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Guide for devops

Josh edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 9 revisions
## User guide

SQL Runner is a zero-dependency binary and can be found at the following locations:

Once downloaded, unzip it (Linux for example):

$ unzip

Run it like so:

./sql-runner -help
sql-runner version: 0.5.1
Run playbooks of SQL scripts in series and parallel on Redshift and Postgres
  -checkLock string
    	Checks whether the lockfile already exists
  -consul string
    	The address of a consul server with playbooks and SQL files stored in KV pairs
  -deleteLock string
    	Will attempt to delete a lockfile if it exists
    	Runs through a playbook without executing any of the SQL
  -fromStep string
    	Starts from a given step defined in your playbook
    	Shows this message
  -lock string
    	Optional argument which checks and sets a lockfile to ensure this run is a singleton. Deletes lock on run completing successfully
  -playbook string
    	Playbook of SQL scripts to execute
  -runQuery string
    	Will run a single query in the playbook
  -softLock string
    	Optional argument, like '-lock' but the lockfile will be deleted even if the run fails
  -sqlroot string
    	Absolute path to SQL scripts. Use PLAYBOOK, BINARY and PLAYBOOK_CHILD for those respective paths (default "PLAYBOOK")
  -var value
    	Variables to be passed to the playbook, in the key=value format (default map[])
    	Shows the program version
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