-boot-starter.

New Features

  1. XA Transaction available.
  2. Data encrypt available.
  3. Use PostgreSQL protocol access ShardingSphere-Proxy available.
  4. DISTINCT SQL syntax available.
  5. Broadcast table.
  6. All SQL 100% compatible if route to single data node (MySQL Only).

Change Logs




  1. ShardingSphere-Proxy launch. Support the use of ShardingSphere in the form of database to support for MySQL CLI and GUI client

New Features


  1. ISSUE #290 Support batch INSERT
  2. ISSUE #501 Support OR
  3. ISSUE #980 Support DCL
  4. ISSUE #1111 Support MySQL DAL


  1. ISSUE #902 Support XA transaction
  2. ISSUE #916 Support authorization
  3. ISSUE #936 Support registry center
  4. ISSUE #1046 Support multiple logic databases



  1. ISSUE #373 Support order by ?
  2. ISSUE #610 Route unicast for DQL without table
  3. ISSUE #701 Caching parsed results to improve performance
  4. ISSUE #773 Support sharding and autoincrement key of INSERT without column names
  5. ISSUE #935 Use YAML instead of JSON to store configurations in registry center
  6. ISSUE #1004 Properties can configure for sharding and replica query independent
  7. ISSUE #1205 Execute engine enhancement


  1. ISSUE #652 Support Spring Boot Starter 2.X
  2. ISSUE #702 Support $->{..} for inline expression
  3. ISSUE #719 Support inject key generator objects by spring namespace
  4. ISSUE #720 Support inject sharding algorithm objects by spring namespace


  1. ISSUE #1172 Opentracing enhancement

API changes

  1. ISSUE #1153 Adjust the maven artifactId for orchestration module
  2. ISSUE #1203 Adjust Spring namespace xsd for sharding and replica query
  3. ISSUE #1289 Adjust hint API
  4. ISSUE #1302 Refine package structure
  5. ISSUE #1305 Deprecated and remove sharding-jdbc-transaction-parent module
  6. ISSUE #1382 Remove type configuration in orchestration module

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #569 Failed to parse SQL for Oracle when ROWNUM is not at end
  2. ISSUE #628 Support data type jsonb for PostgreSQL
  3. ISSUE #646 When aliases in SELECT ITEMS correspond to the real column names of GROUP BY or ORDER BY, there is no need to generate derived columns
  4. ISSUE #806 NOT IN parse exception
  5. ISSUE #827 Endless loop for bad SQL like SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN ()
  6. ISSUE #919 Inline expression with groovy may cause memory leak
  7. ISSUE #993 Fail to parsing PostgreSQL due to the quotation
  8. ISSUE #1015 Support SQL like SELECT id, COUNT(*) FROM table GROUP BY 1,2
  9. ISSUE #1120 Derived columns of GROUP BY / ORDER BY appear in query result
  10. ISSUE #1186 Dead lock may occur on MEMORY_STRICTLY mode when get connection on concurrency environment
  11. ISSUE #1265 RoundRobinReplicaLoadBalanceAlgorithm throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when AtomicInteger overflow


  1. ISSUE #372 Reuse PreparedStatement cause cache of route result do not clean
  2. ISSUE #629 Support transaction isolation on JDBC
  3. ISSUE #735 Unexpected replica datasource routing result when using Round-robin load-balance algorithm in Mybatis
  4. ISSUE #1011 Can't resolve placeholder in Spring Boot YAML configuration


New Features


  1. ISSUE #600 Support TCL

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #540 Support SQL that alias is the keyword
  2. ISSUE #577 Support new line for YAML configuration


  1. ISSUE #522 Replica database does not need to execute the DDL for replica query




  1. ISSUE #475 Support CREATE INDEX
  2. ISSUE #525 Support DROP INDEX

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #521 ShardingProperties is invalid in YAML configuration
  2. ISSUE #529 Table name capitalization cannot be queried
  3. ISSUE #541 IS NOT NULL parse error
  4. ISSUE #557 When GROUP BY and ORDER BY aliases are inconsistent, stream merging should be used
  5. ISSUE #559 Support parsing numbers beginning with minus and decimal (e.g. -.12)
  6. ISSUE #567 Add escape char for derived columns or alias when using MySQL


  1. ISSUE #520 Exception is no longer DuplicateKeyException when the unique key conflict




  1. ISSUE #490 Using rownum greater than or equal to or less than or equal to the result of paging is incorrect in Oracle
  2. ISSUE #496 Logical table names in sharding configuration can be case sensitive
  3. ISSUE #497 Close registry center gracefully

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #489 Uses RuntimeBeanReference to prevent the creation of InnerBean on spring namespace
  2. ISSUE #491 Can't close connection by ResultSet.getStatement().getConnection().close()



  1. API adjust. Brand new groupId and artifactId for Maven, package name and spring namespace name. Simplify and enhance API configuration, inline expression fully configuration support
  2. Support spring-boot-starter of ShardingSphere-JDBC
  3. Dynamic configuration. ZooKeeper and etcd can be used as registry to dynamically modify data sources and sharding configurations
  4. Database orchestration. Fusing database access procedures to access databases and disable access to replica databases
  5. ConfigMap support. Predefined metadata can be obtained in the sharding and replica query strategy
  6. Tracking system support. You can view the invocation chain of ShardingSphere-JDBC through sky-walking and other Opentracing based APM systems



  1. ISSUE #386 Support SQL that does not contain table names, such as SELECT 1


  1. ISSUE #407 Support Hyphen properties for sharding-jdbc-spring-boot-starter
  2. ISSUE #424 Providing SQL overall execution events

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #387 Prevent errors from keywords process when '`' exists in function + column name
  2. ISSUE #419 When SQL is rewritten, it does not determine whether alias is a keyword without the escape character, which results in SQL exception
  3. ISSUE #464 SQL if the varchar type is not closed due to the absence of matching single quotes, and the next varchar in SQL is the wrong SQL of Chinese characters, it will lead to higher use of CPU


  1. ISSUE #394 Can't only close statement
  2. ISSUE #398 Use Hint routing to shield case sensitivity
  3. ISSUE #404 Sharding-jdbc's spring-boot-starter does not support HikariDataSource
  4. ISSUE #436 Replica query, when the RoundRobin algorithm is configured from the database and MyBatis is used, it can only be routed to the same replica database
  5. ISSUE #452 Sharding of DDL statements to more than one table causes a connection leak
  6. ISSUE #472 Before Connection executes createStatement, it calls getMetaData first and then setAutoCommit can not take effective connection to the database that was created later

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #382 The query cannot be completed without sharding rule


Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #356 In the Where condition of SQL, the REGEXP operator is compatible with non sharding columns
  2. ISSUE #362 Replica query using PreparedStatement does not invoke the setParameter method to cause errors
  3. ISSUE #370 Error in calling getGeneratedKeys using native self increment primary key
  4. ISSUE #375 Data can not be obtained after paging second pages route to a single node
  5. ISSUE #379 When Mybatis is used to call Connection.getMetaData (), the connection is not close correct



  1. ISSUE #98 Replica query load balancing strategy support configuration
  2. ISSUE #196 Replica query and sharding configuration independence

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #349 Incorrect function of ResultSet.wasNull causes null numeric type in DB to zero
  2. ISSUE #351 Tables that are included in the default data source but not in TableRule configuration are not properly executed
  3. ISSUE #353 In the Where condition of SQL, it is compatible with non sharding columns !=, !> and !< operator
  4. ISSUE #354 In the Where condition of SQL, NOT operators are compatible with non-sharding columns



  1. The test engine of quality assurance, each SQL can run 60 test cases of different dimensions


  1. ISSUE #335 Support the GROUP BY + custom function SQL
  2. ISSUE #341 Support ORDER BY xxx NULLS FIRST | LAST statement of Oracle

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #334 Parsing ORDER BY with functions will resolve the following ASC and DESC to the name attribute of OrderItem
  2. ISSUE #335 JOIN parsing is incorrect using the full name association of the table
  3. ISSUE #346 Parsing table name error of DDL statement DROP TABLE IF EXISTS USER


New Features

  1. ISSUE #314 Support DDL type SQL


  1. ISSUE #327 Close configuration by default

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #308 Invalid return of database native GeneratedKey
  2. ISSUE #309 ORDER BY and GROUP BY in sub-queries are not included in the analytic context
  3. ISSUE #313 Support <> operator
  4. ISSUE #317 Parameter of LIMIT can not be type of Long
  5. ISSUE #320 SQL rewriting error of GROUP BY + LIMIT
  6. ISSUE #323 Parsing ORDER BY + Aggregation Expression error



  1. The new SQL parsing module removes the dependence on Druid. We only need to parse the sharding context, and adopt a "semi understanding" concept for SQL to further improve performance and compatibility, and reduce code complexity
  2. The new SQL rewrite module adds an optimized rewrite module
  3. The new SQL merge module is rebuilt into 3 merging engines: streaming, memory and decorator

New Features

  1. Support Oracle, SQLServer and PostgreSQL
  2. Non functional sub-query support


  1. ISSUE #256 Configurable display sharding execute to SQL log
  2. ISSUE #291 Processing SQL use stream mode that contains only GroupBy


  1. Simplify the distributed self increasing sequence. Each table is supported by simplifying a multiple self increasing sequence to a single table supporting only a single distributed self increasing sequence, and no longer supporting workerID settings through environment variables
  2. Remove support for OR

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #239 LIMIT routes to multiple query result sets. If there is only one result set that is not empty, the result of paging is incorrect
  2. ISSUE #263 Sharding and logical table configuration can be case insensitive
  3. ISSUE #292 When the memory mode handles GROUP BY statement, if there is paging information, it needs to be rewritten
  4. ISSUE #295 LIMIT 0 does not filter the result set according to paging restrictions



  1. ISSUE #219 Thread performance optimization
  2. ISSUE #215 Aggregated result set of stream sort StreamingOrderByReducerResultSet performance optimization
  3. ISSUE #161 When the result sets are merged, heap sort can be used to improve performance

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #212 More meaningful hints for missing data source rules
  2. ISSUE #214 table_name.column_name in (?,?) in WHERE can't parser expression
  3. ISSUE #180 Batch execution of Update return inaccuracy
  4. ISSUE #225 The last character of automatic generation of Id is not 0



  1. ISSUE #191 Generating KeyGenerator of workerId based on IP of host
  2. ISSUE #192 Get workerId's KeyGenerator based on HOSTNAME's digital suffix
  3. ISSUE #210 Routing to single database and single table to remove supplementary SQL statement fragments

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #194 Some component exceptions in the close method of Connection, Statement, ResultSet and other interfaces cause the close method of another component to be not invoked
  2. ISSUE #199 Sharding and reuse PreparedStatement object cause route error
  3. ISSUE #201 Event transmission missing before batch operation execution
  4. ISSUE #203 Merge events sent by the batch operation
  5. ISSUE #209 Parallel execution of multiple limit queries leads to IndexOutOfBoundsException



Automatic generation key implementation, including

  1. ISSUE #162 Implementation of distributed primary key algorithm
  2. ISSUE #163 Acquisition of a self increasing sequence of JDBC interfaces
  3. ISSUE #171 Sharding-jdbc-core coordination automatic generation sequence transformation
  4. ISSUE #172 The configuration of YAML and Spring supports the self increasing sequence

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #176 The wasNull flag of AbstractMemoryResultSet is not reset in time



  1. ISSUE #59 PreparedStatement can call the correct underlying set method according to the parameter type when setting parameters

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #149 When INSERT IGNORE INTO, if the data is duplicated, the value returned to -1 when ignored, and it should be returned to 0
  2. ISSUE #118 In the same thread, DQL is executed first, then DML is executed, and DML operation is executed from the replica database
  3. ISSUE #122 In cases where connections are not available (such as network interruption), transactions should be interrupted rather than retry
  4. ISSUE #152 PreparedStatement's cache causes an array out of bound
  5. ISSUE #150 With the latest SQLServer jdbc driver compatibility problem, Product Name should be changed from SQLServer to Microsoft SQL Server
  6. ISSUE #166 Druid data source stat filter multi-thread error reporting should be added to database connection level synchronization



  1. ISSUE #79 Optimizes limit for only one target table, does not modify limit offset

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #36 ShardingPreparedStatement cannot set parameters repeatedly
  2. ISSUE #114 When ShardingPreparedStatement performs batch tasks, it repeatedly analyzes SQL and leads to OOM
  3. ISSUE #33 According to the MySQL document, queries similar to limit 100 and -1 format are not supported
  4. ISSUE #124 The return value of com.dangdang.ddframe.rdb.sharding.jdbc.adapter.AbstractStatementAdapter.getUpdateCount does not conform to the JDBC specification
  5. ISSUE #141 Multi-thread executor parameter setting failure



  1. ISSUE #91 Open support for Statement.getGeneratedKeys can return the original database self increase primary key
  2. ISSUE #92 Query DQL statement event sending

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #89 Use replica query with sharding hint leads to conflict
  2. ISSUE #95 Write operations in the same thread read from the primary database changed to the same thread and within the same connection


New Features

  1. ISSUE #85 New feature for replica query


  1. ISSUE #82 TableRule can import the dataSourceName attribute to specify the data source corresponding to the TableRule
  2. ISSUE #88 Release restrictions on other databases, support standard SQL, do not support personalized paging statements

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #81 Associative table query uses OR query condition to resolve the result exceptions



  1. ISSUE #60 API adjust, remove ShardingDataSource, use factory instead
  2. ISSUE #76 ShardingRule and TableRule change to Builder pattern
  3. ISSUE #77 ShardingRule and TableRule change to Builder pattern


  1. ISSUE #61 Add the logical table name to the ShardingValue class
  2. ISSUE #66 Statement on the JDBC tier supports get/set MaxFieldSize, MaxRows and QueryTimeout
  3. ISSUE #72 Batch inserts supporting select union all
  4. ISSUE #78 Simplifying sharding only configuration, without configuring logical table and real table correspondence
  5. ISSUE #80 Simplifying the configuration that does not sharding, specifying the default data source, do not need configure TableRule

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #63 No table name or table alias is added to the ORDER BY and GROUP BY derivation columns
  2. ISSUE #65 Performance enhancement for parsing condition context
  3. ISSUE #67 The soft transaction log cannot be deleted when routed to multiple tables
  4. ISSUE #71 Routing single sharding key by OFFSET of LIMIT error
  5. ISSUE #75 MemoryTransactionLogStorage retry times update concurrency problem


New Features

  1. ISSUE #53 The relationship between the real table and the logical table is not configured, and the real table is dynamically calculated by the sharding algorithm
  2. ISSUE #58 Soft transaction: the initial version of the best effort type


  1. ISSUE #49 Adjust the property configuration
  2. ISSUE #51 Refactor of Hint interface

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #43 The yaml file contains Chinese, and the operating system mode is not UTF-8 encoding, resulting in yaml can not be parsed
  2. ISSUE #48 Yaml file is not closed after reading
  3. ISSUE #57 At the analytic level, we can identify subqueries to ensure that the behavior of supplementary columns can be accurately positioned


New Features

  1. ISSUE #40 Support YAML configuration
  2. ISSUE #41 Support Spring namespace configuration
  3. ISSUE #42 Support inline expression configuration

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #25 The problem of repeated results will appear under the OR expression



  1. ISSUE #39 Support the use of Hint method to register the key value to SQL routing

Bug Fixes

  1. ISSUE #11 The count function returns incorrectly without aliases
  2. ISSUE #13 The Insert statement does not write column names or write column names but column names do not contain sharding fields, occur broadcast route
  3. ISSUE #16 For now a new connection pool is executed every time SQL is executed. Instead, each ShardingDataSource object should be changed to share a pool
  4. ISSUE #18 When query Count, getObject() throws Exception: Unsupported data type: Object
  5. ISSUE #19 In SUM and AVG functions, merger is not executed if aliases are not added, and null pointer exception fired if aliases are added
  6. ISSUE #38 The compatibility between JPA and ShardingSphere-JDBC. JPA automatically add the column aliases of SELECT, resulting in ORDER BY obtaining ResultSet data only by aliases rather than column names


  1. Initial version