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Omeka - Survey of Development

File metadata and controls

385 lines (236 loc) · 4.47 KB

Omeka Reference

There have been many changes between Omeka 1.x and 2.x. Many of these changes have been documented on the Omeka Updating Plugins for 2.0 page. Some of the links I've found most useful are below.

Roles in brief

Standard Omeka (SO) Roles

  • super
  • admin
  • researcher
  • contributor

Adding new roles

Roles are controlled via Zend's ACL methods. The three methods most likely desired for creating new roles are:


  1. Role (string)
  2. Role to inherit from (string)

Zend_Acl::allow and Zend_Acl::deny Assigning any of these a null value makes it apply to all types in that parameter.

  1. Zend_Acl_Role_Interface|string|array $roles
  2. Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface|string|array $resources
  3. string|array $privileges
  4. Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface $assert

As an example, to deny the collaborator role from opening items, you could do $acl->deny('Collaborator', 'Items', 'show'); which would deny the collaborator role access to the admin/items/show path, denying access to viewing. More is happening than that, of course, but that's the most visible side of it.

Omeka Resources in Brief

Standard Omeka (SO) resources:


  • Items
  • Collections
  • ElementSets
  • Files
  • Plugins


  • Settings
  • Security
  • Upgrade
  • Tags
  • Themes


  • SystemInfo
  • ItemTypes
  • Users
  • Search
  • Appearance

Adding new resources


Omeka Permissions in Brief

Abstract actions

index : Forwards to browse action.

browse : Retrieve and render a set of records for the controller's model.

show : Retrieve a single record and render it.

add : Add an instance of a record to the database

edit : Similar to the 'add' action, except this requires a pre-existing record.

delete-confirm : Ask for user confirmation before deleting a record.

delete : Delete a record from the database.

Account actions

activate : Activate user.

confirm : Sends account confirmation email to user email.

login : Login user.

logout : Logout user.

me : Redirects to user home

forgot-password : Lost password

register : Registers a user account.

staleToken : ?

updateAccount : Updates Account Action

Item actions

add : ?

batchEdit : Allows user to make batch changes to files, such as deleting

batchEditSave : ?

browse : ?

changeType : ?

edit : ?

editSelf : ?







pagination : ?



search : ?

tags : ?


Item type actions

add : ?

addExistingElement : ?

addNewElement : ?

changeExistingElement : ?

edit : ?

Plugin actions

activate : ?

add : ?

browse : ?

config : ?

deactive : ?

delete : ?

install : ?

uninstall : ?

upgrade : ?

Settings actions

index : ?

browse : ?

editSecurity : ?

editSettings : ?

editSearch : ?

editItemTypeElements : ?

checkImageMagick : ?

getFileExtensionWhitelist : ?

getFileMimeTypeWhitelistAction : ?

getHtmlPurifierAllowedHtmlElements : ?

getHtmlPurifierAllowedHtmlAttributes : ?

Action you probably don't need to know about

autocomplete : ?

config : ?

editNavigation : ?

editSettings : ?

elementForm : ?

error : ?

forbidden : ?

methodNotAllowed : ?

migrate : ?

notFound : ?

rename : ?

switch : ?


add : Add an item

addSection : ?

browse : ?

delete : Delete an item

delete-confirm : ?

deleteSection : ?

deleteSelf : ?

edit : Edit an item

editSection : ?

editSelf : Editing a resource owned by the current user.

editorSelf : ?

importSelf : ?

index : ?

putSelf : ?

show : See a resource. For items this means the non-thumbnail view.

showNotPublic : See a resource which isn't public

showSelfNotPublic : Showing a resource owned by the current user which isn't public

tag : Tag items

Specific tasks

Hiding items from browse

John Flatness of the Omeka Dev Team suggests making a plugin to hide a particular item type or collection from browse. Exhibit not displaying non-public items


  1. "Updating Plugins for 2.0 - Codex - Omeka." § Function Replacements Accessed July 30, 2013.