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Marcel Heinz edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 10 revisions

The project realizes tool support for a textual variant of megamodels. It relates to the research already conducted and is used to maintain artifacts for further research. See for a list of publications

The project contributes a collection of illustrative megamodels as a set of .megal files in './models/'.

Several students contributed to the collection: See our student project description on megamodeling

This project contains a tool chain:

  • The first component is a 'checker' that can be used to parse and check the well-formedness of a .megal file.
  • The second component is a 'visualizer' that can be used to create a visual representation of a whole model.
  • As a more mature component, an Xtext and GEF-based workbench is under development, but not yet close to completion.
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