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Merge branch 'master' of #12

Merge branch 'master' of

Merge branch 'master' of #12

Workflow file for this run

- name: Codecov

Check failure on line 1 in .github/workflows/main.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/main.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 1
# You may pin to the exact commit or the version.
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@894ff025c7b54547a9a2a1e9f228beae737ad3c2
uses: codecov/[email protected]
# Repository upload token - get it from Required only for private repositories
token: # optional
# Path to coverage file to upload
file: # optional
# Comma-separated list of files to upload
files: # optional
# Directory to search for coverage reports.
directory: # optional
# Flag upload to group coverage metrics (e.g. unittests | integration | ui,chrome)
flags: # optional
# Specify the path of a full Codecov report to re-upload
full_report: # optional
# The commit SHA of the parent for which you are uploading coverage. If not present, the parent will be determined using the API of your repository provider. When using the repository providers API, the parent is determined via finding the closest ancestor to the commit.
commit_parent: # optional
# Don't upload files to Codecov
dry_run: # optional
# Environment variables to tag the upload with (e.g. PYTHON | OS,PYTHON)
env_vars: # optional
# Specify whether or not CI build should fail if Codecov runs into an error during upload
fail_ci_if_error: # optional
# Comma-separated list, see the README for options and their usage. Options include `network`, `fixes`, `search`.
functionalities: # optional
# Run with gcov support
gcov: # optional
# Extra arguments to pass to gcov
gcov_args: # optional
# gcov executable to run. Defaults to gcov
gcov_executable: # optional
# Paths to ignore during gcov gathering
gcov_ignore: # optional
# Paths to include during gcov gathering
gcov_include: # optional
# Move discovered coverage reports to the trash
move_coverage_to_trash: # optional
# User defined upload name. Visible in Codecov UI
name: # optional
# Specify a filter on the files listed in the network section of the Codecov report. Useful for upload-specific path fixing
network_filter: # optional
# Specify a prefix on files listed in the network section of the Codecov report. Useful to help resolve path fixing
network_prefix: # optional
# Override the assumed OS. Options are aarch64 | alpine | linux | macos | windows.
os: # optional
# Specify the branch name
override_branch: # optional
# Specify the build number
override_build: # optional
# Specify the commit SHA
override_commit: # optional
# Specify the pull request number
override_pr: # optional
# Specify the git tag
override_tag: # optional
# Used when not in git/hg project to identify project root directory
root_dir: # optional
# Specify the slug manually (Enterprise use)
slug: # optional
# Run with swift coverage support
swift: # optional
# Specify the swift project to speed up coverage conversion
swift_project: # optional
# The upstream http proxy server to connect through
upstream_proxy: # optional
# Change the upload host (Enterprise use)
url: # optional
# Specify whether the Codecov output should be verbose
verbose: # optional
# Specify which version of the Codecov Uploader should be used. Defaults to `latest`
version: # optional
# Run with xcode support
xcode: # optional
# Specify the xcode archive path. Likely specified as the -resultBundlePath and should end in .xcresult
xcode_archive_path: # optional
# Add additional uploader args that may be missing in the Action
xtra_args: # optional