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LaunchPad pin

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109 lines (94 loc) · 5.07 KB

LaunchPad GRBL pin assignments for CNC Boosterpack rev1.0

Tiva C (TM4C123G)

                      3v3 [] [] VBUS (5v)             Limit Z PF2 [] [] GND
                      PB5 [] [] GND                   Limit Y PF3 [] [] PB2 Spindle PWM
       UART2 RX/GPIO4 PB0 [] [] PD0                     Reset PB3 [] [] PE0 Limit X
       UART2 TX/GPIO5 PB1 [] [] PD1 Step X        Safety Door PC4 [] [] PF0 Stepper disable Z
  Keypad strobe/GPIO6 PE4 [] [] PD2 Step Y          Feed Hold PC5 [] [] RST
                      PE5 [] [] PD3 Step Z        Cycle Start PC6 [] [] PB7 Dir X
                Dir Z PB4 [] [] PE1 Stepper disable XY        PC7 [] [] PB6 Dir Y
                Probe PA5 [] [] PE2 Spindle enable      Flood PD6 [] [] PA4 GPIO1
               I2CSCL PA6 [] [] PE3 Spindle direction    Mist PD7 [] [] PA3 GPIO2
               I2CSDA PA7 [] [] PF1                 RTS/GPIO0 PF4 [] [] PA2 GPIO3

NOTE: Remove R9 and R10!

With shorts - Limit X (R10): PE0 -> PF1, Reset (R11): PB3 -> PC7

Tiva C (TM4C1294) Boosterpack1

                      3v3 [] [] VBUS (5v)             Limit Z PF1 [] [] GND
                      PE4 [] [] GND                   Limit Y PF2 [] [] PM3 Spindle PWM
       UART7 RX/GPIO4 PC4 [] [] PE0                     Reset PF3 [] [] PH2 Limit X
       UART7 TX/GPIO5 PC5 [] [] PE1 Step X        Safety Door PG0 [] [] PH3 Stepper disable Z
  Keypad strobe/GPIO6 PC6 [] [] PE2 Step Y          Feed Hold PL4 [] [] RST
                      PE5 [] [] PE3 Step Z        Cycle Start PL5 [] [] PD1 Dir X
                Dir Z PD3 [] [] PD7 Stepper disable XY        PL0 [] [] PD0 Dir Y
                Probe PC7 [] [] PA6 Spindle enable      Flood PL1 [] [] PN2 GPIO1
               I2CSCL PB2 [] [] PM4 Spindle direction    Mist PL2 [] [] PN3 GPIO2
               I2CSDA PB3 [] [] PM5                 RTS/GPIO0 PL3 [] [] PP3 GPIO3

Tiva C (TM4C1294) Boosterpack2

                      3v3 [] [] VBUS (5v)             Limit Z PG1 [] [] GND
                      PD2 [] [] GND                   Limit Y PK4 [] [] PM7 Spindle PWM
       UART6 RX/GPIO4 PP0 [] [] PB4                     Reset PK5 [] [] PP5 Limit X
       UART6 TX/GPIO5 PP1 [] [] PB5 Step X        Safety Door PM0 [] [] PA7 Stepper disable Z
  Keypad strobe/GPIO6 PD4 [] [] PK0 Step Y          Feed Hold PM1 [] [] RST
                      PD5 [] [] PK1 Step Z        Cycle Start PM2 [] [] PQ2 Dir X
                Dir Z PQ0 [] [] PK2 Stepper disable XY        PH0 [] [] PQ3 Dir Y
                Probe PP4 [] [] PK3 Spindle enable      Flood PH1 [] [] PP3 GPIO1
               I2CSCL PN5 [] [] PA4 Spindle direction    Mist PK6 [] [] PQ1 GPIO2
               I2CSDA PN4 [] [] PA5                 RTS/GPIO0 PK7 [] [] PM6 GPIO3


                      3v3 [] [] VBUS (5v)            Limit Z P2.5 [] [] GND
                     P6.5 [] [] GND                  Limit Y P2.4 [] [] P2.0 Spindle PWM
      UART2 RX/GPIO4 P3.4 [] [] P6.0                   Reset P1.5 [] [] P2.2 Limit X
      UART2 TX/GPIO5 P3.3 [] [] P6.1 Step X      Safety Door P1.4 [] [] P7.4 Stepper disable Z
 Keypad strobe/GPIO6 P1.6 [] [] P6.2 Step Y        Feed Hold P1.3 [] [] RST
                     P6.6 [] [] P6.3 Step Z      Cycle Start P1.2 [] [] P3.0 Dir X
               Dir Z P3.2 [] [] P6.4 Stepper disable XY      P4.3 [] [] P3.1 Dir Y
               Probe P2.7 [] [] P7.0 Spindle enable    Flood P4.0 [] [] P2.6 GPIO1
              I2CSCL P4.2 [] [] P3.6 Spindle direction  Mist P3.7 [] [] P2.3 GPIO2
              I2CSDA P4.1 [] [] P3.5               RTS/GPIO0 P8.2 [] [] P8.1 GPIO3


                      3v3 [] [] VBUS (5v)            Limit Z P2.7 [] [] GND
                     P6.0 [] [] GND                  Limit Y P2.6 [] [] P2.5 Spindle PWM
      UART2 RX/GPIO4 P3.2 [] [] P6.1                   Reset P2.4 [] [] P3.0 Limit X
      UART2 TX/GPIO5 P3.3 [] [] P4.0 Step X      Safety Door P5.6 [] [] P5.7 Stepper disable Z
 Keypad strobe/GPIO6 P4.1 [] [] P4.2 Step Y        Feed Hold P6.6 [] [] RST
                     P4.3 [] [] P4.4 Step Z      Cycle Start P6.7 [] [] P1.6 Dir X
               Dir Z P1.5 [] [] P4.5 Stepper disable XY      P2.3 [] [] P1.7 Dir Y
               Probe P4.6 [] [] P4.7 Spindle enable    Flood P5.1 [] [] P5.0 GPIO1
              I2CSCL P6.5 [] [] P5.4 Spindle direction  Mist P3.5 [] [] P5.2 GPIO2
              I2CSDA P6.4 [] [] P5.5               RTS/GPIO0 P3.7 [] [] P3.6 GPIO3

With shorts - Reset (R12): P2.4 -> P6.0, Safety Door (R13): P5.6 -> P6.1, Limit X (R14): P3.0 -> P2.3

Stepper drivers

A4998 - requires 3V3 on VDD pin

MS1     MS2     MS3     Microstep resolution
Low 	Low 	Low 	Full step
High 	Low 	Low 	Half step
Low 	High 	Low 	Quarter step
High 	High 	Low 	Eighth step
High 	High 	High 	Sixteenth step


MS1     MS2     MS3     Microstep resolution
Low 	Low 	Low 	Full step
High 	Low 	Low 	Half step
Low 	High 	Low 	1/4 step
High 	High 	Low 	1/8 step
Low 	Low 	High 	1/16 step
High 	Low 	High 	1/32 step
Low 	High 	High 	1/32 step
High 	High 	High 	1/32 step