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How To Use The Visualizer

Marcel Heinz edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

Steps towards visual models


  • Install Java 8 correctly.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Install GraphViz.


  • This will give you visual models for every essential block in your megamodel. This means in the sample call below that not only the blocks in "CodeGeneration.megal" are processed, but others that exist in imported modules as well. The .dot files are written to "../visualizer/output/".

       cd models
       java -jar "../visualizer/visualizer.jar" -f "antlr/CodeGeneration.megal" -t dot

How to use the visual models

  • (Assuming that you use the dot option:) All visual models are created as png in the subfolder <[...]/megalib/output/png>. All original .dot files are placed into <[...]/megalib/output/dot>.
  • The visual model give a hint at how many relationships should be in one block.
  • For now, only visualization as .dot files is supported. There may be more formats in the future, e.g., for yed.
  • Any suggestions on how to visualize which kind of elements are welcome. You may kindly post them as issues with the "enhancement" label.