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Model Structure

Marcel Heinz edited this page Mar 19, 2019 · 12 revisions

Any megamodel consists of multiple modules, where some key parts should exist.

  • The ontological classification is given in a "Core.megal" file that should be contained in the root of a megamodel folder.
  • Very general statements on an application using the technology are stated in an "App.megal" file that should be contained in the root of a megamodel folder.
  • Linguistic architecture instances should be maintained in a "demo" folder that contains subfolders for every instance.
  • The instances should be structured in the same way as the modules of the linguistic architecture.
  • A Readme should offer two kinds of information:
    • Status of the megamodel (Deprecated? Open TODOs?).
    • Suggested reading order that a reader can follow. Strive for machine readabability.


func pic
  • antlr.Core.megal contains ontological classification and gives a very broad overview.
  • antlr.demo.checker contains the linguistic architecture instance modules for megalib's checker.
  • antlr.demo.101antlr would contain the instance for a 101companies implementation.
  • antlr.demo.checker contains modules that have the same name as the modules from the linguistic architecture.

Suggested Reading Order

  • antlr.Core
    • Always start with the Core to give a broad overview from the start.
  • antlr.CodeGeneration
  • ...
  • antlr.demo.checker.Core
  • antlr.demo.checker.CodeGeneration
    • It might be a good idea to keep the same reading order as for the abstract level.
  • ...