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This is the home of the TPs for the functional programming course of Telecom Nancy

To reproduce a working environment, from the repository root, do:

  • Install the Haskell installer with ghcup: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh This will ask questions:

    • Answer P to update your PATH automatically.
    • Answer Y to install IDE tooling (haskell-language-server).
    • Answer N to install stack, since this project uses the simpler cabal build tool

    Once it's done, run ghcup install ghc 9.4.7 and then ghcup set ghc 9.4.7 to set the expected compiler version.

  • Run cabal build all. This will take a while as this repository depends on a number of fat libraries. Brew some coffee meanwhile.

At this point, everything should be set to work on the command line, for example try:

cabal run -v0 TP4.hs

You should get as output:

pyEval "1 + 3" returned: 4

Now you can continue with the IDE configuration:

  • Install vscode and the Haskell extension.
  • Launch vscode from the terminal (code . &), from this repository's root. If vscode asks you to install the Haskell Language Server, say yes.
  • Happy Haskell hacking! To experiment, hack in one of the TP*.hs files; see the first line for how to execute them.